
146 lines
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import com.conversantmedia.util.concurrent.MultithreadConcurrentQueue
import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope
import kotlinx.coroutines.Job
import kotlinx.coroutines.delay
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
import org.agrona.collections.Hashing
import org.agrona.collections.Int2NullableObjectHashMap
import org.agrona.collections.IntArrayList
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock
import kotlin.concurrent.write
* Manages the "pending response" from method invocation.
* response ID's and the memory they hold will leak if the response never arrives!
class RmiResponseStorage(private val actionDispatch: CoroutineScope) {
// Response ID's are for ALL in-flight RMI on the network stack. instead of limited to (originally) 64, we are now limited to 65,535
// these are just looped around in a ring buffer.
// These are stored here as int, however these are REALLY shorts and are int-packed when transferring data on the wire
private val rmiResponseIds = MultithreadConcurrentQueue<Int>(65535)
private val pendingLock = ReentrantReadWriteLock()
private val pending = Int2NullableObjectHashMap<Any>(32, Hashing.DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR, true)
init {
// create a shuffled list of ID's. This operation is ONLY performed ONE TIME per endpoint!
val ids = IntArrayList()
for (id in Short.MIN_VALUE..Short.MAX_VALUE) {
// populate the array of randomly assigned ID's.
ids.forEach {
// resume any pending remote object method invocations (if they are not async, or not manually waiting)
suspend fun onMessage(message: MethodResponse) {
val objectId = message.objectId
val responseId = message.responseId
val result = message.result
val pendingId = RmiUtils.packShorts(objectId, responseId)
val previous = pendingLock.write { pending.put(pendingId, result) }
// if NULL, since either we don't exist, or it was cancelled
if (previous is SuspendWaiter) {
// this means we were NOT timed out!
// always return the responseId! It will (hopefully) be a while before this ID is used again
fun prep(rmiObjectId: Int, responseWaiter: SuspendWaiter): Int {
val responseId = rmiResponseIds.poll()
// we pack them together so we can fully use the range of ints, so we can service ALL rmi requests in a single spot
pendingLock.write { pending[RmiUtils.packShorts(rmiObjectId, responseId)] = responseWaiter }
return responseId
suspend fun waitForReply(allowWaiting: Boolean, isAsync: Boolean, rmiObjectId: Int, responseId: Int,
responseWaiter: SuspendWaiter, timeoutMillis: Long): Any? {
val pendingId = RmiUtils.packShorts(rmiObjectId, responseId)
var delayJobForTimeout: Job? = null
if (!(isAsync && allowWaiting) && timeoutMillis > 0L) {
// always launch a "cancel" coroutine, unless we want to wait forever
delayJobForTimeout = actionDispatch.launch {
val previous = pendingLock.write {
val prev = pending.remove(pendingId)
if (prev is SuspendWaiter) {
pending[pendingId] = TimeoutException("Response timed out.")
// if we are NOT SuspendWaiter, then it means we had a result!
// If there are tight timing issues, then we err on the side of "you timed out"
if (!isAsync) {
// we only cancel waiting because when NON-ASYNC
if (previous is SuspendWaiter) {
return if (isAsync) {
} else {
waitForReplyManually(pendingId, responseWaiter, delayJobForTimeout)
// this is called when we MANUALLY want to wait for a reply as part of async!
// A timeout of 0 means we wait forever
suspend fun waitForReplyManually(rmiObjectId: Int, responseId: Int, responseWaiter: SuspendWaiter): Any? {
val pendingId = RmiUtils.packShorts(rmiObjectId, responseId)
return waitForReplyManually(pendingId, responseWaiter, null)
// we have to be careful when we resume, because SOMEONE ELSE'S METHOD RESPONSE can resume us (but only from the same object)!
private suspend fun waitForReplyManually(pendingId: Int,responseWaiter: SuspendWaiter, delayJobForTimeout: Job?): Any? {
while(true) {
val checkResult = { pending[pendingId] }
if (checkResult !is SuspendWaiter) {
// this means we have correct data! (or it was an exception) we can safely remove the data from the map
pendingLock.write { pending.remove(pendingId) }
return checkResult
// keep waiting, since we don't have a response yet
fun close() {
pendingLock.write { pending.clear() }