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* Copyright 2020 dorkbox, llc
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package dorkbox.executor
import dorkbox.executor.exceptions.InvalidExitValueException
import dorkbox.executor.processResults.SyncProcessResult
import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import java.io.File
import java.io.IOException
import java.util.concurrent.*
* Options for configuring a process to run using the same JVM as the currently launched jvm
class JvmExecOptions(private val executor: Executor, private val javaExecutable: String? = null) {
companion object {
private val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JvmExecOptions::class.java)
private val SPACE_REGEX = " ".toRegex()
// this is NOT related to JAVA_HOME, but is instead the location of the JRE that was used to launch java initially.
internal var javaLocation = JvmHelper.getJvmPath()
internal var mainClass: String? = null
internal var initialHeapSizeInMegabytes = 0
internal var maximumHeapSizeInMegabytes = 0
internal val jvmOptions = mutableListOf<String>()
internal val classpathEntries = mutableListOf<String>()
internal val mainClassArguments = mutableListOf<String>()
internal var jarFile: String? = null
internal var cloneClasspath: Boolean = false
* Get the classpath for this JAVA process
fun getClasspath(): String {
val builder = StringBuilder()
var count = 0
val totalSize: Int = classpathEntries.size
val pathSeparator = File.pathSeparator
// DO NOT QUOTE the elements in the classpath!
classpathEntries.forEach {
try {
// fix a nasty problem when spaces aren't properly escaped!
var classpathEntry = it.replace(SPACE_REGEX, "\\ ")
// make sure the classpath is ABSOLUTE pathname
classpathEntry = File(classpathEntry).absolutePath
} catch (e: Exception) {
log.error("Error processing classpath!!", e)
if (count < totalSize) {
builder.append(pathSeparator) // ; on windows, : on linux
// if specified, copy the current JVM process settings to the new process
if (cloneClasspath) {
// classpath
val additionalClasspath = System.getProperty("java.class.path")
if (additionalClasspath.isNotEmpty()) {
builder.append(pathSeparator) // have to add a separator
return builder.toString()
* Set the JVM initial heap size, in megabytes.
fun setInitialHeapSizeInMegabytes(initialHeapSizeInMegabytes: Int): JvmExecOptions {
this.initialHeapSizeInMegabytes = initialHeapSizeInMegabytes
return this
* Set the JVM maximum heap size, in megabytes.
fun setMaximumHeapSizeInMegabytes(maximumHeapSizeInMegabytes: Int): JvmExecOptions {
this.maximumHeapSizeInMegabytes = maximumHeapSizeInMegabytes
return this
* Copies the original JVM classpath in this newly created JVM
fun cloneClasspath(): JvmExecOptions {
this.cloneClasspath = true
return this
* Set the main class to launch (optional, as a JAR can have this in the manifest)
fun setMainClass(mainClass: String): JvmExecOptions {
// we have to normalize the main class path.
this.mainClass = mainClass
return this
* Add JVM classpath. This cannot be combined with a JAR entry. They are mutually exclusive!
fun addJvmClasspath(vararg classpath: String): JvmExecOptions {
classpath.forEach {
return this
* Add JVM options for the launched process
fun addJvmOption(vararg arguments: String): JvmExecOptions {
arguments.forEach {
return this
* Specify the JAR file to use. This cannot be combined with a JVM classpath. They are mutually exclusive!
fun setJarFile(jarFile: String): JvmExecOptions {
this.jarFile = jarFile
return this
* Specify the JAVA executable to launch this process.
* By default, this will use the same java executable as was used to start the current JVM.
fun setJava(javaLocation: String): JvmExecOptions {
this.javaLocation = File(javaLocation)
return this
* Specify the JAVA executable to launch this process.
* By default, this will use the same java executable as was used to start the current JVM.
fun setJava(javaLocation: File): JvmExecOptions {
this.javaLocation = javaLocation
return this
* Add arguments to an existing command, which will be executed.
* This does not replace commands, it adds to them
* @param arguments A string array containing the program and/or its arguments.
* @return This process executor.
fun addArg(vararg arguments: String): JvmExecOptions {
val fixed = Executor.fixArguments(listOf(*arguments))
return this
* Add arguments to an existing command, which will be executed.
* This does not replace commands, it adds to them
* @param arguments A string array containing the program and/or its arguments.
* @return This process executor.
fun addArg(arguments: Iterable<String>): JvmExecOptions {
val fixed = Executor.fixArguments(arguments)
return this
* Executes the JAVA sub process.
* This method waits until the process exits, a timeout occurs or the caller thread gets interrupted.
* In the latter cases the process gets destroyed as well.
* @param timeout If specified (non-zero), then if the process is running longer than this
* specified interval, a [TimeoutException] is thrown and the process is destroyed.
* @return exit code of the finished process.
* @throws IOException an error occurred when process was started or stopped.
* @throws InterruptedException this thread was interrupted.
* @throws TimeoutException timeout set by [.timeout] was reached.
* @throws InvalidExitValueException if invalid exit value was returned (@see [.exitValues]).
@Throws(IOException::class, InterruptedException::class, TimeoutException::class, InvalidExitValueException::class)
suspend fun start(timeout: Long = 0, timeoutUnit: TimeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS): SyncProcessResult {
return executor.start(timeout, timeoutUnit)
* Start the sub process in a new coroutine. The calling thread will continue execution. This method does not wait until the process exits.
* Calling [SyncProcessResult.output] will result in a blocking read of process output.
* The value passed to [.timeout] is ignored. Use [DeferredProcessResult.await] to wait for the process to finish.
* Invoke [DeferredProcessResult.cancel] to destroy the process.
* @param timeout If specified (non-zero), then if the process is running longer than this
* specified interval, a [TimeoutException] is thrown and the process is destroyed.
* @return [DeferredProcessResult] representing the process results (value/completed outputstreams/etc) of the finished process.
* @throws IOException an error occurred when process was started.
fun startAsync(timeout: Long = 0, timeoutUnit: TimeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS): DeferredProcessResult {
return executor.startAsync(timeout, timeoutUnit)
* The calling thread will immediately execute the sub process. When trying to close the input streams, the colling thread may block.
* Waits until:
* - the process stops
* - a timeout occurs and the caller thread gets interrupted. (In this case the process gets destroyed as well.)
* Calling [SyncProcessResult.output] will result in a non-blocking read of process output.
* @param timeout If specified (non-zero), then if the process is running longer than this
* specified interval, a [TimeoutException] is thrown and the process is destroyed.
* @return results of the finished process (exit code and output, if any)
* @throws IOException an error occurred when process was started or stopped.
* @throws InterruptedException this thread was interrupted.
* @throws TimeoutException timeout set by [.timeout] was reached.
* @throws InvalidExitValueException if invalid exit value was returned (@see [.exitValues]).
@Throws(IOException::class, InterruptedException::class, TimeoutException::class, InvalidExitValueException::class)
fun startBlocking(timeout: Long = 0, timeoutUnit: TimeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS): SyncProcessResult {
return runBlocking {
start(timeout, timeoutUnit)
internal fun configure() {
// save off the original arguments
val commandLineArgs = executor.builder.command()
val newArgs = mutableListOf<String>()
if (javaExecutable != null) {
} else {
// setup heap information
if (initialHeapSizeInMegabytes != 0) {
if (maximumHeapSizeInMegabytes != 0) {
// always run the server version
// add the JVM options if specified
if (jvmOptions.isNotEmpty()) {
// now add the original arguments
// get the classpath, which is the same as using -cp
val classpath: String = getClasspath()
// two versions. JAR vs CLASSES (classes are "raw", and read directly from disk)
// JAR has precedence
when {
jarFile != null -> {
// interesting note. You CANNOT have a classpath specified on the commandline
// when using JARs!! It must be set in the jar's MANIFEST.
require(classpath.isEmpty()) {
"WHOOPS. You CANNOT have a classpath specified on the commandline when using JARs, it must be set in the JARs MANIFEST instead."
mainClass != null -> {
if (!File(mainClass).canRead()) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("The MainClass file must be readable. Cannot continue with $mainClass")
if (classpath.isNotEmpty()) {
// main class must happen AFTER the classpath!
else -> {
throw IllegalArgumentException("You must specify a jar or main class when running a java process!")
// add the arguments for the java process main-class
if (mainClassArguments.isNotEmpty()) {
// set the arguments