/* * Copyright 2010 dorkbox, llc * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package dorkbox.executor; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.PrintStream; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * If you want to save off the output from the process, set a PrintStream to the following: *
 * ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(8196);
 * PrintStream outputStream = new PrintStream(byteArrayOutputStream);
 * ...
 * String output = ShellProcessBuilder.getOutput(byteArrayOutputStream);
 * }
*/ @SuppressWarnings({"UnusedReturnValue", "unused", "ManualArrayToCollectionCopy", "UseBulkOperation", "Convert2Diamond", "Convert2Lambda", "Anonymous2MethodRef", "WeakerAccess"}) public class ShellExecutor { // TODO: Add the ability to get the process PID via java for mac/windows/linux. Linux is avail from jvm, windows needs JNA static final String LINE_SEPARATOR = System.getProperty("line.separator"); static final boolean isWindows; static final boolean isMacOsX; static { String osName = System.getProperty("os.name"); isWindows = osName.startsWith("windows"); isMacOsX = osName.startsWith("mac") || osName.startsWith("darwin"); } private static String defaultShell = null; private final PrintStream outputStream; private final PrintStream outputErrorStream; private final InputStream inputStream; protected List arguments = new ArrayList(); private Map environment = null; private String workingDirectory = null; private String executableName = null; private String executableDirectory = null; private Process process = null; private ProcessProxy writeToProcess_input = null; private ProcessProxy readFromProcess_output = null; private ProcessProxy readFromProcess_error = null; private boolean createReadWriterThreads = false; private boolean executeAsShell; private String pipeToNullString = ""; private ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream; private List fullCommand; /** * Gets the version number. */ public static String getVersion() { return "1.0"; } /** * This is a convenience method to easily create a default process. Will block until the process is finished running * * @param executableName the name of the executable to run * @param args the arguments for the executable * * @return true if the process ran successfully (exit value was 0), otherwise false */ public static boolean run(String executableName, String... args) { ShellExecutor shell = new ShellExecutor(); shell.setExecutable(executableName); shell.addArguments(args); // blocks until finished return shell.start() == 0; } /** * This is a convenience method to easily create a default process. Will immediately return, and does not wait for the process to finish * * @param executableName the name of the executable to run * @param args the arguments for the executable * * @return true if the process ran successfully (exit value was 0), otherwise false */ public static boolean runShell(String executableName, String... args) { ShellExecutor shell = new ShellExecutor(); shell.setExecutable(executableName); shell.addArguments(args); shell.executeAsShellCommand(); // blocks until finished return shell.start() == 0; } /** * This will cause the spawned process to pipe it's output to a String, so it can be retrieved. */ public ShellExecutor() { byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(8196); PrintStream outputStream = new PrintStream(byteArrayOutputStream); this.inputStream = null; this.outputStream = outputStream; this.outputErrorStream = outputStream; } public ShellExecutor(final PrintStream out) { this.inputStream = null; this.outputStream = out; this.outputErrorStream = out; } public ShellExecutor(final InputStream in, final PrintStream out) { this.inputStream = in; this.outputStream = out; this.outputErrorStream = out; } public ShellExecutor(final InputStream in, final PrintStream out, final PrintStream err) { this.inputStream = in; this.outputStream = out; this.outputErrorStream = err; } /** * Creates extra reader/writer threads for the sub-process. This is useful depending on how the sub-process is designed to run. *

* For a process you want interactive IO with, this is required. *

* For a long-running sub-process, with no interactive IO, this is what you'd want. *

* For a run-and-get-the-results process, this isn't recommended. * */ public final ShellExecutor createReadWriterThreads() { createReadWriterThreads = true; return this; } /** * When launched from eclipse, the working directory is USUALLY the root of the project folder */ public final ShellExecutor setWorkingDirectory(final String workingDirectory) { // MUST be absolute path!! this.workingDirectory = new File(workingDirectory).getAbsolutePath(); return this; } /** * The Shell's execution environment variables. Set to `null` to only use the default environment variables (From what * {@link System#getenv} returns) */ public final ShellExecutor setEnvironment(final Map environment) { this.environment = environment; return this; } public final ShellExecutor addArgument(final String argument) { this.arguments.add(argument); return this; } public final ShellExecutor addArguments(final String... args) { for (String path : args) { this.arguments.add(path); } return this; } public final ShellExecutor addArguments(final List paths) { this.arguments.addAll(paths); return this; } public final ShellExecutor setExecutable(final String executableName) { this.executableName = executableName; return this; } public ShellExecutor setExecutableDirectory(final String executableDirectory) { // MUST be absolute path!! this.executableDirectory = new File(executableDirectory).getAbsolutePath(); return this; } /** * This will execute as a shell command (bash/cmd/etc) instead of as a forked process. */ public ShellExecutor executeAsShellCommand() { this.executeAsShell = true; return this; } /** * Sends all output data for this process to "null" in a cross platform method */ public ShellExecutor pipeOutputToNull() throws IllegalArgumentException { if (outputStream != null || outputErrorStream != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot pipe shell command to 'null' if an output stream is specified"); } if (isWindows) { // >NUL on windows pipeToNullString = ">NUL"; } else { // we will "pipe" it to /dev/null on *nix pipeToNullString = ">/dev/null 2>&1"; } return this; } /** * @return the executable command issued to the shell */ public String getCommand() { StringBuilder execCommand = new StringBuilder(); Iterator iterator = fullCommand.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { String s = iterator.next(); execCommand.append(s); if (iterator.hasNext()) { execCommand.append(" "); } } return execCommand.toString(); } public int start() { return start(true); } public int start(final boolean waitForProcesses) { fullCommand = new ArrayList(); if (executeAsShell) { if (isWindows) { fullCommand.add("cmd"); fullCommand.add("/c"); } else { if (defaultShell == null) { String[] shells = new String[] {"/bin/bash", "/usr/bin/bash", "/bin/pfbash", "/usr/bin/pfbash", "/bin/csh", "/usr/bin/csh", "/bin/pfcsh", "/usr/bin/pfcsh", "/bin/jsh", "/usr/bin/jsh", "/bin/ksh", "/usr/bin/ksh", "/bin/pfksh", "/usr/bin/pfksh", "/bin/ksh93", "/usr/bin/ksh93", "/bin/pfksh93", "/usr/bin/pfksh93", "/bin/pfsh", "/usr/bin/pfsh", "/bin/tcsh", "/usr/bin/tcsh", "/bin/pftcsh", "/usr/bin/pftcsh", "/usr/xpg4/bin/sh", "/usr/xp4/bin/pfsh", "/bin/zsh", "/usr/bin/zsh", "/bin/pfzsh", "/usr/bin/pfzsh", "/bin/sh", "/usr/bin/sh",}; for (String shell : shells) { if (new File(shell).canExecute()) { defaultShell = shell; break; } } } if (defaultShell == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to determine the default shell for the linux/unix environment."); } // *nix fullCommand.add(defaultShell); fullCommand.add("-c"); } // fullCommand.add(this.executableName); // done elsewhere! } else { // shell and working/exe directory are mutually exclusive if (this.workingDirectory != null) { if (!this.workingDirectory.endsWith(File.separator)) { this.workingDirectory += File.separator; } } if (this.executableDirectory != null) { if (!this.executableDirectory.endsWith(File.separator)) { this.executableDirectory += File.separator; } fullCommand.add(0, this.executableDirectory + this.executableName); } else { fullCommand.add(this.executableName); } } // if we don't want output... boolean pipeToNull = !pipeToNullString.isEmpty(); if (executeAsShell && !isWindows) { // when a shell AND on *nix, we have to place ALL the args into a single "arg" that is passed in final StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(1024); stringBuilder.append(this.executableName).append(" "); for (String arg : this.arguments) { stringBuilder.append(arg).append(" "); } if (!arguments.isEmpty()) { if (pipeToNull) { stringBuilder.append(pipeToNullString); } else { // delete last " " stringBuilder.delete(stringBuilder.length() - 1, stringBuilder.length()); } } fullCommand.add(stringBuilder.toString()); } else { for (String arg : this.arguments) { if (arg.contains(" ")) { // individual arguments MUST be in their own element in order to be processed properly // (this is how it works on the command line!) String[] split = arg.split(" "); for (String s : split) { s = s.trim(); if (!s.isEmpty()) { fullCommand.add(s); } } } else { fullCommand.add(arg); } } if (pipeToNull) { fullCommand.add(pipeToNullString); } } ProcessBuilder processBuilder = new ProcessBuilder(fullCommand); if (this.workingDirectory != null) { processBuilder.directory(new File(this.workingDirectory)); } // These env variables are a copy of System.getenv() Map environment = processBuilder.environment(); // Make sure all shell calls are LANG=en_US.UTF-8 THIS CAN BE OVERRIDDEN if (isMacOsX) { // Enable LANG overrides environment.put("SOFTWARE", ""); } // "export LANG=en_US.UTF-8" environment.put("LANG", "C"); if (this.environment != null) { for (Map.Entry e : this.environment.entrySet()) { environment.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue()); } } // combine these so output is properly piped to null. if (pipeToNull || this.outputErrorStream == null) { processBuilder.redirectErrorStream(true); } try { this.process = processBuilder.start(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (outputErrorStream != null) { this.outputErrorStream.println("There was a problem executing the program. Details:"); ex.printStackTrace(this.outputErrorStream); } else { System.err.println("There was a problem executing the program. Details:"); ex.printStackTrace(); } if (this.process != null) { try { this.process.destroy(); this.process = null; } catch (Exception e) { if (outputErrorStream != null) { this.outputErrorStream.println("Error destroying process:"); } else { System.err.println("Error destroying process:"); } e.printStackTrace(this.outputErrorStream); } } } if (this.process != null) { if (this.outputErrorStream == null && this.outputStream == null) { if (!pipeToNull) { NullOutputStream nullOutputStream = new NullOutputStream(); // readers (read process -> write console) // have to keep the output buffers from filling in the target process. readFromProcess_output = new ProcessProxy("Process Reader: " + this.executableName, this.process.getInputStream(), nullOutputStream); } } // we want to pipe our input/output from process to ourselves else { /* * Proxy the System.out and System.err from the spawned process back * to the user's window. This is important or the spawned process could block. */ // readers (read process -> write console) readFromProcess_output = new ProcessProxy("Process Reader: " + this.executableName, this.process.getInputStream(), this.outputStream); if (this.outputErrorStream != this.outputStream) { readFromProcess_error = new ProcessProxy("Process Reader: " + this.executableName, this.process.getErrorStream(), this.outputErrorStream); } } if (this.inputStream != null) { /* * Proxy System.in from the user's window to the spawned process */ // writer (read console -> write process) writeToProcess_input = new ProcessProxy("Process Writer: " + this.executableName, this.inputStream, this.process.getOutputStream()); } // the process can be killed in two ways // If not in IDE, by this shutdown hook. (clicking the red square to terminate a process will not run it's shutdown hooks) // Typing "exit" will always terminate the process Thread hook = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { // wait for the READER threads to die (meaning their streams have closed/EOF'd) if (writeToProcess_input != null) { // the INPUT (from stdin). It should be via the InputConsole, but if it's in eclipse,etc -- then this doesn't do anything // We are done reading input, since our program has closed... writeToProcess_input.close(); if (createReadWriterThreads) { writeToProcess_input.join(); } } readFromProcess_output.close(); if (createReadWriterThreads) { readFromProcess_output.join(); } if (readFromProcess_error != null) { readFromProcess_error.close(); if (createReadWriterThreads) { readFromProcess_error.join(); } } } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread() .interrupt(); } // forcibly terminate the process when it's streams have closed. // this is for cleanup ONLY, not to actually do anything. ShellExecutor.this.process.destroy(); } }); hook.setName("ShellExecutor Shutdown Hook for " + this.executableName); // add a shutdown hook to make sure that we properly terminate our spawned processes. // hook is NOT set to daemon mode, because this is run during shutdown // add a shutdown hook to make sure that we properly terminate our spawned processes. try { Runtime.getRuntime() .addShutdownHook(hook); } catch (IllegalStateException ignored) { // can happen, safe to ignore } if (writeToProcess_input != null) { if (createReadWriterThreads) { writeToProcess_input.start(); } else { writeToProcess_input.run(); } } if (createReadWriterThreads) { readFromProcess_output.start(); } else { readFromProcess_output.run(); } if (readFromProcess_error != null) { if (createReadWriterThreads) { readFromProcess_error.start(); } else { readFromProcess_error.run(); } } int exitValue = 0; if (waitForProcesses) { try { this.process.waitFor(); exitValue = this.process.exitValue(); hook.run(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread() .interrupt(); } // remove the shutdown hook now that we've shutdown. try { Runtime.getRuntime().removeShutdownHook(hook); } catch (IllegalStateException ignored) { // can happen, safe to ignore } } return exitValue; } // 1 means a problem return 1; } /** * There will never be a trailing newline character at the end of this output. * * @return A string representing the output of the process, null if the thread for this was interrupted or the output wasn't saved */ public String getOutput() { if (byteArrayOutputStream != null) { return getOutput(byteArrayOutputStream); } return null; } /** * Converts the baos to a string in a safe way. There will never be a trailing newline character at the end of this output. This will * block until there is a line of input available. * * @return A string representing the output of the process, null if the thread for this was interrupted or the output wasn't saved */ public String getOutputLineBuffered() { if (byteArrayOutputStream != null) { return getOutputLineBuffered(byteArrayOutputStream); } return null; } /** * Converts the baos to a string in a safe way. There will never be a trailing newline character at the end of this output. * * @param byteArrayOutputStream the baos that is used in the {@link ShellExecutor#ShellExecutor(PrintStream)} (or similar * calls) * * @return A string representing the output of the process, null if the thread for this was interrupted */ public static String getOutput(final ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream) { String s; synchronized (byteArrayOutputStream) { s = byteArrayOutputStream.toString(); byteArrayOutputStream.reset(); } // remove trailing newline character(s) int endIndex = s.lastIndexOf(LINE_SEPARATOR); if (endIndex > -1) { return s.substring(0, endIndex); } return s; } /** * Converts the baos to a string in a safe way. There will never be a trailing newline character at the end of this output. This will * block until there is a line of input available. * * @param byteArrayOutputStream the baos that is used in the {@link ShellExecutor#ShellExecutor(PrintStream)} (or similar * calls) * * @return A string representing the output of the process, null if the thread for this was interrupted */ public static String getOutputLineBuffered(final ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream) { String s; synchronized (byteArrayOutputStream) { try { byteArrayOutputStream.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException ignored) { return null; } s = byteArrayOutputStream.toString(); byteArrayOutputStream.reset(); } return s; } }