
1136 lines
48 KiB

* Copyright 2023 dorkbox, llc
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.Kryo
import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.Serializer
import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.SerializerFactory
import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.serializers.DefaultSerializers
import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.serializers.ImmutableCollectionsSerializers
import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.util.DefaultInstantiatorStrategy
import com.esotericsoftware.minlog.Log
import dorkbox.objectPool.BoundedPoolObject
import dorkbox.objectPool.ObjectPool
import dorkbox.objectPool.Pool
import dorkbox.os.OS
import dorkbox.serializers.*
import kotlinx.atomicfu.AtomicBoolean
import kotlinx.atomicfu.atomic
import org.agrona.collections.Int2ObjectHashMap
import org.objenesis.instantiator.ObjectInstantiator
import org.objenesis.strategy.StdInstantiatorStrategy
import org.slf4j.Logger
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler
import java.math.BigDecimal
import java.util.*
import java.util.regex.*
import kotlin.coroutines.Continuation
// Observability issues: make sure that we know WHAT connection is causing serialization errors when they occur!
// ASYC isues: RMI can timeout when OTHER rmi connections happen! EACH RMI NEEDS TO BE SEPARATE IN THE IO DISPATCHER
* Threads reading/writing at the same time a single instance of kryo. it is possible to use a single kryo with the use of
* synchronize, however - that defeats the point of having multithreaded serialization.
* Additionally, this serialization manager will register the entire class+interface hierarchy for an object. If you want to specify a
* serialization scheme for a specific class in an objects hierarchy, you must register that first.
* Additionally, this serialization manager will register the entire class+interface hierarchy for an object. If you want to specify a
* serialization scheme for a specific class in an objects hierarchy, you must register that first.
* @param references If true, each appearance of an object in the graph after the first is stored as an integer ordinal.
* When set to true, [MapReferenceResolver] is used. This enables references to the same object and cyclic
* graphs to be serialized, but typically adds overhead of one byte per object. (should be true)
* @param factory Sets the serializer factory to use when no default serializers match
* an object's type. Default is [ReflectionSerializerFactory] with [FieldSerializer]. @see
* Kryo#newDefaultSerializer(Class)
open class Serialization<CONNECTION: Connection>(private val references: Boolean = true, private val factory: SerializerFactory<*>? = null) {
companion object {
// -2 is the same value that kryo uses for invalid id's
const val INVALID_KRYO_ID = -2
init {
val inet4AddressSerializer by lazy { Inet4AddressSerializer() }
val inet6AddressSerializer by lazy { Inet6AddressSerializer() }
open class RmiSupport<CONNECTION: Connection> internal constructor(
private val initialized: AtomicBoolean,
private val classesToRegister: MutableList<ClassRegistration>,
private val rmiServerSerializer: RmiServerSerializer<CONNECTION>
) {
* There is additional overhead to using RMI.
* This enables a "remote endpoint" to access methods and create objects (RMI) for this endpoint.
* This is NOT bi-directional, and this endpoint cannot access or create remote objects on the "remote client".
* @param ifaceClass this must be the interface class used for RMI
* @param implClass this must be the implementation class used for RMI
* If *null* it means that this endpoint is the rmi-client
* If *not-null* it means that this endpoint is the rmi-server
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the iface/impl have previously been overridden
open fun <Iface, Impl : Iface> register(ifaceClass: Class<Iface>, implClass: Class<Impl>? = null): RmiSupport<CONNECTION> {
require(!initialized.value) { "Serialization 'registerRmi(Class, Class)' cannot happen after client/server initialization!" }
require(ifaceClass.isInterface) { "Cannot register an implementation for RMI access. It must be an interface." }
if (implClass != null) {
require(!implClass.isInterface) { "Cannot register an interface for RMI implementations. It must be an implementation." }
classesToRegister.add(ClassRegistrationForRmi(ifaceClass, implClass, rmiServerSerializer))
return this
private lateinit var logger: Logger
private var maxMessageSize: Int = 500_000
private val writeKryos: Pool<KryoWriter<CONNECTION>> = ObjectPool.nonBlockingBounded(
poolObject = object : BoundedPoolObject<KryoWriter<CONNECTION>>() {
override fun newInstance(): KryoWriter<CONNECTION> {
return newWriteKryo()
maxSize = OS.optimumNumberOfThreads * 2
private val readKryos: Pool<KryoReader<CONNECTION>> = ObjectPool.nonBlockingBounded(
poolObject = object : BoundedPoolObject<KryoReader<CONNECTION>>() {
override fun newInstance(): KryoReader<CONNECTION> {
return newReadKryo()
maxSize = OS.optimumNumberOfThreads * 2
private var initialized = atomic(false)
// used by operations performed during kryo initialization, which are by default package access (since it's an anon-inner class)
// All registration MUST happen in-order of when the register(*) method was called, otherwise there are problems.
// Object checking is performed during actual registration.
private val classesToRegister = mutableListOf<ClassRegistration>()
private lateinit var finalClassRegistrations: Array<ClassRegistration>
private lateinit var savedRegistrationDetails: ByteArray
// the purpose of the method cache, is to accelerate looking up methods for specific class
private val methodCache : Int2ObjectHashMap<Array<CachedMethod>> = Int2ObjectHashMap()
// BY DEFAULT, DefaultInstantiatorStrategy() will use ReflectASM
// StdInstantiatorStrategy will create classes bypasses the constructor (which can be useful in some cases) THIS IS A FALLBACK!
private val instantiatorStrategy = DefaultInstantiatorStrategy(StdInstantiatorStrategy())
private val methodRequestSerializer = MethodRequestSerializer<CONNECTION>(methodCache) // the methodCache is configured BEFORE anything reads from it!
private val methodResponseSerializer = MethodResponseSerializer()
private val continuationSerializer = ContinuationSerializer()
private val rmiClientSerializer = RmiClientSerializer<CONNECTION>()
private val rmiServerSerializer = RmiServerSerializer<CONNECTION>()
private val streamingControlSerializer = StreamingControlSerializer()
private val streamingDataSerializer = StreamingDataSerializer()
private val pingSerializer = PingSerializer()
private val sendSyncSerializer = SendSyncSerializer()
private val disconnectSerializer = DisconnectSerializer()
internal val fileContentsSerializer = FileContentsSerializer<CONNECTION>()
* There is additional overhead to using RMI.
* This enables access to methods from a "remote endpoint", in such a way as if it were local.
* This is NOT bi-directional.
val rmi = RmiSupport(initialized, classesToRegister, rmiServerSerializer)
val rmiHolder = RmiHolder()
// reflectASM doesn't work on android
private val useAsm = !OS.isAndroid
* Registers the class using the lowest, next available integer ID and the [default serializer][Kryo.getDefaultSerializer].
* If the class is already registered, the existing entry is updated with the new serializer.
* Registering a primitive also affects the corresponding primitive wrapper.
* Because the ID assigned is affected by the IDs registered before it, the order classes are registered is important when using this
* method.
* The order must be the same at deserialization as it was for serialization.
* This must happen before the creation of the client/server
open fun <T> register(clazz: Class<T>): Serialization<CONNECTION> {
require(!initialized.value) { "Serialization 'register(class)' cannot happen after client/server initialization!" }
// The reason it must be an implementation, is because the reflection serializer DOES NOT WORK with field types, but rather
// with object types... EVEN IF THERE IS A SERIALIZER
require(!clazz.isInterface) { "Cannot register '${clazz}' with specified ID for serialization. It must be an implementation." }
return this
* Registers the class using the specified ID. If the ID is already in use by the same type, the old entry is overwritten. If the ID
* is already in use by a different type, an exception is thrown.
* Registering a primitive also affects the corresponding primitive wrapper.
* IDs must be the same at deserialization as they were for serialization.
* This must happen before the creation of the client/server
* @param id Must be >= 0. Smaller IDs are serialized more efficiently. IDs 0-8 are used by default for primitive types and String, but
* these IDs can be repurposed.
open fun <T> register(clazz: Class<T>, id: Int): Serialization<CONNECTION> {
require(!initialized.value) { "Serialization 'register(Class, int)' cannot happen after client/server initialization!" }
// The reason it must be an implementation, is because the reflection serializer DOES NOT WORK with field types, but rather
// with object types... EVEN IF THERE IS A SERIALIZER
require(!clazz.isInterface) { "Cannot register '${clazz}' with specified ID for serialization. It must be an implementation." }
classesToRegister.add(ClassRegistration1(clazz, id))
return this
* Registers the class using the lowest, next available integer ID and the specified serializer. If the class is already registered,
* the existing entry is updated with the new serializer.
* Registering a primitive also affects the corresponding primitive wrapper.
* Because the ID assigned is affected by the IDs registered before it, the order classes are registered is important when using this
* method. The order must be the same at deserialization as it was for serialization.
open fun <T> register(clazz: Class<T>, serializer: Serializer<T>): Serialization<CONNECTION> {
require(!initialized.value) { "Serialization 'register(Class, Serializer)' cannot happen after client/server initialization!" }
// The reason it must be an implementation, is because the reflection serializer DOES NOT WORK with field types, but rather
// with object types... EVEN IF THERE IS A SERIALIZER
require(!clazz.isInterface) { "Cannot register '${}' with a serializer. It must be an implementation." }
classesToRegister.add(ClassRegistration0(clazz, serializer))
return this
* Registers the class using the specified ID and serializer. If the ID is already in use by the same type, the old entry is
* overwritten. If the ID is already in use by a different type, an exception is thrown.
* Registering a primitive also affects the corresponding primitive wrapper.
* IDs must be the same at deserialization as they were for serialization.
* @param id Must be >= 0. Smaller IDs are serialized more efficiently. IDs 0-8 are used by default for primitive types and String, but
* these IDs can be repurposed.
open fun <T> register(clazz: Class<T>, serializer: Serializer<T>, id: Int): Serialization<CONNECTION> {
require(!initialized.value) { "Serialization 'register(Class, Serializer, int)' cannot happen after client/server initialization!" }
// The reason it must be an implementation, is because the reflection serializer DOES NOT WORK with field types, but rather
// with object types... EVEN IF THERE IS A SERIALIZER
require(!clazz.isInterface) { "Cannot register '${}'. It must be an implementation." }
classesToRegister.add(ClassRegistration2(clazz, serializer, id))
return this
* When this fails, the CLIENT will just time out. We DO NOT want to send an error message to the client
* (it should check for updates or something else). We do not want to give "rogue" clients knowledge of the
* server, thus preventing them from trying to probe the server data structures.
* @return a compressed byte array of the details of all registration IDs -> Class name -> Serialization type used by kryo
fun getKryoRegistrationDetails(): ByteArray {
return savedRegistrationDetails
* Kryo specifically for handshakes
internal fun newHandshakeKryo(kryo: Kryo) {
// All registration MUST happen in-order of when the register(*) method was called, otherwise there are problems.
kryo.instantiatorStrategy = instantiatorStrategy
kryo.references = references
if (factory != null) {
* called as the first thing inside when initializing the classesToRegister
private fun newGlobalKryo(kryo: Kryo) {
// NOTE: classesRegistrations.forEach will be called after serialization init!
// NOTE: All registration MUST happen in-order of when the register(*) method was called, otherwise there are problems.
// WIP Java17
// Serializes objects using Java's built in serialization mechanism.
// Note that this is very inefficient and should be avoided if possible.
// val javaSerializer = JavaSerializer()
kryo.instantiatorStrategy = instantiatorStrategy
kryo.references = references
if (factory != null) {
// wip java 17 serialization
// kryo.addDefaultSerializer(, javaSerializer) // this doesn't work properly!
// these are registered using the default serializers. We don't customize these, because we don't care about it.
// necessary for the transport of exceptions.
kryo.register(, DefaultSerializers.EnumSetSerializer())
kryo.register(, EnumMapSerializer())
kryo.register(Arrays.asList("").javaClass, DefaultSerializers.ArraysAsListSerializer())
kryo.register(emptyMap<Any, Any>().javaClass)
kryo.register(Collections.emptyNavigableMap<Any, Any>().javaClass)
kryo.register(Collections.singletonMap("", "").javaClass, DefaultSerializers.CollectionsSingletonMapSerializer())
kryo.register(listOf("").javaClass, DefaultSerializers.CollectionsSingletonListSerializer())
kryo.register(setOf("").javaClass, DefaultSerializers.CollectionsSingletonSetSerializer())
kryo.register(, RegexSerializer())
kryo.register(, DefaultSerializers.URISerializer())
kryo.register(, DefaultSerializers.UUIDSerializer())
kryo.register(, inet4AddressSerializer)
kryo.register(, inet6AddressSerializer)
kryo.register(, fileContentsSerializer)
// RMI stuff!
kryo.register(, methodRequestSerializer)
kryo.register(, methodResponseSerializer)
// Streaming/Chunked Messages!
kryo.register(, streamingControlSerializer)
kryo.register(, streamingDataSerializer)
kryo.register(, pingSerializer)
kryo.register(, sendSyncSerializer)
kryo.register(, disconnectSerializer)
kryo.register( as Class<Any>, rmiClientSerializer)
kryo.register(, continuationSerializer)
* Called during EndPoint initialization
* This is to prevent (and recognize) out-of-order class/serializer registration. If an ID is already in use by a different type, an exception is thrown.
internal fun finishInit(type: Class<*>, maxMessageSize: Int) {
logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(type.simpleName)
this.maxMessageSize = maxMessageSize"UDP frame size: $maxMessageSize")
val firstInitialization = initialized.compareAndSet(expect = false, update = true)
if (type == {
if (!firstInitialization) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("Unable to initialize object serialization more than once!")
// DO NOT USE THE POOL! This kryo instance must be thrown away!
val kryo = KryoWriter<CONNECTION>(maxMessageSize)
initializeRegistrations(kryo, classesToRegister)
classesToRegister.clear() // don't need to keep a reference, since this can never be reinitialized.
if (logger.isTraceEnabled) {
logger.trace("Registered classes for serialization:")
// log the in-order output first
finalClassRegistrations.forEach { classRegistration ->
} else {
// the client CAN initialize more than once, HOWEVER initialization happens in the handshake and this is explicitly permitted
* Called when client connection receives kryo registration details.
* This is called BEFORE the connection object is created
* NOTE: to be clear, the "client" can ONLY registerRmi(IFACE, IMPL), to have extra info as the RMI-SERVER
* the client DOES NOT need to register anything else! It will register what the server sends.
* This is to prevent (and recognize) out-of-order class/serializer registration. If an ID is already in use by a different type, an exception is thrown.
* @return true if initialization was successful, false otherwise. DOES NOT CATCH EXCEPTIONS EXTERNALLY
internal fun finishClientConnect(kryoRegistrationDetailsFromServer: ByteArray) {
val readKryo = KryoReader<CONNECTION>(maxMessageSize)
// DO NOT USE THE POOL! This kryo instance must be thrown away!
val writeKryo = KryoWriter<CONNECTION>(maxMessageSize)
// we self initialize our registrations, THEN we compare them to the server.
val newRegistrations = initializeRegistrationsForClient(kryoRegistrationDetailsFromServer, classesToRegister, readKryo)
?: throw Exception("Unable to initialize class registration information from the server")
initializeRegistrations(writeKryo, newRegistrations)
// NOTE: we MUST be super careful to never modify `classesToRegister`!!
// classesToRegister.clear() // don't need to keep a reference, since this can never be reinitialized.
if (logger.isTraceEnabled) {
// log the in-order output first
finalClassRegistrations.forEach { classRegistration ->
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if there is are too many RMI methods OR if a problem setting up the registration details
private fun initializeRegistrations(kryo: KryoWriter<CONNECTION>, classesToRegister: List<ClassRegistration>) {
val mergedRegistrations = mergeClassRegistrations(classesToRegister, kryo)
// make sure our RMI cached methods have been initialized
initializeRmiMethodCache(mergedRegistrations, kryo)
// we can use any kryo, as long as that kryo is registered properly
savedRegistrationDetails = createRegistrationDetails(mergedRegistrations, kryo)
finalClassRegistrations = mergedRegistrations.toTypedArray()
* Merge all the registrations (since we can have registrations overwrite newer/specific registrations based on ID)
private fun mergeClassRegistrations(classesToRegister: List<ClassRegistration>, kryo: Kryo): List<ClassRegistration> {
// check to see which interfaces are mapped to RMI (otherwise, the interface requires a serializer)
// note, we have to check to make sure a class is not ALREADY registered for RMI before it is registered again
classesToRegister.forEach { registration ->
registration.register(kryo, rmiHolder)
// in order to get the ID's, these have to be registered with a kryo instance!
val mergedRegistrations = mutableListOf<ClassRegistration>()
classesToRegister.forEach { registration ->
val id =
// if the id == -1, it means that this registration was ignored!
// We don't want to include it -- but we want to log that something happened (the info has been customized)
if (id == ClassRegistration.IGNORE_REGISTRATION) {
// if we ALREADY contain this registration (based ONLY on ID), then overwrite the existing one and REMOVE the current one
var found = false
mergedRegistrations.forEachIndexed { index, classRegistration ->
if ( == id) {
mergedRegistrations[index] = registration
found = true
if (!found) {
// sort these by ID, because that is what they should be registered as...
mergedRegistrations.sortBy { }
// now all the registrations are IN ORDER and MERGED (save back to original array)
return mergedRegistrations
* This allows us to cache the relevant RMI methods
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if there are too many RMI methods
private fun initializeRmiMethodCache(classesToRegister: List<ClassRegistration>, kryo: Kryo) {
classesToRegister.forEach { classRegistration ->
// we should cache RMI methods! We don't always know if something is RMI or not (from just how things are registered...)
// so it is super trivial to map out all possible, relevant types
val kryoId =
if (classRegistration is ClassRegistrationForRmi<*>) {
// on the "RMI server" (aka, where the object lives) side, there will be an interface + implementation!
val implClass = classRegistration.implClass
// TWO ways to do this. On RMI-SERVER, impl class will actually be an IMPL. On RMI-CLIENT, implClass will be IFACE!!
if (implClass != null && !implClass.isInterface) {
// server
// RMI-server method caching
methodCache[kryoId] = RmiUtils.getCachedMethods(logger, kryo, useAsm, classRegistration.clazz, implClass, kryoId)
// we ALSO have to cache the instantiator for these, since these are used to create remote objects
rmiHolder.idToInstantiator[kryoId] = kryo.instantiatorStrategy.newInstantiatorOf(implClass) as ObjectInstantiator<Any>
} else {
// client
// RMI-client method caching
methodCache[kryoId] = RmiUtils.getCachedMethods(logger, kryo, useAsm, classRegistration.clazz, null, kryoId)
} else if (classRegistration.clazz.isInterface) {
// non-RMI method caching
methodCache[kryoId] = RmiUtils.getCachedMethods(logger, kryo, useAsm, classRegistration.clazz, null, kryoId)
if (kryoId >= 65535) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("There are too many kryo class registrations!!")
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if there is a problem setting up the registration details
private fun createRegistrationDetails(classesToRegister: List<ClassRegistration>, kryo: KryoWriter<CONNECTION>): ByteArray {
// now create the registration details, used to validate that the client/server have the EXACT same class registration setup
val registrationDetails = arrayListOf<Array<Any>>()
// now save all the registration IDs for quick verification/access
classesToRegister.forEach { classRegistration ->
// save this as a byte array (so class registration validation during connection handshake is faster)
val output = AeronOutput()
try {
kryo.write(output, registrationDetails.toTypedArray())
} catch (e: Exception) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("Unable to write compressed data for registration details", e)
val length = output.position()
val savedRegistrationDetails = ByteArray(length)
output.toBytes().copyInto(savedRegistrationDetails, 0, 0, length)
return savedRegistrationDetails
* @return false will HARD FAIL the client. The server ignores the return NOTE: THIS IS BE EXCEPTION FREE!
private fun initializeRegistrationsForClient(
kryoRegistrationDetailsFromServer: ByteArray, classesToRegister: List<ClassRegistration>, kryo: KryoReader<CONNECTION>
): MutableList<ClassRegistration>? {
// we have to allow CUSTOM classes to register (where the order does not matter), so that if the CLIENT is the RMI-SERVER, it can
// specify IMPL classes for RMI.
classesToRegister.forEach { registration ->
require(registration is ClassRegistrationForRmi<*>) { "Unable to register a *class* by itself. This is only permitted on the CLIENT for RMI. " +
"To fix this, remove xx.register(${})" }
val classesToRegisterForRmi = listOf(*classesToRegister.toTypedArray()) as List<ClassRegistrationForRmi<CONNECTION>>
val input = AeronInput(kryoRegistrationDetailsFromServer)
val clientClassRegistrations = as Array<Array<Any>>
val newRegistrations = mutableListOf<ClassRegistration>()
val maker = kryo.instantiatorStrategy
val rmiSerializer = rmiServerSerializer
try {
// note: this list will be in order by ID!
// We want our "classesToRegister" to be identical (save for RMI stuff) to the server side, so we construct it in the same way
clientClassRegistrations.forEach { bytes ->
val typeId = bytes[0] as Int
val id = bytes[1] as Int
val clazzName = bytes[2] as String
val serializerName = bytes[3] as String
// if we are a primitive type, use the type directly
val clazz = when (clazzName) {
"boolean" ->
"byte" ->
"char" ->
"short" ->
"int" ->
"float" ->
"long" ->
"double" ->
else -> Class.forName(clazzName)
when (typeId) {
0 -> {
if (logger.isTraceEnabled) {
logger.trace("REGISTRATION (0) ${}")
newRegistrations.add(ClassRegistration0(clazz, maker.newInstantiatorOf(Class.forName(serializerName)).newInstance() as Serializer<Any>))
1 -> {
if (logger.isTraceEnabled) {
logger.trace("REGISTRATION (1) ${} :: $id")
newRegistrations.add(ClassRegistration1(clazz, id))
2 -> {
if (logger.isTraceEnabled) {
logger.trace("REGISTRATION (2) ${} :: $id")
newRegistrations.add(ClassRegistration2(clazz, maker.newInstantiatorOf(Class.forName(serializerName)).newInstance() as Serializer<Any>, id))
3 -> {
if (logger.isTraceEnabled) {
logger.trace("REGISTRATION (3) ${}")
4 -> {
// NOTE: when reconstructing, if we have access to the IMPL, we use it. WE MIGHT NOT HAVE ACCESS TO IT ON THE CLIENT!
// we literally want everything to be 100% the same.
// the only WEIRD case is when the client == rmi-server (in which case, the IMPL object is on the client)
// for this, the server (rmi-client) WILL ALSO have the same registration info. (bi-directional RMI, but not really)
val implClassName = bytes[4] as String
var implClass: Class<*>? = classesToRegisterForRmi.firstOrNull { == clazzName }?.implClass
// if we do not have the impl class specified by the registrations for RMI, then do a lookup to see if we have access to it as the client
if (implClass == null) {
try {
implClass = Class.forName(implClassName)
} catch (ignored: Exception) {
// NOTE: implClass can still be null!
if (logger.isTraceEnabled) {
if (implClass != null) {
} else {
newRegistrations.add(ClassRegistrationForRmi(clazz, implClass, rmiSerializer))
else -> throw IllegalStateException("Unable to manage class registrations for unknown registration type $typeId")
// now all of our classes to register will be the same (except for RMI class registrations
} catch (e: Exception) {
logger.error("Error creating client class registrations using server data!", e)
return null
return newRegistrations
fun take(): KryoWriter<CONNECTION> {
return writeKryos.take()
fun put(kryo: KryoWriter<CONNECTION>) {
fun takeRead(): KryoReader<CONNECTION> {
return readKryos.take()
fun putRead(kryo: KryoReader<CONNECTION>) {
* NOTE: A kryo instance CANNOT be re-used until after it's buffer is flushed to the network!
* @return takes a kryo instance from the pool, or creates one if the pool was empty
fun newReadKryo(): KryoReader<CONNECTION> {
val kryo = KryoReader<CONNECTION>(maxMessageSize)
// the final list of all registrations in the EndPoint. This cannot change for the serer.
finalClassRegistrations.forEach { registration ->
registration.register(kryo, rmiHolder)
return kryo
* NOTE: A kryo instance CANNOT be re-used until after it's buffer is flushed to the network!
* @return takes a kryo instance from the pool, or creates one if the pool was empty
private fun newWriteKryo(): KryoWriter<CONNECTION> {
val kryo = KryoWriter<CONNECTION>(maxMessageSize)
// the final list of all registrations in the EndPoint. This cannot change for the serer.
finalClassRegistrations.forEach { registration ->
registration.register(kryo, rmiHolder)
return kryo
* Returns the Kryo class registration ID. This is ALWAYS called on the client!
fun getKryoIdForRmiClient(interfaceClass: Class<*>): Int {
require(interfaceClass.isInterface) { "Can only get the kryo IDs for RMI on an interface!" }
// the rmi-server will have iface+impl id's
// the rmi-client will have iface id's
val id = rmiHolder.ifaceToId[interfaceClass]
require(id != null) { "Registration for $interfaceClass is invalid!!" }
return id
* Creates a NEW object implementation based on the KRYO interface ID.
* @return the corresponding implementation object
fun createRmiObject(interfaceClassId: Int, objectParameters: Array<Any?>?): Any {
try {
if (objectParameters.isNullOrEmpty()) {
// simple, easy, fast.
val objectInstantiator = rmiHolder.idToInstantiator[interfaceClassId] ?:
throw NullPointerException("Object instantiator for ID $interfaceClassId is null")
return objectInstantiator.newInstance()
// we have to get the constructor for this object.
val clazz: Class<*> = rmiHolder.idToImpl[interfaceClassId] ?:
return NullPointerException("Cannot create RMI object for kryo interfaceClassId: $interfaceClassId (no class exists)")
// now have to find the closest match.
val constructors = clazz.declaredConstructors
val size = objectParameters.size
val matchedBySize = constructors.filter { it.parameterCount == size }
if (matchedBySize.size == 1) {
// this is our only option
return matchedBySize[0].newInstance(*objectParameters)
// have to match by type
val matchedByType = mutableListOf<Pair<Int, Constructor<*>>>()
objectParameters.forEachIndexed { index, any ->
if (any != null) {
matchedBySize.forEach { singleConstructor ->
var matchCount = 0
if (singleConstructor.parameterTypes[index] == {
matchedByType.add(Pair(matchCount, singleConstructor))
// find the constructor with the highest match
matchedByType.sortByDescending { it.first }
return matchedByType[0].second.newInstance(*objectParameters)
} catch (e: Exception) {
return e
* Gets the cached methods for the specified class ID
fun getMethods(classId: Int): Array<CachedMethod> {
return methodCache[classId]
// /**
// *
// * Waits until a kryo is available to write, using CAS operations to prevent having to synchronize.
// *
// * @throws IOException
// */
// override fun write(buffer: DirectBuffer, message: Any) {
// runBlocking {
// val kryo = takeKryo()
// try {
// val output = AeronOutput(buffer as MutableDirectBuffer)
// kryo.writeClassAndObject(output, message)
// } finally {
// returnKryo(kryo)
// }
// }
// }
// /**
// *
// * Reads an object from the buffer.
// *
// * @param length should ALWAYS be the length of the expected object!
// */
// @Throws(IOException::class)
// override fun read(buffer: DirectBuffer, length: Int): Any? {
// return runBlocking {
// val kryo = takeKryo()
// try {
// val input = AeronInput(buffer)
// kryo.readClassAndObject(input)
// } finally {
// returnKryo(kryo)
// }
// }
// }
// /**
// *
// * Writes the class and object using an available kryo instance
// */
// @Throws(IOException::class)
// override fun writeFullClassAndObject(output: Output, value: Any) {
// runBlocking {
// val kryo = takeKryo()
// var prev = false
// try {
// prev = kryo.isRegistrationRequired
// kryo.isRegistrationRequired = false
// kryo.writeClassAndObject(output, value)
// } catch (ex: Exception) {
// val msg = "Unable to serialize buffer"
// logger.error(msg, ex)
// throw IOException(msg, ex)
// } finally {
// kryo.isRegistrationRequired = prev
// returnKryo(kryo)
// }
// }
// }
// /**
// *
// * Returns a class read from the input
// */
// @Throws(IOException::class)
// override fun readFullClassAndObject(input: Input): Any {
// return runBlocking {
// val kryo = takeKryo()
// var prev = false
// try {
// prev = kryo.isRegistrationRequired
// kryo.isRegistrationRequired = false
// kryo.readClassAndObject(input)
// } catch (ex: Exception) {
// val msg = "Unable to deserialize buffer"
// logger.error(msg, ex)
// throw IOException(msg, ex)
// } finally {
// kryo.isRegistrationRequired = prev
// returnKryo(kryo)
// }
// }
// }
// /**
// * Waits until a kryo is available to write, using CAS operations to prevent having to synchronize.
// *
// *
// * There is a small speed penalty if there were no kryo's available to use.
// */
// @Throws(IOException::class)
// override fun writeWithCompression(connection: Connection_, message: Any) {
// val kryo = kryoPool.take()
// try {
//// if (wireWriteLogger.isTraceEnabled) {
//// val start = buffer.writerIndex()
//// kryo.writeCompressed(wireWriteLogger, connection, buffer, message)
//// val end = buffer.writerIndex()
//// wireWriteLogger.trace(ByteBufUtil.hexDump(buffer, start, end - start))
//// } else {
//// kryo.writeCompressed(wireWriteLogger, connection, buffer, message)
//// }
// } finally {
// kryoPool.put(kryo)
// }
// }
// /**
// * Reads an object from the buffer.
// *
// * @param length should ALWAYS be the length of the expected object!
// */
// @Throws(IOException::class)
// override fun read(connection: Connection_, length: Int): Any {
// val kryo = kryoPool.take()
// return try {
//// if (wireReadLogger.isTraceEnabled) {
//// val start = buffer.readerIndex()
//// val `object` =
//// val end = buffer.readerIndex()
//// wireReadLogger.trace(ByteBufUtil.hexDump(buffer, start, end - start))
//// `object`
//// } else {
//, buffer)
//// }
// } finally {
// kryoPool.put(kryo)
// }
// }
// /**
// * Waits until a kryo is available to write, using CAS operations to prevent having to synchronize.
// *
// *
// * There is a small speed penalty if there were no kryo's available to use.
// */
// @Throws(IOException::class)
// override fun write(connection: Connection_, message: Any) {
// val kryo = kryoPool.take()
// try {
// kryo.write(connection, message)
// } finally {
// kryoPool.put(kryo)
// }
// }
// /**
// * Reads an object from the buffer.
// *
// * @param connection can be NULL
// * @param length should ALWAYS be the length of the expected object!
// */
// @Throws(IOException::class)
// override fun readWithCompression(connection: Connection_, length: Int): Any {
// val kryo = kryoPool.take()
// return try {
// if (wireReadLogger.isTraceEnabled) {
// val start = buffer.readerIndex()
// val `object` = kryo.readCompressed(wireReadLogger, connection, buffer, length)
// val end = buffer.readerIndex()
// wireReadLogger.trace(ByteBufUtil.hexDump(buffer, start, end - start))
// `object`
// } else {
// kryo.readCompressed(wireReadLogger, connection, buffer, length)
// }
// } finally {
// kryoPool.put(kryo)
// }
// }
// /**
// * Waits until a kryo is available to write, using CAS operations to prevent having to synchronize.
// *
// *
// * There is a small speed penalty if there were no kryo's available to use.
// */
// @Throws(IOException::class)
// override fun writeWithCrypto(connection: Connection_, message: Any) {
// val kryo = kryoPool.take()
// try {
// if (wireWriteLogger.isTraceEnabled) {
// val start = buffer.writerIndex()
// kryo.writeCrypto(wireWriteLogger, connection, buffer, message)
// val end = buffer.writerIndex()
// wireWriteLogger.trace(ByteBufUtil.hexDump(buffer, start, end - start))
// } else {
// kryo.writeCrypto(wireWriteLogger, connection, buffer, message)
// }
// } finally {
// kryoPool.put(kryo)
// }
// }
// /**
// * Reads an object from the buffer.
// *
// * @param connection can be NULL
// * @param length should ALWAYS be the length of the expected object!
// */
// @Throws(IOException::class)
// override fun readWithCrypto(connection: Connection_, length: Int): Any {
// val kryo = kryoPool.take()
// return try {
// if (wireReadLogger.isTraceEnabled) {
// val start = buffer.readerIndex()
// val `object` = kryo.readCrypto(wireReadLogger, connection, buffer, length)
// val end = buffer.readerIndex()
// wireReadLogger.trace(ByteBufUtil.hexDump(buffer, start, end - start))
// `object`
// } else {
// kryo.readCrypto(wireReadLogger, connection, buffer, length)
// }
// } finally {
// kryoPool.put(kryo)
// }
// }