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* Copyright 2020 dorkbox, llc
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import dorkbox.util.collections.LockFreeIntBiMap
import mu.KLogger
import org.agrona.collections.IntArrayList
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock
import kotlin.concurrent.write
* This class allows you to store objects in it via an ID.
* The ID can be reserved ahead of time, or it can be dynamically generated. Additionally, this class will recycle IDs, and prevent
* reserved IDs from being dynamically selected.
* ADDITIONALLY, these IDs are limited to SHORT size (65535 max value) because when executing remote methods, a lot, it is important to
* have as little data overhead in the message as possible.
* These data structures are not SHORTs because the JVM doesn't have good support for SHORT.
* From
* The Java Virtual Machine provides the most direct support for data of type int. This is partly in anticipation of efficient
* implementations of the Java Virtual Machine's operand stacks and local variable arrays. It is also motivated by the frequency of
* int data in typical programs. Other integral types have less direct support. There are no byte, char, or short versions of the
* store, load, or add instructions, for instance.
* In situations where we want to pass in the Connection (to an RMI method) as a parameter, we have to be able to override method A,
* with method B.
* This is to support calling RMI methods from an interface (that does pass the connection reference) to an implType, that DOES pass
* the connection reference. The remote side (that initiates the RMI calls), MUST use the interface, and the implType may override
* the method, so that we add the connection as the first in the list of parameters.
* for example:
* Interface: foo(String x)
* Impl: foo(Connection c, String x)
* The implType (if it exists, with the same name, and with the same signature + connection parameter) will be called from the interface
* instead of the method that would NORMALLY be called.
* @author Nathan Robinson
class RemoteObjectStorage(val logger: KLogger) {
companion object {
const val INVALID_RMI = 0
// this is the ID -> Object RMI map. The RMI ID is used (not the kryo ID)
private val objectMap = LockFreeIntBiMap<Any>(INVALID_RMI)
private val idLock = ReentrantReadWriteLock()
// object ID's are assigned OR requested, so we construct the data structures differently
// there are 2 ways to get an RMI object ID
// 1) request the next number from the counter
// 2) specifically request a number
// To solve this, we use 3 data structures, because it's also possible to RETURN no-longer needed object ID's (like when a
// connection closes)
private var objectIdCounter: Int = 1
private val reservedObjectIds = IntArrayList(1, INVALID_RMI)
private val objectIds = IntArrayList(16, INVALID_RMI)
init {
(0..8).forEach { _ ->
private fun validate(objectId: Int) {
require(objectId > 0) { "The ID must be greater than 0" }
require(objectId <= 65535) { "The ID must be less than 65,535" }
* @return the next ID or 0 (INVALID_RMI, if it's invalid)
private fun unsafeNextId(): Int {
val id = if (objectIds.size > 0) {
objectIds.removeAt(objectIds.size - 1)
} else {
if (objectIdCounter > 65535) {
// basically, it's a short (but collections are a LOT easier to deal with if it's an int)
val msg = "Max ID size is 65535, because of how we pack the bytes when sending RMI messages. FATAL ERROR! (too many objects)"
return id
* @return the next possible RMI object ID. Either one that is next available, or 0 (INVALID_RMI) if it was invalid
fun nextId(): Int {
idLock.write {
var idToReturn = unsafeNextId()
while (reservedObjectIds.contains(idToReturn)) {
idToReturn = unsafeNextId()
return idToReturn
* Reserves an ID so that other requests for ID's will never return this ID. The number must be > 0 and < 65535
* Reservations are permanent and it will ALWAYS be reserved! You cannot "un-reserve" an ID.
* If you care about memory and performance, use the ID from "nextId()" instead.
* @return false if this ID was not able to be reserved
fun reserveId(id: Int): Boolean {
idLock.write {
val contains = objectIds.remove(id)
if (contains) {
// this id is available for us to use (and was temporarily used before)
return true
if (reservedObjectIds.contains(id)) {
// this id is ALREADY used by something else
return false
if (objectIdCounter < id) {
// this id is ALREADY used by something else
return false
if (objectIdCounter == id) {
// we are available via the counter, so make sure the counter increments
// we still want to mark this as reserved, so fall through
// this means that the counter is LARGER than the id (maybe even a LOT larger)
// we just stuff this requested number in a small array and check it whenever we get a new number
return true
* @return an ID to be used again. Reserved IDs will not be allowed to be returned
fun returnId(id: Int) {
idLock.write {
if (reservedObjectIds.contains(id)) {
logger.error {
"Do not return a reserved ID ($id). Once an ID is reserved, it is permanent."
val shortCheck: Int = (id + 1)
if (shortCheck == objectIdCounter) {
} else {
* Automatically registers an object with the next available ID to allow a remote connection to access this object via the returned ID
* @return the RMI object ID, there are too many, it will fail with a Runtime Exception. (Max limit is 65535 objects)
fun register(`object`: Any): Int {
// this will return INVALID_RMI if there are too many in the ObjectSpace
val nextObjectId = nextId()
if (nextObjectId != INVALID_RMI) {
objectMap.put(nextObjectId, `object`)
logger.trace {
"Object <proxy #$nextObjectId> registered with .toString() = '${`object`}'"
return nextObjectId
* Registers an object to allow a remote connection access to this object via the specified ID
* @param objectId Must not be <= 0 or > 65535
* @return true if successful, false if there was an error
fun register(objectId: Int, `object`: Any): Boolean {
objectMap.put(objectId, `object`)
logger.trace {
"Object <proxy #${objectId}> registered with .toString() = '${`object`}'"
return true
* Removes an object. The remote connection will no longer be able to access it.
fun <T> remove(objectId: Int): T {
val rmiObject = objectMap.remove(objectId) as T
logger.trace {
"Object <proxy #${objectId}> removed with .toString() = '${rmiObject}'"
return rmiObject
* Removes an object, and the remote end of the RmiBridge connection will no longer be able to access it.
fun remove(remoteObject: Any) {
val objectId = objectMap.inverse().remove(remoteObject)
if (objectId == INVALID_RMI) {
logger.error("Object {} could not be found in the ObjectSpace.", remoteObject)
} else {
logger.trace {
"Object '${remoteObject}' (ID: ${objectId}) removed from RMI system."
* @return the object registered with the specified ID.
operator fun get(objectId: Int): Any {
return objectMap[objectId]
* @return the ID registered for the specified object, or INVALID_RMI if not found.
fun <T> getId(remoteObject: T): Int {
// Find an ID with the object.
return objectMap.inverse()[remoteObject]
fun close() {