WIP ping mangement

This commit is contained in:
Robinson 2021-04-30 14:58:49 +02:00
parent a3c0d9881a
commit 3f016672e6

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@ -1,285 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2020 dorkbox, llc
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package dorkbox.network.ping
import dorkbox.network.rmi.ResponseWaiter
import dorkbox.network.rmi.RmiUtils
import dorkbox.network.rmi.messages.MethodResponse
import kotlinx.atomicfu.atomic
import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope
import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineStart
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.Channel
import kotlinx.coroutines.delay
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
import mu.KLogger
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock
import kotlin.concurrent.read
import kotlin.concurrent.write
* Manages the "pending response" from pings. This is VERY similar to how RMI works, but tweaked for PING usage
* response ID's and the memory they hold will leak if the response never arrives!
internal class PingResponseManager(private val logger: KLogger, private val actionDispatch: CoroutineScope) {
companion object {
val TIMEOUT_EXCEPTION = Exception()
// Response ID's are for ALL in-flight RMI on the network stack. instead of limited to (originally) 64, we are now limited to 65,535
// these are just looped around in a ring buffer.
// These are stored here as int, however these are REALLY shorts and are int-packed when transferring data on the wire
// 65535 IN FLIGHT RMI method invocations is plenty
// 0 is reserved for INVALID
// 1 is reserved for ASYNC
private val maxValuesInCache = 65535
private val rmiWaitersInUse = atomic(0)
private val waiterCache = Channel<ResponseWaiter>(maxValuesInCache)
private val pendingLock = ReentrantReadWriteLock()
private val pending = arrayOfNulls<Any?>(maxValuesInCache+1) // +1 because it's possible to have the value 65535 in the cache
init {
// create a shuffled list of ID's. This operation is ONLY performed ONE TIME per endpoint!
val ids = mutableListOf<Int>()
for (id in Short.MIN_VALUE..-1) {
// MIN (32768) -> -1 (65535)
// 2 (2) -> MAX (32767)
// ZERO is special, and is never added!
// ONE is special, and is used for ASYNC (the response will never be sent back)
for (id in 2..Short.MAX_VALUE) {
// populate the array of randomly assigned ID's + waiters. This can happen in a new thread
actionDispatch.launch {
for (it in ids) {
* resume any pending remote object method invocations (if they are not async, or not manually waiting)
* NOTE: async RMI will never call this (because async doesn't return a response)
suspend fun onRmiMessage(message: MethodResponse) {
val rmiId = RmiUtils.unpackUnsignedRight(message.packedId)
val result = message.result
logger.trace { "RMI return: $rmiId" }
val previous = pendingLock.write {
val previous = pending[rmiId]
pending[rmiId] = result
// if NULL, since either we don't exist (because we were async), or it was cancelled
if (previous is ResponseWaiter) {
logger.trace { "RMI valid-cancel: $rmiId" }
// this means we were NOT timed out! (we cannot be timed out here)
* gets the ResponseWaiter (id + waiter) and prepares the pending response map
* We ONLY care about the ID to get the correct response info. If there is no response, the ID can be ignored.
internal suspend fun prep(): ResponseWaiter {
val responseRmi = waiterCache.receive()
logger.trace { "RMI count: ${rmiWaitersInUse.value}" }
// this will replace the waiter if it was cancelled (waiters are not valid if cancelled)
pendingLock.write {
// this just does a .toUShort().toInt() conversion. This is cleaner than doing it manually
pending[RmiUtils.unpackUnsignedRight(responseRmi.id)] = responseRmi
return responseRmi
* We only wait for a reply if we are SYNC.
* ASYNC does not send a response
* @return the result (can be null) or timeout exception
suspend fun waitForReply(responseWaiter: ResponseWaiter, timeoutMillis: Long): Any? {
val rmiId = RmiUtils.unpackUnsignedRight(responseWaiter.id) // this just does a .toUShort().toInt() conversion. This is cleaner than doing it manually
logger.trace {
"RMI waiting: $rmiId"
// NOTE: we ALWAYS send a response from the remote end (except when async).
// 'async' -> DO NOT WAIT (no response)
// 'timeout > 0' -> WAIT w/ TIMEOUT
// 'timeout == 0' -> WAIT FOREVER
if (timeoutMillis > 0) {
val responseTimeoutJob = actionDispatch.launch(start = CoroutineStart.UNDISPATCHED) {
// NOTE: UNDISPATCHED means that this coroutine will start when `rmiWaiter.doWait()` is called (the first suspension point)
// we want this behavior INSTEAD OF automatically starting this on a new thread.
delay(timeoutMillis) // this will always wait. if this job is cancelled, this will immediately stop waiting
// check if we have a result or not
val maybeResult = pendingLock.read { pending[rmiId] }
if (maybeResult is ResponseWaiter) {
logger.trace { "RMI timeout ($timeoutMillis) cancel: $rmiId" }
// wait for the response.
// If the response is ALREADY here, the doWait() returns instantly (with result)
// if no response yet, it will suspend and either
// A) get response
// B) timeout
// always cancel the timeout
} else {
// wait for the response --- THIS WAITS FOREVER (there is no timeout)!
// If the response is ALREADY here, the doWait() returns instantly (with result)
// if no response yet, it will suspend and
// A) get response
val resultOrWaiter = pendingLock.write {
val previous = pending[rmiId]
pending[rmiId] = null
// always return the waiter to the cache
if (resultOrWaiter is ResponseWaiter) {
logger.trace { "RMI was canceled ($timeoutMillis): $rmiId" }
return resultOrWaiter
//// Callback waiting/execution. This is part of this class only because we want to use the SAME RMI SYSTEM for other things,
//// namely, being able to have an easier time setting up message responses
* on response, runs the waiting callback
* NOTE: This uses the RMI-ID mechanism to know what the response ID is (the name is left alone)
suspend fun onCallbackMessage(message: MethodResponse) {
val rmiId = RmiUtils.unpackUnsignedRight(message.packedId)
val result = message.result
logger.trace { "RMI return: $rmiId" }
val previous = pendingLock.write {
val previous = pending[rmiId]
pending[rmiId] = result
// if NULL, since either we don't exist (because we were async), or it was cancelled
if (previous is ResponseWaiter) {
logger.trace { "RMI valid-cancel: $rmiId" }
// this means we were NOT timed out! (we cannot be timed out here)
* gets the ResponseWaiter (id + waiter) and prepares the pending response map
* We ONLY care about the ID to get the correct response info.
* NOTE: This uses the RMI-ID mechanism to know what the response ID is (the name is left alone)
internal suspend fun prepForCallback(callback: (Any) -> Unit): ResponseWaiter {
val responseRmi = waiterCache.receive()
logger.trace { "RMI2 count: ${rmiWaitersInUse.value}" }
// this will replace the waiter if it was cancelled (waiters are not valid if cancelled)
// assign the callback that will be notified when the return message is received
responseRmi.result = callback
pendingLock.write {
// this just does a .toUShort().toInt() conversion. This is cleaner than doing it manually
pending[RmiUtils.unpackUnsignedRight(responseRmi.id)] = responseRmi
return responseRmi
suspend fun close() {
// wait for responses, or wait for timeouts!
while (rmiWaitersInUse.value > 0) {
pendingLock.write {
pending.forEachIndexed { index, _ ->
pending[index] = null