/* * Copyright 2018 dorkbox, llc * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import java.time.Instant /////////////////////////////// ////// PUBLISH TO SONATYPE / MAVEN CENTRAL ////// ////// TESTING : local maven repo ////// ////// RELEASE : sonatype / maven central, then /////////////////////////////// println("\tGradle ${project.gradle.gradleVersion} on Java ${JavaVersion.current()}") plugins { java signing `maven-publish` // publish on sonatype id("de.marcphilipp.nexus-publish") version "0.2.0" // close and release on sonatype id("io.codearte.nexus-staging") version "0.21.0" id("com.dorkbox.CrossCompile") version "1.0.1" id("com.dorkbox.Licensing") version "1.4" id("com.dorkbox.VersionUpdate") version "1.6" id("com.dorkbox.GradleUtils") version "1.2" kotlin("jvm") version "1.3.31" } object Extras { // set for the project const val description = "Lightweight, extremely fast, and zero-gc message/event bus for Java 6+" const val group = "com.dorkbox" const val version = "2.1" // set as project.ext const val name = "MessageBus" const val id = "MessageBus" const val vendor = "Dorkbox LLC" const val url = "https://git.dorkbox.com/dorkbox/MessageBus" val buildDate = Instant.now().toString() val JAVA_VERSION = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_6.toString() var sonatypeUserName = "" var sonatypePassword = "" } /////////////////////////////// ///// assign 'Extras' /////////////////////////////// GradleUtils.load("$projectDir/../../gradle.properties", Extras) description = Extras.description group = Extras.group version = Extras.version licensing { license(License.APACHE_2) { author(Extras.vendor) url(Extras.url) note(Extras.description) } license("Dorkbox Utils", License.APACHE_2) { author(Extras.vendor) url("https://git.dorkbox.com/dorkbox/Utilities") } license("ASM", License.BSD_3) { copyright(2012) author("France Télécom") url("http://asm.ow2.org") note("Bytecode manipulation framework and utilities") } license("LMAX Disruptor", License.APACHE_2) { copyright(2011) author("LMAX Ltd") url("https://github.com/LMAX-Exchange/disruptor/") note("High Performance Inter-Thread Messaging Library") } license("Conversant Disruptor", License.APACHE_2) { copyright(2011) author("Conversant") url("https://github.com/conversant/disruptor/") note("The highest performing intra-thread transfer mechanism available in Java") } license("FastThreadLocal", License.BSD_3) { copyright (2014) author("Lightweight Java Game Library Project") author("Riven") url("https://github.com/LWJGL/lwjgl3/blob/5819c9123222f6ce51f208e022cb907091dd8023/modules/core/src/main/java/org/lwjgl/system/FastThreadLocal.java") } license("IntMap", License.APACHE_2) { copyright(2013) author("Mario Zechner ") author("Nathan Sweet ") url("http://github.com/libgdx/libgdx/") } license("ReflectASM", License.BSD_3) { copyright(2008) author("Nathan Sweet") url("https://github.com/EsotericSoftware/reflectasm") } license("MBassador", License.MIT) { copyright(2012) author("Benjamin Diedrichsen") url("https://github.com/bennidi/mbassador") } license("SLF4J", License.MIT) { copyright(2008) author("QOS.ch") url("http://www.slf4j.org") } } sourceSets { main { java { setSrcDirs(listOf("src")) // want to include java files for the source. 'setSrcDirs' resets includes... include("**/*.java") } } test { java { setSrcDirs(listOf("test")) // want to include java files for the source. 'setSrcDirs' resets includes... include("**/*.java") } } } repositories { mavenLocal() // this must be first! jcenter() } /////////////////////////////// ////// Task defaults /////////////////////////////// tasks.withType { options.encoding = "UTF-8" sourceCompatibility = Extras.JAVA_VERSION targetCompatibility = Extras.JAVA_VERSION } tasks.jar.get().apply { manifest { // https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/deployment/jar/packageman.html attributes["Name"] = Extras.name attributes["Specification-Title"] = Extras.name attributes["Specification-Version"] = Extras.version attributes["Specification-Vendor"] = Extras.vendor attributes["Implementation-Title"] = "${Extras.group}.${Extras.id}" attributes["Implementation-Version"] = Extras.buildDate attributes["Implementation-Vendor"] = Extras.vendor attributes["Automatic-Module-Name"] = Extras.id } } tasks.compileJava.get().apply { println("\tCompiling classes to Java $sourceCompatibility") } dependencies { implementation("com.dorkbox:Utilities:1.2") implementation("com.lmax:disruptor:3.4.2") implementation("com.conversantmedia:disruptor:1.2.15") implementation("org.ow2.asm:asm:7.1") implementation("com.esotericsoftware:reflectasm:1.11.9") implementation("org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.26") testCompile("junit:junit:4.12") testCompile("ch.qos.logback:logback-classic:1.2.3") } /////////////////////////////// ////// PUBLISH TO SONATYPE / MAVEN CENTRAL ////// ////// TESTING : local maven repo ////// ////// RELEASE : sonatype / maven central, then /////////////////////////////// val sourceJar = task("sourceJar") { description = "Creates a JAR that contains the source code." from(sourceSets["main"].java) archiveClassifier.set("sources") } val javaDocJar = task("javaDocJar") { description = "Creates a JAR that contains the javadocs." archiveClassifier.set("javadoc") } publishing { publications { create("maven") { groupId = Extras.group artifactId = Extras.id version = Extras.version from(components["java"]) artifact(sourceJar) artifact(javaDocJar) pom { name.set(Extras.name) description.set(Extras.description) url.set(Extras.url) issueManagement { url.set("${Extras.url}/issues") system.set("Gitea Issues") } organization { name.set(Extras.vendor) url.set("https://dorkbox.com") } developers { developer { id.set("dorkbox") name.set(Extras.vendor) email.set("email@dorkbox.com") } } scm { url.set(Extras.url) connection.set("scm:${Extras.url}.git") } } } } repositories { maven { setUrl("https://oss.sonatype.org/service/local/staging/deploy/maven2") credentials { username = Extras.sonatypeUserName password = Extras.sonatypePassword } } } tasks.withType { onlyIf { publication == publishing.publications["maven"] && repository == publishing.repositories["maven"] } } tasks.withType { onlyIf { publication == publishing.publications["maven"] } } // output the release URL in the console tasks["releaseRepository"].doLast { val url = "https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/releases/" val projectName = Extras.group.replace('.', '/') val name = Extras.name val version = Extras.version println("Maven URL: $url$projectName/$name/$version/") } nexusStaging { username = Extras.sonatypeUserName password = Extras.sonatypePassword } nexusPublishing { packageGroup.set(Extras.group) repositoryName.set("maven") username.set(Extras.sonatypeUserName) password.set(Extras.sonatypePassword) } signing { sign(publishing.publications["maven"]) } task("publishAndRelease") { group = "publish and release" // required to make sure the tasks run in the correct order tasks["closeAndReleaseRepository"].mustRunAfter(tasks["publishToNexus"]) dependsOn("publishToNexus", "closeAndReleaseRepository") } }