
143 lines
4.8 KiB

package dorkbox.license
import org.gradle.api.DefaultTask
import org.gradle.api.GradleException
import org.gradle.api.tasks.Input
import org.gradle.api.tasks.InputDirectory
import org.gradle.api.tasks.OutputDirectory
import org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskAction
import javax.inject.Inject
internal open class LicenseInjector @Inject constructor(val extension: Licensing) : DefaultTask() {
// only want to build these files once
private var alreadyBuilt = false
companion object {
const val LICENSE_BLOB = "LICENSE.blob"
@Input lateinit var licenses: MutableList<LicenseData>
@OutputDirectory lateinit var outputDir: File
@InputDirectory lateinit var rootDir: File
init {
outputs.upToDateWhen {
alreadyBuilt || !(checkLicenseFiles(outputDir, licenses) && checkLicenseFiles(rootDir, licenses))
fun doTask() {
if (alreadyBuilt) {
alreadyBuilt = true
// now we want to add license information that we know about from our dependencies to our list
// just to make it clear, license information CAN CHANGE BETWEEN VERSIONS! For example, JNA changed from GPL to Apache in version 4+
// we associate the artifact group + id + (start) version as a license.
// if a license for a dependency is UNKNOWN, then we emit a warning to the user to add it as a pull request
// if a license version is not specified, then we use the default
DependencyScanner(project, extension).scanForLicenseData()
// true if there was any work done
didWork = buildLicenseFiles(outputDir, licenses) && buildLicenseFiles(rootDir, licenses)
* @return true when there is work that needs to be done
private fun checkLicenseFiles(outputDir: File, licenses: MutableList<LicenseData>): Boolean {
var needsToDoWork = false
if (!outputDir.exists()) outputDir.mkdirs()
val licenseText = LicenseData.buildString(licenses)
val licenseFile = File(outputDir, LICENSE_FILE)
if (fileIsNotSame(licenseFile, licenseText)) {
// write out the LICENSE and various license files
needsToDoWork = true
if (!needsToDoWork) {
licenses.forEach {
val license = it.license
val file = File(outputDir, license.licenseFile)
val sourceText = license.licenseText
if (fileIsNotSame(file, sourceText)) {
needsToDoWork = true
return needsToDoWork
* @return true when there is work that has be done
private fun buildLicenseFiles(outputDir: File, licenses: MutableList<LicenseData>): Boolean {
var hasDoneWork = false
if (!outputDir.exists()) outputDir.mkdirs()
val licenseText = LicenseData.buildString(licenses)
if (licenseText.isEmpty()) {
println("\tNo License information defined in the project. Unable to build license data")
} else {
val licenseFile = File(outputDir, LICENSE_FILE)
val licenseBlob = File(outputDir, LICENSE_BLOB)
if (fileIsNotSame(licenseFile, licenseText)) {
// write out the LICENSE files
// save off the blob, so we can check when reading dependencies if we can
// import this license info as extra license info for the project
ObjectOutputStream(FileOutputStream(licenseBlob)).use { oos ->
licenses.forEach {
hasDoneWork = true
licenses.forEach {
val license = it.license
val file = File(outputDir, license.licenseFile)
val sourceText = license.licenseText
if (fileIsNotSame(file, sourceText)) {
// write out the various license text files
hasDoneWork = true
return hasDoneWork
* this is so we can check if we need to re-write the file. This is done to
* save write cycles on low-end drives where write frequency is an issue
* @return TRUE if the file IS NOT THE SAME, FALSE if the file IS THE SAME
private fun fileIsNotSame(outputFile: File, sourceText: String): Boolean {
return !(outputFile.canRead() && sourceText.toByteArray() contentEquals outputFile.readBytes())