
529 lines
22 KiB

* Copyright 2010 dorkbox, llc
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import dorkbox.util.exceptions.SecurityException
import kotlinx.atomicfu.atomic
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
* The client is both SYNC and ASYNC. It starts off SYNC (blocks thread until it's done), then once it's connected to the server, it's
open class Client<C : Connection>(config: Configuration = Configuration()) : EndPoint<C>(config) {
companion object {
* Gets the version number.
const val version = "4.1"
* Split array into chunks, max of 256 chunks.
* byte[0] = chunk ID
* byte[1] = total chunks (0-255) (where 0->1, 2->3, 127->127 because this is indexed by a byte)
private fun divideArray(source: ByteArray, chunksize: Int): Array<ByteArray>? {
val fragments = Math.ceil(source.size / chunksize.toDouble()).toInt()
if (fragments > 127) {
// cannot allow more than 127
return null
// pre-allocate the memory
val splitArray = Array(fragments) { ByteArray(chunksize + 2) }
var start = 0
for (i in splitArray.indices) {
var length: Int
length = if (start + chunksize > source.size) {
source.size - start
} else {
splitArray[i] = ByteArray(length + 2)
splitArray[i][0] = i.toByte() // index
splitArray[i][1] = fragments.toByte() // total number of fragments
System.arraycopy(source, start, splitArray[i], 2, length)
start += chunksize
return splitArray
* The network or IPC address for the client to connect to.
* For a network address, it can be:
* - a network name ("localhost", "loopback", "lo", "")
* - an IP address ("", "", "::1")
* For the IPC (Inter-Process-Communication) address. it must be:
* - the IPC integer ID, "0x1337c0de", "0x12312312", etc.
private var remoteAddress = ""
private val isConnected = atomic(false)
// is valid when there is a connection to the server, otherwise it is null
private var connection: C? = null
protected var connectionTimeoutMS: Long = 5000 // default is 5 seconds
private val previousClosedConnectionActivity: Long = 0
// we don't verify anything on the CLIENT. We only verify on the server.
// we don't support registering NEW classes after the client starts.
// ALSO make sure to verify registration details
// we don't verify anything on the CLIENT. We only verify on the server.
// we don't support registering NEW classes after the client starts.
// if (!registrationWrapper.initClassRegistration(channel, registration))
// {
// // abort if something messed up!
// shutdown(channel, registration.sessionID)
// }
override val connectionManager = ConnectionManagerClient<C>(logger, config)
init {
// have to do some basic validation of our configuration
if (config.publicationPort <= 0) { throw ClientException("configuration port must be > 0") }
if (config.publicationPort >= 65535) { throw ClientException("configuration port must be < 65535") }
if (config.subscriptionPort <= 0) { throw ClientException("configuration controlPort must be > 0") }
if (config.subscriptionPort >= 65535) { throw ClientException("configuration controlPort must be < 65535") }
if (config.networkMtuSize <= 0) { throw ClientException("configuration networkMtuSize must be > 0") }
if (config.networkMtuSize >= 9 * 1024) { throw ClientException("configuration networkMtuSize must be < ${9 * 1024}") }
* Will attempt to connect to the server, with a default 30 second connection timeout and will BLOCK until completed
* For a network address, it can be:
* - a network name ("localhost", "loopback", "lo", "")
* - an IP address ("", "", "::1")
* For the IPC (Inter-Process-Communication) address. it must be:
* - the IPC integer ID, "0x1337c0de", "0x12312312", etc.
* Note: Case does not matter, and "localhost" is the default. IPC address must be in HEX notation (starting with '0x')
* @param remoteAddress The network or IPC address for the client to connect to
* @param connectionTimeout wait for x milliseconds. 0 will wait indefinitely
* @param reliable true if we want to create a reliable connection. IPC connections are always reliable
* @throws IOException if the client is unable to connect in x amount of time
@Throws(IOException::class, ClientTimedOutException::class)
suspend fun connect(remoteAddress: String = "", connectionTimeoutMS: Long = 30_000L, reliable: Boolean = true) {
if (isConnected.value) {
throw IOException("Unable to connect when already connected!");
this.connectionTimeoutMS = connectionTimeoutMS
// localhost/loopback IP might not always be or ::1
when (remoteAddress) {
"loopback", "localhost", "lo" -> this.remoteAddress = NetUtil.LOCALHOST.hostAddress
else -> when {
remoteAddress.startsWith("127.") -> this.remoteAddress = NetUtil.LOCALHOST.hostAddress
remoteAddress.startsWith("::1") -> this.remoteAddress = NetUtil.LOCALHOST6.hostAddress
else -> this.remoteAddress = remoteAddress
// if we are IPv6, the IP must be in '[]'
if (this.remoteAddress.count { it == ':' } > 1 &&
this.remoteAddress.count { it == '[' } < 1 &&
this.remoteAddress.count { it == ']' } < 1) {
this.remoteAddress = """[${this.remoteAddress}]"""
if (this.remoteAddress == "") {
throw IllegalArgumentException(" is an invalid address to connect to!")
if (this.remoteAddress.isEmpty()) {
// this is an IPC address
// When conducting IPC transfers, we MUST use the same aeron configuration as the server!
// config.aeronLogDirectory
// stream IDs are flipped for a client because we operate from the perspective of the server
val handshakeConnection = IpcMediaDriverConnection(
streamIdSubscription = IPC_HANDSHAKE_STREAM_ID_PUB,
// throws a ConnectTimedOutException if the client cannot connect for any reason to the server handshake ports
// logger.debug(handshakeConnection.clientInfo())
// this will block until the connection timeout, and throw an exception if we were unable to connect with the server
// @Throws(ConnectTimedOutException::class, ClientRejectedException::class)
val connectionInfo = connectionManager.initHandshake(handshakeConnection, connectionTimeoutMS)
else {
// initially we only connect to the handshake connect ports. Ports are flipped because they are in the perspective of the SERVER
val handshakeConnection = UdpMediaDriverConnection(
address = this.remoteAddress,
subscriptionPort = config.publicationPort,
publicationPort = config.subscriptionPort,
connectionTimeoutMS = connectionTimeoutMS,
isReliable = reliable)
// throws a ConnectTimedOutException if the client cannot connect for any reason to the server handshake ports
// this will block until the connection timeout, and throw an exception if we were unable to connect with the server
// @Throws(ConnectTimedOutException::class, ClientRejectedException::class)
val connectionInfo = connectionManager.initHandshake(handshakeConnection, connectionTimeoutMS)
// we are now connected, so we can connect to the NEW client-specific ports
val reliableClientConnection = UdpMediaDriverConnection(
address = handshakeConnection.address,
subscriptionPort = connectionInfo.subscriptionPort,
publicationPort = connectionInfo.publicationPort,
streamId = connectionInfo.streamId,
sessionId = connectionInfo.sessionId,
connectionTimeoutMS = connectionTimeoutMS,
isReliable = handshakeConnection.isReliable)
// VALIDATE:: check to see if the remote connection's public key has changed!
if (!validateRemoteAddress(NetworkUtil.IP.toInt(this.remoteAddress), connectionInfo.publicKey)) {
// TODO: this should provide info to a callback
println("connection not allowed! public key mismatch")
// VALIDATE TODO: make sure the serialization matches between the client/server! ?? One the client, it will just time out i
// think, because we don't want to give validation information to the client... (so clients cannot probe what the registrations
// are)
// only the client connects to the server, so here we have to connect. The server (when creating the new "connection" object)
// does not need to do anything
// throws a ConnectTimedOutException if the client cannot connect for any reason to the server-assigned client ports
val newConnection = newConnection(this, reliableClientConnection)
connection = newConnection
// VALIDATE are we allowed to connect to this server (now that we have the initial server information)
val permitConnection = connectionManager.notifyFilter(newConnection)
if (!permitConnection) {
// TODO: this should provide info to a callback
println("connection not allowed!")
// have to make a new thread to listen for incoming data!
actionDispatch.launch {
val pollIdleStrategy = config.pollIdleStrategy
while (!isShutdown()) {
val pollCount = newConnection.pollSubscriptions()
// 0 means we idle. >0 means reset and don't idle (because there are likely more poll events)
* Checks to see if this client has connected yet or not.
* @return true if we are connected, false otherwise.
override fun isConnected(): Boolean {
return isConnected.value
// override fun hasRemoteKeyChanged(): Boolean {
// return connection!!.hasRemoteKeyChanged()
// }
// /**
// * @return the remote address, as a string.
// */
// override fun getRemoteHost(): String {
// return connection!!.remoteHost
// }
// /**
// * @return true if this connection is established on the loopback interface
// */
// override fun isLoopback(): Boolean {
// return connection!!.isLoopback
// }
// override fun isIPC(): Boolean {
// return false
// }
// /**
// * @return true if this connection is a network connection
// */
// override fun isNetwork(): Boolean {
// return false
// }
// /**
// * @return the connection (TCP or LOCAL) id of this connection.
// */
// override fun id(): Int {
// return connection!!.id()
// }
// /**
// * @return the connection (TCP or LOCAL) id of this connection as a HEX string.
// */
// override fun idAsHex(): String {
// return connection!!.idAsHex()
// }
* Tells the remote connection to create a new global object that implements the specified interface.
* The methods on the returned object will remotely execute on the (remotely) created object
* The callback will be notified when the remote object has been created.
* If you want to create a connection specific remote object, call [Connection.create(Int, RemoteObjectCallback<Iface>)] on a connection
* The callback will be notified when the remote object has been created.
* If a proxy returned from this method is part of an object graph sent over the network, the object graph on the receiving side
* will have the proxy object replaced with the registered (non-proxy) object.
* If one wishes to change the remote object behavior, cast the object [RemoteObject] to access the different methods, for example:
* ie: `val remoteObject = test as RemoteObject`
* @see RemoteObject
suspend inline fun <reified Iface> createObject(noinline callback: suspend (Iface) -> Unit) {
val classId = serialization.getClassId(
rmiSupport.createGlobalRemoteObject(getConnection(), classId, callback)
* Gets a global remote object via the ID.
* Global remote objects are accessible to ALL connections, where as a connection specific remote object is only accessible/visible
* to the connection.
* If you want to access a connection specific remote object, call [Connection.get(Int, RemoteObjectCallback<Iface>)] on a connection
* The callback will be notified when the remote object has been created.
* If a proxy returned from this method is part of an object graph sent over the network, the object graph on the receiving side
* will have the proxy object replaced with the registered (non-proxy) object.
* If one wishes to change the remote object behavior, cast the object to a [RemoteObject] to access the different methods, for example:
* ie: `val remoteObject = test as RemoteObject`
* @see RemoteObject
fun <Iface> getObject(objectId: Int, interfaceClass: Class<Iface>): Iface {
return rmiSupport.getGlobalRemoteObject(getConnection(), this, objectId, interfaceClass)
* Fetches the connection used by the client.
* Make **sure** that you only call this **after** the client connects!
* This is preferred to [EndPoint.getConnections], as it properly does some error checking
fun getConnection(): C {
return connection as C
suspend fun send(message: Any) {
val c = connection
if (c != null) {
} else {
throw ClientException("Cannot send a message when there is no connection!")
suspend fun send(message: Any, priority: Byte) {
val c = connection
if (c != null) {
c.send(message, priority)
} else {
throw ClientException("Cannot send a message when there is no connection!")
suspend fun ping(): Ping {
val c = connection
if (c != null) {
} else {
throw ClientException("Cannot ping a connection when there is no connection!")
fun removeRegisteredServerKey(hostAddress: Int) {
val savedPublicKey = settingsStore.getRegisteredServerKey(hostAddress)
if (savedPublicKey != null) {
val logger2 = logger
if (logger2.isDebugEnabled) {
logger2.debug("Deleting remote IP address key ${NetworkUtil.IP.toString(hostAddress)}")
// fun initClassRegistration(channel: Channel, registration: Registration): Boolean {
// val details = serialization.getKryoRegistrationDetails()
// val length = details.size
// // it is too large to send in a single packet
// // child arrays have index 0 also as their 'index' and 1 is the total number of fragments
// val fragments = divideArray(details, Serialization.CLASS_REGISTRATION_VALIDATION_FRAGMENT_SIZE)
// if (fragments == null) {
// logger.error("Too many classes have been registered for Serialization. Please report this issue")
// return false
// }
// val allButLast = fragments.size - 1
// for (i in 0 until allButLast) {
// val fragment = fragments[i]
// val fragmentedRegistration = Registration.hello(registration.oneTimePad, config.settingsStore.getPublicKey())
// fragmentedRegistration.payload = fragment
// // tell the server we are fragmented
// fragmentedRegistration.upgradeType = UpgradeType.FRAGMENTED
// // tell the server we are upgraded (it will bounce back telling us to connect)
// fragmentedRegistration.upgraded = true
// channel.writeAndFlush(fragmentedRegistration)
// }
// // now tell the server we are done with the fragments
// val fragmentedRegistration = Registration.hello(registration.oneTimePad, config.settingsStore.getPublicKey())
// fragmentedRegistration.payload = fragments[allButLast]
// // tell the server we are fragmented
// fragmentedRegistration.upgradeType = UpgradeType.FRAGMENTED
// // tell the server we are upgraded (it will bounce back telling us to connect)
// fragmentedRegistration.upgraded = true
// channel.writeAndFlush(fragmentedRegistration)
// } else {
// registration.payload = details
// // tell the server we are upgraded (it will bounce back telling us to connect)
// registration.upgraded = true
// channel.writeAndFlush(registration)
// }
// return true
// }
// /**
// * Closes all connections ONLY (keeps the client running). To STOP the client, use stop().
// * <p/>
// * This is used, for example, when reconnecting to a server.
// */
// protected
// void closeConnection() {
// if (isConnected.get()) {
// // make sure we're not waiting on registration
// stopRegistration();
// // for the CLIENT only, we clear these connections! (the server only clears them on shutdown)
// // stop does the same as this + more. Only keep the listeners for connections IF we are the client. If we remove listeners as a client,
// // ALL of the client logic will be lost. The server is reactive, so listeners are added to connections as needed (instead of before startup)
// connectionManager.closeConnections(true);
// // Sometimes there might be "lingering" connections (ie, halfway though registration) that need to be closed.
// registrationWrapper.clearSessions();
// closeConnections(true);
// shutdownAllChannels();
// // shutdownEventLoops(); we don't do this here!
// connection = null;
// isConnected.set(false);
// previousClosedConnectionActivity = System.nanoTime();
// }
// }
// /**
// * Internal call to abort registration if the shutdown command is issued during channel registration.
// */
// @Suppress("unused")
// fun abortRegistration() {
// // make sure we're not waiting on registration
//// stopRegistration()
// }