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* AhoCorasickDoubleArrayTrie Project
* Copyright 2008-2018 hankcs <>
* You may modify and redistribute as long as this attribution remains.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package dorkbox.collections.ahoCorasick
import java.util.*
* An implementation of Aho Corasick algorithm based on Double Array Trie
* Will create a DoubleArray Trie from a Map or InputStream (if previously saved)
* @author hankcs
class DoubleArrayTrie<V>(map: Map<String, V>? = null,
inputStream: ObjectInputStream? = null) : Serializable {
* check array of the Double Array Trie structure
private val check: IntArray
* base array of the Double Array Trie structure
private val base: IntArray
* fail table of the Aho Corasick automata
private val fail: IntArray
* output table of the Aho Corasick automata
private val output: Array<IntArray?>
* outer value array
internal val v: Array<V>
* the length of every key
private val l: IntArray
* the size of base and check array
private val size: Int
init {
when {
map != null -> {
v = kotlin.jvm.internal.collectionToArray(map.values) as Array<V>
l = IntArray(map.size)
val builder = Builder()
fail =
base = builder.base
check = builder.check
size = builder.size
output = builder.output
inputStream != null -> {
v = inputStream.readObject() as Array<V>
l = inputStream.readObject() as IntArray
fail = inputStream.readObject() as IntArray
base = inputStream.readObject() as IntArray
check = inputStream.readObject() as IntArray
size = inputStream.readObject() as Int
output = inputStream.readObject() as Array<IntArray?>
else -> throw NullPointerException("Map or InputStream must be specified!")
* Save
fun save(out: ObjectOutputStream) {
* Parse text
* @return a list of outputs
fun parseText(text: CharSequence): List<Hit<V>> {
var position = 1
var currentState = 0
val collectedEmits = LinkedList<Hit<V>>() // unknown size, so
for (i in 0 until text.length) {
currentState = getState(currentState, text[i])
storeEmits(position, currentState, collectedEmits)
return collectedEmits
* Parse text
* @param text The text
* @param processor A processor which handles the output
fun parseText(text: CharSequence,
processor: IHit<V>
) {
var position = 1
var currentState = 0
for (i in 0 until text.length) {
currentState = getState(currentState, text[i])
val hitArray = output[currentState]
if (hitArray != null) {
for (hit in hitArray) {
processor.hit(position - l[hit], position, v[hit])
* Parse text
* @param text The text
* @param processor A processor which handles the output
fun parseText(text: CharSequence,
processor: IHitCancellable<V>
) {
var currentState = 0
for (i in 0 until text.length) {
val position = i + 1
currentState = getState(currentState, text[i])
val hitArray = output[currentState]
if (hitArray != null) {
for (hit in hitArray) {
val proceed = processor.hit(position - l[hit], position, v[hit])
if (!proceed) {
* Parse text
* @param text The text
* @param processor A processor which handles the output
fun parseText(text: CharArray,
processor: IHit<V>
) {
var position = 1
var currentState = 0
for (c in text) {
currentState = getState(currentState, c)
val hitArray = output[currentState]
if (hitArray != null) {
for (hit in hitArray) {
processor.hit(position - l[hit], position, v[hit])
* Parse text
* @param text The text
* @param processor A processor which handles the output
fun parseText(text: CharArray,
processor: IHitFull<V>
) {
var position = 1
var currentState = 0
for (c in text) {
currentState = getState(currentState, c)
val hitArray = output[currentState]
if (hitArray != null) {
for (hit in hitArray) {
processor.hit(position - l[hit], position, v[hit], hit)
* Checks that string contains at least one substring
* @param text source text to check
* @return `true` if string contains at least one substring
fun matches(text: String): Boolean {
var currentState = 0
for (i in 0 until text.length) {
currentState = getState(currentState, text[i])
val hitArray = output[currentState]
if (hitArray != null) {
return true
return false
* Search first match in string
* @param text source text to check
* @return first match or `null` if there are no matches
fun findFirst(text: String): Hit<V>? {
var position = 1
var currentState = 0
for (i in 0 until text.length) {
currentState = getState(currentState, text[i])
val hitArray = output[currentState]
if (hitArray != null) {
val hitIndex = hitArray[0]
return Hit(position - l[hitIndex], position, v[hitIndex])
return null
* Get value by a String key, just like a map.get() method
* @param key The key
operator fun get(key: String): V? {
val index = exactMatchSearch(key)
return if (index >= 0) {
else null
* Update a value corresponding to a key
* @param key the key
* @param value the value
* @return successful or notfailure if there is no key
operator fun set(key: String,
value: V): Boolean {
val index = exactMatchSearch(key)
if (index >= 0) {
v[index] = value
return true
return false
* Pick the value by index in value array <br></br>
* Notice that to be more efficiently, this method DOES NOT check the parameter
* @param index The index
* @return The value
operator fun get(index: Int): V {
return v[index]
* Processor handles the output when hit a keyword
interface IHit<V> {
* Hit a keyword, you can use some code like text.substring(begin, end) to get the keyword
* @param begin the beginning index, inclusive.
* @param end the ending index, exclusive.
* @param value the value assigned to the keyword
fun hit(begin: Int,
end: Int,
value: V)
* Processor handles the output when hit a keyword, with more detail
interface IHitFull<V> {
* Hit a keyword, you can use some code like text.substring(begin, end) to get the keyword
* @param begin the beginning index, inclusive.
* @param end the ending index, exclusive.
* @param value the value assigned to the keyword
* @param index the index of the value assigned to the keyword, you can use the integer as a perfect hash value
fun hit(begin: Int,
end: Int,
value: V,
index: Int)
* Callback that allows to cancel the search process.
interface IHitCancellable<V> {
* Hit a keyword, you can use some code like text.substring(begin, end) to get the keyword
* @param begin the beginning index, inclusive.
* @param end the ending index, exclusive.
* @param value the value assigned to the keyword
* @return Return true for continuing the search and false for stopping it.
fun hit(begin: Int,
end: Int,
value: V): Boolean
* A result output
* @param <V> the value type
</V> */
class Hit<V> internal constructor(
* the beginning index, inclusive.
val begin: Int,
* the ending index, exclusive.
val end: Int,
* the value assigned to the keyword
val value: V) {
override fun toString(): String {
return String.format("[%d:%d]=%s", begin, end, value)
* transmit state, supports failure function
private fun getState(currentState: Int,
character: Char): Int {
var currentState = currentState
var newCurrentState = transitionWithRoot(currentState, character) // First press success
while (newCurrentState == -1)
// If the jump fails, press failure to jump
currentState = fail[currentState]
newCurrentState = transitionWithRoot(currentState, character)
return newCurrentState
* store output
private fun storeEmits(position: Int,
currentState: Int,
collectedEmits: MutableList<Hit<V>>) {
val hitArray = output[currentState]
if (hitArray != null) {
for (hit in hitArray) {
collectedEmits.add(Hit(position - l[hit], position, v[hit]))
* transition of a state
private fun transition(current: Int,
c: Char): Int {
var b = current
var p: Int
p = b + c.code + 1
if (b == check[p]) {
b = base[p]
else {
return -1
p = b
return p
* transition of a state, if the state is root and it failed, then returns the root
private fun transitionWithRoot(nodePos: Int,
c: Char): Int {
val b = base[nodePos]
val p: Int
p = b + c.code + 1
return if (b != check[p]) {
if (nodePos == 0) {
else -1
else p
* match exactly by a key
* @param key the key
* @return the index of the key, you can use it as a perfect hash function
fun exactMatchSearch(key: String): Int {
return exactMatchSearch(key, 0, 0, 0)
* match exactly by a key-char array
* @param keyChars the key (as a Character array)
* @return the index of the key, you can use it as a perfect hash function
fun exactMatchSearch(keyChars: CharArray): Int {
return exactMatchSearch(keyChars, 0, 0, 0)
* match exactly by a key
private fun exactMatchSearch(key: String,
pos: Int,
len: Int,
nodePos: Int): Int {
var len = len
var nodePos = nodePos
if (len <= 0) {
len = key.length
if (nodePos <= 0) {
nodePos = 0
var result = -1
val keyChars = key.toCharArray()
var b = base[nodePos]
var p: Int
for (i in pos until len) {
p = b + keyChars[i].code + 1
if (b == check[p]) {
b = base[p]
else {
return result
p = b
val n = base[p]
if (b == check[p] && n < 0) {
result = -n - 1
return result
* match exactly by a key
* @param keyChars the char array of the key
* @param pos the begin index of char array
* @param len the length of the key
* @param nodePos the starting position of the node for searching
* @return the value index of the key, minus indicates null
private fun exactMatchSearch(keyChars: CharArray,
pos: Int,
len: Int,
nodePos: Int): Int {
var result = -1
var b = base[nodePos]
var p: Int
for (i in pos until len) {
p = b + keyChars[i].code + 1
if (b == check[p]) {
b = base[p]
else {
return result
p = b
val n = base[p]
if (b == check[p] && n < 0) {
result = -n - 1
return result
// /**
// * Just for debug when I wrote it
// */
// public void debug()
// {
// System.out.println("base:");
// for (int i = 0; i < base.length; i++)
// {
// if (base[i] < 0)
// {
// System.out.println(i + " : " + -base[i]);
// }
// }
// System.out.println("output:");
// for (int i = 0; i < output.length; i++)
// {
// if (output[i] != null)
// {
// System.out.println(i + " : " + Arrays.toString(output[i]));
// }
// }
// System.out.println("fail:");
// for (int i = 0; i < fail.length; i++)
// {
// if (fail[i] != 0)
// {
// System.out.println(i + " : " + fail[i]);
// }
// }
// System.out.println(this);
// }
// @Override
// public String toString()
// {
// String infoIndex = "i = ";
// String infoChar = "char = ";
// String infoBase = "base = ";
// String infoCheck = "check= ";
// for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(base.length, 200); ++i)
// {
// if (base[i] != 0 || check[i] != 0)
// {
// infoChar += " " + (i == check[i] ? " ×" : (char) (i - check[i] - 1));
// infoIndex += " " + String.format("%5d", i);
// infoBase += " " + String.format("%5d", base[i]);
// infoCheck += " " + String.format("%5d", check[i]);
// }
// }
// return "DoubleArrayTrie" +
// "\n" + infoChar +
// "\n" + infoIndex +
// "\n" + infoBase +
// "\n" + infoCheck + "\n" +
//// "check=" + Arrays.toString(check) +
//// ", base=" + Arrays.toString(base) +
//// ", used=" + Arrays.toString(used) +
// "size=" + size
//// ", length=" + Arrays.toString(length) +
//// ", value=" + Arrays.toString(value) +
// ;
// }
// /**
// * A debug class that sequentially outputs variable names and variable values
// */
// private static class DebugArray
// {
// Map<String, String> nameValueMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
// public void add(String name, int value)
// {
// String valueInMap = nameValueMap.get(name);
// if (valueInMap == null)
// {
// valueInMap = "";
// }
// valueInMap += " " + String.format("%5d", value);
// nameValueMap.put(name, valueInMap);
// }
// @Override
// public String toString()
// {
// String text = "";
// for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : nameValueMap.entrySet())
// {
// String name = entry.getKey();
// String value = entry.getValue();
// text += String.format("%-5s", name) + "= " + value + '\n';
// }
// return text;
// }
// public void println()
// {
// System.out.print(this);
// }
// }
* Get the size of the keywords
fun size(): Int {
return v.size
* A builder to build the AhoCorasickDoubleArrayTrie
private inner class Builder {
* the root state of trie
private var rootState: State? = State()
* whether the position has been used
private var used: BooleanArray? = null
* the allocSize of the dynamic array
private var allocSize: Int = 0
* a parameter controls the memory growth speed of the dynamic array
private var progress: Int = 0
* the next position to check unused memory
private var nextCheckPos: Int = 0
* the size of the key-pair sets
private var keySize: Int = 0
lateinit var output: Array<IntArray?>
lateinit var fail: IntArray
lateinit var base: IntArray
lateinit var check: IntArray
var size: Int = 0
* Build from a map
* @param map a map containing key-value pairs
fun build(map: Map<String, V>) {
val keySet = map.keys
// Construct a two-point trie tree
// Building a double array trie tree based on a two-point trie tree
used = null
// Build the failure table and merge the output table
rootState = null
* fetch siblings of a parent node
* @param parent parent node
* @param siblings parent node's child nodes, i . e . the siblings
* @return the amount of the siblings
private fun fetch(parent: State,
siblings: MutableList<Pair<Int, State>>): Int {
if (parent.isAcceptable) {
// This node is a child of the parent and has the output of the parent.
val fakeNode = State(-(parent.depth + 1))
siblings.add(Pair(0, fakeNode))
for ((key, value) in parent.getSuccess()) {
siblings.add(Pair(key.code + 1, value))
return siblings.size
* add a keyword
* @param keyword a keyword
* @param index the index of the keyword
private fun addKeyword(keyword: String,
index: Int) {
var currentState = this.rootState
keyword.toCharArray().forEach { character ->
currentState = currentState!!.addState(character)
l[index] = keyword.length
* add a collection of keywords
* @param keywordSet the collection holding keywords
private fun addAllKeyword(keywordSet: Collection<String>) {
var i = 0
keywordSet.forEach { keyword ->
addKeyword(keyword, i++)
* construct failure table
private fun constructFailureStates() {
fail = IntArray(Math.max(size + 1, 2))
fail[1] = base[0]
output = arrayOfNulls(size + 1)
val queue = ArrayDeque<State>()
// The first step is to set the failure of the node with depth 1 to the root node.
this.rootState!!.states.forEach { depthOneState ->
depthOneState.setFailure(this.rootState!!, fail)
// The second step is to create a failure table for nodes with depth > 1, which is a bfs
while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
val currentState = queue.remove()
for (transition in currentState.transitions) {
val targetState = currentState.nextState(transition)
var traceFailureState = currentState.failure()
while (traceFailureState!!.nextState(transition) == null) {
traceFailureState = traceFailureState.failure()
val newFailureState = traceFailureState.nextState(transition)
targetState!!.setFailure(newFailureState!!, fail)
* construct output table
private fun constructOutput(targetState: State) {
val emit = targetState.emit()
if (emit.isEmpty()) {
val output = IntArray(emit.size)
val it = emit.iterator()
for (i in output.indices) {
output[i] =
this.output[targetState.index] = output
private fun buildDoubleArrayTrie(keySize: Int) {
progress = 0
this.keySize = keySize
resize(65536 * 32) // 32 double bytes
base[0] = 1
nextCheckPos = 0
val rootNode = this.rootState
val initialCapacity = rootNode!!.getSuccess().entries.size
val siblings = ArrayList<Pair<Int, State>>(initialCapacity)
fetch(rootNode, siblings)
if (siblings.isNotEmpty()) {
* allocate the memory of the dynamic array
private fun resize(newSize: Int): Int {
val base2 = IntArray(newSize)
val check2 = IntArray(newSize)
val used2 = BooleanArray(newSize)
if (allocSize > 0) {
System.arraycopy(base, 0, base2, 0, allocSize)
System.arraycopy(check, 0, check2, 0, allocSize)
System.arraycopy(used!!, 0, used2, 0, allocSize)
base = base2
check = check2
used = used2
allocSize = newSize
return newSize
* insert the siblings to double array trie
* @param siblings the siblings being inserted
* @return the position to insert them
private fun insert(siblings: List<Pair<Int, State>>): Int {
var begin: Int
var pos = Math.max(siblings[0].first + 1, nextCheckPos) - 1
var nonzeroNum = 0
var first = 0
if (allocSize <= pos) {
resize(pos + 1)
// The goal of this loop body is to find n free spaces that satisfy base[begin +] == 0, are n nodes in siblings
while (true) {
if (allocSize <= pos) {
resize(pos + 1)
if (check[pos] != 0) {
else if (first == 0) {
nextCheckPos = pos
first = 1
begin = pos - siblings[0].first // The distance of the current position from the first sibling node
if (allocSize <= begin + siblings[siblings.size - 1].first) {
// progress can be zero
// Prevent progress from generating zero divide errors
val l = if (1.05 > 1.0 * keySize / (progress + 1)) 1.05 else 1.0 * keySize / (progress + 1)
resize((allocSize * l).toInt())
if (used!![begin]) {
for (i in 1 until siblings.size) {
if (check[begin + siblings[i].first] != 0) {
// -- Simple heuristics --
// if the percentage of non-empty contents in check between the
// index
// 'next_check_pos' and 'check' is greater than some constant value
// (e.g. 0.9),
// new 'next_check_pos' index is written by 'check'.
if (1.0 * nonzeroNum / (pos - nextCheckPos + 1) >= 0.95) {
// From the position next_check_pos to pos, if the occupied space is above 95%, the next
// time you insert a node, you can start looking directly at the pos position.
nextCheckPos = pos
used!![begin] = true // valid because resize is called.
val sizeLimit = begin + siblings[siblings.size - 1].first + 1
if (size <= sizeLimit) {
size = sizeLimit
for (sibling in siblings) {
check[begin + sibling.first] = begin
for (sibling in siblings) {
val newSiblings = ArrayList<Pair<Int, State>>(sibling.second.getSuccess().entries.size + 1)
if (fetch(sibling.second, newSiblings) == 0) {
// The termination of a word and not the prefix of other words, in fact, is the leaf node
base[begin + sibling.first] = 0 - sibling.second.largestValueId!! - 1
else {
val h = insert(newSiblings) // depth first search
base[begin + sibling.first] = h
sibling.second.index = begin + sibling.first
return begin
* free the unnecessary memory
private fun loseWeight() {
base = base.copyOf(size + 65535)
check = check.copyOf(size + 65535)
// companion object {
// @JvmStatic
// fun main(args: Array<String>) {
// // test outliers
// test(hashMapOf())
// test(hashMapOf("bmw" to "bmw"))
// var map = hashMapOf<String, String>()
// var keyArray = arrayOf("", "", "", "")
// for (key in keyArray) {
// map[key] = key
// }
// test(map)
// map = hashMapOf()
// keyArray = arrayOf("", "", "", "", "")
// for (key in keyArray) {
// map[key] = key
// }
// test(map)
// }
// fun test(map: Map<String, String>) {
// val trie = DoubleArrayTrie(map)
// val text = ""
// println(trie.parseText(text).toString())
// println(trie.exactMatchSearch(text))
// }
// }