
276 lines
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* Copyright 2023 dorkbox, llc
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package dorkbox.license
import License
import org.gradle.api.Action
import org.gradle.api.DefaultTask
import org.gradle.api.GradleException
import org.gradle.api.Task
import org.gradle.api.publish.PublishingExtension
import org.gradle.api.publish.maven.MavenPublication
import org.gradle.api.tasks.Input
import org.gradle.api.tasks.Internal
import org.gradle.api.tasks.OutputFiles
import org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskAction
import org.gradle.api.tasks.bundling.AbstractArchiveTask
import java.util.*
import javax.inject.Inject
internal open class LicenseInjector @Inject constructor(@Internal val extension: Licensing) : DefaultTask() {
companion object {
const val LICENSE_BLOB = "LICENSE.blob"
@Input val licenses = extension.licenses
@OutputFiles val outputFiles = extension.output
init {
group = "other"
outputs.upToDateWhen {
!(checkLicenseFiles(extension.outputBuildDir, licenses) && checkLicenseFiles(extension.outputRootDir, licenses))
fun doTask() {
// This MUST be first, since it loads license data that is used elsewhere
// show scanning or missing, but not both
// NOTE: we scan the dependencies in ALL subprojects as well.
val (proj, preloadedText, embeddedText, missingText) = extension.scanDependencies(project, true)
// validate the license text configuration section in the gradle file ONLY WHEN PUSHING A JAR
val licensing = extension.licenses
if (licensing.isNotEmpty()) {
extension.licenses.forEach {
when { -> throw GradleException("The name of the project this license applies to must be set for the '${it.license.preferredName}' license")
it.authors.isEmpty() -> throw GradleException("An author must be specified for the '${it.license.preferredName}' license")
// add the license information to maven POM, if applicable
try {
val publishingExt = project.extensions.getByType(
publishingExt.publications.forEach {
if ( {
it as MavenPublication
// get the license information. ONLY FROM THE FIRST ONE! (which is the license for our project)
val licenseData = extension.licenses.first()
val license = licenseData.license
it.pom.licenses { licSpec ->
licSpec.license { newLic ->
// only include license "notes" if we are a custom license **which is the license itself**
if (license == License.CUSTOM) {
val notes = licenseData.notes.joinToString("")
else {
println("Licensing only supports maven pom license injection for now")
} catch (ignored: Exception) {
// there aren't always maven publishing used
// the task will only build files that it needs to (and will only run once)
project.tasks.withType(, object: Action<Task> {
override fun execute(task: Task) {
task as AbstractArchiveTask
// make sure that the license info is always built before the task
// don't include the license file from the root directory (which happens by default).
// make sure that our license files are included in task resources (when building a jar, for example)
// true if there was any work done. checks while it goes as well
didWork = buildLicenseFiles(extension.outputBuildDir, licenses, true) && buildLicenseFiles(extension.outputRootDir, licenses, false)
val hasArchiveTask = project.gradle.taskGraph.allTasks.filterIsInstance<AbstractArchiveTask>().isNotEmpty()
if (hasArchiveTask || didWork) {
if (preloadedText.isNotEmpty()) {
println("\tPreloaded license data:")
preloadedText.forEach {
if (embeddedText.isNotEmpty()) {
println("\tEmbedded license data:")
embeddedText.forEach {
if (missingText.isNotEmpty()) {
println("\tMissing license data:")
missingText.forEach {
println("\tPlease submit an issue with this information to include it in future license scans.")
* @return true when there is work that needs to be done
private fun checkLicenseFiles(outputDir: File, licenses: MutableList<LicenseData>): Boolean {
if (!outputDir.exists()) outputDir.mkdirs()
val licenseBytes = LicenseData.buildString(licenses).toByteArray(Charsets.UTF_8)
val licenseFile = File(outputDir, LICENSE_FILE)
// check the license file first
if (fileIsNotSame(licenseFile, licenseBytes)) {
// work needs doing
return true
licenses.forEach {
val license = it.license
if (license != License.UNKNOWN) {
val file = File(outputDir, license.licenseFile)
val sourceBytes = license.licenseBytes
if (fileIsNotSame(file, sourceBytes)) {
// work needs doing
return true
return false
* @return true when there is work that has be done
private fun buildLicenseFiles(outputDir: File, licenses: MutableList<LicenseData>, buildLicenseBlob: Boolean): Boolean {
var hasDoneWork = false
if (!outputDir.exists()) outputDir.mkdirs()
val licenseBytes = LicenseData.buildString(licenses).toByteArray(Charsets.UTF_8)
if (licenseBytes.isEmpty()) {
println("\tNo License information defined in the project. Unable to build license data")
} else {
val licenseFile = File(outputDir, LICENSE_FILE)
val licenseBlob = File(outputDir, LICENSE_BLOB)
if (fileIsNotSame(licenseFile, licenseBytes)) {
// write out the LICENSE files
if (buildLicenseBlob) {
// save off the blob, so we can check when reading dependencies if we can
// import this license info as extra license info for the project
ObjectOutputStream(FileOutputStream(licenseBlob)).use { oos ->
licenses.forEach {
hasDoneWork = true
// for the license files, we have to FLATTEN the list of licenses!
val flattenedLicenses = mutableSetOf<LicenseData>()
val scanningLicenses: LinkedList<LicenseData> = LinkedList<LicenseData>()
while(scanningLicenses.isNotEmpty()) {
val license = scanningLicenses.remove()
val wasAdded = flattenedLicenses.add(license)
if (wasAdded) {
// should always be added, but MAYBE there is a loop somewhere. this hopefully prevents that
flattenedLicenses.forEach {
val license = it.license
// DO NOT write license text/info for custom/unknown/commercial/etc licenses (these have no license text files)
if (license.licenseFile.isNotEmpty()) {
val file = File(outputDir, license.licenseFile)
val sourceBytes = license.licenseBytes
if (fileIsNotSame(file, sourceBytes)) {
// write out the various license text files (NOTE: we force LF for everything!)
hasDoneWork = true
return hasDoneWork
* this is so we can check if we need to re-write the file. This is done to
* save write cycles on low-end drives where write frequency is an issue
* @return TRUE if the file IS DIFFERENT, FALSE if the file IS THE SAME
private fun fileIsNotSame(outputFile: File, sourceBytes: ByteArray): Boolean {
if (!outputFile.canRead()) {
return true // not the same, so work needs to be done
val fileSize = outputFile.length()
if (sourceBytes.isEmpty() && fileSize > 0L) {
return true
if (sourceBytes.isNotEmpty() && fileSize == 0L) {
return true
return try {
!(sourceBytes contentEquals outputFile.readBytes())
} catch (e: Exception) {
return true // not the same, so work needs to be done