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* Copyright 2010 dorkbox, llc
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import io.aeron.FragmentAssembler
import io.aeron.logbuffer.FragmentHandler
import io.aeron.logbuffer.Header
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
import org.agrona.DirectBuffer
import java.util.*
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList
* NOTE: when using "server.publish(A)", this will go to ALL CLIENTS! add this to aeron via "publication.addDestination" so aeron manages it
* The server can only be accessed in an ASYNC manner. This means that the server can only be used in RESPONSE to events. If you access the
* server OUTSIDE of events, you will get inaccurate information from the server (such as getConnections())
* To put it bluntly, ONLY have the server do work inside of a listener!
open class Server<C : Connection>(config: ServerConfiguration = ServerConfiguration()) : EndPoint<C>(config) {
companion object {
* Gets the version number.
const val version = "4.1"
* Checks to see if a server (using the specified configuration) is running.
* @return true if the configuration matches and can connect (but not verify) to the TCP control socket.
fun isRunning(configuration: ServerConfiguration): Boolean {
val server = Server<Connection>(configuration)
val running = server.isRunning()
return running
* @return true if this server has successfully bound to an IP address and is running
private var bindAlreadyCalled = false
override val connectionManager = ConnectionManagerServer<C>(logger, config)
* Maintains a thread-safe collection of rules to allow/deny connectivity to this server.
protected val ipFilterRules = CopyOnWriteArrayList<IpFilterRule>()
* Maintains a thread-safe collection of rules used to define the connection type with this server.
protected val connectionRules = CopyOnWriteArrayList<ConnectionRule>()
init {
// have to do some basic validation of our configuration
config.listenIpAddress = config.listenIpAddress.toLowerCase()
// localhost/loopback IP might not always be or ::1
when (config.listenIpAddress) {
"loopback", "localhost", "lo" -> config.listenIpAddress = NetUtil.LOCALHOST.hostAddress
else -> when {
config.listenIpAddress.startsWith("127.") -> config.listenIpAddress = NetUtil.LOCALHOST.hostAddress
config.listenIpAddress.startsWith("::1") -> config.listenIpAddress = NetUtil.LOCALHOST6.hostAddress
else -> config.listenIpAddress = "" // we set this to "" so that it is clear that we are trying to bind to that address.
// if we are IPv6, the IP must be in '[]'
if (config.listenIpAddress.count { it == ':' } > 1 &&
config.listenIpAddress.count { it == '[' } < 1 &&
config.listenIpAddress.count { it == ']' } < 1) {
config.listenIpAddress = """[${config.listenIpAddress}]"""
if (config.listenIpAddress == "") {
// fixup windows!
config.listenIpAddress = NetworkUtil.WILDCARD_IPV4
if (config.publicationPort <= 0) { throw ServerException("configuration port must be > 0") }
if (config.publicationPort >= 65535) { throw ServerException("configuration port must be < 65535") }
if (config.subscriptionPort <= 0) { throw ServerException("configuration controlPort must be > 0") }
if (config.subscriptionPort >= 65535) { throw ServerException("configuration controlPort must be < 65535") }
if (config.networkMtuSize <= 0) { throw ServerException("configuration networkMtuSize must be > 0") }
if (config.networkMtuSize >= 9 * 1024) { throw ServerException("configuration networkMtuSize must be < ${9 * 1024}") }
* Binds the server to AERON configuration
* @param blockUntilTerminate if true, will BLOCK until the server [close] method is called, and if you want to continue running code
* after this pass in false
fun bind(blockUntilTerminate: Boolean = true) {
if (bindAlreadyCalled) {
logger.error("Unable to bind when the server is already running!")
bindAlreadyCalled = true
config as ServerConfiguration
// setup the "HANDSHAKE" ports, for initial clients to connect.
// The is how clients then get the new ports to connect to + other configuration options
val handshakeDriver = UdpMediaDriverConnection(
address = config.listenIpAddress,
subscriptionPort = config.subscriptionPort,
publicationPort = config.publicationPort,
val handshakePublication = handshakeDriver.publication
val handshakeSubscription = handshakeDriver.subscription
logger.debug("Server listening for incoming clients on ${handshakePublication.localSocketAddresses()}")
val ipcHandshakeDriver = IpcMediaDriverConnection(
streamIdSubscription = IPC_HANDSHAKE_STREAM_ID_SUB,
val ipcHandshakePublication = ipcHandshakeDriver.publication
val ipcHandshakeSubscription = ipcHandshakeDriver.subscription
* Note:
* Reassembly has been shown to be minimal impact to latency. But not totally negligible. If the lowest latency is
* desired, then limiting message sizes to MTU size is a good practice.
* There is a maximum length allowed for messages which is the min of 1/8th a term length or 16MB.
* Messages larger than this should chunked using an application level chunking protocol. Chunking has better recovery
* properties from failure and streams with mechanical sympathy.
val initialConnectionHandler = FragmentAssembler(FragmentHandler { buffer: DirectBuffer, offset: Int, length: Int, header: Header ->
actionDispatch.launch {
connectionManager.receiveHandshakeMessageServer(handshakePublication, buffer, offset, length, header, this@Server)
val ipcInitialConnectionHandler = FragmentAssembler(FragmentHandler { buffer: DirectBuffer, offset: Int, length: Int, header: Header ->
actionDispatch.launch {
println("GOT MESSAGE!")
actionDispatch.launch {
val pollIdleStrategy = config.pollIdleStrategy
try {
var pollCount: Int
while (!isShutdown()) {
pollCount = 0
// this checks to see if there are NEW clients
// pollCount += handshakeSubscription.poll(initialConnectionHandler, 100)
// this checks to see if there are NEW clients via IPC
pollCount += ipcHandshakeSubscription.poll(ipcInitialConnectionHandler, 100)
// this manages existing clients (for cleanup + connection polling)
// pollCount += connectionManager.poll()
// 0 means we idle. >0 means reset and don't idle (because there are likely more poll events)
} finally {
// we now BLOCK until the stop method is called.
if (blockUntilTerminate) {
* Adds an IP+subnet rule that defines if that IP+subnet is allowed/denied connectivity to this server.
* If there are any IP+subnet added to this list - then ONLY those are permitted (all else are denied)
* If there is nothing added to this list - then ALL are permitted
fun addIpFilterRule(vararg rules: IpFilterRule?) {
* Adds an IP+subnet rule that defines what type of connection this IP+subnet should have.
* - NOTHING : Nothing happens to the in/out bytes
* - COMPRESS: The in/out bytes are compressed with LZ4-fast
* - COMPRESS_AND_ENCRYPT: The in/out bytes are compressed (LZ4-fast) THEN encrypted (AES-256-GCM)
* If no rules are defined, then for LOOPBACK, it will always be `COMPRESS` and for everything else it will always be `COMPRESS_AND_ENCRYPT`.
* If rules are defined, then everything by default is `COMPRESS_AND_ENCRYPT`.
* The compression algorithm is LZ4-fast, so there is a small performance impact for a very large gain
* Compress : 6.210 micros/op; 629.0 MB/s (output: 55.4%)
* Uncompress : 0.641 micros/op; 6097.9 MB/s
fun addConnectionRules(vararg rules: ConnectionRule?) {
// verify the class ID registration details.
// the client will send their class registration data. VERIFY IT IS CORRECT!
// verify the class ID registration details.
// the client will send their class registration data. VERIFY IT IS CORRECT!
// var state: = registrationWrapper.verifyClassRegistration(metaChannel, registration)
// if (state == RegistrationWrapper.STATE.ERROR)
// {
// // abort! There was an error
// shutdown(channel, 0)
// return
// } else if (state == RegistrationWrapper.STATE.WAIT)
// {
// return
// }
* Checks to seeOnce a server has connected to ANY client, it will always return true until server.close() is called
* @return true if we are connected, false otherwise.
override fun isConnected(): Boolean {
return connectionManager.connectionCount() > 0
* Safely sends objects to a destination
suspend fun send(message: Any) {
* When called by a server, NORMALLY listeners are added at the GLOBAL level (meaning, I add one listener,
* and ALL connections are notified of that listener.
* <br></br>
* It is POSSIBLE to add a server-connection 'local' listener (via connection.addListener), meaning that ONLY
* that listener attached to the connection is notified on that event (ie, admin type listeners)
* @return a newly created listener manager for the connection
// fun addListenerManager(connection: C): ConnectionManager<C> {
// return connectionManager.addListenerManager(connection)
// }
* When called by a server, NORMALLY listeners are added at the GLOBAL level (meaning, I add one listener,
* and ALL connections are notified of that listener.
* <br></br>
* It is POSSIBLE to remove a server-connection 'local' listener (via connection.removeListener), meaning that ONLY
* that listener attached to the connection is removed
* This removes the listener manager for that specific connection
// fun removeListenerManager(connection: C) {
// connectionManager.removeListenerManager(connection)
// }
// /**
// * Creates a "global" remote object for use by multiple connections.
// *
// * @return the ID assigned to this RMI object
// */
// fun <T> create(objectId: Short, globalObject: T) {
// return rmiGlobalObjects.register(globalObject)
// }
// /**
// * Creates a "global" remote object for use by multiple connections.
// *
// * @return the ID assigned to this RMI object
// */
// fun <T> create(`object`: T): Short {
// return rmiGlobalObjects.register(`object`) ?: 0
// }
* Adds a custom connection to the server.
* This should only be used in situations where there can be DIFFERENT types of connections (such as a 'web-based' connection) and
* you want *this* server instance to manage listeners + message dispatch
* @param connection the connection to add
fun add(connection: C) {
* Removes a custom connection to the server.
* This should only be used in situations where there can be DIFFERENT types of connections (such as a 'web-based' connection) and
* you want *this* server instance to manage listeners + message dispatch
* @param connection the connection to remove
fun remove(connection: C) {
// if no rules, then always yes
// if rules, then default no unless a rule says yes. ACCEPT rules take precedence over REJECT (so if you have both rules, ACCEPT will happen)
fun acceptRemoteConnection(remoteAddress: InetSocketAddress): Boolean {
val size = ipFilterRules.size
if (size == 0) {
return true
val address = remoteAddress.address
// it's possible for a remote address to match MORE than 1 rule.
var isAllowed = false
for (i in 0 until size) {
val rule = ipFilterRules[i] ?: continue
if (isAllowed) {
if (rule.matches(remoteAddress)) {
isAllowed = rule.ruleType() == IpFilterRuleType.ACCEPT
logger.debug("Validating {} Connection allowed: {}", address, isAllowed)
return isAllowed
* Checks to see if a server (using the specified configuration) is running.
* @return true if the server is active and running
fun isRunning(): Boolean {
return mediaDriver.context().isDriverActive(10_000, logger::debug)
override fun close() {
bindAlreadyCalled = false
* Only called by the server!
* If we are loopback or the client is a specific IP/CIDR address, then we do things differently. The LOOPBACK address will never encrypt or compress the traffic.
// after the handshake, what sort of connection do we want (NONE, COMPRESS, ENCRYPT+COMPRESS)
fun getConnectionUpgradeType(remoteAddress: InetSocketAddress): Byte {
val address = remoteAddress.address
val size = connectionRules.size
// if it's unknown, then by default we encrypt the traffic
var connectionType = ConnectionProperties.COMPRESS_AND_ENCRYPT
if (size == 0 && address == NetUtil.LOCALHOST) {
// if nothing is specified, then by default localhost is compression and everything else is encrypted
connectionType = ConnectionProperties.COMPRESS
for (i in 0 until size) {
val rule = connectionRules[i] ?: continue
if (rule.matches(remoteAddress)) {
connectionType = rule.ruleType()
logger.debug("Validating {} Permitted type is: {}", remoteAddress, connectionType)
return connectionType.type
enum class STATE {
// fun verifyClassRegistration(metaChannel: MetaChannel, registration: Registration): STATE {
// if (registration.upgradeType == UpgradeType.FRAGMENTED) {
// val fragment = registration.payload!!
// // this means that the registrations are FRAGMENTED!
// // max size of ALL fragments is xxx * 127
// if (metaChannel.fragmentedRegistrationDetails == null) {
// metaChannel.remainingFragments = fragment[1]
// metaChannel.fragmentedRegistrationDetails = ByteArray(Serialization.CLASS_REGISTRATION_VALIDATION_FRAGMENT_SIZE * fragment[1])
// }
// System.arraycopy(fragment, 2, metaChannel.fragmentedRegistrationDetails, fragment[0] * Serialization.CLASS_REGISTRATION_VALIDATION_FRAGMENT_SIZE, fragment.size - 2)
// metaChannel.remainingFragments--
// if (fragment[0] + 1 == fragment[1].toInt()) {
// // this is the last fragment in the in byte array (but NOT necessarily the last fragment to arrive)
// val correctSize = Serialization.CLASS_REGISTRATION_VALIDATION_FRAGMENT_SIZE * (fragment[1] - 1) + (fragment.size - 2)
// val correctlySized = ByteArray(correctSize)
// System.arraycopy(metaChannel.fragmentedRegistrationDetails, 0, correctlySized, 0, correctSize)
// metaChannel.fragmentedRegistrationDetails = correctlySized
// }
// if (metaChannel.remainingFragments.toInt() == 0) {
// // there are no more fragments available
// val details = metaChannel.fragmentedRegistrationDetails
// metaChannel.fragmentedRegistrationDetails = null
// if (!serialization.verifyKryoRegistration(details)) {
// // error
// return STATE.ERROR
// }
// } else {
// // wait for more fragments
// return STATE.WAIT
// }
// } else {
// if (!serialization.verifyKryoRegistration(registration.payload!!)) {
// return STATE.ERROR
// }
// }
// }