
718 lines
32 KiB

* Copyright 2023 dorkbox, llc
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
@file:Suppress("MemberVisibilityCanBePrivate", "DuplicatedCode")
import dorkbox.netUtil.IP
import dorkbox.util.NamedThreadFactory
import dorkbox.util.Sys
import io.aeron.CommonContext
import io.aeron.FragmentAssembler
import io.aeron.Image
import io.aeron.Publication
import io.aeron.logbuffer.FragmentHandler
import io.aeron.logbuffer.Header
import net.jodah.expiringmap.ExpirationPolicy
import net.jodah.expiringmap.ExpiringMap
import org.agrona.DirectBuffer
import org.slf4j.Logger
import java.util.concurrent.*
internal object ServerHandshakePollers {
fun disabled(serverInfo: String): AeronPoller {
return object : AeronPoller {
override fun poll(): Int { return 0 }
override fun close() {}
override val info = serverInfo
class IpcProc<CONNECTION : Connection>(
val logger: Logger,
val server: Server<CONNECTION>,
val driver: AeronDriver,
val handshake: ServerHandshake<CONNECTION>
): FragmentHandler {
private val isReliable = server.config.isReliable
private val handshaker = server.handshaker
private val handshakeTimeoutNs = handshake.handshakeTimeoutNs
// note: the expire time here is a LITTLE longer than the expire time in the client, this way we can adjust for network lag if it's close
private val publications = ExpiringMap.builder()
.apply {
this.expiration(handshakeTimeoutNs, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS)
.expirationListener<Long, Publication> { connectKey, publication ->
try {
// we might not be able to close this connection.
driver.close(publication, "Server IPC Handshake ($connectKey)")
catch (e: Exception) {
.build<Long, Publication>()
override fun onFragment(buffer: DirectBuffer, offset: Int, length: Int, header: Header) {
// this is processed on the thread that calls "poll". Subscriptions are NOT multi-thread safe!
// The sessionId is unique within a Subscription and unique across all Publication's from a sourceIdentity.
// for the handshake, the sessionId IS NOT GLOBALLY UNIQUE
val sessionId = header.sessionId()
val streamId = header.streamId()
val image = header.context() as Image
val logInfo = "$sessionId/$streamId : IPC" // Server is the "source", client mirrors the server
// ugh, this is verbose -- but necessary
val message = try {
val msg = handshaker.readMessage(buffer, offset, length)
// VALIDATE:: a Registration object is the only acceptable message during the connection phase
if (msg !is HandshakeMessage) {
throw ServerHandshakeException("[$logInfo] Connection not allowed! unrecognized message: $msg")
} else if (logger.isTraceEnabled) {
logger.trace("[$logInfo] (${msg.connectKey}) received HS: $msg")
} catch (e: Exception) {
server.listenerManager.notifyError(ServerHandshakeException("[$logInfo] Error de-serializing handshake message!!", e))
if (message == null) {
// we should immediately remove the logbuffer for this! Aeron will **EVENTUALLY** remove the logbuffer, but if errors
// and connections occur too quickly (within the cleanup/linger period), we can run out of memory!
// NOTE: This MUST to happen in separates thread so that we can take as long as we need when creating publications and handshaking,
// because under load -- this will REGULARLY timeout! Under no circumstance can this happen in the main processing thread!!
EventDispatcher.MULTI.launch {
// we have read all the data, now dispatch it.
// HandshakeMessage.HELLO
// HandshakeMessage.DONE
val messageState = message.state
val connectKey = message.connectKey
if (messageState == HandshakeMessage.HELLO) {
// we create a NEW publication for the handshake, which connects directly to the client handshake subscription
val publicationUri = uriHandshake(CommonContext.IPC_MEDIA, isReliable)
// this will always connect to the CLIENT handshake subscription!
val publication = try {
driver.addExclusivePublication(publicationUri, message.streamId, logInfo, true)
catch (e: Exception) {
// we should immediately remove the logbuffer for this! Aeron will **EVENTUALLY** remove the logbuffer, but if errors
// and connections occur too quickly (within the cleanup/linger period), we can run out of memory!
server.listenerManager.notifyError(ServerHandshakeException("[$logInfo] Cannot create IPC publication back to client remote process", e))
try {
// we actually have to wait for it to connect before we continue
driver.waitForConnection(publication, handshakeTimeoutNs, logInfo) { cause ->
ServerTimedoutException("$logInfo publication cannot connect with client in ${Sys.getTimePrettyFull(handshakeTimeoutNs)}", cause)
catch (e: Exception) {
// we should immediately remove the logbuffer for this! Aeron will **EVENTUALLY** remove the logbuffer, but if errors
// and connections occur too quickly (within the cleanup/linger period), we can run out of memory!
server.listenerManager.notifyError(ServerHandshakeException("[$logInfo] Cannot create IPC publication back to client remote process", e))
try {
val success = handshake.processIpcHandshakeMessageServer(
server = server,
handshaker = handshaker,
aeronDriver = driver,
handshakePublication = publication,
publicKey = message.publicKey!!,
message = message,
logInfo = logInfo,
logger = logger
if (success) {
publications[connectKey] = publication
else {
try {
// we might not be able to close this connection.
driver.close(publication, logInfo)
catch (e: Exception) {
catch (e: Exception) {
// we should immediately remove the logbuffer for this! Aeron will **EVENTUALLY** remove the logbuffer, but if errors
// and connections occur too quickly (within the cleanup/linger period), we can run out of memory!
try {
// we might not be able to close this connection.
driver.close(publication, logInfo)
catch (e: Exception) {
server.listenerManager.notifyError(ServerHandshakeException("[$logInfo] Error processing IPC handshake", e))
} else {
// HandshakeMessage.DONE
val publication = publications.remove(connectKey)
if (publication == null) {
// we should immediately remove the logbuffer for this! Aeron will **EVENTUALLY** remove the logbuffer, but if errors
// and connections occur too quickly (within the cleanup/linger period), we can run out of memory!
server.listenerManager.notifyError(ServerHandshakeException("[$logInfo] No publication back to IPC"))
try {
server = server,
handshaker = handshaker,
handshakePublication = publication,
message = message,
logInfo = logInfo,
logger = logger
} catch (e: Exception) {
server.listenerManager.notifyError(ServerHandshakeException("[$logInfo] Error processing IPC handshake", e))
// we should immediately remove the logbuffer for this! Aeron will **EVENTUALLY** remove the logbuffer, but if errors
// and connections occur too quickly (within the cleanup/linger period), we can run out of memory!
try {
// we might not be able to close this connection.
driver.close(publication, logInfo)
catch (e: Exception) {
fun close() {
publications.forEach { (connectKey, publication) ->
try {
// we might not be able to close this connection.
driver.close(publication, "Server Handshake ($connectKey)")
catch (e: Exception) {
class UdpProc<CONNECTION : Connection>(
val logger: Logger,
val server: Server<CONNECTION>,
val driver: AeronDriver,
val handshake: ServerHandshake<CONNECTION>,
val isReliable: Boolean
): FragmentHandler {
companion object {
init {
ExpiringMap.setThreadFactory(NamedThreadFactory("ExpiringMap-Eviction", Configuration.networkThreadGroup, true))
private val ipInfo = server.ipInfo
private val handshaker = server.handshaker
private val handshakeTimeoutNs = handshake.handshakeTimeoutNs
private val serverPortSub = server.port1
// MDC 'dynamic control mode' means that the server will to listen for status messages and NAK (from the client) on a port.
private val mdcPortPub = server.port2
// note: the expire time here is a LITTLE longer than the expire time in the client, this way we can adjust for network lag if it's close
private val publications = ExpiringMap.builder()
.apply {
this.expiration(handshakeTimeoutNs, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS)
.expirationListener<Long, Publication> { connectKey, publication ->
try {
// we might not be able to close this connection.
driver.close(publication, "Server UDP Handshake ($connectKey)")
catch (e: Exception) {
.build<Long, Publication>()
override fun onFragment(buffer: DirectBuffer, offset: Int, length: Int, header: Header) {
// The sessionId is unique within a Subscription and unique across all Publication's from a sourceIdentity.
// for the handshake, the sessionId IS NOT GLOBALLY UNIQUE
// this is processed on the thread that calls "poll". Subscriptions are NOT multi-thread safe!
// The sessionId is unique within a Subscription and unique across all Publication's from a sourceIdentity.
// for the handshake, the sessionId IS NOT GLOBALLY UNIQUE
val sessionId = header.sessionId()
val streamId = header.streamId()
val image = header.context() as Image
// note: this address will ALWAYS be an IP:PORT combo OR it will be aeron:ipc (if IPC, it will be a different handler!)
val remoteIpAndPort = image.sourceIdentity()
// split
val splitPoint = remoteIpAndPort.lastIndexOf(':')
var clientAddressString = remoteIpAndPort.substring(0, splitPoint)
// this should never be null, because we are feeding it a valid IP address from aeron
val clientAddress = IP.toAddress(clientAddressString)
if (clientAddress == null) {
// we should immediately remove the logbuffer for this! Aeron will **EVENTUALLY** remove the logbuffer, but if errors
// and connections occur too quickly (within the cleanup/linger period), we can run out of memory!
// Server is the "source", client mirrors the server
server.listenerManager.notifyError(ServerHandshakeException("[$sessionId/$streamId] Connection from $clientAddressString not allowed! Invalid IP address!"))
val isRemoteIpv4 = clientAddress is Inet4Address
if (!isRemoteIpv4) {
// this is necessary to clean up the address when adding it to aeron, since different formats mess it up
clientAddressString = IP.toString(clientAddress)
if (ipInfo.ipType == IpInfo.Companion.IpListenType.IPv4Wildcard) {
// we should immediately remove the logbuffer for this! Aeron will **EVENTUALLY** remove the logbuffer, but if errors
// and connections occur too quickly (within the cleanup/linger period), we can run out of memory!
// we DO NOT want to listen to IPv4 traffic, but we received IPv4 traffic!
server.listenerManager.notifyError(ServerHandshakeException("[$sessionId/$streamId] Connection from $clientAddressString not allowed! IPv4 connections not permitted!"))
val logInfo = "$sessionId/$streamId:$clientAddressString"
// ugh, this is verbose -- but necessary
val message = try {
val msg = handshaker.readMessage(buffer, offset, length)
// VALIDATE:: a Registration object is the only acceptable message during the connection phase
if (msg !is HandshakeMessage) {
throw ServerHandshakeException("[$logInfo] Connection not allowed! unrecognized message: $msg")
} else if (logger.isTraceEnabled) {
logger.trace("[$logInfo] (${msg.connectKey}) received HS: $msg")
} catch (e: Exception) {
server.listenerManager.notifyError(ServerHandshakeException("[$logInfo] Error de-serializing handshake message!!", e))
if (message == null) {
// we should immediately remove the logbuffer for this! Aeron will **EVENTUALLY** remove the logbuffer, but if errors
// and connections occur too quickly (within the cleanup/linger period), we can run out of memory!
// NOTE: This MUST to happen in separates thread so that we can take as long as we need when creating publications and handshaking,
// because under load -- this will REGULARLY timeout! Under no circumstance can this happen in the main processing thread!!
EventDispatcher.MULTI.launch {
// HandshakeMessage.HELLO
// HandshakeMessage.DONE
val messageState = message.state
val connectKey = message.connectKey
if (messageState == HandshakeMessage.HELLO) {
// we create a NEW publication for the handshake, which connects directly to the client handshake subscription
// we explicitly have the publisher "connect to itself", because we are using MDC to work around NAT.
// It will "auto-connect" to the correct client port (negotiated by the MDC client subscription negotiating on the
// control port of the server)
val publicationUri = uriHandshake(CommonContext.UDP_MEDIA, isReliable)
.controlEndpoint(ipInfo.getAeronPubAddress(isRemoteIpv4) + ":" + mdcPortPub)
// this will always connect to the CLIENT handshake subscription!
val publication = try {
driver.addExclusivePublication(publicationUri, message.streamId, logInfo, false)
} catch (e: Exception) {
// we should immediately remove the logbuffer for this! Aeron will **EVENTUALLY** remove the logbuffer, but if errors
// and connections occur too quickly (within the cleanup/linger period), we can run out of memory!
server.listenerManager.notifyError(ServerHandshakeException("[$logInfo] Cannot create publication back to $clientAddressString", e))
try {
// we actually have to wait for it to connect before we continue.
driver.waitForConnection(publication, handshakeTimeoutNs, logInfo) { cause ->
ServerTimedoutException("$logInfo publication cannot connect with client in ${Sys.getTimePrettyFull(handshakeTimeoutNs)}", cause)
} catch (e: Exception) {
// we should immediately remove the logbuffer for this! Aeron will **EVENTUALLY** remove the logbuffer, but if errors
// and connections occur too quickly (within the cleanup/linger period), we can run out of memory!
server.listenerManager.notifyError(ServerHandshakeException("[$logInfo] Cannot create publication back to $clientAddressString", e))
try {
val success = handshake.processUdpHandshakeMessageServer(
server = server,
handshaker = handshaker,
handshakePublication = publication,
publicKey = message.publicKey!!,
clientAddress = clientAddress,
clientAddressString = clientAddressString,
portPub = message.port,
portSub = serverPortSub,
mdcPortPub = mdcPortPub,
isReliable = isReliable,
message = message,
logInfo = logInfo,
logger = logger
if (success) {
publications[connectKey] = publication
} else {
// we should immediately remove the logbuffer for this! Aeron will **EVENTUALLY** remove the logbuffer, but if errors
// and connections occur too quickly (within the cleanup/linger period), we can run out of memory!
try {
// we might not be able to close this connection.
driver.close(publication, logInfo)
catch (e: Exception) {
} catch (e: Exception) {
// we should immediately remove the logbuffer for this! Aeron will **EVENTUALLY** remove the logbuffer, but if errors
// and connections occur too quickly (within the cleanup/linger period), we can run out of memory!
try {
// we might not be able to close this connection.
driver.close(publication, logInfo)
catch (e: Exception) {
driver.close(publication, logInfo)
server.listenerManager.notifyError(ServerHandshakeException("[$logInfo] Error processing IPC handshake", e))
} else {
// HandshakeMessage.DONE
val publication = publications.remove(connectKey)
if (publication == null) {
// we should immediately remove the logbuffer for this! Aeron will **EVENTUALLY** remove the logbuffer, but if errors
// and connections occur too quickly (within the cleanup/linger period), we can run out of memory!
server.listenerManager.notifyError(ServerHandshakeException("[$logInfo] No publication back to $clientAddressString"))
try {
server = server,
handshaker = handshaker,
handshakePublication = publication,
message = message,
logInfo = logInfo,
logger = logger
} catch (e: Exception) {
server.listenerManager.notifyError(ServerHandshakeException("[$logInfo] Error processing IPC handshake", e))
try {
// we might not be able to close this connection.
driver.close(publication, logInfo)
catch (e: Exception) {
// we should immediately remove the logbuffer for this! Aeron will **EVENTUALLY** remove the logbuffer, but if errors
// and connections occur too quickly (within the cleanup/linger period), we can run out of memory!
fun close() {
publications.forEach { (connectKey, publication) ->
try {
// we might not be able to close this connection.
driver.close(publication, "Server Handshake ($connectKey)")
catch (e: Exception) {
fun <CONNECTION : Connection> ipc(server: Server<CONNECTION>, handshake: ServerHandshake<CONNECTION>): AeronPoller {
val logger = server.logger
val config = server.config as ServerConfiguration
val poller = try {
val driver =
aeronDriver = server.aeronDriver,
isIpc = true,
port = 0,
ipInfo = server.ipInfo,
streamIdSub = config.ipcId,
object : AeronPoller {
// NOTE: Handlers are called on the client conductor thread. The client conductor thread expects handlers to do safe
// publication of any state to other threads and not be:
// - long running
// - re-entrant with the client
val subscription = driver.subscription
val delegate = IpcProc(logger, server, server.aeronDriver, handshake)
val handler = FragmentAssembler(delegate)
override fun poll(): Int {
return subscription.poll(handler, 1)
override fun close() {
driver.close(server)"Closed IPC poller")
override val info = "IPC ${}"
} catch (e: Exception) {
server.listenerManager.notifyError(ServerException("Unable to create IPC listener.", e))
disabled("IPC Disabled")
return poller
fun <CONNECTION : Connection> ip4(server: Server<CONNECTION>, handshake: ServerHandshake<CONNECTION>): AeronPoller {
val logger = server.logger
val config = server.config
val isReliable = config.isReliable
val poller = try {
val driver =
aeronDriver = server.aeronDriver,
isIpc = false,
ipInfo = server.ipInfo,
port = server.port1,
streamIdSub = config.udpId,
sessionIdSub = 9,
logInfo = "HANDSHAKE-IPv4"
object : AeronPoller {
// NOTE: Handlers are called on the client conductor thread. The client conductor thread expects handlers to do safe
// publication of any state to other threads and not be:
// - long running
// - re-entrant with the client
val subscription = driver.subscription
val delegate = UdpProc(logger, server, server.aeronDriver, handshake, isReliable)
val handler = FragmentAssembler(delegate)
override fun poll(): Int {
return subscription.poll(handler, 1)
override fun close() {
driver.close(server)"Closed IPv4 poller")
override val info = "IPv4 ${}"
} catch (e: Exception) {
server.listenerManager.notifyError(ServerException("Unable to create IPv4 listener.", e))
disabled("IPv4 Disabled")
return poller
fun <CONNECTION : Connection> ip6(server: Server<CONNECTION>, handshake: ServerHandshake<CONNECTION>): AeronPoller {
val logger = server.logger
val config = server.config
val isReliable = config.isReliable
val poller = try {
val driver =
aeronDriver = server.aeronDriver,
isIpc = false,
ipInfo = server.ipInfo,
port = server.port1,
streamIdSub = config.udpId,
sessionIdSub = 0,
logInfo = "HANDSHAKE-IPv6"
object : AeronPoller {
// NOTE: Handlers are called on the client conductor thread. The client conductor thread expects handlers to do safe
// publication of any state to other threads and not be:
// - long running
// - re-entrant with the client
val subscription = driver.subscription
val delegate = UdpProc(logger, server, server.aeronDriver, handshake, isReliable)
val handler = FragmentAssembler(delegate)
override fun poll(): Int {
return subscription.poll(handler, 1)
override fun close() {
driver.close(server)"Closed IPv4 poller")
override val info = "IPv6 ${}"
} catch (e: Exception) {
server.listenerManager.notifyError(ServerException("Unable to create IPv6 listener."))
disabled("IPv6 Disabled")
return poller
fun <CONNECTION : Connection> ip6Wildcard(server: Server<CONNECTION>, handshake: ServerHandshake<CONNECTION>): AeronPoller {
val logger = server.logger
val config = server.config
val isReliable = config.isReliable
val poller = try {
val driver =
aeronDriver = server.aeronDriver,
isIpc = false,
ipInfo = server.ipInfo,
port = server.port1,
streamIdSub = config.udpId,
sessionIdSub = 0,
logInfo = "HANDSHAKE-IPv4+6"
object : AeronPoller {
// NOTE: Handlers are called on the client conductor thread. The client conductor thread expects handlers to do safe
// publication of any state to other threads and not be:
// - long running
// - re-entrant with the client
val subscription = driver.subscription
val delegate = UdpProc(logger, server, server.aeronDriver, handshake, isReliable)
val handler = FragmentAssembler(delegate)
override fun poll(): Int {
return subscription.poll(handler, 1)
override fun close() {
driver.close(server)"Closed IPv4+6 poller")
override val info = "IPv4+6 ${}"
} catch (e: Exception) {
server.listenerManager.notifyError(ServerException("Unable to create IPv4+6 listeners.", e))
disabled("IPv4+6 Disabled")
return poller