Network ======= The Network project is an encrypted, high-performance, event-driven/reactive Network stack with DNS and RMI, using Netty, Kryo, KryoNet RMI, and LZ4 via TCP/UDP/UDT. These are the main features: - The connection between endpoints is AES256-GCM / EC curve25519. - The connection data is LZ4 compressed and byte-packed for small payload sizes. - The connection supports: - Remote Method Invocation - Blocking - Non-Blocking - Void returns - Exceptions can be returned - Sending data when Idle - "Pinging" the remote end (for measuring round-trip time) - The available transports are TCP, UDP, and UDT - There are simple wrapper classes for: - Server - Client - DNS Client (for querying DNS servers) - MultiCast Broadcast client and server discovery - Note: There is a maximum packet size for UDP, 508 bytes *to guarantee it's unfragmented* - This is for cross-platform use, specifically - linux 32/64, mac 32/64, and windows 32/64. Java 6+ - Please note that Java6 runtimes have issues with their classloader loading classes recursively (you will get a StackOverflow exception). We have taken precautions to mitigate this, but be aware that it is a very real possibility. We recommend using Java7+ to prevent this issue. ``` java public static class AMessage { public AMessage() { } } KryoCryptoSerializationManager.DEFAULT.register(AMessage.class); Configuration configuration = new Configuration(); configuration.tcpPort = tcpPort; = host; final Server server = new Server(configuration); addEndPoint(server); server.bind(false); server.listeners() .add(new Listener() { @Override public void received(Connection connection, AMessage object) { System.err.println("Server received message from client. Bouncing back."); connection.send() .TCP(object); } }); Client client = new Client(configuration); client.disableRemoteKeyValidation(); addEndPoint(client); client.connect(5000); client.listeners() .add(new Listener() { @Override public void received(Connection connection, AMessage object) { ClientSendTest.this.checkPassed.set(true); System.err.println("Tada! It's been bounced back."); server.stop(); } }); client.send() .TCP(new AMessage()); ```

(We now release to maven!

There is a hard dependency in the POM file for the utilities library, which is an extremely small subset of a much larger library; including only what is *necessary* for this particular project to function. This project is **kept in sync** with the utilities library, so "jar hell" is not an issue. Please note that the util library (in it's entirety) is not added since there are **many** dependencies that are not *necessary* for this project. No reason to require a massive amount of dependencies for one or two classes/methods. ``` com.dorkbox Network 1.20 ``` Or if you don't want to use Maven, you can access the files directly here: (latest 4.1)


This project is © 2010 dorkbox llc, and is distributed under the terms of the Apache v2.0 License. See file "LICENSE" for further references.