/* * Copyright 2018 dorkbox, llc * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import java.nio.file.Paths import java.time.Instant buildscript { // load properties from custom location def propsFile = Paths.get("${projectDir}/../../gradle.properties").normalize().toFile() if (propsFile.canRead()) { println("Loading custom property data from: ${propsFile}") def props = new Properties() propsFile.withInputStream {props.load(it)} props.each {key, val -> project.ext.set(key, val)} } else { ext.sonatypeUsername = "" ext.sonatypePassword = "" } // for plugin publishing and license sources repositories { maven {url "https://plugins.gradle.org/m2/"} } dependencies { // this is the only way to also get the source code for IDE auto-complete classpath "gradle.plugin.com.dorkbox:Licensing:1.2.2" classpath "gradle.plugin.com.dorkbox:Licensing:1.2.2:sources" } } plugins { id 'java' id 'maven-publish' id 'signing' // close and release on sonatype id 'io.codearte.nexus-staging' version '0.11.0' id "com.dorkbox.CrossCompile" version "1.0.1" id "com.dorkbox.VersionUpdate" version "1.2" // setup checking for the latest version of a plugin or dependency (and updating the gradle build) id "se.patrikerdes.use-latest-versions" version "0.2.3" id 'com.github.ben-manes.versions' version '0.16.0' } // this is the only way to also get the source code for IDE auto-complete apply plugin: "com.dorkbox.Licensing" // give us access to api/implementation differences for building java libraries apply plugin: 'java-library' // Utilities project shared configuration apply from: '../Utilities/scripts/gradle/utilities.gradle' project.description = 'Unbuffered input and ANSI output support for Linux, MacOS, or Windows for Java 6+' project.group = 'com.dorkbox' project.version = '3.6' project.ext.name = 'Console' project.ext.url = 'https://git.dorkbox.com/dorkbox/Console' sourceCompatibility = 1.6 targetCompatibility = 1.6 licensing { license(License.APACHE_2) { author 'dorkbox, llc' url project.ext.url note project.description } license('Dorkbox Utils', License.APACHE_2) { author 'dorkbox, llc' url 'https://git.dorkbox.com/dorkbox/Utilities' } license('JAnsi', License.APACHE_2) { copyright 2009 author 'Progress Software Corporation' author 'Joris Kuipers' author 'Jason Dillon' author 'Hiram Chirino' url 'https://github.com/fusesource/jansi' } license('JLine2', License.BSD_2) { copyright 2012 author 'Marc Prud\'hommeaux ' author 'Daniel Doubrovkine' author 'Torbjorn Granlund' author 'David MacKenzie' url 'https://github.com/jline/jline2' } license('JNA', License.APACHE_2) { copyright 2011 author 'Timothy Wall' url 'https://github.com/twall/jna' } license('SLF4J', License.MIT) { copyright 2008 author 'QOS.ch' url 'http://www.slf4j.org' } } sourceSets { utilities { java { setSrcDirs Collections.singletonList('../Utilities/src') include javaFile('dorkbox.util.OS', 'dorkbox.util.OSType', 'dorkbox.util.Property', 'dorkbox.util.FastThreadLocal', 'dorkbox.util.bytes.ByteBuffer2', 'dorkbox.util.jna.JnaHelper', 'dorkbox.util.jna.windows.Kernel32', 'dorkbox.util.jna.windows.structs.CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO', 'dorkbox.util.jna.windows.structs.INPUT_RECORD', 'dorkbox.util.jna.windows.structs.SMALL_RECT', 'dorkbox.util.jna.windows.structs.COORD', 'dorkbox.util.jna.windows.structs.MOUSE_EVENT_RECORD', 'dorkbox.util.jna.windows.structs.KEY_EVENT_RECORD', 'dorkbox.util.jna.windows.structs.CharUnion', 'dorkbox.util.jna.linux.CLibraryPosix', 'dorkbox.util.jna.linux.structs.Termios') } } main { java { setSrcDirs Collections.singletonList('src') srcDir utilities.java } } } project.afterEvaluate { sourceSets.remove(sourceSets.utilities) } repositories { mavenLocal() // this must be first! jcenter() } dependencies { // utilities dependencies compile only (this is so the IDE can compile the util source) compileOnly project.ext['utilities'] api 'net.java.dev.jna:jna:4.5.2' api 'net.java.dev.jna:jna-platform:4.5.2' api 'org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.25' } /////////////////////////////// ////// Task defaults /////////////////////////////// tasks.withType(JavaCompile) { options.encoding = 'UTF-8' } tasks.withType(Jar) { duplicatesStrategy DuplicatesStrategy.FAIL manifest { attributes['Implementation-Version'] = version attributes['Build-Date'] = Instant.now().toString() } } /////////////////////////////// ////// UTILITIES COMPILE (for inclusion into jars) /////////////////////////////// static String[] javaFile(String... fileNames) { def fileList = [] as ArrayList for (name in fileNames) { def fixed = name.replace('.', '/') + '.java' fileList.add('../Utilities/src/' + fixed) } return fileList } ///////////////////////////// //// Maven Publishing + Release ///////////////////////////// task sourceJar(type: Jar) { description = "Creates a JAR that contains the source code." from sourceSets.main.java classifier = "sources" } task javaDocJar(type: Jar) { description = "Creates a JAR that contains the javadocs." classifier = "javadoc" } // for testing, we don't publish to maven central, but only to local maven publishing { publications { maven(MavenPublication) { from components.java artifact(javaDocJar) artifact(sourceJar) groupId project.group artifactId project.ext.name version project.version pom { name = project.ext.name url = project.ext.url description = project.description issueManagement { url = "${project.ext.url}/issues".toString() system = 'Gitea Issues' } organization { name = 'dorkbox, llc' url = 'https://dorkbox.com' } developers { developer { name = 'dorkbox, llc' email = 'email@dorkbox.com' } } scm { url = project.ext.url connection = "scm:${project.ext.url}.git".toString() } } } } repositories { maven { url "https://oss.sonatype.org/service/local/staging/deploy/maven2" credentials { username sonatypeUsername password sonatypePassword } } } } nexusStaging { username sonatypeUsername password sonatypePassword } signing { required {hasProperty('sonatypeUsername')} sign publishing.publications.maven } // output the release URL in the console releaseRepository.doLast { def URL = 'https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/releases/' def projectName = project.group.toString().replaceAll('\\.', '/') def name = project.ext.name def version = project.version println("Maven URL: ${URL}${projectName}/${name}/${version}/") } // we don't use maven with the plugin (it's uploaded separately to gradle plugins) tasks.withType(PublishToMavenRepository) { onlyIf { repository == publishing.repositories.maven && publication == publishing.publications.maven } } tasks.withType(PublishToMavenLocal) { onlyIf { publication == publishing.publications.maven } }