package import java.math.BigInteger import* import import import* import javax.crypto.Cipher /** * */ object CryptoEccNative { // see: const val curve25519 = "curve25519" const val default_curve = curve25519 const val macSize = 512 // on NIST vs 25519 vs Brainpool, see: // - // - // - // we should be using 25519, because NIST and brainpool are "unsafe". Brainpool is "more random" than 25519, but is still not considered safe. // more info about ECC from: // // // // // // // // More info about 25519 key types (ed25519 and X25519) // fun createKeyPair(secureRandom: SecureRandom): KeyPair { val kpg: KeyPairGenerator = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("XDH") kpg.initialize(NamedParameterSpec.X25519, secureRandom) return kpg.generateKeyPair() // println("--- Public Key ---") // val publicKey = kp.public // // System.out.println(publicKey.algorithm) // XDH // System.out.println(publicKey.format) // X.509 // // // save this public key // val pubKey = publicKey.encoded // // println("---") // // println("--- Private Key ---") // val privateKey = kp.private // // System.out.println(privateKey.algorithm); // XDH // System.out.println(privateKey.format); // PKCS#8 // // // save this private key // val priKey = privateKey.encoded // val kf: KeyFactory = KeyFactory.getInstance("XDH"); // //BigInteger u = ... // val pubSpec: XECPublicKeySpec = XECPublicKeySpec(paramSpec, u); // val pubKey: PublicKey = kf.generatePublic(pubSpec); // // // // val ka: KeyAgreement = KeyAgreement.getInstance("XDH"); // ka.init(kp.private); //ka.doPhase(pubKey, true); //byte[] secret = ka.generateSecret(); } private val FieldP_2: BigInteger = BigInteger.TWO // constant for scalar operations private val FieldP_3: BigInteger = BigInteger.valueOf(3) // constant for scalar operations private const val byteVal1 = 1.toByte() @Throws(GeneralSecurityException::class) fun getPublicKey(pk: ECPrivateKey): ECPublicKey? { val params: ECParameterSpec = pk.params val w: ECPoint = scalmultNew(params, params.generator, pk.s) //final ECPoint w = scalmult(params.getCurve(), pk.getParams().getGenerator(), pk.getS()); val kg: KeyFactory = KeyFactory.getInstance("EC") return kg.generatePublic(ECPublicKeySpec(w, params)) as ECPublicKey } private fun scalmultNew(params: ECParameterSpec, g: ECPoint, kin: BigInteger): ECPoint { val curve = params.curve val field = curve.field if (field !is ECFieldFp) throw java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException( val p = field.p val a = curve.a var R = ECPoint.POINT_INFINITY // value only valid for curve secp256k1, code taken from, // see "Finally the order n of G and the cofactor are: n = "FF.." val SECP256K1_Q = params.order //BigInteger SECP256K1_Q = new BigInteger("00FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEBAAEDCE6AF48A03BBFD25E8CD0364141",16); var k = kin.mod(SECP256K1_Q) // uses this ! // BigInteger k = kin.mod(p); // do not use this ! wrong as per comment from President James Moveon Polk val length = k.bitLength() val binarray = ByteArray(length) for (i in 0..length - 1) { binarray[i] = k.mod(FieldP_2).byteValueExact() k = k.shiftRight(1) } for (i in length - 1 downTo 0) { R = doublePoint(p, a, R) if (binarray[i] == byteVal1) R = addPoint(p, a, R, g) } return R } fun scalmultOrg(curve: EllipticCurve, g: ECPoint, kin: BigInteger): ECPoint { val field: ECField = curve.getField() if (field !is ECFieldFp) throw UnsupportedOperationException( val p: BigInteger = (field as ECFieldFp).getP() val a: BigInteger = curve.getA() var R = ECPoint.POINT_INFINITY // value only valid for curve secp256k1, code taken from, // see "Finally the order n of G and the cofactor are: n = "FF.." val SECP256K1_Q = BigInteger("00FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEBAAEDCE6AF48A03BBFD25E8CD0364141", 16) var k = kin.mod(SECP256K1_Q) // uses this ! // wrong as per comment from President James Moveon Polk // BigInteger k = kin.mod(p); // do not use this ! println(" SECP256K1_Q: $SECP256K1_Q") println(" p: $p") System.out.println("curve: " + curve.toString()) val length = k.bitLength() val binarray = ByteArray(length) for (i in 0..length - 1) { binarray[i] = k.mod(FieldP_2).byteValueExact() k = k.shiftRight(1) } for (i in length - 1 downTo 0) { R = doublePoint(p, a, R) if (binarray[i] == byteVal1) R = addPoint(p, a, R, g) } return R } // scalar operations for native java // // written by author: SkateScout private fun doublePoint(p: BigInteger, a: BigInteger, R: ECPoint): ECPoint? { if (R == ECPoint.POINT_INFINITY) return R var slope = R.affineX.pow(2).multiply(FieldP_3) slope = slope.add(a) slope = slope.multiply(R.affineY.multiply(FieldP_2).modInverse(p)) val Xout = slope.pow(2).subtract(R.affineX.multiply(FieldP_2)).mod(p) val Yout = R.affineY.negate().add(slope.multiply(R.affineX.subtract(Xout))).mod(p) return ECPoint(Xout, Yout) } private fun addPoint(p: BigInteger, a: BigInteger, r: ECPoint, g: ECPoint): ECPoint? { if (r == ECPoint.POINT_INFINITY) return g if (g == ECPoint.POINT_INFINITY) return r if (r == g || r == g) return doublePoint(p, a, r) val gX = g.affineX val sY = g.affineY val rX = r.affineX val rY = r.affineY val slope = rY.subtract(sY).multiply(rX.subtract(gX).modInverse(p)).mod(p) val Xout = slope.modPow(FieldP_2, p).subtract(rX).subtract(gX).mod(p) var Yout = sY.negate().mod(p) Yout = Yout.add(slope.multiply(gX.subtract(Xout))).mod(p) return ECPoint(Xout, Yout) } private fun byteArrayToHexString(a: ByteArray): String { val sb = StringBuilder(a.size * 2) for (b in a) sb.append(String.format("%02X", b)) return sb.toString() } fun hexStringToByteArray(s: String): ByteArray { val len = s.length val data = ByteArray(len / 2) var i = 0 while (i < len) { data[i / 2] = ((Character.digit(s[i], 16) shl 4) + Character.digit(s[i + 1], 16)).toByte() i += 2 } return data } @Throws(GeneralSecurityException::class) @JvmStatic fun main(args: Array) { val cryptoText = "i23j4jh234kjh234kjh23lkjnfa9s8egfuypuh325" // NOTE: THIS IS NOT 25519!! println("Generate ECPublicKey from PrivateKey (String) for curve secp256k1 (final)") println("Check keys with") // val privateKey = "D12D2FACA9AD92828D89683778CB8DFCCDBD6C9E92F6AB7D6065E8AACC1FF6D6" val publicKeyExpected = "04661BA57FED0D115222E30FE7E9509325EE30E7E284D3641E6FB5E67368C2DB185ADA8EFC5DC43AF6BF474A41ED6237573DC4ED693D49102C42FFC88510500799" println("\nprivatekey given : $privateKey") println("publicKeyExpected: $publicKeyExpected") // // routine with bouncy castle // println("\nGenerate PublicKey from PrivateKey with BouncyCastle") // val spec: ECNamedCurveParameterSpec = ECNamedCurveTable.getParameterSpec("secp256k1") // this ec curve is used for bitcoin operations // val pointQ: = spec.getG().multiply(BigInteger(1, ch.qos.logback.core.encoder.ByteArrayUtil.hexStringToByteArray(privateKey))) // val publickKeyByte = pointQ.getEncoded(false) // val publicKeyBc: String = byteArrayToHexString(publickKeyByte) // println("publicKeyExpected: $publicKeyExpected") // println("publicKey BC : $publicKeyBc") // println("publicKeys match : " + publicKeyBc.contentEquals(publicKeyExpected)) // regeneration of ECPublicKey with java native starts here println("\nGenerate PublicKey from PrivateKey with Java native routines") // the preset "303E.." only works for elliptic curve secp256k1 // see answer by user dave_thompson_085 // val privateKeyFull = "303E020100301006072A8648CE3D020106052B8104000A042730250201010420" + privateKey val privateKeyFullByte: ByteArray = hexStringToByteArray(privateKeyFull) println("privateKey full : $privateKeyFull") val keyFactory = KeyFactory.getInstance("EC") val privateKeyNative: PrivateKey = keyFactory.generatePrivate(PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(privateKeyFullByte)) val ecPrivateKeyNative = privateKeyNative as ECPrivateKey val ecPublicKeyNative = getPublicKey(ecPrivateKeyNative) val ecPublicKeyNativeByte = ecPublicKeyNative!!.encoded val testPubKey = keyFactory.generatePublic(X509EncodedKeySpec(ecPublicKeyNativeByte)) as ECPublicKey val equal = ecPublicKeyNativeByte.contentEquals(testPubKey.encoded) val publicKeyNativeFull: String = byteArrayToHexString(ecPublicKeyNativeByte) val publicKeyNativeHeader = publicKeyNativeFull.substring(0, 46) val publicKeyNativeKey = publicKeyNativeFull.substring(46, 176) println("ecPublicKeyFull : $publicKeyNativeFull") println("ecPublicKeyHeader: $publicKeyNativeHeader") println("ecPublicKeyKey : $publicKeyNativeKey") println("publicKeyExpected: $publicKeyExpected") println("publicKeys match : " + publicKeyNativeKey.contentEquals(publicKeyExpected)) // encrypt val encryptCipher: Cipher = Cipher.getInstance("RSA") encryptCipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, ecPublicKeyNative) val cipherText: ByteArray = encryptCipher.doFinal(cryptoText.toByteArray()) // decrypt val decryptCipher = Cipher.getInstance("RSA"); decryptCipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, ecPrivateKeyNative); val outputBytes = decryptCipher.doFinal(cipherText) println("Crypto round passed: ${String(outputBytes) == cryptoText}") } }