package com.esotericsoftware.minlog; import; import; import java.util.Date; /** * A low overhead, lightweight logging system. * @author Nathan Sweet */ public class Log { /** No logging at all. */ static public final int LEVEL_NONE = 6; /** Critical errors. The application may no longer work correctly. */ static public final int LEVEL_ERROR = 5; /** Important warnings. The application will continue to work correctly. */ static public final int LEVEL_WARN = 4; /** Informative messages. Typically used for deployment. */ static public final int LEVEL_INFO = 3; /** Debug messages. This level is useful during development. */ static public final int LEVEL_DEBUG = 2; /** Trace messages. A lot of information is logged, so this level is usually only needed when debugging a problem. */ static public final int LEVEL_TRACE = 1; /** * The level of messages that will be logged. Compiling this and the booleans below as "final" will cause the compiler to * remove all "if ( ..." type statements below the set level. */ static private int level = LEVEL_INFO; /** True when the ERROR level will be logged. */ static public boolean ERROR = level <= LEVEL_ERROR; /** True when the WARN level will be logged. */ static public boolean WARN = level <= LEVEL_WARN; /** True when the INFO level will be logged. */ static public boolean INFO = level <= LEVEL_INFO; /** True when the DEBUG level will be logged. */ static public boolean DEBUG = level <= LEVEL_DEBUG; /** True when the TRACE level will be logged. */ static public boolean TRACE = level <= LEVEL_TRACE; /** * Sets the level to log. If a version of this class is being used that has a final log level, this has no affect. */ static public void set (int level) { // Comment out method contents when compiling fixed level JARs. Log.level = level; ERROR = level <= LEVEL_ERROR; WARN = level <= LEVEL_WARN; INFO = level <= LEVEL_INFO; DEBUG = level <= LEVEL_DEBUG; TRACE = level <= LEVEL_TRACE; } static public void NONE () { set(LEVEL_NONE); } static public void ERROR () { set(LEVEL_ERROR); } static public void WARN () { set(LEVEL_WARN); } static public void INFO () { set(LEVEL_INFO); } static public void DEBUG () { set(LEVEL_DEBUG); } static public void TRACE () { set(LEVEL_TRACE); } /** * Sets the logger that will write the log messages. */ static public void setLogger (Logger logger) { Log.logger = logger; } static private Logger logger = new Logger(); static public void error (String message, Throwable ex) { if (ERROR) logger.log(LEVEL_ERROR, null, message, ex); } static public void error (String category, String message, Throwable ex) { if (ERROR) logger.log(LEVEL_ERROR, category, message, ex); } static public void error (String message) { if (ERROR) logger.log(LEVEL_ERROR, null, message, null); } static public void error (String category, String message) { if (ERROR) logger.log(LEVEL_ERROR, category, message, null); } static public void warn (String message, Throwable ex) { if (WARN) logger.log(LEVEL_WARN, null, message, ex); } static public void warn (String category, String message, Throwable ex) { if (WARN) logger.log(LEVEL_WARN, category, message, ex); } static public void warn (String message) { if (WARN) logger.log(LEVEL_WARN, null, message, null); } static public void warn (String category, String message) { if (WARN) logger.log(LEVEL_WARN, category, message, null); } static public void info (String message, Throwable ex) { if (INFO) logger.log(LEVEL_INFO, null, message, ex); } static public void info (String category, String message, Throwable ex) { if (INFO) logger.log(LEVEL_INFO, category, message, ex); } static public void info (String message) { if (INFO) logger.log(LEVEL_INFO, null, message, null); } static public void info (String category, String message) { if (INFO) logger.log(LEVEL_INFO, category, message, null); } static public void debug (String message, Throwable ex) { if (DEBUG) logger.log(LEVEL_DEBUG, null, message, ex); } static public void debug (String category, String message, Throwable ex) { if (DEBUG) logger.log(LEVEL_DEBUG, category, message, ex); } static public void debug (String message) { if (DEBUG) logger.log(LEVEL_DEBUG, null, message, null); } static public void debug (String category, String message) { if (DEBUG) logger.log(LEVEL_DEBUG, category, message, null); } static public void trace (String message, Throwable ex) { if (TRACE) logger.log(LEVEL_TRACE, null, message, ex); } static public void trace (String category, String message, Throwable ex) { if (TRACE) logger.log(LEVEL_TRACE, category, message, ex); } static public void trace (String message) { if (TRACE) logger.log(LEVEL_TRACE, null, message, null); } static public void trace (String category, String message) { if (TRACE) logger.log(LEVEL_TRACE, category, message, null); } private Log () { } /** * Performs the actual logging. Default implementation logs to System.out. Extended and use {@link Log#logger} set to handle * logging differently. */ static public class Logger { private long firstLogTime = new Date().getTime(); public void log (int level, String category, String message, Throwable ex) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(256); long time = new Date().getTime() - firstLogTime; long minutes = time / (1000 * 60); long seconds = time / (1000) % 60; if (minutes <= 9) builder.append('0'); builder.append(minutes); builder.append(':'); if (seconds <= 9) builder.append('0'); builder.append(seconds); switch (level) { case LEVEL_ERROR: builder.append(" ERROR: "); break; case LEVEL_WARN: builder.append(" WARN: "); break; case LEVEL_INFO: builder.append(" INFO: "); break; case LEVEL_DEBUG: builder.append(" DEBUG: "); break; case LEVEL_TRACE: builder.append(" TRACE: "); break; } if (category != null) { builder.append('['); builder.append(category); builder.append("] "); } builder.append(message); if (ex != null) { StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(256); ex.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(writer)); builder.append('\n'); builder.append(writer.toString().trim()); } print(builder.toString()); } /** * Prints the message to System.out. Called by the default implementation of {@link #log(int, String, String, Throwable)}. */ protected void print (String message) { System.out.println(message); } } }