
355 lines
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* Copyright 2019 dorkbox, llc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import dorkbox.util.classes.ClassHelper
import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
import mu.KLogger
import java.lang.reflect.Proxy
import java.util.*
class RmiSupport<C : Connection>(logger: KLogger,
actionDispatch: CoroutineScope,
internal val serialization: NetworkSerializationManager) : RmiSupportCache(logger, actionDispatch)
companion object {
* Returns a proxy object that implements the specified interface, and the methods invoked on the proxy object will be invoked
* remotely.
* Methods that return a value will throw [TimeoutException] if the response is not received with the [RemoteObject.responseTimeout].
* If a proxy returned from this method is part of an object graph sent over the network, the object graph on the receiving side will
* have the proxy object replaced with the registered object.
* @see RemoteObject
* @param rmiId this is the remote object ID (assigned by RMI). This is NOT the kryo registration ID
* @param interfaceClass this is the RMI interface class
internal fun createProxyObject(isGlobalObject: Boolean,
connection: Connection, serialization: NetworkSerializationManager,
rmiSupportCache: RmiSupportCache, namePrefix: String,
rmiId: Int, interfaceClass: Class<*>): RemoteObject {
require(interfaceClass.isInterface) { "iface must be an interface." }
// duplicates are fine, as they represent the same object (as specified by the ID) on the remote side.
val classId = serialization.getClassId(interfaceClass)
val cachedMethods = serialization.getMethods(classId)
val name = "<${namePrefix}-proxy #$rmiId>"
// the ACTUAL proxy is created in the connection impl. Our proxy handler MUST BE suspending because of:
// 1) how we send data on the wire
// 2) how we must (sometimes) wait for a response
val proxyObject = RmiClient(isGlobalObject, rmiId, connection, name, rmiSupportCache, cachedMethods)
// This is the interface inheritance by the proxy object
val interfaces: Array<Class<*>> = arrayOf(, interfaceClass)
return Proxy.newProxyInstance(, interfaces, proxyObject) as RemoteObject
* Scans a class (+hierarchy) for @Rmi annotation and executes the 'registerAction' with it
internal fun scanImplForRmiFields(logger: KLogger, implObject: Any, registerAction: (fieldObject: Any) -> Unit) {
val implementationClass =
// the @Rmi annotation allows an RMI object to have fields with objects that are ALSO RMI objects
val classesToCheck = LinkedList<Map.Entry<Class<*>, Any?>>()
classesToCheck.add(AbstractMap.SimpleEntry(implementationClass, implObject))
var remoteClassObject: Map.Entry<Class<*>, Any?>
while (!classesToCheck.isEmpty()) {
remoteClassObject = classesToCheck.removeFirst()
// we have to check the IMPLEMENTATION for any additional fields that will have proxy information.
// we use getDeclaredFields() + walking the object hierarchy, so we get ALL the fields possible (public + private).
for (field in remoteClassObject.key.declaredFields) {
if (field.getAnnotation( != null) {
val type = field.type
if (!type.isInterface) {
// the type must be an interface, otherwise RMI cannot create a proxy object
logger.error("Error checking RMI fields for: {}.{} -- It is not an interface!",
val prev = field.isAccessible
field.isAccessible = true
val o: Any
try {
o = field[remoteClassObject.value]
classesToCheck.add(AbstractMap.SimpleEntry(type, o))
} catch (e: IllegalAccessException) {
logger.error("Error checking RMI fields for: {}.{}", remoteClassObject.key,, e)
} finally {
field.isAccessible = prev
// have to check the object hierarchy as well
val superclass = remoteClassObject.key.superclass
if (superclass != null && superclass != {
classesToCheck.add(AbstractMap.SimpleEntry(superclass, remoteClassObject.value))
* called on "client"
private fun onGenericObjectResponse(endPoint: EndPoint<Connection_>, connection: Connection_, logger: KLogger,
isGlobal: Boolean, rmiId: Int, callback: suspend (Any) -> Unit,
rmiSupportCache: RmiSupportCache, serialization: NetworkSerializationManager) {
// we only create the proxy + execute the callback if the RMI id is valid!
if (rmiId == RemoteObjectStorage.INVALID_RMI) {
logger.error {
"RMI ID '${rmiId}' is invalid. Unable to create RMI object on server."
val interfaceClass = ClassHelper.getGenericParameterAsClassForSuperClass(, callback.javaClass, 0)
// create the client-side proxy object, if possible
var proxyObject = rmiSupportCache.getProxyObject(rmiId)
if (proxyObject == null) {
proxyObject = createProxyObject(isGlobal, connection, serialization, rmiSupportCache, endPoint.type.simpleName, rmiId, interfaceClass)
rmiSupportCache.saveProxyObject(rmiId, proxyObject)
// this should be executed on a NEW coroutine!
endPoint.actionDispatch.launch {
try {
} catch (e: Exception) {
logger.error("Error getting or creating the remote object $interfaceClass", e)
// this is used for all connection specific ones as well.
private val remoteObjectCreationCallbacks = RemoteObjectStorage(logger)
internal fun <Iface> registerCallback(callback: suspend (Iface) -> Unit): Int {
return remoteObjectCreationCallbacks.register(callback)
private fun removeCallback(callbackId: Int): suspend (Any) -> Unit {
return remoteObjectCreationCallbacks.remove(callbackId)
* Get's the implementation object based on if it is global, or not global
fun getImplObject(isGlobal: Boolean, rmiObjectId: Int, connection: Connection_): Any {
return if (isGlobal) getImplObject(rmiObjectId) else connection.rmiSupport().getImplObject(rmiObjectId)
override fun close() {
* on the "client" to get a global remote object (that exists on the server)
fun <Iface> getGlobalRemoteObject(connection: C, endPoint: EndPoint<C>, objectId: Int, interfaceClass: Class<Iface>): Iface {
// this immediately returns BECAUSE the object must have already been created on the server (this is why we specify the rmiId)!
// so we can just instantly create the proxy object (or get the cached one)
var proxyObject = getProxyObject(objectId)
if (proxyObject == null) {
proxyObject = createProxyObject(true, connection, serialization, this, endPoint.type.simpleName, objectId, interfaceClass)
saveProxyObject(objectId, proxyObject)
return proxyObject as Iface
* on the "client" to create a global remote object (that exists on the server)
suspend fun <Iface> createGlobalRemoteObject(connection: Connection, interfaceClassId: Int, callback: suspend (Iface) -> Unit) {
val callbackId = registerCallback(callback)
// There is no rmiID yet, because we haven't created it!
val message = GlobalObjectCreateRequest(RmiUtils.packShorts(interfaceClassId, callbackId))
// We use a callback to notify us when the object is ready. We can't "create this on the fly" because we
// have to wait for the object to be created + ID to be assigned on the remote system BEFORE we can create the proxy instance here.
// this means we are creating a NEW object on the server
* Manages ALL OF THE RMI stuff!
suspend fun manage(endPoint: EndPoint<Connection_>, connection: Connection_, message: Any, logger: KLogger) {
when (message) {
is ConnectionObjectCreateRequest -> {
* called on "server"
connection.rmiSupport().onConnectionObjectCreateRequest(endPoint, connection, message, logger)
is ConnectionObjectCreateResponse -> {
* called on "client"
val rmiId = RmiUtils.unpackLeft(message.packedIds)
val callbackId = RmiUtils.unpackRight(message.packedIds)
val callback = removeCallback(callbackId)
onGenericObjectResponse(endPoint, connection, logger, false, rmiId, callback, this, serialization)
is GlobalObjectCreateRequest -> {
* called on "server"
onGlobalObjectCreateRequest(endPoint, connection, message, logger)
is GlobalObjectCreateResponse -> {
* called on "client"
val rmiId = RmiUtils.unpackLeft(message.packedIds)
val callbackId = RmiUtils.unpackRight(message.packedIds)
val callback = removeCallback(callbackId)
onGenericObjectResponse(endPoint, connection, logger, true, rmiId, callback, this, serialization)
is MethodRequest -> {
* Invokes the method on the object and, sends the result back to the connection that made the invocation request.
* This is the response to the invoke method in the RmiClient
* The remote side of this connection requested the invocation.
val objectId: Int = message.objectId
val isGlobal: Boolean = message.isGlobal
val cachedMethod = message.cachedMethod
val implObject = getImplObject(isGlobal, objectId, connection)
logger.trace {
var argString = ""
if (message.args != null) {
argString = Arrays.deepToString(message.args)
argString = argString.substring(1, argString.length - 1)
val stringBuilder = StringBuilder(128)
.append(" received: ")
if (cachedMethod.overriddenMethod != null) {
// did we override our cached method? THIS IS NOT COMMON.
stringBuilder.append(" [Connection method override]")
var result: Any?
try {
// args!! is safe to do here (even though it doesn't make sense)
result = cachedMethod.invoke(connection, implObject, message.args!!)
} catch (ex: Exception) {
logger.error("Error invoking method: ${}.${}", ex)
result = ex.cause
// added to prevent a stack overflow when references is false, (because 'cause' == "this").
// See:
if (result == null) {
result = ex
} else {
val invokeMethodResult = MethodResponse()
invokeMethodResult.objectId = objectId
invokeMethodResult.responseId = message.responseId
invokeMethodResult.result = result
is MethodResponse -> {
// notify the pending proxy requests that we have a response!
* called on "server"
private suspend fun onGlobalObjectCreateRequest(
endPoint: EndPoint<Connection_>, connection: Connection_, message: GlobalObjectCreateRequest, logger: KLogger) {
val interfaceClassId = RmiUtils.unpackLeft(message.packedIds)
val callbackId = RmiUtils.unpackRight(message.packedIds)
// We have to lookup the iface, since the proxy object requires it
val implObject = endPoint.serialization.createRmiObject(interfaceClassId)
val rmiId = registerImplObject(implObject)
if (rmiId != RemoteObjectStorage.INVALID_RMI) {
// this means we could register this object.
// next, scan this object to see if there are any RMI fields
scanImplForRmiFields(logger, implObject) {
} else {
logger.error {
"Trying to create an RMI object with the INVALID_RMI id!!"
// we send the message ANYWAYS, because the client needs to know it did NOT succeed!
connection.send(GlobalObjectCreateResponse(RmiUtils.packShorts(rmiId, callbackId)))