- Dorkbox Network - Apache 2.0 License https://github.com/dorkbox Copyright 2010, dorkbox, llc - Barchart UDT/UDTv4 - BSD 3-clause License https://github.com/barchart/barchart-udt http://udt.sourceforge.net http://www.barchart.com Copyright 2009-2013, Barchart, Inc. Copyright 2001 - 2011, The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois - BouncyCastle - MIT License http://www.bouncycastle.org Copyright 2000-2009, The Legion Of The Bouncy Castle - Dorkbox ObjectPool - Apache 2.0 License https://github.com/dorkbox Copyright 2014, dorkbox, llc Fast and compatible java object pool - Dorkbox Utils - Apache 2.0 License https://github.com/dorkbox Copyright 2010, dorkbox, llc - Kryo - BSD 3-clause License https://github.com/EsotericSoftware/kryo Copyright 2008, Nathan Sweet - kryo-serializers - Apache 2.0 License https://github.com/magro/kryo-serializers Copyright 2010, Martin Grotzke Rafael Winterhalter - KryoNet RMI - BSD 3-clause License https://github.com/EsotericSoftware/kryonet Copyright 2008, Nathan Sweet - LAN HostDiscovery from Apache Commons JCS - Apache 2.0 License https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/JCS-40 Copyright 2001-2014, The Apache Software Foundation - LZ4 and XXhash - Apache 2.0 License https://github.com/jpountz/lz4-java Copyright 2011, Yann Collet Copyright 2012, Adrien Grand - MathUtils, IntArray, IntMap - Apache 2.0 License http://github.com/libgdx/libgdx/ Copyright 2013 Mario Zechner Nathan Sweet - MinLogToSLF4j - BSD 3-clause License https://github.com/dorkbox https://github.com/EsotericSoftware/minlog Copyright 2008, Nathan Sweet Dan Brown dorkbox, llc - Netty - Apache 2.0 License http://netty.io Copyright 2013, The Netty Project - Netty DNS - Apache 2.0 License http://netty.io Copyright 2013, The Netty Project - SLF4J - MIT License http://www.slf4j.org Copyright 2004-2008, QOS.ch