2021-01-15 14:11:33 +01:00

214 lines
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* Copyright 2014 dorkbox, llc
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import com.conversantmedia.util.concurrent.MultithreadConcurrentQueue
import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.Kryo
import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.Serializer
import com.esotericsoftware.minlog.Log
import dorkbox.util.serialization.SerializationDefaults
import kotlinx.atomicfu.atomic
class PooledSerialization {
companion object {
init {
private var initialized = atomic(false)
private val classesToRegister = mutableListOf<ClassRegistration>()
private var kryoPoolSize = 16
private val kryoInUse = atomic(0)
private var kryoPool = MultithreadConcurrentQueue<KryoExtra>(kryoPoolSize)
* If you customize anything, you will want to register custom types before init() is called!
fun init() {
// NOTE: there are problems if our serializer is THE SAME serializer used by the network stack!
// We are explicitly differet types to prevent that form happening
initialized.value = true
private fun initKryo(): KryoExtra {
val kryo = KryoExtra()
classesToRegister.forEach { registration ->
return kryo
* Registers the class using the lowest, next available integer ID and the [default serializer][Kryo.getDefaultSerializer].
* If the class is already registered, the existing entry is updated with the new serializer.
* Registering a primitive also affects the corresponding primitive wrapper.
* Because the ID assigned is affected by the IDs registered before it, the order classes are registered is important when using this
* method.
* The order must be the same at deserialization as it was for serialization.
* This must happen before the creation of the client/server
fun <T> register(clazz: Class<T>): PooledSerialization {
require(!initialized.value) { "Serialization 'register(class)' cannot happen after initialization!" }
// The reason it must be an implementation, is because the reflection serializer DOES NOT WORK with field types, but rather
// with object types... EVEN IF THERE IS A SERIALIZER
require(!clazz.isInterface) { "Cannot register '${clazz}' with specified ID for serialization. It must be an implementation." }
return this
* Registers the class using the specified ID. If the ID is already in use by the same type, the old entry is overwritten. If the ID
* is already in use by a different type, an exception is thrown.
* Registering a primitive also affects the corresponding primitive wrapper.
* IDs must be the same at deserialization as they were for serialization.
* This must happen before the creation of the client/server
* @param id Must be >= 0. Smaller IDs are serialized more efficiently. IDs 0-8 are used by default for primitive types and String, but
* these IDs can be repurposed.
fun <T> register(clazz: Class<T>, id: Int): PooledSerialization {
require(!initialized.value) { "Serialization 'register(Class, int)' cannot happen after initialization!" }
// The reason it must be an implementation, is because the reflection serializer DOES NOT WORK with field types, but rather
// with object types... EVEN IF THERE IS A SERIALIZER
require(!clazz.isInterface) { "Cannot register '${clazz}' with specified ID for serialization. It must be an implementation." }
classesToRegister.add(ClassRegistration1(clazz, id))
return this
* Registers the class using the lowest, next available integer ID and the specified serializer. If the class is already registered,
* the existing entry is updated with the new serializer.
* Registering a primitive also affects the corresponding primitive wrapper.
* Because the ID assigned is affected by the IDs registered before it, the order classes are registered is important when using this
* method. The order must be the same at deserialization as it was for serialization.
fun <T> register(clazz: Class<T>, serializer: Serializer<T>): PooledSerialization {
require(!initialized.value) { "Serialization 'register(Class, Serializer)' cannot happen after initialization!" }
// The reason it must be an implementation, is because the reflection serializer DOES NOT WORK with field types, but rather
// with object types... EVEN IF THERE IS A SERIALIZER
require(!clazz.isInterface) { "Cannot register '${}' with a serializer. It must be an implementation." }
classesToRegister.add(ClassRegistration0(clazz, serializer))
return this
* Registers the class using the specified ID and serializer. If the ID is already in use by the same type, the old entry is
* overwritten. If the ID is already in use by a different type, an exception is thrown.
* Registering a primitive also affects the corresponding primitive wrapper.
* IDs must be the same at deserialization as they were for serialization.
* @param id Must be >= 0. Smaller IDs are serialized more efficiently. IDs 0-8 are used by default for primitive types and String, but
* these IDs can be repurposed.
fun <T> register(clazz: Class<T>, serializer: Serializer<T>, id: Int): PooledSerialization {
require(!initialized.value) { "Serialization 'register(Class, Serializer, int)' cannot happen after initialization!" }
// The reason it must be an implementation, is because the reflection serializer DOES NOT WORK with field types, but rather
// with object types... EVEN IF THERE IS A SERIALIZER
require(!clazz.isInterface) { "Cannot register '${}'. It must be an implementation." }
classesToRegister.add(ClassRegistration2(clazz, serializer, id))
return this
* @return takes a kryo instance from the pool, or creates one if the pool was empty
fun takeKryo(): KryoExtra {
// ALWAYS get as many as needed. We recycle them (with an auto-growing pool) to prevent too many getting created
return kryoPool.poll() ?: initKryo()
* Returns a kryo instance to the pool for re-use later on
fun returnKryo(kryo: KryoExtra) {
val kryoCount = kryoInUse.getAndDecrement()
if (kryoCount > kryoPoolSize) {
// this is CLEARLY a problem, as we have more kryos in use that our pool can support.
// This happens when we send messages REALLY fast.
// We fix this by increasing the size of the pool, so kryos aren't thrown away (and create a GC hit)
synchronized(kryoInUse) {
// we have a double check here on purpose. only 1 will work
if (kryoCount > kryoPoolSize) {
val oldPool = kryoPool
val oldSize = kryoPoolSize
val newSize = kryoPoolSize * 2
kryoPoolSize = newSize
kryoPool = MultithreadConcurrentQueue<KryoExtra>(kryoPoolSize)
// take all of the old kryos and put them in the new one
val array = arrayOfNulls<KryoExtra>(oldSize)
val count = oldPool.remove(array)
for (i in 0 until count) {