Changed async message queue implementation to the Conversant Disruptor, and added the ability to use a specific BlockingQueue implementation for the async publications of messages. Added support for a zero-gc messagebus, in the event that you need one.

nathan 2019-06-08 01:40:27 +02:00
parent e19291bb0a
commit 887fdecadf
18 changed files with 1042 additions and 718 deletions

View File

@ -16,9 +16,6 @@
import java.time.Instant
import java.util.*
import kotlin.reflect.KMutableProperty
import kotlin.reflect.full.declaredMemberProperties
@ -36,14 +33,14 @@ plugins {
// close and release on sonatype
id("") version "0.20.0"
id("") version "0.21.0"
id("com.dorkbox.CrossCompile") version "1.0.1"
id("com.dorkbox.Licensing") version "1.4"
id("com.dorkbox.VersionUpdate") version "1.4.1"
id("com.dorkbox.GradleUtils") version "1.0"
id("com.dorkbox.VersionUpdate") version "1.5"
id("com.dorkbox.GradleUtils") version "1.2"
kotlin("jvm") version "1.3.21"
kotlin("jvm") version "1.3.31"
object Extras {
@ -68,34 +65,11 @@ object Extras {
///// assign 'Extras'
GradleUtils.load("$projectDir/../../", Extras)
description = Extras.description
group =
version = Extras.version
val propsFile = File("$projectDir/../../").normalize()
if (propsFile.canRead()) {
println("\tLoading custom property data from: [$propsFile]")
val props = Properties()
propsFile.inputStream().use {
val extraProperties = Extras::class.declaredMemberProperties.filterIsInstance<KMutableProperty<String>>()
props.forEach { (k, v) -> run {
val key = k as String
val value = v as String
val member = extraProperties.find { == key }
if (member != null) {, value)
else {
project.extra.set(k, v)
licensing {
license(License.APACHE_2) {
@ -118,9 +92,9 @@ licensing {
license("Disruptor", License.APACHE_2) {
author("LMAX Ltd")
note("High Performance Inter-Thread Messaging Library")
note("The highest performing intra-thread transfer mechanism available in Java")
license("FastThreadLocal", License.BSD_3) {
@ -130,10 +104,11 @@ licensing {
license("Kryo", License.BSD_3) {
author("Nathan Sweet")
license("IntMap", License.APACHE_2) {
author("Mario Zechner <>")
author("Nathan Sweet <>")
license("ReflectASM", License.BSD_3) {
@ -153,6 +128,12 @@ licensing {
license("Vibur Object Pool", License.APACHE_2) {
author("Simeon Malchev")
sourceSets {
@ -164,6 +145,15 @@ sourceSets {
test {
java {
// want to include java files for the source. 'setSrcDirs' resets includes...
repositories {
@ -205,13 +195,19 @@ tasks.compileJava.get().apply {
dependencies {
api ("com.lmax:disruptor:3.4.2")
api ("org.ow2.asm:asm:5.2")
api ("com.esotericsoftware:reflectasm:1.11.1")
api ("com.esotericsoftware:kryo:4.0.2")

View File

@ -1,3 +1,18 @@
* Copyright 2019 dorkbox, llc
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package dorkbox.messageBus;

View File

@ -15,6 +15,11 @@
package dorkbox.messageBus;
import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;
import com.conversantmedia.util.concurrent.DisruptorBlockingQueue;
import com.conversantmedia.util.concurrent.SpinPolicy;
import dorkbox.messageBus.dispatch.Dispatch;
import dorkbox.messageBus.dispatch.DispatchCancel;
import dorkbox.messageBus.dispatch.DispatchExact;
@ -22,88 +27,81 @@ import dorkbox.messageBus.dispatch.DispatchExactWithSuperTypes;
import dorkbox.messageBus.error.ErrorHandler;
import dorkbox.messageBus.error.IPublicationErrorHandler;
import dorkbox.messageBus.subscription.SubscriptionManager;
import dorkbox.messageBus.synchrony.AsyncABQ;
import dorkbox.messageBus.synchrony.AsyncABQ_noGc;
import dorkbox.messageBus.synchrony.AsyncDisruptor;
import dorkbox.messageBus.synchrony.Async;
import dorkbox.messageBus.synchrony.MessageHolder;
import dorkbox.messageBus.synchrony.Sync;
import dorkbox.messageBus.synchrony.Synchrony;
* The base class for all message bus implementations with support for asynchronous message dispatch.
* A message bus offers facilities for publishing messages to the message handlers of registered listeners.
* <p/>
* Because the message bus keeps track of classes that are subscribed and published, reloading the classloader means that you will need to
* SHUTDOWN the messagebus when you unload the classloader, and then re-subscribe relevant classes when you reload the classes.
* <p/>
* Messages can be published synchronously or asynchronously and may be of any type that is a valid sub type of the type parameter T.
* Message handlers can be invoked synchronously or asynchronously depending on their configuration. Thus, there
* are two notions of synchronicity / asynchronicity. One on the caller side, e.g. the invocation of the message publishing
* methods. The second on the handler side, e.g. whether the handler is invoked in the same or a different thread.
* <p/>
* Each message publication is isolated from all other running publications such that it does not interfere with them.
* Hence, the bus generally expects message handlers to be stateless as it may invoke them concurrently if multiple
* messages publish published asynchronously. If handlers are stateful and not thread-safe they can be marked to be invoked
* in a synchronized fashion using @Synchronized annotation
* <p/>
* A listener is any object that defines at least one message handler and that has been subscribed to at least
* one message bus. A message handler can be any method that accepts exactly one parameter (the message) and is marked
* as a message handler using the @Handler annotation.
* <p/>
* By default, the bus uses weak references to all listeners such that registered listeners do not need to
* be explicitly unregistered to be eligible for garbage collection. Dead (garbage collected) listeners are
* removed on-the-fly as messages publish dispatched. This can be changed using the @Listener annotation.
* <p/>
* Generally message handlers will be invoked in inverse sequence of subscription but any
* client using this bus should not rely on this assumption. The basic contract of the bus is that it will deliver
* a specific message exactly once to each of the respective message handlers.
* <p/>
* Messages are dispatched to all listeners that accept the type or supertype of the dispatched message.
* <p/>
* You may cancel any further dispatch of a message via {@link #cancel()}
* <p/>
* Subscribed message handlers are available to all pending message publications that have not yet started processing.
* Any message listener may only be subscribed once -> subsequent subscriptions of an already subscribed message listener
* will be silently ignored)
* <p/>
* Removing a listener (unsubscribing) means removing all subscribed message handlers of that listener. This remove operation
* immediately takes effect and on all running dispatch processes -> A removed listener (a listener
* is considered removed after the remove(Object) call returned) will under no circumstances receive any message publications.
* Any running message publication that has not yet delivered the message to the removed listener will not see the listener
* after the remove operation completed.
* <p/>
* NOTE: Generic type parameters of messages will not be taken into account, e.g. a List<Long> will
* publish dispatched to all message handlers that take an instance of List as their parameter
* See this post for insight on how it operates:
* TLDR: we use single-writer-principle + lazySet/get for major performance
* @author bennidi
* Date: 2/8/12
* @author dorkbox, llc
* Date: 2/2/15
class MessageBus implements IMessageBus {
* By default, we use ASM for accessing methods during the dispatch of messages. This is only available on certain platforms, and so
* it will gracefully 'fallback' to using standard java reflection to access the methods. "Standard java reflection" is not as fast
* as ASM, but only marginally.
* If you would like to use java reflection for accessing methods, set this value to false.
public static boolean useAsmForDispatch = true;
* 'useDisruptorForAsyncPublish' specifies to use the LMAX Disruptor for asynchronous dispatch of published messages. The benefit of
* such is that it is VERY high performance and generates zero garbage on the heap. The alternative (if this value is false), is to
* use an ArrayBlockingQueue, which has a "non-garbage" version (which is zero garbage, but slow-ish) and it's opposite (which
* generates garbage on the heap, but is faster).
* The disruptor is faster and better than either of these two, however because of it's use of unsafe, it is not available in all
* circumstances.
public static boolean useDisruptorForAsyncPublish = true;
* When using the ArrayBlockingQueue for the asynchronous dispatch of published messages, there are two modes of operation. A
* "non-garbage" version (which is zero garbage, but slow-ish) and it's opposite (which generates garbage on the heap, but is faster).
* By default, we strive to prevent garbage on the heap, so we use the "non-garbage" version. If you don't care about generating
* garbage on the heap, set this value to false.
public static boolean useZeroGarbageVersionOfABQ = true;
* By default, we use strong references when saving the subscribed listeners (these are the classes & methods that receive messages),
* however in certain environments (ie: spring), it is desirable to use weak references -- so that there are no memory leaks during
* the container lifecycle (or, more specifically, so one doesn't have to manually manage the memory).
* Using weak references is a tad slower than using strong references, since there are additional steps taken when there are orphaned
* references (when GC occurs) that have to be cleaned up. This cleanup occurs during message publication
public static boolean useStrongReferencesByDefault = true;
static {
// check to see if we can use ASM for method access (it's a LOT faster than reflection). By default, we use ASM.
if (useAsmForDispatch) {
// only bother checking if we are different that the defaults
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
useAsmForDispatch = false;
// check to see if we can use the disruptor for publication (otherwise, we use native java). The disruptor is a lot faster, but
// not available on all platforms/JRE's because of it's use of UNSAFE.
if (useDisruptorForAsyncPublish) {
// only bother checking if we are different that the defaults
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
useDisruptorForAsyncPublish = false;
class MessageBus {
* Gets the version number.
@ -113,102 +111,109 @@ class MessageBus implements IMessageBus {
* Cancels the publication of the message (or messages). Only applicable for the currently running thread. No more subscribers for
* this message will be called.
* Cancels the publication of the message or messages. Only applicable for the current dispatched message.
* <p>
* No more subscribers for this message will be called.
public static
void cancel() {
throw new DispatchCancel();
private static
Dispatch getDispatch(final DispatchMode dispatchMode, final ErrorHandler errorHandler, final SubscriptionManager subscriptionManager) {
if (dispatchMode == DispatchMode.Exact) {
return new DispatchExact(errorHandler, subscriptionManager);
return new DispatchExactWithSuperTypes(errorHandler, subscriptionManager);
private final ErrorHandler errorHandler;
private final SubscriptionManager subscriptionManager;
private final Dispatch dispatch;
private final Synchrony syncPublication;
private final Synchrony asyncPublication;
* By default, will permit subType matching, and will use half of CPUs available for dispatching async messages
* Will permit subType matching for matching what subscription handles which message
* <p>
* Will use half of CPUs available for dispatching async messages
* <p>
* Will use the Conversant Disruptor as the blocking queue implementation for asynchronous message publication
* <p>
* Will use half of CPUs available for dispatching async messages
MessageBus() {
* By default, will permit subType matching
* Will permit subType matching for matching what subscription handles which message
* <p>
* Will use half of CPUs available for dispatching async messages
* <p>
* Will use the Conversant Disruptor as the blocking queue implementation for asynchronous message publication
* @param numberOfThreads how many threads to use for dispatching async messages
MessageBus(final int numberOfThreads) {
this(DispatchMode.ExactWithSuperTypes, numberOfThreads);
this(DispatchMode.ExactWithSuperTypes, SubscriptionMode.StrongReferences, numberOfThreads);
* By default, will use half of CPUs available for dispatching async messages
* Will use half of CPUs available for dispatching async messages
* <p>
* Will use the Conversant Disruptor as the blocking queue implementation for asynchronous publication
* @param dispatchMode Specifies which publishMode to operate the publication of messages.
* @param dispatchMode Specifies which Dispatch Mode (Exact or ExactWithSuperTypes) to allow what subscription hierarchies receive the publication of a message.
* @param subscriptionMode Specifies which Subscription Mode Mode (Strong or Weak) to change how subscription handlers are saved internally.
MessageBus(final DispatchMode dispatchMode) {
this(dispatchMode, Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors());
MessageBus(final DispatchMode dispatchMode, final SubscriptionMode subscriptionMode) {
this(dispatchMode, subscriptionMode, Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()/2);
* @param dispatchMode Specifies which publishMode to operate the publication of messages.
* @param numberOfThreads how many threads to use for dispatching async messages
* Will use the Conversant Disruptor as the blocking queue implementation for asynchronous publication
* @param dispatchMode Specifies which Dispatch Mode (Exact or ExactWithSuperTypes) to allow what subscription hierarchies receive the publication of a message.
* @param subscriptionMode Specifies which Subscription Mode Mode (Strong or Weak) to change how subscription handlers are saved internally.
* @param numberOfThreads how many threads to use for dispatching async messages
MessageBus(final DispatchMode dispatchMode, int numberOfThreads) {
// round to the nearest power of 2
numberOfThreads = 1 << (32 - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(getMinNumberOfThreads(numberOfThreads) - 1));
MessageBus(final DispatchMode dispatchMode, final SubscriptionMode subscriptionMode, final int numberOfThreads) {
this(dispatchMode, subscriptionMode, new DisruptorBlockingQueue<MessageHolder>(1024, SpinPolicy.BLOCKING), numberOfThreads);
* Will use the Conversant Disruptor for asynchronous dispatch of published messages.
* <p>
* The benefit of such is that it is VERY high performance and generates zero garbage on the heap.
* @param dispatchMode Specifies which Dispatch Mode (Exact or ExactWithSuperTypes) to allow what subscription hierarchies receive the publication of a message.
* @param subscriptionMode Specifies which Subscription Mode Mode (Strong or Weak) to change how subscription handlers are saved internally.
* @param dispatchQueue Specified the Blocking queue implementation for managing asynchronous message publication
* @param numberOfThreads how many threads to use for dispatching async messages
MessageBus(final DispatchMode dispatchMode, final SubscriptionMode subscriptionMode, final BlockingQueue<MessageHolder> dispatchQueue, final int numberOfThreads) {
this.errorHandler = new ErrorHandler();
// Will subscribe and publish using all provided parameters in the method signature (for subscribe), and arguments (for publish)
this.subscriptionManager = new SubscriptionManager(useStrongReferencesByDefault);
this.subscriptionManager = new SubscriptionManager(subscriptionMode);
switch (dispatchMode) {
case Exact:
dispatch = new DispatchExact(errorHandler, subscriptionManager);
Dispatch dispatch = getDispatch(dispatchMode, errorHandler, subscriptionManager);
case ExactWithSuperTypes:
dispatch = new DispatchExactWithSuperTypes(errorHandler, subscriptionManager);
syncPublication = new Sync();
// the disruptor is preferred, but if it cannot be loaded -- we want to try to continue working, hence the use of ArrayBlockingQueue
if (useDisruptorForAsyncPublish) {
asyncPublication = new AsyncDisruptor(numberOfThreads, errorHandler);
} else {
if (useZeroGarbageVersionOfABQ) {
// no garbage is created, but this is slow (but faster than other messagebus implementations)
asyncPublication = new AsyncABQ_noGc(numberOfThreads, errorHandler);
else {
// garbage is created, but this is fast
asyncPublication = new AsyncABQ(numberOfThreads, errorHandler);
* Always return at least 2 threads
private static
int getMinNumberOfThreads(final int numberOfThreads) {
if (numberOfThreads < 2) {
return 2;
return numberOfThreads;
syncPublication = new Sync(dispatch);
asyncPublication = new Async(numberOfThreads, dispatch, dispatchQueue, errorHandler);
@ -216,7 +221,6 @@ class MessageBus implements IMessageBus {
* Subscribe all handlers of the given listener. Any listener is only subscribed once and
* subsequent subscriptions of an already subscribed listener will be silently ignored
void subscribe(final Object listener) {
if (listener == null) {
@ -230,14 +234,13 @@ class MessageBus implements IMessageBus {
* Immediately remove all registered message handlers (if any) of the given listener.
* <p>
* When this call returns all handlers have effectively been removed and will not
* receive any messages (provided that running publications/iterators in other threads
* have not yet obtained a reference to the listener)
* <p>
* A call to this method passing any object that is not subscribed will not have any effect and is silently ignored.
void unsubscribe(final Object listener) {
if (listener == null) {
@ -250,88 +253,97 @@ class MessageBus implements IMessageBus {
* Synchronously publish a message to all registered listeners. This includes listeners
* defined for super types of the given message type, provided they are not configured
* to reject valid subtypes. The call returns when all matching handlers of all registered
* listeners have been notified (invoked) of the message.
* Synchronously publish a message to all registered listeners.
* <p>
* This includes listeners defined for super types of the given message type, provided they are not configured
* to reject valid subtypes.
* <p>
* The call returns when all matching subscription handlers of all registered listeners have been notified (invoked) of the message.
void publish(final Object message1) {
syncPublication.publish(dispatch, message1);
void publish(final Object message) {
* Synchronously publish <b>TWO</b> messages to all registered listeners (that match the signature). This
* includes listeners defined for super types of the given message type, provided they are not configured
* to reject valid subtypes. The call returns when all matching handlers of all registered listeners have
* been notified (invoked) of the message.
* Synchronously publish <b>TWO</b> messages to all registered listeners (that match the signature).
* <p>
* This includes listeners defined for super types of the given message type, provided they are not configured
* to reject valid subtypes.
* <p>
* The call returns when all matching subscription handlers of all registered listeners have been notified (invoked) of the message.
void publish(final Object message1, final Object message2) {
syncPublication.publish(dispatch, message1, message2);
syncPublication.publish(message1, message2);
* Synchronously publish <b>THREE</b> messages to all registered listeners (that match the signature). This
* includes listeners defined for super types of the given message type, provided they are not configured
* to reject valid subtypes. The call returns when all matching handlers of all registered listeners have
* been notified (invoked) of the message.
* Synchronously publish <b>THREE</b> messages to all registered listeners (that match the signature).
* <p>
* This includes listeners defined for super types of the given message type, provided they are not configured
* to reject valid subtypes.
* <p>
* The call returns when all matching subscription handlers of all registered listeners have been notified (invoked) of the message.
void publish(final Object message1, final Object message2, final Object message3) {
syncPublication.publish(dispatch, message1, message2, message3);
syncPublication.publish(message1, message2, message3);
* Publish the message asynchronously to all registered listeners (that match the signature). This includes
* listeners defined for super types of the given message type, provided they are not configured to reject
* valid subtypes. This call returns immediately.
* <i>Asynchronously</i> publish the message to all registered listeners (that match the signature).
* <p>
* This includes listeners defined for super types of the given message type, provided they are not configured to reject
* valid subtypes.
* <p>
* This call returns immediately.
void publishAsync(final Object message) {
asyncPublication.publish(dispatch, message);
* Publish <b>TWO</b> messages asynchronously to all registered listeners (that match the signature). This
* <i>Asynchronously</i> publish <b>TWO</b> messages to all registered listeners (that match the signature).
* <p>
* This
* includes listeners defined for super types of the given message type, provided they are not configured
* to reject valid subtypes. This call returns immediately.
* to reject valid subtypes.
* <p>
* This call returns immediately.
void publishAsync(final Object message1, final Object message2) {
asyncPublication.publish(dispatch, message1, message2);
asyncPublication.publish(message1, message2);
* Publish <b>THREE</b> messages asynchronously to all registered listeners (that match the signature). This
* includes listeners defined for super types of the given message type, provided they are not configured to
* reject valid subtypes. This call returns immediately.
* <i>Asynchronously</i> publish <b>THREE</b> messages to all registered listeners (that match the signature).
* <p>
* This includes listeners defined for super types of the given message type, provided they are not configured to
* reject valid subtypes.
* <p>
* This call returns immediately.
void publishAsync(final Object message1, final Object message2, final Object message3) {
asyncPublication.publish(dispatch, message1, message2, message3);
asyncPublication.publish(message1, message2, message3);
* Publication errors may occur at various points of time during message delivery. A handler may throw an exception,
* may not be accessible due to security constraints or is not annotated properly.
* <p>
* In any of all possible cases a publication error is created and passed to each of the registered error handlers.
* A call to this method will add the given error handler to the chain
void addErrorHandler(final IPublicationErrorHandler errorHandler) {
@ -339,23 +351,24 @@ class MessageBus implements IMessageBus {
* Check whether any asynchronous message publications are pending to be processed
* Check whether any asynchronous message publications are pending to be processed.
* <p>
* Because of the nature of MULTI-THREADED, ASYNCHRONOUS environments, it is ** MORE THAN LIKELY ** this will not be an accurate reflection of the current state.
* @return true if any unfinished message publications are found
* @return true if there are still message publications waiting to be processed.
public final
boolean hasPendingMessages() {
return asyncPublication.hasPendingMessages();
* Shutdown the bus such that it will stop delivering asynchronous messages. Executor service and
* other internally used threads will be shutdown gracefully.
* <p>
* After calling shutdown it is not safe to further use the message bus.
void shutdown() {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
* Copyright 2019 dorkbox, llc
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package dorkbox.messageBus;
import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;
import org.vibur.objectpool.PoolService;
import com.conversantmedia.util.concurrent.DisruptorBlockingQueue;
import com.conversantmedia.util.concurrent.SpinPolicy;
import dorkbox.messageBus.dispatch.Dispatch;
import dorkbox.messageBus.dispatch.DispatchCancel;
import dorkbox.messageBus.dispatch.DispatchExact;
import dorkbox.messageBus.dispatch.DispatchExactWithSuperTypes;
import dorkbox.messageBus.error.ErrorHandler;
import dorkbox.messageBus.error.IPublicationErrorHandler;
import dorkbox.messageBus.subscription.SubscriptionManager;
import dorkbox.messageBus.synchrony.AsyncZeroGC;
import dorkbox.messageBus.synchrony.MessageHolderZeroGC;
import dorkbox.messageBus.synchrony.SyncZeroGC;
import dorkbox.messageBus.synchrony.SynchronyZeroGC;
* A message bus with ZERO GC capabilities offers facilities for publishing messages to the message handlers of registered listeners.
* <p/>
* Zero GC is possible through the useage of object pools. In our specific case, we use the Vibur Object Pool, because
* it is one of the fastest AND it supports the usage of the Conversant Disruptor.
* <p/>
* Because the message bus keeps track of classes that are subscribed and published, reloading the classloader means that you will need to
* SHUTDOWN the messagebus when you unload the classloader, and then re-subscribe relevant classes when you reload the classes.
* <p/>
* Messages can be published synchronously or asynchronously and may be of any type that is a valid sub type of the type parameter T.
* Message handlers can be invoked synchronously or asynchronously depending on their configuration. Thus, there
* are two notions of synchronicity / asynchronicity. One on the caller side, e.g. the invocation of the message publishing
* methods. The second on the handler side, e.g. whether the handler is invoked in the same or a different thread.
* <p/>
* Each message publication is isolated from all other running publications such that it does not interfere with them.
* Hence, the bus generally expects message handlers to be stateless as it may invoke them concurrently if multiple
* messages publish published asynchronously. If handlers are stateful and not thread-safe they can be marked to be invoked
* in a synchronized fashion using @Synchronized annotation
* <p/>
* A listener is any object that defines at least one message handler and that has been subscribed to at least
* one message bus. A message handler can be any method that accepts exactly one parameter (the message) and is marked
* as a message handler using the @Handler annotation.
* <p/>
* By default, the bus uses weak references to all listeners such that registered listeners do not need to
* be explicitly unregistered to be eligible for garbage collection. Dead (garbage collected) listeners are
* removed on-the-fly as messages publish dispatched. This can be changed using the @Listener annotation.
* <p/>
* Generally message handlers will be invoked in inverse sequence of subscription but any
* client using this bus should not rely on this assumption. The basic contract of the bus is that it will deliver
* a specific message exactly once to each of the respective message handlers.
* <p/>
* Messages are dispatched to all listeners that accept the type or supertype of the dispatched message.
* <p/>
* You may cancel any further dispatch of a message via {@link #cancel()}
* <p/>
* Subscribed message handlers are available to all pending message publications that have not yet started processing.
* Any message listener may only be subscribed once -> subsequent subscriptions of an already subscribed message listener
* will be silently ignored)
* <p/>
* Removing a listener (unsubscribing) means removing all subscribed message handlers of that listener. This remove operation
* immediately takes effect and on all running dispatch processes -> A removed listener (a listener
* is considered removed after the remove(Object) call returned) will under no circumstances receive any message publications.
* Any running message publication that has not yet delivered the message to the removed listener will not see the listener
* after the remove operation completed.
* <p/>
* NOTE: Generic type parameters of messages will not be taken into account, e.g. a List<Long> will
* publish dispatched to all message handlers that take an instance of List as their parameter
* See this post for insight on how it operates:
* TLDR: we use single-writer-principle + lazySet/get for major performance
* @author bennidi
* Date: 2/8/12
* @author dorkbox, llc
* Date: 2/2/15
class MessageBusZeroGC {
* Gets the version number.
public static
String getVersion() {
return "1.20";
* Cancels the publication of the message or messages. Only applicable for the current dispatched message.
* <p>
* No more subscribers for this message will be called.
public static
void cancel() {
throw new DispatchCancel();
private static
Dispatch getDispatch(final DispatchMode dispatchMode, final ErrorHandler errorHandler, final SubscriptionManager subscriptionManager) {
if (dispatchMode == DispatchMode.Exact) {
return new DispatchExact(errorHandler, subscriptionManager);
return new DispatchExactWithSuperTypes(errorHandler, subscriptionManager);
private final ErrorHandler errorHandler;
private final SubscriptionManager subscriptionManager;
private final SynchronyZeroGC syncPublication;
private final SynchronyZeroGC asyncPublication;
* Will permit subType matching for matching what subscription handles which message
* <p>
* Will use half of CPUs available for dispatching async messages
* <p>
* Will use the Conversant Disruptor as the blocking queue implementation for asynchronous message publication
* <p>
* Will use half of CPUs available for dispatching async messages
MessageBusZeroGC() {
* Will permit subType matching for matching what subscription handles which message
* <p>
* Will use half of CPUs available for dispatching async messages
* <p>
* Will use the Conversant Disruptor as the blocking queue implementation for asynchronous message publication
* @param numberOfThreads how many threads to use for dispatching async messages
MessageBusZeroGC(final int numberOfThreads) {
this(DispatchMode.ExactWithSuperTypes, SubscriptionMode.StrongReferences, numberOfThreads);
* Will use half of CPUs available for dispatching async messages
* <p>
* Will use the Conversant Disruptor as the blocking queue implementation for asynchronous publication
* @param dispatchMode Specifies which Dispatch Mode (Exact or ExactWithSuperTypes) to allow what subscription hierarchies receive the publication of a message.
* @param subscriptionMode Specifies which Subscription Mode Mode (Strong or Weak) to change how subscription handlers are saved internally.
MessageBusZeroGC(final DispatchMode dispatchMode, final SubscriptionMode subscriptionMode) {
this(dispatchMode, subscriptionMode, Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()/2);
* Will use the Conversant Disruptor as the blocking queue implementation for asynchronous publication
* @param dispatchMode Specifies which Dispatch Mode (Exact or ExactWithSuperTypes) to allow what subscription hierarchies receive the publication of a message.
* @param subscriptionMode Specifies which Subscription Mode Mode (Strong or Weak) to change how subscription handlers are saved internally.
* @param numberOfThreads how many threads to use for dispatching async messages
MessageBusZeroGC(final DispatchMode dispatchMode, final SubscriptionMode subscriptionMode, final int numberOfThreads) {
this(dispatchMode, subscriptionMode, new DisruptorBlockingQueue<MessageHolderZeroGC>(1024, SpinPolicy.BLOCKING), numberOfThreads);
* Will use the Conversant Disruptor for asynchronous dispatch of published messages.
* <p>
* The benefit of such is that it is VERY high performance and generates zero garbage on the heap.
* @param dispatchMode Specifies which Dispatch Mode (Exact or ExactWithSuperTypes) to allow what subscription hierarchies receive the publication of a message.
* @param subscriptionMode Specifies which Subscription Mode Mode (Strong or Weak) to change how subscription handlers are saved internally.
* @param dispatchQueue Specified the Blocking queue implementation for managing asynchronous message publication
* @param numberOfThreads how many threads to use for dispatching async messages
MessageBusZeroGC(final DispatchMode dispatchMode, final SubscriptionMode subscriptionMode, final BlockingQueue<MessageHolderZeroGC> dispatchQueue, final int numberOfThreads) {
this.errorHandler = new ErrorHandler();
// Will subscribe and publish using all provided parameters in the method signature (for subscribe), and arguments (for publish)
this.subscriptionManager = new SubscriptionManager(subscriptionMode);
Dispatch dispatch = getDispatch(dispatchMode, errorHandler, subscriptionManager);
syncPublication = new SyncZeroGC(dispatch);
asyncPublication = new AsyncZeroGC(numberOfThreads, dispatch, dispatchQueue, errorHandler);
* Subscribe all handlers of the given listener. Any listener is only subscribed once and
* subsequent subscriptions of an already subscribed listener will be silently ignored
void subscribe(final Object listener) {
if (listener == null) {
// single writer principle using synchronised
* Immediately remove all registered message handlers (if any) of the given listener.
* <p>
* When this call returns all handlers have effectively been removed and will not
* receive any messages (provided that running publications/iterators in other threads
* have not yet obtained a reference to the listener)
* <p>
* A call to this method passing any object that is not subscribed will not have any effect and is silently ignored.
void unsubscribe(final Object listener) {
if (listener == null) {
// single writer principle using synchronised
* Synchronously publish a message to all registered listeners.
* <p>
* This includes listeners defined for super types of the given message type, provided they are not configured
* to reject valid subtypes.
* <p>
* The call returns when all matching subscription handlers of all registered listeners have been notified (invoked) of the message.
<T> void publish(final PoolService<T> pool, final T message) {
syncPublication.publish(pool, message);
* Synchronously publish <b>TWO</b> messages to all registered listeners (that match the signature).
* <p>
* This includes listeners defined for super types of the given message type, provided they are not configured
* to reject valid subtypes.
* <p>
* The call returns when all matching subscription handlers of all registered listeners have been notified (invoked) of the message.
<T1, T2> void publish(final PoolService<T1> pool1, final PoolService<T2> pool2,
final T1 message1, final T2 message2) {
syncPublication.publish(pool1, pool2, message1, message2);
* Synchronously publish <b>THREE</b> messages to all registered listeners (that match the signature).
* <p>
* This includes listeners defined for super types of the given message type, provided they are not configured
* to reject valid subtypes.
* <p>
* The call returns when all matching subscription handlers of all registered listeners have been notified (invoked) of the message.
<T1, T2, T3> void publish(final PoolService<T1> pool1, final PoolService<T2> pool2, final PoolService<T3> pool3,
final T1 message1, final T2 message2, final T3 message3) {
syncPublication.publish(pool1, pool2, pool3, message1, message2, message3);
* <i>Asynchronously</i> publish the message to all registered listeners (that match the signature).
* <p>
* This includes listeners defined for super types of the given message type, provided they are not configured to reject
* valid subtypes.
* <p>
* This call returns immediately.
<T> void publishAsync(final PoolService<T> pool, final T message) {
asyncPublication.publish(pool, message);
* <i>Asynchronously</i> publish <b>TWO</b> messages to all registered listeners (that match the signature).
* <p>
* This
* includes listeners defined for super types of the given message type, provided they are not configured
* to reject valid subtypes.
* <p>
* This call returns immediately.
<T1, T2> void publishAsync(final PoolService<T1> pool1, final PoolService<T2> pool2,
final T1 message1, final T2 message2) {
asyncPublication.publish(pool1, pool2, message1, message2);
* <i>Asynchronously</i> publish <b>THREE</b> messages to all registered listeners (that match the signature).
* <p>
* This includes listeners defined for super types of the given message type, provided they are not configured to
* reject valid subtypes.
* <p>
* This call returns immediately.
<T1, T2, T3> void publishAsync(final PoolService<T1> pool1, final PoolService<T2> pool2, final PoolService<T3> pool3,
final T1 message1, final T2 message2, final T3 message3) {
asyncPublication.publish(pool1, pool2, pool3, message1, message2, message3);
* Publication errors may occur at various points of time during message delivery. A handler may throw an exception,
* may not be accessible due to security constraints or is not annotated properly.
* <p>
* In any of all possible cases a publication error is created and passed to each of the registered error handlers.
* A call to this method will add the given error handler to the chain
void addErrorHandler(final IPublicationErrorHandler errorHandler) {
* Check whether any asynchronous message publications are pending to be processed.
* <p>
* Because of the nature of MULTI-THREADED, ASYNCHRONOUS environments, it is ** MORE THAN LIKELY ** this will not be an accurate reflection of the current state.
* @return true if there are still message publications waiting to be processed.
public final
boolean hasPendingMessages() {
return asyncPublication.hasPendingMessages();
* Shutdown the bus such that it will stop delivering asynchronous messages. Executor service and
* other internally used threads will be shutdown gracefully.
* <p>
* After calling shutdown it is not safe to further use the message bus.
void shutdown() {

View File

@ -1,8 +1,20 @@
* Copyright 2019 dorkbox, llc
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package dorkbox.messageBus;
enum SubscriptionMode {

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package dorkbox.messageBus.synchrony.disruptor;
package dorkbox.messageBus.common;
* @author dorkbox, llc Date: 2/2/15

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright 2016 dorkbox, llc
* Copyright 2019 dorkbox, llc
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@ -18,13 +18,13 @@ package dorkbox.messageBus.synchrony;
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport;
import dorkbox.messageBus.common.MessageType;
import dorkbox.messageBus.dispatch.Dispatch;
import dorkbox.messageBus.error.ErrorHandler;
import dorkbox.messageBus.error.PublicationError;
import dorkbox.messageBus.synchrony.disruptor.MessageType;
import dorkbox.util.NamedThreadFactory;
@ -32,17 +32,25 @@ import dorkbox.util.NamedThreadFactory;
* The exception to this rule is when checking/calling DeadMessage publication.
* This is similar to the disruptor, however the downside of this implementation is that, while faster than the no-gc version, it
* generates garbage (while the disruptor version does not).
* Basically, the disruptor is fast + noGC.
* @author dorkbox, llc Date: 2/3/16
public final
class AsyncABQ implements Synchrony {
class Async implements Synchrony {
* Always return at least 2 threads
private static
int getMinNumberOfThreads(final int numberOfThreads) {
if (numberOfThreads < 2) {
return 2;
return numberOfThreads;
private final Dispatch dispatch;
private final BlockingQueue<MessageHolder> dispatchQueue;
private final ArrayBlockingQueue<MessageHolder> dispatchQueue;
private final Collection<Thread> threads;
private final Collection<Boolean> shutdown;
private final ErrorHandler errorHandler;
@ -54,22 +62,28 @@ class AsyncABQ implements Synchrony {
AsyncABQ(final int numberOfThreads, final ErrorHandler errorHandler) {
this.errorHandler = errorHandler;
Async(int numberOfThreads, final Dispatch dispatch, final BlockingQueue<MessageHolder> dispatchQueue, final ErrorHandler errorHandler) {
this.dispatch = dispatch;
this.dispatchQueue = new ArrayBlockingQueue<MessageHolder>(1024);
// ALWAYS round to the nearest power of 2
numberOfThreads = 1 << (32 - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(getMinNumberOfThreads(numberOfThreads) - 1));
this.errorHandler = errorHandler;
this.dispatchQueue = dispatchQueue;
// each thread will run forever and process incoming message publication requests
Runnable runnable = new Runnable() {
@SuppressWarnings({"ConstantConditions", "UnnecessaryLocalVariable"})
void run() {
final ArrayBlockingQueue<MessageHolder> IN_QUEUE = AsyncABQ.this.dispatchQueue;
final ErrorHandler errorHandler1 = errorHandler;
final Async outsideThis = Async.this;
while (!AsyncABQ.this.shuttingDown) {
process(IN_QUEUE, errorHandler1);
final Dispatch dispatch = outsideThis.dispatch;
final BlockingQueue<MessageHolder> queue = outsideThis.dispatchQueue;
final ErrorHandler errorHandler = outsideThis.errorHandler;
while (!outsideThis.shuttingDown) {
process(dispatch, queue, errorHandler);
synchronized (shutdown) {
@ -91,73 +105,62 @@ class AsyncABQ implements Synchrony {
void process(final ArrayBlockingQueue<MessageHolder> queue, final ErrorHandler errorHandler) {
MessageHolder event;
int messageType = MessageType.ONE;
Dispatch dispatch;
Object message1 = null;
Object message2 = null;
Object message3 = null;
void process(final Dispatch dispatch, final BlockingQueue<MessageHolder> queue, final ErrorHandler errorHandler) {
try {
event = queue.take();
messageType = event.type;
dispatch = event.dispatch;
message1 = event.message1;
message2 = event.message2;
message3 = event.message3;
MessageHolder message = queue.take();
int messageType = message.type;
switch (messageType) {
case MessageType.ONE: {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
errorHandler.handlePublicationError(new PublicationError().setMessage("Exception during message dequeue.")
case MessageType.TWO: {
dispatch.publish(message1, message2);
try {
dispatch.publish(message.message1, message.message2);
} catch (Exception e) {
errorHandler.handlePublicationError(new PublicationError().setMessage("Exception during message dequeue.")
.setPublishedObject(message.message1, message.message2));
case MessageType.THREE: {
dispatch.publish(message1, message2, message3);
try {
dispatch.publish(message.message1, message.message2, message.message3);
} catch (Exception e) {
errorHandler.handlePublicationError(new PublicationError().setMessage("Exception during message dequeue.")
.setPublishedObject(message.message1, message.message2, message.message3));
//noinspection UnnecessaryReturnStatement
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
if (!this.shuttingDown) {
switch (messageType) {
case MessageType.ONE: {
errorHandler.handlePublicationError(new PublicationError().setMessage("Interrupted error during message dequeue.")
case MessageType.TWO: {
errorHandler.handlePublicationError(new PublicationError().setMessage("Interrupted error during message dequeue.")
.setPublishedObject(message1, message2));
case MessageType.THREE: {
errorHandler.handlePublicationError(new PublicationError().setMessage("Interrupted error during message dequeue.")
.setPublishedObject(message1, message2, message3));
//noinspection UnnecessaryReturnStatement
errorHandler.handlePublicationError(new PublicationError().setMessage("Interrupted exception during message dequeue.")
void publish(final Dispatch dispatch, final Object message1) {
void publish(final Object message1) {
MessageHolder job = new MessageHolder();
job.type = MessageType.ONE;
job.dispatch = dispatch;
job.message1 = message1;
@ -172,11 +175,10 @@ class AsyncABQ implements Synchrony {
void publish(final Dispatch dispatch, final Object message1, final Object message2) {
void publish(final Object message1, final Object message2) {
MessageHolder job = new MessageHolder();
job.type = MessageType.TWO;
job.dispatch = dispatch;
job.message1 = message1;
job.message2 = message2;
@ -192,11 +194,10 @@ class AsyncABQ implements Synchrony {
void publish(final Dispatch dispatch, final Object message1, final Object message2, final Object message3) {
void publish(final Object message1, final Object message2, final Object message3) {
MessageHolder job = new MessageHolder();
job.type = MessageType.THREE;
job.dispatch = dispatch;
job.message1 = message1;
job.message2 = message2;

View File

@ -1,217 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2016 dorkbox, llc
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package dorkbox.messageBus.synchrony;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport;
import com.lmax.disruptor.LiteBlockingWaitStrategy;
import com.lmax.disruptor.PhasedBackoffWaitStrategy;
import com.lmax.disruptor.RingBuffer;
import com.lmax.disruptor.Sequence;
import com.lmax.disruptor.SequenceBarrier;
import com.lmax.disruptor.Sequencer;
import com.lmax.disruptor.WaitStrategy;
import com.lmax.disruptor.WorkProcessor;
import dorkbox.messageBus.dispatch.Dispatch;
import dorkbox.messageBus.error.ErrorHandler;
import dorkbox.messageBus.synchrony.disruptor.EventBusFactory;
import dorkbox.messageBus.synchrony.disruptor.MessageHandler;
import dorkbox.messageBus.synchrony.disruptor.MessageType;
import dorkbox.messageBus.synchrony.disruptor.PublicationExceptionHandler;
import dorkbox.util.NamedThreadFactory;
* By default, it is the calling thread that has to get the subscriptions, which the sync/async logic then uses.
* The exception to this rule is when checking/calling DeadMessage publication.
* @author dorkbox, llc Date: 2/3/16
public final
class AsyncDisruptor implements Synchrony {
private final WorkProcessor<MessageHolder>[] workProcessors;
private final MessageHandler[] handlers;
private final RingBuffer<MessageHolder> ringBuffer;
private final Sequence workSequence;
AsyncDisruptor(final int numberOfThreads, final ErrorHandler errorHandler) {
// Now we setup the disruptor and work handlers
ExecutorService executor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(numberOfThreads, numberOfThreads,
0, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS, // handlers are never idle, so this doesn't matter
new LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>(), // also, this doesn't matter
new NamedThreadFactory("MessageBus"));
final PublicationExceptionHandler<MessageHolder> exceptionHandler = new PublicationExceptionHandler<MessageHolder>(errorHandler);
EventBusFactory factory = new EventBusFactory();
// setup the work handlers
handlers = new MessageHandler[numberOfThreads];
for (int i = 0; i < handlers.length; i++) {
handlers[i] = new MessageHandler(); // exactly one per thread is used
// final int BUFFER_SIZE = ringBufferSize * 64;
// final int BUFFER_SIZE = 1024 * 64;
// final int BUFFER_SIZE = 1024;
final int BUFFER_SIZE = 32;
// final int BUFFER_SIZE = 16;
// final int BUFFER_SIZE = 8;
// final int BUFFER_SIZE = 4;
WaitStrategy consumerWaitStrategy;
// consumerWaitStrategy = new LiteBlockingWaitStrategy(); // good blocking one
// consumerWaitStrategy = new BlockingWaitStrategy();
// consumerWaitStrategy = new YieldingWaitStrategy();
// consumerWaitStrategy = new BusySpinWaitStrategy(); // best for low latency
// consumerWaitStrategy = new SleepingWaitStrategy();
// consumerWaitStrategy = new PhasedBackoffWaitStrategy(20, 50, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, new SleepingWaitStrategy(0));
// consumerWaitStrategy = new PhasedBackoffWaitStrategy(10, 50, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, new BlockingWaitStrategy());
consumerWaitStrategy = new PhasedBackoffWaitStrategy(10, 50, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, new LiteBlockingWaitStrategy()); // good combo
ringBuffer = RingBuffer.createMultiProducer(factory, BUFFER_SIZE, consumerWaitStrategy);
SequenceBarrier sequenceBarrier = ringBuffer.newBarrier();
// setup the WorkProcessors (these consume from the ring buffer -- one at a time) and tell the "handler" to execute the item
workSequence = new Sequence(Sequencer.INITIAL_CURSOR_VALUE);
final int numWorkers = handlers.length;
workProcessors = new WorkProcessor[numWorkers];
for (int i = 0; i < numWorkers; i++) {
workProcessors[i] = new WorkProcessor<MessageHolder>(ringBuffer,
exceptionHandler, workSequence);
// setup the WorkProcessor sequences (control what is consumed from the ring buffer)
final Sequence[] sequences = getSequences();
// configure the start position for the WorkProcessors, and start them
final long cursor = ringBuffer.getCursor();
for (WorkProcessor<?> processor : workProcessors) {
void publish(final Dispatch dispatch, final Object message1) {
long seq =;
MessageHolder job = ringBuffer.get(seq);
job.type = MessageType.ONE;
job.dispatch = dispatch;
job.message1 = message1;
void publish(final Dispatch dispatch, final Object message1, final Object message2) {
long seq =;
MessageHolder job = ringBuffer.get(seq);
job.type = MessageType.TWO;
job.dispatch = dispatch;
job.message1 = message1;
job.message2 = message2;
void publish(final Dispatch dispatch, final Object message1, final Object message2, final Object message3) {
long seq =;
MessageHolder job = ringBuffer.get(seq);
job.type = MessageType.THREE;
job.dispatch = dispatch;
job.message1 = message1;
job.message3 = message2;
job.message2 = message3;
// gets the sequences used for processing work
Sequence[] getSequences() {
final Sequence[] sequences = new Sequence[workProcessors.length + 1];
for (int i = 0, size = workProcessors.length; i < size; i++) {
sequences[i] = workProcessors[i].getSequence();
sequences[sequences.length - 1] = workSequence; // always add the work sequence
return sequences;
boolean hasPendingMessages() {
// from workerPool.drainAndHalt()
Sequence[] workerSequences = getSequences();
final long cursor = ringBuffer.getCursor();
for (Sequence s : workerSequences) {
if (cursor > s.get()) {
return true;
return false;
void shutdown() {
for (WorkProcessor<?> processor : workProcessors) {
for (MessageHandler handler : handlers) {
while (!handler.isShutdown()) {
LockSupport.parkNanos(100L); // wait 100ms for handlers to quit

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright 2016 dorkbox, llc
* Copyright 2019 dorkbox, llc
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@ -18,13 +18,17 @@ package dorkbox.messageBus.synchrony;
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport;
import org.vibur.objectpool.ConcurrentPool;
import org.vibur.objectpool.PoolService;
import org.vibur.objectpool.util.MultithreadConcurrentQueueCollection;
import dorkbox.messageBus.dispatch.Dispatch;
import dorkbox.messageBus.error.ErrorHandler;
import dorkbox.messageBus.error.PublicationError;
import dorkbox.messageBus.synchrony.disruptor.MessageType;
import dorkbox.messageBus.common.MessageType;
import dorkbox.util.NamedThreadFactory;
@ -40,12 +44,13 @@ import dorkbox.util.NamedThreadFactory;
* @author dorkbox, llc Date: 2/3/16
public final
class AsyncABQ_noGc implements Synchrony {
class AsyncZeroGC implements SynchronyZeroGC {
private final ArrayBlockingQueue<MessageHolder> dispatchQueue;
private final Dispatch dispatch;
private final BlockingQueue<MessageHolderZeroGC> dispatchQueue;
// have two queues to prevent garbage, So we pull off one queue to add to another queue and when done, we put it back
private final ArrayBlockingQueue<MessageHolder> gcQueue;
// we use a pool to prevent garbage creation.
private final PoolService<MessageHolderZeroGC> pool;
private final Collection<Thread> threads;
private final Collection<Boolean> shutdown;
@ -58,30 +63,31 @@ class AsyncABQ_noGc implements Synchrony {
AsyncABQ_noGc(final int numberOfThreads, final ErrorHandler errorHandler) {
AsyncZeroGC(final int numberOfThreads, final Dispatch dispatch, final BlockingQueue<MessageHolderZeroGC> dispatchQueue, final ErrorHandler errorHandler) {
this.errorHandler = errorHandler;
this.dispatch = dispatch;
this.dispatchQueue = new ArrayBlockingQueue<MessageHolder>(1024);
this.gcQueue = new ArrayBlockingQueue<MessageHolder>(1024);
this.dispatchQueue = dispatchQueue;
this.pool = new ConcurrentPool<MessageHolderZeroGC>(new MultithreadConcurrentQueueCollection<>(1024),
new MessageHolderZeroGCClassFactory(),
16, 1024, true);
// this is how we prevent garbage
for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++) {
gcQueue.add(new MessageHolder());
// each thread will run forever and process incoming message publication requests
Runnable runnable = new Runnable() {
@SuppressWarnings({"ConstantConditions", "UnnecessaryLocalVariable"})
void run() {
final ArrayBlockingQueue<MessageHolder> IN_QUEUE = AsyncABQ_noGc.this.dispatchQueue;
final ArrayBlockingQueue<MessageHolder> OUT_QUEUE = AsyncABQ_noGc.this.gcQueue;
AsyncZeroGC outsideThis = AsyncZeroGC.this;
final ErrorHandler errorHandler1 = errorHandler;
final Dispatch dispatch = outsideThis.dispatch;
final BlockingQueue<MessageHolderZeroGC> queue = outsideThis.dispatchQueue;
final PoolService<MessageHolderZeroGC> pool = outsideThis.pool;
final ErrorHandler errorHandler = outsideThis.errorHandler;
while (!AsyncABQ_noGc.this.shuttingDown) {
process(IN_QUEUE, OUT_QUEUE, errorHandler1);
while (!outsideThis.shuttingDown) {
process(dispatch, queue, pool, errorHandler);
synchronized (shutdown) {
@ -101,99 +107,101 @@ class AsyncABQ_noGc implements Synchrony {
@SuppressWarnings({"Duplicates", "unchecked"})
void process(final ArrayBlockingQueue<MessageHolder> queue,
final ArrayBlockingQueue<MessageHolder> gcQueue, final ErrorHandler errorHandler) {
MessageHolder event;
int messageType = MessageType.ONE;
Dispatch dispatch;
Object message1 = null;
Object message2 = null;
Object message3 = null;
void process(final Dispatch dispatch, final BlockingQueue<MessageHolderZeroGC> queue,
final PoolService<MessageHolderZeroGC> pool, final ErrorHandler errorHandler) {
try {
event = queue.take();
messageType = event.type;
dispatch = event.dispatch;
message1 = event.message1;
message2 = event.message2;
message3 = event.message3;
MessageHolderZeroGC message = queue.take();
int messageType = message.type;
switch (messageType) {
case MessageType.ONE: {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
errorHandler.handlePublicationError(new PublicationError().setMessage("Exception during message dequeue.")
} finally {
case MessageType.TWO: {
dispatch.publish(message1, message2);
try {
dispatch.publish(message.message1, message.message2);
} catch (Exception e) {
errorHandler.handlePublicationError(new PublicationError().setMessage("Exception during message dequeue.")
.setPublishedObject(message.message1, message.message2));
} finally {
case MessageType.THREE: {
dispatch.publish(message1, message2, message3);
try {
dispatch.publish(message.message1, message.message2, message.message3);
} catch (Exception e) {
errorHandler.handlePublicationError(new PublicationError().setMessage("Exception during message dequeue.")
.setPublishedObject(message.message1, message.message2, message.message3));
} finally {
//noinspection UnnecessaryReturnStatement
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
if (!this.shuttingDown) {
switch (messageType) {
case MessageType.ONE: {
errorHandler.handlePublicationError(new PublicationError().setMessage("Interrupted error during message dequeue.")
case MessageType.TWO: {
errorHandler.handlePublicationError(new PublicationError().setMessage("Interrupted error during message dequeue.")
.setPublishedObject(message1, message2));
case MessageType.THREE: {
errorHandler.handlePublicationError(new PublicationError().setMessage("Interrupted error during message dequeue.")
.setPublishedObject(message1, message2, message3));
//noinspection UnnecessaryReturnStatement
errorHandler.handlePublicationError(new PublicationError().setMessage("Interrupted exception during message dequeue.")
void publish(final Dispatch dispatch, final Object message1) {
<T> void publish(final PoolService<T> pool, final T message) {
try {
MessageHolder job = gcQueue.take();
MessageHolderZeroGC job = this.pool.take();
job.type = MessageType.ONE;
job.dispatch = dispatch;
job.message1 = message1;
job.pool1 = pool;
job.message1 = message;
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
errorHandler.handlePublicationError(new PublicationError().setMessage("Interrupted error during message queue.")
void publish(final Dispatch dispatch, final Object message1, final Object message2) {
<T1, T2> void publish(final PoolService<T1> pool1, final PoolService<T2> pool2,
final T1 message1, final T2 message2) {
try {
MessageHolder job = gcQueue.take();
MessageHolderZeroGC job = pool.take();
job.type = MessageType.TWO;
job.dispatch = dispatch;
job.pool1 = pool1;
job.pool2 = pool2;
job.message1 = message1;
job.message2 = message2;
@ -208,12 +216,16 @@ class AsyncABQ_noGc implements Synchrony {
void publish(final Dispatch dispatch, final Object message1, final Object message2, final Object message3) {
<T1, T2, T3> void publish(final PoolService<T1> pool1, final PoolService<T2> pool2, final PoolService<T3> pool3,
final T1 message1, final T2 message2, final T3 message3) {
try {
MessageHolder job = gcQueue.take();
MessageHolderZeroGC job = pool.take();
job.type = MessageType.THREE;
job.dispatch = dispatch;
job.pool1 = pool1;
job.pool2 = pool2;
job.pool3 = pool3;
job.message1 = message1;
job.message2 = message2;

View File

@ -15,8 +15,7 @@
package dorkbox.messageBus.synchrony;
import dorkbox.messageBus.dispatch.Dispatch;
import dorkbox.messageBus.synchrony.disruptor.MessageType;
import dorkbox.messageBus.common.MessageType;
* @author dorkbox, llc Date: 2/2/15
@ -24,7 +23,6 @@ import dorkbox.messageBus.synchrony.disruptor.MessageType;
class MessageHolder {
public int type = MessageType.ONE;
public Dispatch dispatch = null;
public Object message1 = null;
public Object message2 = null;

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright 2015 dorkbox, llc
* Copyright 2019 dorkbox, llc
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@ -13,24 +13,27 @@
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package dorkbox.messageBus.synchrony.disruptor;
package dorkbox.messageBus.synchrony;
import com.lmax.disruptor.EventFactory;
import org.vibur.objectpool.PoolService;
import dorkbox.messageBus.synchrony.MessageHolder;
import dorkbox.messageBus.common.MessageType;
* @author dorkbox, llc
* Date: 2/2/15
* @author dorkbox, llc Date: 2/2/19
public class EventBusFactory implements EventFactory<MessageHolder> {
class MessageHolderZeroGC {
public int type = MessageType.ONE;
public EventBusFactory() {
public PoolService pool1 = null;
public PoolService pool2 = null;
public PoolService pool3 = null;
public Object message1 = null;
public Object message2 = null;
public Object message3 = null;
MessageHolder newInstance() {
return new MessageHolder();
MessageHolderZeroGC() {}

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@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
* Copyright 2019 dorkbox, llc
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package dorkbox.messageBus.synchrony;
import org.vibur.objectpool.PoolObjectFactory;
import dorkbox.messageBus.common.MessageType;
* Factory for managing the stat of 'MessageHolder' for use by the Zero GC Async Queue.
class MessageHolderZeroGCClassFactory implements PoolObjectFactory<MessageHolderZeroGC> {
* Creates a new object for the calling object pool. This object is presumed to be ready (and valid)
* for immediate use. Should <b>never</b> return {@code null}.
* <p>This method will be called by the constructors of {@link ConcurrentPool}, and by any of its
* {@code take...} methods if they were able to obtain a permit from the counting {@code Semaphore}
* guarding the pool, but there was no ready and valid object in the pool. I.e., this is the case when
* a new object is created lazily in the pool upon request.
* @return a new object for this object pool
MessageHolderZeroGC create() {
return new MessageHolderZeroGC();
* A validation/activation hook which will be called by the {@code take...} methods of
* {@link ConcurrentPool} when an object from the object pool is requested by the application.
* This is an optional operation which concrete implementation may simply always return {@code true}.
* <p>If there is a particular activation or validation which needs to be done
* for the taken from the pool object, this is the ideal place where it can be done.
* @see #readyToRestore
* @param obj an object which is taken from the object pool and which is to be given
* to the calling application
* @return {@code true} if the validation/activation is successful, {@code false} otherwise
boolean readyToTake(final MessageHolderZeroGC obj) {
return true;
* A validation/passivation hook which will be called by the {@code restore} methods of
* {@link ConcurrentPool} when an object taken before that from the object pool is about to be
* restored (returned back) to the pool. This is an optional operation which concrete implementation
* may simply always return {@code true}.
* <p>If there is a particular passivation or validation which needs to be done
* for the restored to the pool object, this is the ideal place where it can be done.
* @see #readyToTake
* @param obj an object which has been taken before that from this object pool and which is now
* to be restored to the pool
* @return {@code true} if the validation/passivation is successful, {@code false} otherwise
boolean readyToRestore(final MessageHolderZeroGC obj) {
return true;
* A method which will be called when an object from the object pool needs to be destroyed,
* which is when the {@link #readyToTake} or {@link #readyToRestore} methods have returned
* {@code false}, or when the pool is shrinking its size (via calling {@code reduceCreatedBy/To}),
* or when the pool is terminating. The simplest implementation of this method may simply
* do nothing, however if there are any allocated resources associated with the to-be-destroyed
* object, like network connections or similar, this is the ideal place where they can be
* de-allocated.
* @param obj an object from the pool which needs to be destroyed
void destroy(final MessageHolderZeroGC obj) {
obj.type = MessageType.ONE;
obj.pool1 = null;
obj.pool2 = null;
obj.pool3 = null;
obj.message1 = null;
obj.message2 = null;
obj.message3 = null;

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@ -25,25 +25,28 @@ import dorkbox.messageBus.dispatch.Dispatch;
public final
class Sync implements Synchrony {
private final Dispatch dispatch;
Sync() {
Sync(final Dispatch dispatch) {
this.dispatch = dispatch;
void publish(final Dispatch dispatch, final Object message1) {
void publish(final Object message1) {
void publish(final Dispatch dispatch, final Object message1, final Object message2) {
void publish(final Object message1, final Object message2) {
dispatch.publish(message1, message2);
void publish(final Dispatch dispatch, final Object message1, final Object message2, final Object message3) {
void publish(final Object message1, final Object message2, final Object message3) {
dispatch.publish(message1, message2, message3);

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@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
* Copyright 2019 dorkbox, llc
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package dorkbox.messageBus.synchrony;
import org.vibur.objectpool.PoolService;
import dorkbox.messageBus.dispatch.Dispatch;
* @author dorkbox, llc Date: 2/2/15
public final
class SyncZeroGC implements SynchronyZeroGC {
private final Dispatch dispatch;
SyncZeroGC(final Dispatch dispatch) {
this.dispatch = dispatch;
<T> void publish(final PoolService<T> pool, final T message) {
try {
} finally {
<T1, T2> void publish(final PoolService<T1> pool1, final PoolService<T2> pool2,
final T1 message1, final T2 message2) {
try {
dispatch.publish(message1, message2);
} finally {
<T1, T2, T3> void publish(final PoolService<T1> pool1, final PoolService<T2> pool2, final PoolService<T3> pool3,
final T1 message1, final T2 message2, final T3 message3) {
try {
dispatch.publish(message1, message2, message3);
} finally {
void shutdown() {
boolean hasPendingMessages() {
return false;

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@ -15,16 +15,14 @@
package dorkbox.messageBus.synchrony;
import dorkbox.messageBus.dispatch.Dispatch;
* @author dorkbox, llc Date: 2/3/16
interface Synchrony {
void publish(Dispatch dispatch, Object message1);
void publish(Dispatch dispatch, Object message1, Object message2);
void publish(Dispatch dispatch, Object message1, Object message2, Object message3);
void publish(Object message1);
void publish(Object message1, Object message2);
void publish(Object message1, Object message2, Object message3);
void shutdown();
boolean hasPendingMessages();

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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
* Copyright 2019 dorkbox, llc
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package dorkbox.messageBus.synchrony;
import org.vibur.objectpool.PoolService;
* @author dorkbox, llc Date: 2/3/16
interface SynchronyZeroGC {
<T> void publish(PoolService<T> pool, T message1);
<T1, T2> void publish(PoolService<T1> pool1, PoolService<T2> pool2,
T1 message1, T2 message2);
<T1, T2, T3> void publish(PoolService<T1> pool1, PoolService<T2> pool2, PoolService<T3> pool3,
T1 message1, T2 message2, T3 message3);
void shutdown();
boolean hasPendingMessages();

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@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2015 dorkbox, llc
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package dorkbox.messageBus.synchrony.disruptor;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import com.lmax.disruptor.LifecycleAware;
import com.lmax.disruptor.WorkHandler;
import dorkbox.messageBus.synchrony.MessageHolder;
* @author dorkbox, llc Date: 2/2/15
class MessageHandler implements WorkHandler<MessageHolder>, LifecycleAware {
private final AtomicBoolean shutdown = new AtomicBoolean(false);
MessageHandler() {
void onEvent(final MessageHolder event) throws Exception {
final int messageType = event.type;
switch (messageType) {
case MessageType.ONE: {
case MessageType.TWO: {
event.dispatch.publish(event.message1, event.message2);
case MessageType.THREE: {
event.dispatch.publish(event.message1, event.message2, event.message3);
//noinspection UnnecessaryReturnStatement
void onStart() {
public synchronized
void onShutdown() {
boolean isShutdown() {
return shutdown.get();

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@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2016 dorkbox, llc
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package dorkbox.messageBus.synchrony.disruptor;
import com.lmax.disruptor.ExceptionHandler;
import dorkbox.messageBus.error.ErrorHandler;
import dorkbox.messageBus.error.PublicationError;
* @author dorkbox, llc Date: 2/3/16
public final class PublicationExceptionHandler<T> implements ExceptionHandler<T> {
private final ErrorHandler errorHandler;
public PublicationExceptionHandler(ErrorHandler errorHandler) {
this.errorHandler = errorHandler;
public void handleEventException(final Throwable e, final long sequence, final T event) {
this.errorHandler.handlePublicationError(new PublicationError()
.setMessage("Exception processing: " + sequence + " " + event.getClass() + "(" + event + ")")
public void handleOnStartException(final Throwable e) {
this.errorHandler.handlePublicationError(new PublicationError()
.setMessage("Error starting the disruptor")
public void handleOnShutdownException(final Throwable e) {
this.errorHandler.handlePublicationError(new PublicationError()
.setMessage("Error stopping the disruptor")