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* AhoCorasickDoubleArrayTrie Project
* Copyright 2008-2018 hankcs <>
* You may modify and redistribute as long as this attribution remains.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package dorkbox.collections.ahoCorasick
import java.util.*
* A state has the following functions
* * success; successfully transferred to another state
* * failure; if you cannot jump along the string, jump to a shallow node
* * emits; hit a pattern string
* The root node is slightly different. The root node has no failure function. Its "failure" refers to moving to the next state according to the string path. Other nodes have a failure state.
* @author Robert Bor
class State
* Construct a node with a depth of depth
@JvmOverloads constructor(
* The length of the pattern string is also the depth of this state
* Get node depth
val depth: Int = 0) {
* The fail function, if there is no match, jumps to this state.
private var failure: State? = null
* Record mode string as long as this state is reachable
private var emits: MutableSet<Int>? = null
* The goto table, also known as the transfer function. Move to the next state based on the next character of the string
private val success = TreeMap<Char, State>()
* Corresponding subscript in double array
var index: Int = 0
* Get the largest value
val largestValueId: Int?
get() = if (emits == null || emits!!.size == 0) {
else emits!!.iterator().next()
* Whether it is the termination status
val isAcceptable: Boolean
get() = this.depth > 0 && this.emits != null
val states: Collection<State>
get() = this.success.values
val transitions: Collection<Char>
get() = this.success.keys
* Add a matching pattern string (this state corresponds to this pattern string)
fun addEmit(keyword: Int) {
if (this.emits == null) {
this.emits = TreeSet(Collections.reverseOrder())
* Add some matching pattern strings
fun addEmit(emits: Collection<Int>) {
for (emit in emits) {
* Get the pattern string represented by this node (we)
fun emit(): Collection<Int> {
return this.emits ?: emptyList()
* Get the failure status
fun failure(): State? {
return this.failure
* Set the failure status
fun setFailure(failState: State,
fail: IntArray) {
this.failure = failState
fail[index] = failState.index
* Move to the next state
* @param character wants to transfer by this character
* @param ignoreRootState Whether to ignore the root node, it should be true if the root node calls itself, otherwise it is false
* @return transfer result
private fun nextState(character: Char,
ignoreRootState: Boolean): State? {
var nextState: State? = this.success[character]
if (!ignoreRootState && nextState == null && this.depth == 0) {
nextState = this
return nextState
* According to the character transfer, the root node transfer failure will return itself (never return null)
fun nextState(character: Char): State? {
return nextState(character, false)
* According to character transfer, any node transfer failure will return null
fun nextStateIgnoreRootState(character: Char): State? {
return nextState(character, true)
fun addState(character: Char): State {
var nextState = nextStateIgnoreRootState(character)
if (nextState == null) {
nextState = State(this.depth + 1)
this.success[character] = nextState
return nextState
override fun toString(): String {
val sb = StringBuilder("State{")
sb.append(", ID=").append(index)
sb.append(", emits=").append(emits)
sb.append(", success=").append(success.keys)
sb.append(", failureID=").append(if (failure == null) "-1" else failure!!.index)
sb.append(", failure=").append(failure)
return sb.toString()
* Get goto table
fun getSuccess(): Map<Char, State> {
return success
* Construct a node with a depth of 0