enhanced the basic performance test tool

This commit is contained in:
Robinson 2023-07-24 01:43:21 +02:00
parent 3016618b1c
commit 8da5215455
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 8E7DB78588BD6F5C
1 changed files with 48 additions and 31 deletions

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@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import ch.qos.logback.classic.joran.JoranConfigurator
import ch.qos.logback.classic.spi.ILoggingEvent
import ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender
import dorkbox.network.*
import dorkbox.network.aeron.CoroutineBusySpinIdleStrategy
import dorkbox.network.aeron.CoroutineNoOpIdleStrategy
import dorkbox.network.connection.Connection
import dorkbox.storage.Storage
import dorkbox.util.Sys
@ -149,39 +149,45 @@ class AeronRmiClientServer {
val secureRandom = SecureRandom()
val sizeToTest = ExpandableDirectByteBuffer.MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH / 32
val count = 15
val stopwatch = Stopwatch.createStarted()
val jobs = mutableListOf<Job>()
// don't want to time allocating the mem, just time "serializing and sending"
val hugeData = ByteArray(sizeToTest)
secureRandom.nextBytes(hugeData) // REALLY slow!!!
var count = 0
var timed = 0L
client.logger.error { "Initializing test." }
// just to start it up.
repeat(5) {
client.logger.error { "Starting test." }
repeat(count) {
// launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
val hugeData = ByteArray(sizeToTest)
client.logger.error { "Starting round: $it" }
val allStopwatch = Stopwatch.createStarted()
while(TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toSeconds(timed) < 5) {
client.logger.error { "Starting round: $count" }
val roundStopwatch = Stopwatch.createStarted()
client.logger.error { "Finished round $it in: $roundStopwatch" }
// }.also { jobs.add(it) }
val roundStopwatch = Stopwatch.createStarted()
timed += roundStopwatch.elapsedNanos()
client.logger.error { "Finished round $count in: $roundStopwatch" }
val timed = stopwatch.elapsedNanos()
val amountInMB = (count.toLong()*sizeToTest)/Sys.MEGABYTE
val amountInmb = (count.toLong()*sizeToTest*8)/Sys.MEGABYTE
val fullElapsed = allStopwatch.elapsedNanos()
client.logger.error { "Finished all rounds in: ${Sys.getTimePrettyFull(timed)} for $amountInMB MB" }
client.logger.error { "Rate is: ${amountInMB/TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toSeconds(timed)} MB/s" }
client.logger.error { "Rate is: ${amountInmb/TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toSeconds(timed)} mb/s" }
client.logger.error { "Finished $count rounds in: ${Sys.getTimePrettyFull(fullElapsed)}" }
client.logger.error { "Sending data portion took: ${Sys.getTimePrettyFull(timed)} for $amountInMB MB" }
runBlocking {
val timedInSeconds = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toSeconds(timed)
client.logger.error { "Rate is: ${amountInMB/timedInSeconds} MB/s" }
client.logger.error { "Rate is: ${amountInmb/timedInSeconds} mb/s" }
} catch (e: Exception) {
@ -278,21 +284,32 @@ class AeronRmiClientServer {
config.settingsStore = Storage.Memory() // don't want to persist anything on disk!
config.appId = "aeron_test"
config.uniqueAeronDirectory = true
config.forceAllowSharedAeronDriver = true
config.enableIpc = false
config.enableIPv6 = false
// config.enableIpc = true
config.enableIpc = false
config.uniqueAeronDirectory = true
config.forceAllowSharedAeronDriver = true
// dedicate more **OOMPF** to the network
// config.threadingMode = ThreadingMode.SHARED_NETWORK
config.threadingMode = ThreadingMode.DEDICATED
config.pollIdleStrategy = CoroutineBusySpinIdleStrategy.INSTANCE
config.sendIdleStrategy = CoroutineBusySpinIdleStrategy.INSTANCE
config.threadingMode = ThreadingMode.SHARED_NETWORK
// config.threadingMode = ThreadingMode.DEDICATED
config.pollIdleStrategy = CoroutineNoOpIdleStrategy.INSTANCE
config.sendIdleStrategy = CoroutineNoOpIdleStrategy.INSTANCE
// only if there are enough threads on the box!
// config.conductorIdleStrategy = BusySpinIdleStrategy.INSTANCE
// config.sharedIdleStrategy = NoOpIdleStrategy.INSTANCE
// config.receiverIdleStrategy = BusySpinIdleStrategy.INSTANCE
// config.senderIdleStrategy = NoOpIdleStrategy.INSTANCE
// https://blah.cloud/networks/test-jumbo-frames-working/
// This must be a multiple of 32, and we leave some space for headers/etc
config.networkMtuSize = 8192
config.ipcMtuSize = io.aeron.driver.Configuration.MAX_UDP_PAYLOAD_LENGTH
// 4 MB for receive
config.receiveBufferSize = 4194304