InputConsole ============ Unbuffered input on the console for java applications. This small library is very similar to what JLine provides, however it does 4 things very differently: 1. Only provides unbuffered input. - Backspace functionality for line input is preserved. - Ctrl-C (SIGINT) is also preserved in windows 2. Uses native calls via JNA (instead of shell execution) for linux & mac terminal configuration 3. Supports unsupported terminals (for example, while in an IDE ), `` will still return (a line is split into chars, then fed to consumer). The enter key must still be pressed. 4. Multi-threaded, intelligent buffering of command input for simultaneous input readers on different threads - This is for cross-platform use, specifically - linux 32/64, mac 32/64, and windows 32/64. Java 6+ - ANSI output to console is also supported, and is required for backspace functionality to work if echo is enabled. ``` Note: If you use the attached JNA/JAnsi libraries, you **MUST** load the respective native libraries yourself, especially with JNA (as the loading logic has been removed from the jar) ``` ``` Note: This project was inspired (and some parts heavily modified) by the excellent JLine library, and includes utility classes/methods from a variety of sources. ```

We now release to maven!

There is a hard dependency in the POM file for the utilities library, which is an extremely small subset of a much larger library; including only what is *necessary* for this particular project to function. This project is **kept in sync** with the utilities library, so "jar hell" is not an issue. Please note that the util library (in it's entirety) is not added since there are **many** dependencies that are not *necessary* for this project. No reason to require a massive amount of dependencies for one or two classes/methods. ``` com.dorkbox InputConsole 2.9 ``` Or if you don't want to use Maven, you can access the files directly here:


This project is © 2010 dorkbox llc, and is distributed under the terms of the Apache v2.0 License. See file "LICENSE" for further references.