using disruptor + LTQ

This commit is contained in:
nathan 2015-02-13 11:02:43 +01:00
parent 3418b08529
commit 139f4c3069
4 changed files with 372 additions and 286 deletions

View File

@ -3,19 +3,32 @@ package net.engio.mbassy.multi;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import net.engio.mbassy.multi.common.BoundedTransferQueue;
import net.engio.mbassy.multi.common.DisruptorThreadFactory;
import net.engio.mbassy.multi.common.InterruptRunnable;
import net.engio.mbassy.multi.common.LinkedTransferQueue;
import net.engio.mbassy.multi.common.Pow2;
import net.engio.mbassy.multi.common.TransferQueue;
import net.engio.mbassy.multi.disruptor.DeadMessage;
import net.engio.mbassy.multi.disruptor.DispatchFactory;
import net.engio.mbassy.multi.disruptor.DispatchHolder;
import net.engio.mbassy.multi.disruptor.DispatchProcessor;
import net.engio.mbassy.multi.disruptor.MessageHolder;
import net.engio.mbassy.multi.disruptor.PublicationExceptionHandler;
import net.engio.mbassy.multi.error.IPublicationErrorHandler;
import net.engio.mbassy.multi.error.PublicationError;
import net.engio.mbassy.multi.subscription.Subscription;
import net.engio.mbassy.multi.subscription.SubscriptionManager;
import com.lmax.disruptor.RingBuffer;
import com.lmax.disruptor.SleepingWaitStrategy;
import com.lmax.disruptor.WorkHandler;
import com.lmax.disruptor.WorkerPool;
import com.lmax.disruptor.dsl.Disruptor;
import com.lmax.disruptor.dsl.ProducerType;
import dorkbox.util.objectPool.PoolableObject;
@ -37,30 +50,31 @@ public class MultiMBassador implements IMessageBus {
// any new thread will be 'NON-DAEMON', so that it will be forced to finish it's task before permitting the JVM to shut down
// private final ExecutorService dispatch_Executor;
// private final ExecutorService invoke_Executor;
private final ExecutorService dispatch_Executor;
private final ExecutorService invoke_Executor;
// private final TransferQueue<Object> dispatchQueue;
// private final Queue<MessageHolder> dispatchQueue;
// private final BlockingQueue<MessageHolder> dispatchQueue;
private final TransferQueue<Object> dispatchQueue;
// private final SynchronousQueue<MessageHolder> dispatchQueue;
// private Queue<ObjectPoolHolder<MessageHolder>> mpmcArrayQueue;
// all threads that are available for asynchronous message dispatching
// private List<InterruptRunnable> invokeRunners;
private List<InterruptRunnable> dispatchRunners;
// private List<InterruptRunnable> dispatchRunners;
// private dorkbox.util.objectPool.ObjectPool<MessageHolder> pool;
// must be power of 2. For very high performance the ring buffer, and its contents, should fit in L3 CPU cache for exchanging between threads.
// private final int dispatch_RingBufferSize = 4;
private final int dispatch_RingBufferSize = 2;
// private final int invoke_RingBufferSize = 2048;
// private final Disruptor<DispatchHolder> dispatch_Disruptor;
// private final RingBuffer<DispatchHolder> dispatch_RingBuffer;
private final Disruptor<DispatchHolder> dispatch_Disruptor;
private final RingBuffer<DispatchHolder> dispatch_RingBuffer;
private final WorkerPool<DispatchHolder> dispatch_WorkerPool;
// private final Disruptor<MessageHolder> invoke_Disruptor;
// private final RingBuffer<MessageHolder> invoke_RingBuffer;
@ -76,9 +90,16 @@ public class MultiMBassador implements IMessageBus {
public MultiMBassador() {
private final ThreadLocal<DeadMessage> deadMessageCache = new ThreadLocal<DeadMessage>() {
protected DeadMessage initialValue()
return new DeadMessage(null);
public MultiMBassador(int numberOfThreads) {
if (numberOfThreads < 1) {
@ -86,7 +107,7 @@ public class MultiMBassador implements IMessageBus {
// this.objectQueue = new LinkedTransferQueue<MessageHolder>();
this.dispatchQueue = new LinkedTransferQueue<Object>();
// this.dispatchQueue = new LinkedTransferQueue<Object>();
// this.dispatchQueue = new BoundedTransferQueue<MessageHolder>(numberOfThreads);
// this.dispatchQueue = new MpmcArrayQueue<MessageHolder>(Pow2.roundToPowerOfTwo(numberOfThreads/2));
// this.dispatchQueue = new PTLQueue<MessageHolder>(Pow2.roundToPowerOfTwo(numberOfThreads/2));
@ -95,13 +116,14 @@ public class MultiMBassador implements IMessageBus {
// this.dispatchQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<MessageHolder>(Pow2.roundToPowerOfTwo(numberOfThreads));
// this.dispatch_Executor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(2, 4, 1L, TimeUnit.MINUTES,
// new SynchronousQueue<Runnable>(),
// new DisruptorThreadFactory("MB_Dispatch"));
int dispatchSize = 2;
this.dispatch_Executor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(dispatchSize, dispatchSize, 1L, TimeUnit.MINUTES,
new LinkedTransferQueue<Runnable>(),
new DisruptorThreadFactory("MB_Dispatch"));
// this.invoke_Executor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(numberOfThreads, numberOfThreads*2, 1L, TimeUnit.MINUTES,
// new SynchronousQueue<Runnable>(),
// new DisruptorThreadFactory("MB_Invoke"));
this.invoke_Executor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(numberOfThreads, numberOfThreads*2, 1L, TimeUnit.MINUTES,
new BoundedTransferQueue<Runnable>(numberOfThreads),
new DisruptorThreadFactory("MB_Invoke"));
@ -111,104 +133,117 @@ public class MultiMBassador implements IMessageBus {
int dispatchSize = Pow2.roundToPowerOfTwo(numberOfThreads*2);
this.dispatchRunners = new ArrayList<InterruptRunnable>(dispatchSize);
DisruptorThreadFactory dispatchThreadFactory = new DisruptorThreadFactory("MB_Dispatch");
for (int i = 0; i < dispatchSize; i++) {
// each thread will run forever and process incoming message publication requests
InterruptRunnable runnable = new InterruptRunnable() {
private final ThreadLocal<DeadMessage> deadMessageCache = new ThreadLocal<DeadMessage>() {
protected DeadMessage initialValue()
return new DeadMessage(null);
public void run() {
final MultiMBassador mbassador = MultiMBassador.this;
SubscriptionManager manager = mbassador.subscriptionManager;
final TransferQueue<Object> IN_queue = mbassador.dispatchQueue;
// final Queue<MessageHolder> OUT_queue = mbassador.invokeQueue;
Object message = null;
// int counter = 200;
try {
while (this.running) {
message = IN_queue.take();
// value = IN_queue.poll();
// if (value != null) {
Class<?> messageClass = message.getClass();
Collection<Subscription> subscriptions = manager.getSubscriptionsByMessageType(messageClass);
try {
boolean empty = subscriptions.isEmpty();
if (empty) {
// Dead Event
subscriptions = manager.getSubscriptionsByMessageType(DeadMessage.class);
DeadMessage deadMessage = this.deadMessageCache.get();
deadMessage.relatedMessages[0] = message;
message = deadMessage;
empty = subscriptions.isEmpty();
if (!empty) {
for (Subscription sub : subscriptions) {
// boolean handled = false;
// if (sub.isVarArg()) {
// // messageClass will NEVER be an array to begin with, since that will call the multi-arg method
// if (vararg == null) {
// // messy, but the ONLY way to do it.
// vararg = (Object[]) Array.newInstance(messageClass, 1);
// vararg[0] = message;
// Object[] newInstance = new Object[1];
// newInstance[0] = vararg;
// vararg = newInstance;
// }
// handled = true;
// sub.publishToSubscription(mbassador, vararg);
// }
// if (!handled) {
sub.publishToSubscription(mbassador, message);
// }
// counter = 200;
} catch (Throwable e) {
mbassador.handlePublicationError(new PublicationError().setMessage("Error during publication of message").setCause(e).setPublishedObject(message));
// } else {
// if (counter > 100) {
// --counter;
// } else if (counter > 0) {
// --counter;
// Thread.yield();
// } else {
// LockSupport.parkNanos(1L);
// int dispatchSize = Pow2.roundToPowerOfTwo(numberOfThreads*2);
// this.dispatchRunners = new ArrayList<InterruptRunnable>(dispatchSize);
// DisruptorThreadFactory dispatchThreadFactory = new DisruptorThreadFactory("MB_Dispatch");
// for (int i = 0; i < dispatchSize; i++) {
// // each thread will run forever and process incoming message publication requests
// InterruptRunnable runnable = new InterruptRunnable() {
// private final ThreadLocal<DeadMessage> deadMessageCache = new ThreadLocal<DeadMessage>() {
// @Override
// protected DeadMessage initialValue()
// {
// return new DeadMessage(null);
// }
// };
// @Override
// public void run() {
// final MultiMBassador mbassador = MultiMBassador.this;
// SubscriptionManager manager = mbassador.subscriptionManager;
// final TransferQueue<Object> IN_queue = mbassador.dispatchQueue;
//// final Queue<MessageHolder> OUT_queue = mbassador.invokeQueue;
// Object message = null;
//// int counter = 200;
// try {
// while (this.running) {
// message = IN_queue.take();
//// value = IN_queue.poll();
//// if (value != null) {
// Class<?> messageClass = message.getClass();
// Collection<Subscription> subscriptions = manager.getSubscriptionsByMessageType(messageClass);
// try {
// boolean empty = subscriptions.isEmpty();
// if (empty) {
// // Dead Event
// subscriptions = manager.getSubscriptionsByMessageType(DeadMessage.class);
// DeadMessage deadMessage = this.deadMessageCache.get();
// deadMessage.relatedMessages[0] = message;
// message = deadMessage;
// empty = subscriptions.isEmpty();
// }
// if (!empty) {
// for (Subscription sub : subscriptions) {
//// boolean handled = false;
//// if (sub.isVarArg()) {
//// // messageClass will NEVER be an array to begin with, since that will call the multi-arg method
//// if (vararg == null) {
//// // messy, but the ONLY way to do it.
//// vararg = (Object[]) Array.newInstance(messageClass, 1);
//// vararg[0] = message;
// //
//// Object[] newInstance = new Object[1];
//// newInstance[0] = vararg;
//// vararg = newInstance;
//// }
// //
//// handled = true;
//// sub.publishToSubscription(mbassador, vararg);
//// }
// //
//// if (!handled) {
// sub.publishToSubscription(mbassador, message);
//// }
// }
// }
//// counter = 200;
// } catch (Throwable e) {
// mbassador.handlePublicationError(new PublicationError().setMessage("Error during publication of message").setCause(e).setPublishedObject(message));
// }
// }
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
Thread runner = dispatchThreadFactory.newThread(runnable);
//// } else {
//// if (counter > 100) {
//// --counter;
//// } else if (counter > 0) {
//// --counter;
//// Thread.yield();
//// } else {
//// LockSupport.parkNanos(1L);
//// }
//// }
// }
// } catch (InterruptedException e) {
// Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
// return;
// }
// }
// };
// Thread runner = dispatchThreadFactory.newThread(runnable);
// this.dispatchRunners.add(runnable);
// runner.start();
// }
// this.invokeRunners = new ArrayList<InterruptRunnable>(numberOfThreads*2);
// DisruptorThreadFactory invokerThreadFactory = new DisruptorThreadFactory("MB_Invoke");
// for (int i = 0; i < numberOfThreads; i++) {
// // each thread will run forever and process incoming message publication requests
// InterruptRunnable runnable = new InterruptRunnable() {
// @Override
// public void run() {
// }
// };
// }
// this.invokeRunners = new ArrayList<InterruptRunnable>(numberOfThreads*2);
// DisruptorThreadFactory invokerThreadFactory = new DisruptorThreadFactory("MB_Invoke");
@ -310,22 +345,22 @@ public class MultiMBassador implements IMessageBus {
// PublicationExceptionHandler loggingExceptionHandler = new PublicationExceptionHandler(this);
// this.dispatch_Disruptor = new Disruptor<DispatchHolder>(new DispatchFactory(), this.dispatch_RingBufferSize, this.dispatch_Executor,
// ProducerType.MULTI, new SleepingWaitStrategy());
PublicationExceptionHandler loggingExceptionHandler = new PublicationExceptionHandler(this);
this.dispatch_Disruptor = new Disruptor<DispatchHolder>(new DispatchFactory(), this.dispatch_RingBufferSize, this.dispatch_Executor,
ProducerType.MULTI, new SleepingWaitStrategy());
// this.invoke_Disruptor = new Disruptor<MessageHolder>(new InvokeFactory(), this.invoke_RingBufferSize, this.invoke_Executor,
// ProducerType.MULTI, new SleepingWaitStrategy());
// this.dispatch_RingBuffer = this.dispatch_Disruptor.getRingBuffer();
this.dispatch_RingBuffer = this.dispatch_Disruptor.getRingBuffer();
// this.invoke_RingBuffer = this.invoke_Disruptor.getRingBuffer();
// // not too many handlers, so we don't contend the locks in the subscription manager
// EventHandler<DispatchHolder> dispatchHandlers[] = new DispatchProcessor[4];
// for (int i = 0; i < dispatchHandlers.length; i++) {
// dispatchHandlers[i] = new DispatchProcessor(this, i, dispatchHandlers.length, this.subscriptionManager, this.invokeQueue);
// }
// not too many handlers, so we don't contend the locks in the subscription manager
WorkHandler<DispatchHolder> dispatchHandlers[] = new DispatchProcessor[dispatchSize];
for (int i = 0; i < dispatchHandlers.length; i++) {
dispatchHandlers[i] = new DispatchProcessor(i, dispatchHandlers.length, this.invoke_Executor);
// WorkHandler<MessageHolder> invokeHandlers[] = new InvokeProcessor[numberOfThreads];
// for (int i = 0; i < invokeHandlers.length; i++) {
@ -333,12 +368,12 @@ public class MultiMBassador implements IMessageBus {
// }
// this.dispatch_Disruptor.handleEventsWith(dispatchHandlers);
// this.invoke_WorkerPool = new WorkerPool<MessageHolder>(this.invoke_RingBuffer,
// this.invoke_RingBuffer.newBarrier(),
// loggingExceptionHandler,
// invokeHandlers);
this.dispatch_WorkerPool = new WorkerPool<DispatchHolder>(this.dispatch_RingBuffer,
// this.invoke_RingBuffer.addGatingSequences(this.invoke_WorkerPool.getWorkerSequences());
@ -422,9 +457,9 @@ public class MultiMBassador implements IMessageBus {
public final MultiMBassador start() {
// this.invoke_WorkerPool.start(this.invoke_Executor);
// this.invoke_Disruptor.start();
// this.dispatch_Disruptor.start();
return this;
@ -456,22 +491,24 @@ public class MultiMBassador implements IMessageBus {
public boolean hasPendingMessages() {
return this.pendingMessages.get() > 0L;
// return this.dispatch_RingBuffer.remainingCapacity() < this.dispatch_RingBufferSize;
return !this.dispatchQueue.isEmpty();
// return !this.dispatchQueue.isEmpty();
public void shutdown() {
for (InterruptRunnable runnable : this.dispatchRunners) {
// for (InterruptRunnable runnable : this.dispatchRunners) {
// runnable.stop();
// }
// for (InterruptRunnable runnable : this.invokeRunners) {
// runnable.stop();
// }
// this.dispatch_Disruptor.shutdown();
// this.dispatch_Executor.shutdown();
@ -748,65 +785,113 @@ public class MultiMBassador implements IMessageBus {
// }
private final AtomicLong pendingMessages = new AtomicLong(0);
public void publishAsync(Object message) {
public void publishAsync(final Object message) {
if (message != null) {
// // put this on the disruptor ring buffer
// final RingBuffer<DispatchHolder> ringBuffer = this.dispatch_RingBuffer;
// put this on the disruptor ring buffer
final RingBuffer<DispatchHolder> ringBuffer = this.dispatch_RingBuffer;
// setup the job
final long seq =;
try {
Runnable runnable = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
// System.err.println("invoke");
Object localMessage = message;
Class<?> messageClass = localMessage.getClass();
SubscriptionManager subscriptionManager = MultiMBassador.this.subscriptionManager;
Collection<Subscription> subscriptions = subscriptionManager.getSubscriptionsByMessageType(messageClass);
boolean empty = subscriptions.isEmpty();
if (empty) {
// Dead Event
subscriptions = subscriptionManager.getSubscriptionsByMessageType(DeadMessage.class);
// DeadMessage deadMessage = MultiMBassador.this.deadMessageCache.get();
localMessage = new DeadMessage(message);
empty = subscriptions.isEmpty();
if (!empty) {
for (Subscription sub : subscriptions) {
// boolean handled = false;
// if (sub.isVarArg()) {
// // messageClass will NEVER be an array to begin with, since that will call the multi-arg method
// if (vararg == null) {
// // messy, but the ONLY way to do it.
// vararg = (Object[]) Array.newInstance(messageClass, 1);
// vararg[0] = message;
// // setup the job
// final long seq =;
// try {
// DispatchHolder eventJob = ringBuffer.get(seq);
// eventJob.messageType = MessageType.ONE;
// eventJob.message1 = message;
// } catch (Throwable e) {
// handlePublicationError(new PublicationError()
// .setMessage("Error while adding an asynchronous message")
// .setCause(e)
// .setPublishedObject(message));
// } finally {
// // always publish the job
// ringBuffer.publish(seq);
// }
// Object[] newInstance = new Object[1];
// newInstance[0] = vararg;
// vararg = newInstance;
// }
// handled = true;
// sub.publishToSubscription(mbassador, vararg);
// }
// if (!handled) {
sub.publishToSubscription(MultiMBassador.this, localMessage);
// }
DispatchHolder eventJob = ringBuffer.get(seq);
eventJob.runnable = runnable;
} catch (Throwable e) {
handlePublicationError(new PublicationError()
.setMessage("Error while adding an asynchronous message")
} finally {
// always publish the job
// System.err.println("adding " + this.pendingMessages.getAndIncrement());
// MessageHolder messageHolder = new MessageHolder();
// messageHolder.messageType = MessageType.ONE;
// messageHolder.message1 = message;
// new Runnable() {
// @Override
// public void run() {
// try {
// this.dispatchQueue.transfer(message);
// }
// };
try {
// int counter = 200;
// while (!this.dispatchQueue.offer(messageHolder)) {
// if (counter > 100) {
// --counter;
// } else if (counter > 0) {
// --counter;
// Thread.yield();
// } else {
// LockSupport.parkNanos(1L);
// }
//// int counter = 200;
//// while (!this.dispatchQueue.offer(messageHolder)) {
//// if (counter > 100) {
//// --counter;
//// } else if (counter > 0) {
//// --counter;
//// Thread.yield();
//// } else {
//// LockSupport.parkNanos(1L);
//// }
//// }
// } catch (InterruptedException e) {
// e.printStackTrace();
// // log.error(e);
// handlePublicationError(new PublicationError()
// .setMessage("Error while adding an asynchronous message")
// .setCause(e)
// .setPublishedObject(message));
// }
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// log.error(e);
handlePublicationError(new PublicationError()
.setMessage("Error while adding an asynchronous message")

View File

@ -42,10 +42,20 @@ public final class BoundedTransferQueue<E> extends AbstractQueue<E> implements T
public boolean offer(E e) {
if(tryDecrementCapacity()) {
return this._queue.offer(e);
return false;
// if(tryDecrementCapacity()) {
// return this._queue.offer(e);
// }
// return false;
try {
if (tryDecrementCapacity()) {
} else {
} catch (InterruptedException e2) {}
return true;

View File

@ -6,12 +6,8 @@ package net.engio.mbassy.multi.disruptor;
* Date: 2/2/15
public class DispatchHolder {
public MessageType messageType = MessageType.ONE;
public Object message1 = null;
public Object message2 = null;
public Object message3 = null;
public Object[] messages = null;
public Runnable runnable = null;
public DispatchHolder() {

View File

@ -1,46 +1,41 @@
package net.engio.mbassy.multi.disruptor;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import net.engio.mbassy.multi.MultiMBassador;
import net.engio.mbassy.multi.error.PublicationError;
import net.engio.mbassy.multi.subscription.Subscription;
import net.engio.mbassy.multi.subscription.SubscriptionManager;
import com.lmax.disruptor.EventHandler;
import com.lmax.disruptor.WorkHandler;
* @author dorkbox, llc Date: 2/2/15
public class DispatchProcessor implements EventHandler<DispatchHolder> {
private final MultiMBassador publisher;
public class DispatchProcessor implements WorkHandler<DispatchHolder> {
private final long ordinal;
private final long numberOfConsumers;
private final SubscriptionManager subscriptionManager;
// private final RingBuffer<MessageHolder> invoke_RingBuffer;
private final Queue<MessageHolder> queue;
public DispatchProcessor(final MultiMBassador publisher, final long ordinal, final long numberOfConsumers,
final SubscriptionManager subscriptionManager, Queue<MessageHolder> queue) {
this.publisher = publisher;
private final ExecutorService invoke_Executor;
public DispatchProcessor(final long ordinal, final long numberOfConsumers,
final ExecutorService invoke_Executor) {
this.ordinal = ordinal;
this.numberOfConsumers = numberOfConsumers;
this.subscriptionManager = subscriptionManager;
this.queue = queue;
this.invoke_Executor = invoke_Executor;
public void onEvent(DispatchHolder event, long sequence, boolean endOfBatch) throws Exception {
if (sequence % this.numberOfConsumers == this.ordinal) {
public void onEvent(DispatchHolder event) throws Exception {
// if (sequence % this.numberOfConsumers == this.ordinal) {
// System.err.println("handoff -" + this.ordinal);
// Process the event
// switch (event.messageType) {
// case ONE: {
event.message1 = null; // cleanup
// publish(event.message1);
// event.message1 = null; // cleanup
// return;
// }
// case TWO: {
@ -63,75 +58,75 @@ public class DispatchProcessor implements EventHandler<DispatchHolder> {
// }
// }
// }
private void publish(Object message) {
Class<?> messageClass = message.getClass();
SubscriptionManager manager = this.subscriptionManager;
Collection<Subscription> subscriptions = manager.getSubscriptionsByMessageType(messageClass);
try {
boolean empty = subscriptions.isEmpty();
if (empty) {
// Dead Event
subscriptions = manager.getSubscriptionsByMessageType(DeadMessage.class);
message = new DeadMessage(message);
empty = subscriptions.isEmpty();
if (!empty) {
// // put this on the disruptor ring buffer
// final RingBuffer<MessageHolder> ringBuffer = this.invoke_RingBuffer;
// private void publish(Object message) {
// Class<?> messageClass = message.getClass();
// // setup the job
// final long seq =;
// try {
// MessageHolder eventJob = ringBuffer.get(seq);
// eventJob.messageType = MessageType.ONE;
// eventJob.message1 = message;
// eventJob.subscriptions = subscriptions;
// } catch (Throwable e) {
// this.publisher.handlePublicationError(new PublicationError()
// .setMessage("Error while adding an asynchronous message")
// .setCause(e)
// .setPublishedObject(message));
// } finally {
// // always publish the job
// ringBuffer.publish(seq);
// }
// // this is what gets parallelized. The collection IS NOT THREAD SAFE, but it's contents are
// ObjectPoolHolder<MessageHolder> messageHolder = this.pool.take();
// MessageHolder value = messageHolder.getValue();
MessageHolder messageHolder = new MessageHolder();
messageHolder.subscriptions= subscriptions;
messageHolder.messageType = MessageType.ONE;
messageHolder.message1 = message;
// this.queue.put(messageHolder);
// int counter = 200;
// while (!this.queue.offer(messageHolder)) {
// if (counter > 100) {
// --counter;
// } else if (counter > 0) {
// --counter;
// Thread.yield();
// } else {
// LockSupport.parkNanos(1L);
// }
// }
} catch (Throwable e) {
this.publisher.handlePublicationError(new PublicationError().setMessage("Error during publication of message").setCause(e)
// SubscriptionManager manager = this.subscriptionManager;
// Collection<Subscription> subscriptions = manager.getSubscriptionsByMessageType(messageClass);
// try {
// boolean empty = subscriptions.isEmpty();
// if (empty) {
// // Dead Event
// subscriptions = manager.getSubscriptionsByMessageType(DeadMessage.class);
// message = new DeadMessage(message);
// empty = subscriptions.isEmpty();
// }
// if (!empty) {
//// // put this on the disruptor ring buffer
//// final RingBuffer<MessageHolder> ringBuffer = this.invoke_RingBuffer;
//// // setup the job
//// final long seq =;
//// try {
//// MessageHolder eventJob = ringBuffer.get(seq);
//// eventJob.messageType = MessageType.ONE;
//// eventJob.message1 = message;
//// eventJob.subscriptions = subscriptions;
//// } catch (Throwable e) {
//// this.publisher.handlePublicationError(new PublicationError()
//// .setMessage("Error while adding an asynchronous message")
//// .setCause(e)
//// .setPublishedObject(message));
//// } finally {
//// // always publish the job
//// ringBuffer.publish(seq);
//// }
//// // this is what gets parallelized. The collection IS NOT THREAD SAFE, but it's contents are
//// ObjectPoolHolder<MessageHolder> messageHolder = this.pool.take();
//// MessageHolder value = messageHolder.getValue();
// MessageHolder messageHolder = new MessageHolder();
// messageHolder.subscriptions= subscriptions;
// messageHolder.messageType = MessageType.ONE;
// messageHolder.message1 = message;
//// this.queue.put(messageHolder);
//// int counter = 200;
//// while (!this.queue.offer(messageHolder)) {
//// if (counter > 100) {
//// --counter;
//// } else if (counter > 0) {
//// --counter;
//// Thread.yield();
//// } else {
//// LockSupport.parkNanos(1L);
//// }
//// }
// }
// } catch (Throwable e) {
// this.publisher.handlePublicationError(new PublicationError().setMessage("Error during publication of message").setCause(e)
// .setPublishedObject(message));
// }
// }