
867 lines
37 KiB

* Copyright 2010 dorkbox, llc
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.*
import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.util.DefaultInstantiatorStrategy
import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.util.IdentityMap
import de.javakaffee.kryoserializers.UnmodifiableCollectionsSerializer
import dorkbox.objectPool.ObjectPool
import dorkbox.objectPool.PoolableObject
import dorkbox.util.OS
import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf
import io.netty.buffer.Unpooled
import org.agrona.collections.Int2ObjectHashMap
import org.objenesis.instantiator.ObjectInstantiator
import org.objenesis.strategy.StdInstantiatorStrategy
import org.slf4j.Logger
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler
import java.util.*
* Threads reading/writing at the same time a single instance of kryo. it is possible to use a single kryo with the use of
* synchronize, however - that defeats the point of having multi-threaded serialization.
* Additionally, this serialization manager will register the entire class+interface hierarchy for an object. If you want to specify a
* serialization scheme for a specific class in an objects hierarchy, you must register that first.
* Additionally, this serialization manager will register the entire class+interface hierarchy for an object. If you want to specify a
* serialization scheme for a specific class in an objects hierarchy, you must register that first.
* @param references If true, each appearance of an object in the graph after the first is stored as an integer ordinal.
* When set to true, [MapReferenceResolver] is used. This enables references to the same object and cyclic
* graphs to be serialized, but typically adds overhead of one byte per object. (should be true)
* @param factory Sets the serializer factory to use when no default serializers match
* an object's type. Default is [ReflectionSerializerFactory] with [FieldSerializer]. @see
* Kryo#newDefaultSerializer(Class)
class Serialization(references: Boolean,
factory: SerializerFactory<*>?) : NetworkSerializationManager {
companion object {
private val UNMODIFIABLE_COLLECTION_SERIALIZERS: Array<Pair<Class<Any>, Serializer<Any>>>
init {
val unmodSerializers = mutableListOf<Pair<Class<Any>, Serializer<Any>>>()
// hacky way to register unmodifiable serializers. This MUST be done here, because we ONLY want internal objects created once
val kryo: Kryo = object : Kryo() {
override fun register(type: Class<*>, serializer: Serializer<*>): Registration {
val type1 = type as Class<Any>
val serializer1 = serializer as Serializer<Any>
unmodSerializers.add(Pair(type1, serializer1))
return super.register(type, serializer)
// end hack
* Additionally, this serialization manager will register the entire class+interface hierarchy for an object. If you want to specify a
* serialization scheme for a specific class in an objects hierarchy, you must register that first.
* @param references If true, each appearance of an object in the graph after the first is stored as an integer ordinal. When set to true,
* [MapReferenceResolver] is used. This enables references to the same object and cyclic graphs to be serialized,
* but typically adds overhead of one byte per object. (should be true)
* @param factory Sets the serializer factory to use when no {@link Kryo#addDefaultSerializer(Class, Class) default serializers} match
* an object's type. Default is {@link ReflectionSerializerFactory} with {@link FieldSerializer}. @see
* Kryo#newDefaultSerializer(Class)
fun DEFAULT(references: Boolean = true, factory: SerializerFactory<*>? = null): Serialization {
val serialization = Serialization(references, factory)
serialization.register( // TODO this is built into aeron!??!?!?!
// TODO: this is for diffie hellmen handshake stuff!
// serialization.register(, IesParametersSerializer())
// serialization.register(, IesWithCipherParametersSerializer())
// TODO: fix kryo to work the way we want, so we can register interfaces + serializers with kryo
// serialization.register(, XECPublicKeySerializer())
// serialization.register(, XECPrivateKeySerializer())
serialization.register( // must use full package name!
return serialization
private lateinit var logger: Logger
private var initialized = false
private val kryoPool: ObjectPool<KryoExtra>
lateinit var classResolver: ClassResolver
// used by operations performed during kryo initialization, which are by default package access (since it's an anon-inner class)
// All registration MUST happen in-order of when the register(*) method was called, otherwise there are problems.
// Object checking is performed during actual registration.
private val classesToRegister = mutableListOf<ClassRegistration>()
private lateinit var savedRegistrationDetails: ByteArray
/// RMI things
private val rmiIfaceToInstantiator : Int2ObjectHashMap<ObjectInstantiator<Any>> = Int2ObjectHashMap()
private val rmiIfaceToImpl = IdentityMap<Class<*>, Class<*>>()
private val rmiImplToIface = IdentityMap<Class<*>, Class<*>>()
// BY DEFAULT, DefaultInstantiatorStrategy() will use ReflectASM
// StdInstantiatorStrategy will create classes bypasses the constructor (which can be useful in some cases) THIS IS A FALLBACK!
private val instantiatorStrategy = DefaultInstantiatorStrategy(StdInstantiatorStrategy())
private val methodRequestSerializer = MethodRequestSerializer()
private val methodResponseSerializer = MethodResponseSerializer()
private val objectRequestSerializer = RmiClientRequestSerializer()
private val objectResponseSerializer = ObjectResponseSerializer(rmiImplToIface)
// the purpose of the method cache, is to accelerate looking up methods for specific class
private val methodCache : Int2ObjectHashMap<Array<CachedMethod>> = Int2ObjectHashMap()
// reflectASM doesn't work on android
private val useAsm = !OS.isAndroid()
init {
kryoPool = ObjectPool.NonBlockingSoftReference(object : PoolableObject<KryoExtra>() {
override fun create(): KryoExtra {
synchronized(this@Serialization) {
// we HAVE to pre-allocate the KRYOs
val kryo = KryoExtra(methodCache)
kryo.instantiatorStrategy = instantiatorStrategy
kryo.references = references
// All registration MUST happen in-order of when the register(*) method was called, otherwise there are problems.
// these are registered using the default serializers. We don't customize these, because we don't care about it.
// necessary for the transport of exceptions.
kryo.register(hashMapOf<Any, Any>().javaClass)
kryo.register(emptyMap<Any, Any>().javaClass)
kryo.register(Collections.emptyNavigableMap<Any, Any>().javaClass)
kryo.register(it.first, it.second)
// RMI stuff!
kryo.register(, methodRequestSerializer)
kryo.register(, methodResponseSerializer)
kryo.register( as Class<Any>, objectRequestSerializer)
// check to see which interfaces are mapped to RMI (otherwise, the interface requires a serializer)
classesToRegister.forEach { registration ->
if (factory != null) {
return kryo
* Registers the class using the lowest, next available integer ID and the [default serializer][Kryo.getDefaultSerializer].
* If the class is already registered, the existing entry is updated with the new serializer.
* Registering a primitive also affects the corresponding primitive wrapper.
* Because the ID assigned is affected by the IDs registered before it, the order classes are registered is important when using this
* method. The order must be the same at deserialization as it was for serialization.
override fun <T> register(clazz: Class<T>): NetworkSerializationManager {
if (initialized) {
logger.warn("Serialization manager already initialized. Ignoring duplicate register(Class) call.")
} else {
return this
* Registers the class using the specified ID. If the ID is already in use by the same type, the old entry is overwritten. If the ID
* is already in use by a different type, an exception is thrown.
* Registering a primitive also affects the corresponding primitive wrapper.
* IDs must be the same at deserialization as they were for serialization.
* @param id Must be >= 0. Smaller IDs are serialized more efficiently. IDs 0-8 are used by default for primitive types and String, but
* these IDs can be repurposed.
override fun <T> register(clazz: Class<T>, id: Int): NetworkSerializationManager {
if (initialized) {
logger.warn("Serialization manager already initialized. Ignoring duplicate register(Class, int) call.")
return this
// The reason it must be an implementation, is because the reflection serializer DOES NOT WORK with field types, but rather
// with object types... EVEN IF THERE IS A SERIALIZER
require(!clazz.isInterface) { "Cannot register an interface '${clazz}' with specified ID for serialization. It must be an implementation." }
classesToRegister.add(ClassRegistration1(clazz, id))
return this
* Registers the class using the lowest, next available integer ID and the specified serializer. If the class is already registered,
* the existing entry is updated with the new serializer.
* Registering a primitive also affects the corresponding primitive wrapper.
* Because the ID assigned is affected by the IDs registered before it, the order classes are registered is important when using this
* method. The order must be the same at deserialization as it was for serialization.
override fun <T> register(clazz: Class<T>, serializer: Serializer<T>): NetworkSerializationManager {
if (initialized) {
logger.warn("Serialization manager already initialized. Ignoring duplicate register(Class, Serializer) call.")
return this
// The reason it must be an implementation, is because the reflection serializer DOES NOT WORK with field types, but rather
// with object types... EVEN IF THERE IS A SERIALIZER
require(!clazz.isInterface) { "Cannot register an interface '${}' with a serializer. It must be an implementation." }
classesToRegister.add(ClassRegistration0(clazz, serializer))
return this
* Registers the class using the specified ID and serializer. If the ID is already in use by the same type, the old entry is
* overwritten. If the ID is already in use by a different type, an exception is thrown.
* Registering a primitive also affects the corresponding primitive wrapper.
* IDs must be the same at deserialization as they were for serialization.
* @param id Must be >= 0. Smaller IDs are serialized more efficiently. IDs 0-8 are used by default for primitive types and String, but
* these IDs can be repurposed.
override fun <T> register(clazz: Class<T>, serializer: Serializer<T>, id: Int): NetworkSerializationManager {
if (initialized) {
logger.warn("Serialization manager already initialized. Ignoring duplicate register(Class, Serializer, int) call.")
return this
// The reason it must be an implementation, is because the reflection serializer DOES NOT WORK with field types, but rather
// with object types... EVEN IF THERE IS A SERIALIZER
require(!clazz.isInterface) { "Cannot register an interface '${}'. It must be an implementation." }
classesToRegister.add(ClassRegistration2(clazz, serializer, id))
return this
* There is additional overhead to using RMI.
* This enables a "remote endpoint" to access methods and create objects (RMI) for this endpoint.
* This is NOT bi-directional, and this endpoint cannot access or create remote objects on the "remote client".
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the iface/impl have previously been overridden
override fun <Iface, Impl : Iface> registerRmi(ifaceClass: Class<Iface>, implClass: Class<Impl>): NetworkSerializationManager {
if (initialized) {
logger.warn("Serialization manager already initialized. Ignoring duplicate registerRmiImplementation(Class, Class) call.")
return this
require(ifaceClass.isInterface) { "Cannot register an implementation for RMI access. It must be an interface." }
require(!implClass.isInterface) { "Cannot register an interface for RMI implementations. It must be an implementation." }
classesToRegister.add(ClassRegistrationIfaceAndImpl(ifaceClass, implClass, objectResponseSerializer))
// rmiIfaceToImpl tells us, "the server" how to create a (requested) remote object
// this MUST BE UNIQUE otherwise unexpected and BAD things can happen.
val a = rmiIfaceToImpl.put(ifaceClass, implClass)
val b = rmiImplToIface.put(implClass, ifaceClass)
require(!(a != null || b != null)) {
"Unable to override interface ($ifaceClass) and implementation ($implClass) " +
"because they have already been overridden by something else. It is critical that they are both unique per JVM"
return this
* Called when initialization is complete. This is to prevent (and recognize) out-of-order class/serializer registration. If an ID
* is already in use by a different type, an exception is thrown.
override fun finishInit(endPointClass: Class<*>) {
val name = endPointClass.simpleName
this.logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("$name.SERIAL")
initialized = true
// initialize the kryo pool with at least 1 kryo instance. This ALSO makes sure that all of our class registration is done
// correctly and (if not) we are are notified on the initial thread (instead of on the network update thread)
val kryo = kryoPool.take()
// save off the class-resolver, so we can lookup the class <-> id relationships
classResolver = kryo.classResolver
try {
// now MERGE all of the registrations (since we can have registrations overwrite newer/specific registrations based on ID
// in order to get the ID's, these have to be registered with a kryo instance!
val mergedRegistrations = mutableListOf<ClassRegistration>()
classesToRegister.forEach { registration ->
val id =
// if we ALREADY contain this registration (based ONLY on ID), then overwrite the existing one and REMOVE the current one
var found = false
mergedRegistrations.forEachIndexed { index, classRegistration ->
if ( == id) {
mergedRegistrations[index] = registration
found = true
if (!found) {
// sort these by ID, because that is what they should be registered as...
mergedRegistrations.sortBy { }
// TODO? is this next part necessary?
// next, go through all of the registrations and see WHICH ones are actually for RMI (and need the remote-object-serializer) and
// which ones do not need RMI stuff.
// We know this 2 ways:
// 1) the class will be registered via "ClassRegistrationIfaceAndImpl"
// 2) the class will be an interface with NO DEFINED serializer
// val interfaceOnlyRegistrations = mergedRegistrations.filter { it.clazz.isInterface && it.serializer == null }
// mergedRegistrations.forEach { classRegistration ->
// }
// now all of the registrations are IN ORDER and MERGED (save back to original array)
// set 'classesToRegister' to our mergedRegistrations, because this is now the correct order
// now create the registration details, used to validate that the client/server have the EXACT same class registration setup
val registrationDetails = arrayListOf<Array<Any>>()
classesToRegister.forEach { classRegistration ->
// now save all of the registration IDs for quick verification/access
// we should cache RMI methods! We don't always know if something is RMI or not (from just how things are registered...)
// so it is super trivial to map out all possible, relevant types
if (classRegistration is ClassRegistrationIfaceAndImpl) {
// on the "RMI server" (aka, where the object lives) side, there will be an interface + implementation!
methodCache[] =
RmiUtils.getCachedMethods(logger, kryo, useAsm, classRegistration.clazz, classRegistration.implClass,
// we ALSO have to cache the instantiator for these, since these are used to create remote objects
val instantiator = kryo.instantiatorStrategy.newInstantiatorOf(classRegistration.implClass)
rmiIfaceToInstantiator[] = instantiator as ObjectInstantiator<Any>
} else if (classRegistration.clazz.isInterface) {
// on the "RMI client"
methodCache[] =
RmiUtils.getCachedMethods(logger, kryo, useAsm, classRegistration.clazz, null,
if ( > 65000) {
throw RuntimeException("There are too many kryo class registrations!!")
// save this as a byte array (so class registration validation during connection handshake is faster)
try {
kryo.writeCompressed(logger, buffer, registrationDetails.toTypedArray())
} catch (e: Exception) {
logger.error("Unable to write compressed data for registration details", e)
val length = buffer.readableBytes()
savedRegistrationDetails = ByteArray(length)
buffer.getBytes(0, savedRegistrationDetails, 0, length)
} finally {
* NOTE: When this fails, the CLIENT will just time out. We DO NOT want to send an error message to the client
* (it should check for updates or something else). We do not want to give "rogue" clients knowledge of the
* server, thus preventing them from trying to probe the server data structures.
* @return a compressed byte array of the details of all registration IDs -> Class name -> Serialization type used by kryo
override fun getKryoRegistrationDetails(): ByteArray {
return savedRegistrationDetails
* NOTE: When this fails, the CLIENT will just time out. We DO NOT want to send an error message to the client
* (it should check for updates or something else). We do not want to give "rogue" clients knowledge of the
* server, thus preventing them from trying to probe the server data structures.
* @return true if kryo registration is required for all classes sent over the wire
override fun verifyKryoRegistration(clientBytes: ByteArray): Boolean {
// verify the registration IDs if necessary with our own. The CLIENT does not verify anything, only the server!
val kryoRegistrationDetails = savedRegistrationDetails
val equals = kryoRegistrationDetails.contentEquals(clientBytes)
if (equals) {
return true
// now we need to figure out WHAT was screwed up so we know what to fix
// NOTE: it could just be that the byte arrays are different, because java has a non-deterministic iteration of hash maps.
val kryo = takeKryo()
val byteBuf = Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(clientBytes)
try {
var success = true
val clientClassRegistrations = kryo.readCompressed(logger, byteBuf, clientBytes.size) as Array<Array<Any>>
val lengthServer = classesToRegister.size
val lengthClient = clientClassRegistrations.size
var index = 0
// list all of the registrations that are mis-matched between the server/client
while (index < lengthServer) {
val classServer = classesToRegister[index]
if (index < lengthClient) {
val classClient = clientClassRegistrations[index]
val idClient = classClient[0] as Int
val nameClient = classClient[1] as String
val serializerClient = classClient[2] as String
val idServer =
val nameServer =
val serializerServer = classServer.serializer?.javaClass?.name ?: ""
if (idClient != idServer || nameServer != nameClient || !serializerClient.equals(serializerServer, ignoreCase = true)) {
success = false
logger.error("Registration {} Client -> {} ({})", idClient, nameClient, serializerClient)
logger.error("Registration {} Server -> {} ({})", idServer, nameServer, serializerServer)
} else {
success = false
logger.error("Missing client registration for {} -> {}",,
// list all of the registrations that are missing on the server
if (index < lengthClient) {
success = false
while (index < lengthClient) {
val holderClass = clientClassRegistrations[index]
val id = holderClass[0] as Int
val name = holderClass[1] as String
val serializer = holderClass[2] as String
logger.error("Missing server registration : {} -> {} ({})", id, name, serializer)
// maybe everything was actually correct, and the byte arrays were different because hashmaps use non-deterministic ordering.
return success
} catch (e: Exception) {
logger.error("Error [{}] during registration validation", e.message)
} finally {
return false
* @return takes a kryo instance from the pool.
override fun takeKryo(): KryoExtra {
return kryoPool.take()
* Returns a kryo instance to the pool.
override fun returnKryo(kryo: KryoExtra) {
* Returns the Kryo class registration ID
override fun getClassId(iFace: Class<*>): Int {
return classResolver.getRegistration(iFace).id
* Returns the Kryo class from a registration ID
override fun getClassFromId(interfaceClassId: Int): Class<*> {
return classResolver.getRegistration(interfaceClassId).type
* Creates a NEW object implementation based on the KRYO interface ID.
* @return the corresponding implementation object
override fun createRmiObject(interfaceClassId: Int): Any {
return rmiIfaceToInstantiator[interfaceClassId].newInstance()
* Gets the RMI interface based on the specified implementation
* @return the corresponding interface
override fun <T> getRmiImpl(iFace: Class<T>): Class<T> {
return rmiIfaceToImpl[iFace] as Class<T>
override fun getMethods(classId: Int): Array<CachedMethod> {
return methodCache[classId]
override fun initialized(): Boolean {
return initialized
* Waits until a kryo is available to write, using CAS operations to prevent having to synchronize.
* No crypto and no sequence number
* There is a small speed penalty if there were no kryo's available to use.
override fun write(buffer: ByteBuf, message: Any) {
// val kryo = kryoPool.take()
// try {
// kryo.writeClassAndObject(buffer, message)
// kryo.write(NOP_CONNECTION, message)
// } finally {
// kryoPool.put(kryo)
// }
* Reads an object from the buffer.
* No crypto and no sequence number
* @param length should ALWAYS be the length of the expected object!
override fun read(buffer: ByteBuf, length: Int): Any? {
// val kryo = kryoPool.take()
// return try {
// if (wireReadLogger.isTraceEnabled) {
// val start = buffer.readerIndex()
// val `object` =
// val end = buffer.readerIndex()
// wireReadLogger.trace(ByteBufUtil.hexDump(buffer, start, end - start))
// `object`
// } else {
//, buffer)
// }
// } finally {
// kryoPool.put(kryo)
// }
return null
* Writes the class and object using an available kryo instance
override fun writeFullClassAndObject(output: Output, value: Any) {
val kryo = kryoPool.take()
var prev = false
try {
prev = kryo.isRegistrationRequired
kryo.isRegistrationRequired = false
kryo.writeClassAndObject(output, value)
} catch (ex: Exception) {
val msg = "Unable to serialize buffer"
logger.error(msg, ex)
throw IOException(msg, ex)
} finally {
kryo.isRegistrationRequired = prev
* Returns a class read from the input
override fun readFullClassAndObject(input: Input): Any {
val kryo = kryoPool.take()
var prev = false
return try {
prev = kryo.isRegistrationRequired
kryo.isRegistrationRequired = false
} catch (ex: Exception) {
val msg = "Unable to deserialize buffer"
logger.error(msg, ex)
throw IOException(msg, ex)
} finally {
kryo.isRegistrationRequired = prev
// /**
// * Waits until a kryo is available to write, using CAS operations to prevent having to synchronize.
// *
// *
// * There is a small speed penalty if there were no kryo's available to use.
// */
// @Throws(IOException::class)
// override fun writeWithCompression(connection: Connection_, message: Any) {
// val kryo = kryoPool.take()
// try {
//// if (wireWriteLogger.isTraceEnabled) {
//// val start = buffer.writerIndex()
//// kryo.writeCompressed(wireWriteLogger, connection, buffer, message)
//// val end = buffer.writerIndex()
//// wireWriteLogger.trace(ByteBufUtil.hexDump(buffer, start, end - start))
//// } else {
//// kryo.writeCompressed(wireWriteLogger, connection, buffer, message)
//// }
// } finally {
// kryoPool.put(kryo)
// }
// }
// /**
// * Reads an object from the buffer.
// *
// * @param length should ALWAYS be the length of the expected object!
// */
// @Throws(IOException::class)
// override fun read(connection: Connection_, length: Int): Any {
// val kryo = kryoPool.take()
// return try {
//// if (wireReadLogger.isTraceEnabled) {
//// val start = buffer.readerIndex()
//// val `object` =
//// val end = buffer.readerIndex()
//// wireReadLogger.trace(ByteBufUtil.hexDump(buffer, start, end - start))
//// `object`
//// } else {
//, buffer)
//// }
// } finally {
// kryoPool.put(kryo)
// }
// }
// /**
// * Waits until a kryo is available to write, using CAS operations to prevent having to synchronize.
// *
// *
// * There is a small speed penalty if there were no kryo's available to use.
// */
// @Throws(IOException::class)
// override fun write(connection: Connection_, message: Any) {
// val kryo = kryoPool.take()
// try {
// kryo.write(connection, message)
// } finally {
// kryoPool.put(kryo)
// }
// }
// /**
// * Reads an object from the buffer.
// *
// * @param connection can be NULL
// * @param length should ALWAYS be the length of the expected object!
// */
// @Throws(IOException::class)
// override fun readWithCompression(connection: Connection_, length: Int): Any {
// val kryo = kryoPool.take()
// return try {
// if (wireReadLogger.isTraceEnabled) {
// val start = buffer.readerIndex()
// val `object` = kryo.readCompressed(wireReadLogger, connection, buffer, length)
// val end = buffer.readerIndex()
// wireReadLogger.trace(ByteBufUtil.hexDump(buffer, start, end - start))
// `object`
// } else {
// kryo.readCompressed(wireReadLogger, connection, buffer, length)
// }
// } finally {
// kryoPool.put(kryo)
// }
// }
// /**
// * Waits until a kryo is available to write, using CAS operations to prevent having to synchronize.
// *
// *
// * There is a small speed penalty if there were no kryo's available to use.
// */
// @Throws(IOException::class)
// override fun writeWithCrypto(connection: Connection_, message: Any) {
// val kryo = kryoPool.take()
// try {
// if (wireWriteLogger.isTraceEnabled) {
// val start = buffer.writerIndex()
// kryo.writeCrypto(wireWriteLogger, connection, buffer, message)
// val end = buffer.writerIndex()
// wireWriteLogger.trace(ByteBufUtil.hexDump(buffer, start, end - start))
// } else {
// kryo.writeCrypto(wireWriteLogger, connection, buffer, message)
// }
// } finally {
// kryoPool.put(kryo)
// }
// }
// /**
// * Reads an object from the buffer.
// *
// * @param connection can be NULL
// * @param length should ALWAYS be the length of the expected object!
// */
// @Throws(IOException::class)
// override fun readWithCrypto(connection: Connection_, length: Int): Any {
// val kryo = kryoPool.take()
// return try {
// if (wireReadLogger.isTraceEnabled) {
// val start = buffer.readerIndex()
// val `object` = kryo.readCrypto(wireReadLogger, connection, buffer, length)
// val end = buffer.readerIndex()
// wireReadLogger.trace(ByteBufUtil.hexDump(buffer, start, end - start))
// `object`
// } else {
// kryo.readCrypto(wireReadLogger, connection, buffer, length)
// }
// } finally {
// kryoPool.put(kryo)
// }
// }