2021-01-15 14:11:33 +01:00

203 lines
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import org.agrona.collections.Hashing
import org.agrona.collections.Long2ObjectHashMap
import org.slf4j.Logger
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import java.time.Instant
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import kotlin.math.sqrt
class RateLimiter(private val logger: Logger,
previousAccessTimeInMS: Long, freebieAttempts: Int = 10) {
companion object {
private val INVALID_TIME = 0L
private val RATE_LIMIT_MAX_WAIT_SECONDS = 625 // 0 disables it
private val RATE_LIMIT_MAX_WAIT_MILLISECONDS = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(RATE_LIMIT_MAX_WAIT_SECONDS.toLong()) // 0 disables it
private const val DISABLE_DELAY = false
private val MAX_ATTEMPTS = sqrt(RATE_LIMIT_MAX_WAIT_SECONDS.toDouble()).toInt() // 600 seconds is 25 attempts This can be approximate
* what is the fastest we want people to access the resource?
* If we want, we can also use a global rate limiter, so we don't have to keep creating them to be used for specific things
private val globalRateLimits = ConcurrentHashMap<String, RateLimiter>()
init {
val listOfTimedInsertions = mutableListOf<Pair<Instant, Long>>()
val ipToAccessMap = Long2ObjectHashMap<Pair<Int, Instant>>(32, Hashing.DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR, false)
val expirationTime =
val ipAddress = 52L
val accessCount = 2
listOfTimedInsertions.add(Pair(expirationTime, ipAddress))
ipToAccessMap.putIfAbsent(ipAddress, Pair(accessCount, expirationTime))
// reset all login rate limiting at midnight
// TimerUtil.runAtTwoAM(globalRateLimits::clear)
fun check(itemToLimit: String): Int {
// check to see if we have an entry already, and are trying to do something too quickly.
val accessTimeInMS = System.currentTimeMillis()
val limiter = globalRateLimits.computeIfAbsent(itemToLimit) { RateLimiter(LoggerFactory.getLogger("RATE"), accessTimeInMS) }
return limiter.getCurrentDelay(accessTimeInMS)
private val initialAttemptValue: Int
private var previousAccessTimeInMS: Long
private var attempt: Int
private var wasLastAttemptSuccess = false
init {
// during the construction of this object, make sure that we don't lock ourselves out wrt MAX_ACCESS_RATE_SECONDS
this.previousAccessTimeInMS = previousAccessTimeInMS - TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(MAX_ACCESS_RATE_SECONDS.toLong())
// start at - 1 - freebieAttempts so the first access we want to start at makes the counter start at 0 when we checkAccessDelay
initialAttemptValue = 0 - freebieAttempts
attempt = initialAttemptValue
* Increase the attempts by one as long as its not MAX_ATTEMPTS. Return the delay.
* @return the delay in seconds. 0 means no delay since it is a free attempt.
fun incrementDelay(): Int {
return 0
if (attempt != MAX_ATTEMPTS) {
logger.debug("Current Attempts: '{}'. Max Attempts: '{}'", attempt, MAX_ATTEMPTS)
val delayInSeconds = Math.max(MAX_ACCESS_RATE_SECONDS, attemptDelay())
logger.debug("Delay in Seconds: '{}'", delayInSeconds)
return delayInSeconds
* Check if we are in a delay and return the time remaining in the delay.
* @return the remaining delay in seconds. 0 means no delay.
fun getCurrentDelay(accessTimeInMS: Long): Int {
return 0
logger.debug("Current Attempts: '{}'. Max Attempts: '{}'", attempt, MAX_ATTEMPTS)
val delayInSeconds = Math.max(MAX_ACCESS_RATE_SECONDS, attemptDelay())
logger.debug("Delay in Seconds: '{}'", delayInSeconds)
val delayInMS = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(delayInSeconds.toLong())
// How long since last access.
val attemptIntervalInMS = accessTimeInMS - previousAccessTimeInMS
logger.debug("Attempt Interval '{}'", TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(attemptIntervalInMS))
return if (attemptIntervalInMS < delayInMS) {
logger.debug("Triggered rate limiter and incrementing wait time. Current attempt is {}. Resource was accessed {} ms too " +
"quickly.", attempt, delayInMS - attemptIntervalInMS)
val remainingDelayInSeconds = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(delayInMS - attemptIntervalInMS).toInt()
logger.debug("Remaining Delay: '{}'", remainingDelayInSeconds)
} else {
// Set previousAccessTime
previousAccessTimeInMS = accessTimeInMS
// Reset the counter when there has been silence for longer than 10 minutes (MAX_WAIT_TIME) after a failure
logger.debug("Triggered rate limiter hard reset on success. (Waited longer than {} seconds", RATE_LIMIT_MAX_WAIT_SECONDS)
attempt = initialAttemptValue
logger.debug("Attempt after delay. No remaining delay")
private fun attemptDelay(): Int {
return when {
attempt <= 0 -> {
attempt in 1..5 -> {
attempt in 6..10 -> {
attempt in 11..15 -> {
attempt in 16..20 -> {
attempt in 21..24 -> {
else -> {
logger.error("Max delay reached! This is probably a hacker.")
* Decrements the access counter if there has been a success
fun markSuccess() {"Marked as success.")
wasLastAttemptSuccess = true
// if it's a success, then there will never be a wait time.
if (attempt > initialAttemptValue) {
* Marks this as a "success" for a password change. DOES NOT decrement the counter!
fun markSuccessForPassword() {
wasLastAttemptSuccess = true
fun wasLastAttemptSuccess(): Boolean {
val wasLastAttemptSuccess = wasLastAttemptSuccess
// always reset back to false so that we only get 1 "freebie" after a success to attempt to login/etc
this.wasLastAttemptSuccess = false
return wasLastAttemptSuccess
* Marks this as a "failure" so that it must wait the max wait time
fun markMaxFailure() {
attempt = MAX_ATTEMPTS