Cleaned up logging

This commit is contained in:
nathan 2020-09-04 13:18:59 +02:00
parent 6dddc77fdc
commit ae168de114

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@ -465,7 +465,7 @@ internal constructor(val type: Class<*>, internal val config: Configuration) : A
internal suspend fun writeHandshakeMessage(publication: Publication, message: HandshakeMessage) {
// The sessionId is globally unique, and is assigned by the server.
logger.trace {
"[${publication.sessionId()}] send: $message"
"[${publication.sessionId()}] send HS: $message"
// we are not thread-safe!
@ -486,7 +486,18 @@ internal constructor(val type: Class<*>, internal val config: Configuration) : A
if (result == Publication.BACK_PRESSURED || result == Publication.ADMIN_ACTION) {
* The publication is not connected to a subscriber, this can be an intermittent state as subscribers come and go.
* val NOT_CONNECTED: Long = -1
* The offer failed due to back pressure from the subscribers preventing further transmission.
* val BACK_PRESSURED: Long = -2
* The offer failed due to an administration action and should be retried.
* The action is an operation such as log rotation which is likely to have succeeded by the next retry attempt.
* val ADMIN_ACTION: Long = -3
if (result >= Publication.ADMIN_ACTION) {
// we should retry.
@ -494,7 +505,7 @@ internal constructor(val type: Class<*>, internal val config: Configuration) : A
// more critical error sending the message. we shouldn't retry or anything.
val exception = newException("[${publication.sessionId()}] Error sending handshake message. $message (${errorCodeName(result)})")
@ -520,7 +531,7 @@ internal constructor(val type: Class<*>, internal val config: Configuration) : A
try {
val message = serialization.readHandshakeMessage(buffer, offset, length)
logger.trace {
"[${header.sessionId()}] received: $message"
"[${header.sessionId()}] received HS: $message"
return message
@ -713,7 +724,7 @@ internal constructor(val type: Class<*>, internal val config: Configuration) : A
fun isRunning(): Boolean {
// if the media driver is running, it will be a quick connection. Usually 100ms or so
return mediaDriverContext.isDriverActive(1_000, logger::debug)
return mediaDriverContext.isDriverActive(1_000) { }
final override fun close() {