package import ch.qos.logback.classic.Level import ch.qos.logback.classic.Logger import ch.qos.logback.classic.encoder.PatternLayoutEncoder import ch.qos.logback.classic.joran.JoranConfigurator import ch.qos.logback.classic.spi.ILoggingEvent import ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender import import import import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory import sun.misc.Unsafe import java.lang.reflect.Field import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import java.util.* /** * */ object AeronClient { init { // assume SLF4J is bound to logback in the current environment val rootLogger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(org.slf4j.Logger.ROOT_LOGGER_NAME) as Logger val context = rootLogger.loggerContext val jc = JoranConfigurator() jc.context = context context.reset() // override default configuration // rootLogger.setLevel(Level.OFF); // rootLogger.setLevel(Level.INFO); rootLogger.level = Level.DEBUG // rootLogger.setLevel(Level.TRACE); // rootLogger.setLevel(Level.ALL); // we only want error messages val nettyLogger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("io.netty") as Logger nettyLogger.level = Level.ERROR // we only want error messages val kryoLogger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("com.esotericsoftware") as Logger kryoLogger.level = Level.ERROR val encoder = PatternLayoutEncoder() encoder.context = context encoder.pattern = "%date{HH:mm:ss.SSS} %-5level [%logger{35}] %msg%n" encoder.start() val consoleAppender = ConsoleAppender() consoleAppender.context = context consoleAppender.encoder = encoder consoleAppender.start() rootLogger.addAppender(consoleAppender) } private val LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger( // TODO: move ClassUtils to utilities project (also for messagebus!) // move NetUtil + NetworkUtil to utilities project (also for netref!) // move NtpClient to utilities project fun convertLongToTime(time: Long): String { val date = Date(time) val format = SimpleDateFormat("yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss") return format.format(date) } /** * Command-line entry point. * * @param args Command-line arguments * * @throws Exception On any error */ @Throws(Exception::class) @JvmStatic fun main(args: Array) { // val ntpClient = NtpClient() // ntpClient.requestTime("", 10_000) // // println("ROUNDTRIP: ${ntpClient.roundTripTime}") // println("NTP : ${convertLongToTime(System.currentTimeMillis())}") // println("NTP : ${convertLongToTime(ntpClient.ntpTime)}") // // if (true) return val configuration = Configuration() configuration.subscriptionPort = 2000 configuration.publicationPort = 2001 val client = Client(configuration) // client.filter(IpSubnetFilterRule(IPv4.LOCALHOST, 32, IpFilterRuleType.ACCEPT)) client.filter { connection -> println("should this connection be allowed?") true } client.onConnect { connection -> println("connected") } client.onDisconnect { connection -> println("disconnect") } client.onError { connection, throwable -> println("has error") throwable.printStackTrace() } client.onMessage { connection, message -> println("HAS MESSAGE!") println(message) } runBlocking { client.connect("") // UDP connection via loopback // client.connect() // IPC connection } // different ones needed // send - reliable // send - unreliable // send - priority (0-255 -- 255 is MAX priority) when sending, max is always sent immediately, then lower priority is sent if there is no backpressure from the MediaDriver. // send - IPC/local runBlocking { while (!client.isShutdown()) { client.send("ECHO " + java.lang.Long.toUnsignedString(client.crypto.secureRandom.nextLong(), 16)) } } // connection needs to know // is UDP or IPC // host address // RMI // client.get(5) -> gets from the server connection, if exists, then global. // on server, a connection local RMI object "uses" an id for global, so there will never be a conflict // using some tricks, we can make it so that it DOESN'T matter the order in which objects are created, // and can specify, if we want, the object created. // Once created though, as NEW ONE with the same ID cannot be created until the old one is removed! client.close() } init { try { val theUnsafe ="theUnsafe") theUnsafe.isAccessible = true val u = theUnsafe.get(null) as Unsafe val cls = Class.forName("jdk.internal.module.IllegalAccessLogger") val logger: Field = cls.getDeclaredField("logger") u.putObjectVolatile(cls, u.staticFieldOffset(logger), null) } catch (e: NoSuchFieldException) { e.printStackTrace() } catch (e: IllegalAccessException) { e.printStackTrace() } catch (e: ClassNotFoundException) { e.printStackTrace() } } }