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import io.aeron.Aeron
import io.aeron.ChannelUriStringBuilder
import io.aeron.Publication
import io.aeron.Subscription
import kotlinx.coroutines.delay
interface MediaDriverConnection : AutoCloseable {
val address: String
val streamId: Int
val sessionId: Int
val subscriptionPort: Int
val publicationPort: Int
val subscription: Subscription
val publication: Publication
val isReliable: Boolean
suspend fun buildClient(aeron: Aeron)
fun buildServer(aeron: Aeron)
fun clientInfo() : String
fun serverInfo() : String
* For a client, the ports specified here MUST be manually flipped because they are in the perspective of the SERVER
class UdpMediaDriverConnection(override val address: String,
override val subscriptionPort: Int,
override val publicationPort: Int,
override val streamId: Int,
override val sessionId: Int,
private val connectionTimeoutMS: Long = 0,
override val isReliable: Boolean = true) : MediaDriverConnection {
override lateinit var subscription: Subscription
override lateinit var publication: Publication
var success: Boolean = false
private fun uri(): ChannelUriStringBuilder {
val builder = ChannelUriStringBuilder().reliable(isReliable).media("udp")
if (sessionId != EndPoint.RESERVED_SESSION_ID_INVALID) {
return builder
override suspend fun buildClient(aeron: Aeron) {
if (address.isEmpty()) {
throw ClientException("Invalid address : '$address'")
// Create a subscription with a control port (for dynamic MDC) at the given address and port, using the given stream ID.
val subscriptionUri = uri()
// Create a publication at the given address and port, using the given stream ID.
// Note: The Aeron.addPublication method will block until the Media Driver acknowledges the request or a timeout occurs.
val publicationUri = uri()
// NOTE: Handlers are called on the client conductor thread. The client conductor thread expects handlers to do safe
// publication of any state to other threads and not be long running or re-entrant with the client.
val subscription = aeron.addSubscription(, streamId)
val publication = aeron.addPublication(, streamId)
var success = false
// this will wait for the server to acknowledge the connection (all via aeron)
var startTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
while (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime < connectionTimeoutMS) {
if (subscription.isConnected && subscription.imageCount() > 0) {
success = true
delay(timeMillis = 10L)
if (!success) {
throw ClientTimedOutException("Creating subscription connection to aeron")
success = false
// this will wait for the server to acknowledge the connection (all via aeron)
startTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
while (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime < connectionTimeoutMS) {
if (publication.isConnected) {
success = true
delay(timeMillis = 10L)
if (!success) {
throw ClientTimedOutException("Creating publication connection to aeron")
this.success = true
this.subscription = subscription
this.publication = publication
override fun buildServer(aeron: Aeron) {
if (address.isEmpty()) {
throw ServerException("Invalid address. It is empty!")
// Create a subscription with a control port (for dynamic MDC) at the given address and port, using the given stream ID.
val subscriptionUri = uri()
// Create a publication with a control port (for dynamic MDC) at the given address and port, using the given stream ID.
// Note: The Aeron.addPublication method will block until the Media Driver acknowledges the request or a timeout occurs.
val publicationUri = uri()
// NOTE: Handlers are called on the client conductor thread. The client conductor thread expects handlers to do safe
// publication of any state to other threads and not be long running or re-entrant with the client.
subscription = aeron.addSubscription(, streamId)
publication = aeron.addPublication(, streamId)
override fun clientInfo(): String {
return if (sessionId != EndPoint.RESERVED_SESSION_ID_INVALID) {
"Connecting to $address [$subscriptionPort|$publicationPort] [$streamId|$sessionId] (reliable:$isReliable)"
} else {
"Connecting to $address [$subscriptionPort|$publicationPort] [$streamId] (reliable:$isReliable)"
override fun serverInfo(): String {
return if (sessionId != EndPoint.RESERVED_SESSION_ID_INVALID) {
"Listening on $address [$subscriptionPort|$publicationPort] [$streamId|$sessionId] (reliable:$isReliable)"
} else {
"Listening on $address [$subscriptionPort|$publicationPort] [$streamId] (reliable:$isReliable)"
override fun close() {
if (success) {
override fun toString(): String {
return "$address [$subscriptionPort|$publicationPort] [$streamId|$sessionId] (reliable:$isReliable)"
* For a client, the streamId specified here MUST be manually flipped because they are in the perspective of the SERVER
class IpcMediaDriverConnection(override val streamId: Int,
val streamIdSubscription: Int,
override val sessionId: Int,
private val connectionTimeoutMS: Long = 30_000,
override val isReliable: Boolean = true) : MediaDriverConnection {
override val address = ""
override val subscriptionPort = 0
override val publicationPort = 0
override lateinit var subscription: Subscription
override lateinit var publication: Publication
var success: Boolean = false
init {
private fun uri(): ChannelUriStringBuilder {
val builder = ChannelUriStringBuilder().media("ipc")
if (sessionId != EndPoint.RESERVED_SESSION_ID_INVALID) {
return builder
override suspend fun buildClient(aeron: Aeron) {
// Create a subscription with a control port (for dynamic MDC) at the given address and port, using the given stream ID.
val subscriptionUri = uri()
// .controlEndpoint("$address:$subscriptionPort")
// .controlMode("dynamic")
// Create a publication at the given address and port, using the given stream ID.
// Note: The Aeron.addPublication method will block until the Media Driver acknowledges the request or a timeout occurs.
val publicationUri = uri()
// .endpoint("$address:$publicationPort")
// NOTE: Handlers are called on the client conductor thread. The client conductor thread expects handlers to do safe
// publication of any state to other threads and not be long running or re-entrant with the client.
val subscription = aeron.addSubscription(, streamIdSubscription)
val publication = aeron.addPublication(, streamId)
var success = false
// this will wait for the server to acknowledge the connection (all via aeron)
var startTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
while (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime < connectionTimeoutMS) {
if (subscription.isConnected && subscription.imageCount() > 0) {
success = true
delay(timeMillis = 10L)
if (!success) {
throw ClientTimedOutException("Creating subscription connection to aeron")
success = false
// this will wait for the server to acknowledge the connection (all via aeron)
startTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
while (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime < connectionTimeoutMS) {
if (publication.isConnected) {
success = true
delay(timeMillis = 10L)
if (!success) {
throw ClientTimedOutException("Creating publication connection to aeron")
this.success = true
this.subscription = subscription
this.publication = publication
override fun buildServer(aeron: Aeron) {
// Create a subscription with a control port (for dynamic MDC) at the given address and port, using the given stream ID.
val subscriptionUri = uri()
// .endpoint("$address:$subscriptionPort")
// Create a publication with a control port (for dynamic MDC) at the given address and port, using the given stream ID.
// Note: The Aeron.addPublication method will block until the Media Driver acknowledges the request or a timeout occurs.
val publicationUri = uri()
// .controlEndpoint("$address:$publicationPort")
// .controlMode("dynamic")
// NOTE: Handlers are called on the client conductor thread. The client conductor thread expects handlers to do safe
// publication of any state to other threads and not be long running or re-entrant with the client.
subscription = aeron.addSubscription(, streamIdSubscription)
publication = aeron.addPublication(, streamId)
override fun clientInfo() : String {
return ""
override fun serverInfo() : String {
return ""
fun connect() : Pair<String, String> {
return Pair("","")
override fun close() {
override fun toString(): String {
return "$address [$subscriptionPort|$publicationPort] [$streamId|$sessionId]"