
1169 lines
48 KiB

* Copyright 2023 dorkbox, llc
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import dorkbox.collections.ConcurrentIterator
import dorkbox.collections.LockFreeHashSet
import io.aeron.*
import io.aeron.driver.MediaDriver
import io.aeron.status.ChannelEndpointStatus
import kotlinx.atomicfu.atomic
import org.agrona.DirectBuffer
import org.agrona.concurrent.BackoffIdleStrategy
import org.slf4j.Logger
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import java.util.concurrent.*
import java.util.concurrent.locks.*
import kotlin.concurrent.write
internal class AeronDriverInternal(endPoint: EndPoint<*>?, config: Configuration.MediaDriverConfig, logger: Logger) {
companion object {
// on close, the publication CAN linger (in case a client goes away, and then comes back)
// AERON_PUBLICATION_LINGER_TIMEOUT, 5s by default (this can also be set as a URI param)
private const val AERON_PUBLICATION_LINGER_TIMEOUT = 5_000L // in MS
private const val AERON_PUB_SUB_TIMEOUT = 50L // in MS
private val driverLogger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(
private val onErrorGlobalList = atomic(Array<Throwable.() -> Unit>(0) { { } })
private val onErrorGlobalLock = ReentrantReadWriteLock()
* Called when there is an Aeron error
fun onError(function: Throwable.() -> Unit) {
onErrorGlobalLock.write {
// we have to follow the single-writer principle!
onErrorGlobalList.lazySet(ListenerManager.add(function, onErrorGlobalList.value))
private fun removeOnError(function: Throwable.() -> Unit) {
onErrorGlobalLock.write {
// we have to follow the single-writer principle!
onErrorGlobalList.lazySet(ListenerManager.remove(function, onErrorGlobalList.value))
* Invoked when there is a global error (no connection information)
* The error is also sent to an error log before notifying callbacks
fun notifyError(exception: Throwable) {
onErrorGlobalList.value.forEach {
try {
} catch (t: Throwable) {
// NOTE: when we remove stuff, we ONLY want to remove the "tail" of the stacktrace, not ALL parts of the stacktrace
driverLogger.error("Global error with Aeron", t)
init {
// fix the transport poller for java 17!
val driverId = config.mediaDriverId()
internal val endPointUsages = ConcurrentIterator<EndPoint<*>>()
private var aeron: Aeron? = null
private var mediaDriver: MediaDriver? = null
private val onErrorLocalList = mutableListOf<Throwable.() -> Unit>()
private val onErrorLocalLock = ReentrantReadWriteLock()
private val context: AeronContext
private val aeronErrorHandler: (Throwable) -> Unit
private val registeredPublications = atomic(0)
private val registeredSubscriptions = atomic(0)
private val registeredPublicationsTrace: LockFreeHashSet<Long> = LockFreeHashSet()
private val registeredSubscriptionsTrace: LockFreeHashSet<Long> = LockFreeHashSet()
private val stateLock = ReentrantReadWriteLock()
* Checks to see if there are any critical network errors (for example, a VPN connection getting disconnected while running)
internal var mustRestartDriverOnError = false
private var closedTime = 0L
private var closed = false
fun closed(): Boolean {
return closed
val aeronDirectory: File
get() {
return context.context.aeronDirectory()
init {
// configure the aeron error handler
val filter = config.aeronErrorFilter
aeronErrorHandler = { error ->
// NOTE: this is an error callback for MANY things, MOST of them are ASYNC! This means that a messages can successfully be ADDED
// to aeron, but NOT successfully sent over the network.
// this is bad! We must close this connection. THIS WILL BE CALLED AS FAST AS THE CPU CAN RUN (because of how aeron works).
if (!mustRestartDriverOnError) {
var restartNetwork = false
// if the network interface is removed (for example, a VPN connection).
if (error is io.aeron.exceptions.ChannelEndpointException ||
error.cause is BindException ||
error.cause is SocketException ||
error.cause is IOException) {
restartNetwork = true
if (error.message?.startsWith("ERROR - channel error - Network is unreachable") == true) {
val exception = AeronDriverException("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: Network is disconnected or unreachable.")
} else if (error.message?.startsWith("WARN - failed to send") == true) {
val exception = AeronDriverException("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: Network socket error, can't send data.")
else if (error.message == "Can't assign requested address") {
val exception = AeronDriverException("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: Network socket error, can't assign requested address.")
} else {
// send this out to the listener-manager so we can be notified of global errors
notifyError(AeronDriverException("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: Unexpected error!", error.cause))
else if (error is io.aeron.exceptions.AeronException) {
if (error.message?.startsWith("ERROR - unexpected close of heartbeat timestamp counter:") == true) {
restartNetwork = true
val exception = AeronDriverException("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: HEARTBEAT error, can't continue.")
if (restartNetwork) {
notifyError(AeronDriverException("Critical network error internal to the Aeron Driver, restarting network!").cleanAllStackTrace())
// this must be set before anything else happens
mustRestartDriverOnError = true
// close will make sure to run on a different thread
endPointUsages.forEach {
// we cannot send the DC message because the network layer has issues!
it.close(closeEverything = false, sendDisconnectMessage = false, releaseWaitingThreads = false)
// if we are restarting the network, ignore all future messages
if (!mustRestartDriverOnError && filter(error)) {
// send this out to the listener-manager so we can be notified of global errors
// @throws IllegalStateException if the configuration has already been used to create a context
// @throws IllegalArgumentException if the aeron media driver directory cannot be setup
context = AeronContext(config, logger, aeronErrorHandler)
// always called within a mutex!
fun addEndpoint(endPoint: EndPoint<*>?) {
if (endPoint != null) {
if (!endPointUsages.contains(endPoint)) {
fun addError(function: Throwable.() -> Unit) {
// always add this to the global one
// this is so we can track all the added error listeners (and removed them when we close, since the DRIVER has a global list)
onErrorLocalLock.write {
private fun removeErrors() {
onErrorLocalLock.write {
mustRestartDriverOnError = false
onErrorLocalList.forEach {
* This does TWO things
* - start the media driver if not already running
* - connect the aeron client to the running media driver
* @return true if we are successfully connected to the aeron client
fun start(logger: Logger): Boolean = stateLock.write {
require(!closed) { "Aeron Driver [$driverId]: Cannot start a driver that was closed. A new driver + context must be created" }
val isLoaded = mediaDriver != null && aeron != null && aeron?.isClosed == false
if (isLoaded) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled) {
logger.debug("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: Already running... Not starting again.")
return true
if (mediaDriver == null) {
// only start if we didn't already start... There will be several checks.
var running = isRunning()
if (running) {
// wait for a bit, because we are running, but we ALSO issued a START, and expect it to start.
// SOMETIMES aeron is in the middle of shutting down, and this prevents us from trying to connect to
// that instance
if (logger.isDebugEnabled) {
logger.debug("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: Already running. Double checking status...")
Thread.sleep(context.driverTimeout / 2)
running = isRunning()
if (!running) {
// try to start. If we start/stop too quickly, it's a problem
var count = 10
while (count-- > 0) {
try {
mediaDriver = MediaDriver.launch(context.context)
if (logger.isDebugEnabled) {
logger.debug("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: Successfully started")
} catch (e: Exception) {
logger.warn("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: Unable to start at ${}. Retrying $count more times...", e)
} else if (logger.isDebugEnabled) {
logger.debug("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: Not starting. It was already running.")
// if we were unable to load the aeron driver, don't continue.
if (!running && mediaDriver == null) {
logger.error("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: Not running and unable to start at ${}.")
return false
// the media driver MIGHT already be started in a different process!
// We still ALWAYS want to connect to aeron (which connects to the other media driver process), especially if we
// haven't already connected to it (or if there was an error connecting because a different media driver was shutting down)
val aeronDriverContext = Aeron.Context()
// we DO NOT want to abort the JVM if there are errors.
// this replaces the default handler with one that doesn't abort the JVM
// this might succeed if we can connect to the media driver
aeron = Aeron.connect(aeronDriverContext)
if (logger.isDebugEnabled) {
logger.debug("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: Connected to '${}'")
return true
* Add a [ConcurrentPublication] for publishing messages to subscribers.
* This guarantees that the publication is added and ACTIVE
* The publication returned is threadsafe.
fun addPublication(
logger: Logger,
publicationUri: ChannelUriStringBuilder,
streamId: Int,
logInfo: String,
isIpc: Boolean
): Publication = stateLock.write {
val uri =
// reasons we cannot add a pub/sub to aeron
// 1) the driver was closed
// 2) aeron was unable to connect to the driver
// 3) the address already in use
// 4) the SESSION ID is already in use (note: a subscription with NO sessionID will let ANY publication sessionID connect to it)
// configuring pub/sub to aeron is LINEAR -- and it happens in 2 places.
// 1) starting up the client/server
// 2) creating a new client-server connection pair (the media driver won't be "dead" at this point)
// in the client, if we are unable to connect to the server, we will attempt to start the media driver + connect to aeron
// adding a publication can fail
val aeron1 = aeron
if (aeron1 == null || aeron1.isClosed) {
logger.error("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: Aeron is closed, error creating publication [$logInfo] :: sessionId=${publicationUri.sessionId()}, streamId=$streamId")
// there was an error connecting to the aeron client or media driver.
val ex = ClientRetryException("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: Error adding a publication to aeron")
throw ex
val publication: ConcurrentPublication? = try {
aeron1.addPublication(uri, streamId)
} catch (e: Exception) {
logger.error("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: Error creating publication [$logInfo] :: sessionId=${publicationUri.sessionId()}, streamId=$streamId", e)
// this happens if the aeron media driver cannot actually establish connection... OR IF IT IS TOO FAST BETWEEN ADD AND REMOVE FOR THE SAME SESSION/STREAM ID!
val ex = ClientRetryException("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: Error adding a publication", e)
throw ex
if (publication == null) {
logger.error("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: Error creating publication (is null) [$logInfo] :: sessionId=${publicationUri.sessionId()}, streamId=$streamId")
// there was an error connecting to the aeron client or media driver.
val ex = ClientRetryException("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: Error adding a publication")
throw ex
var hasDelay = false
while (publication.channelStatus() != ChannelEndpointStatus.ACTIVE || (!isIpc && publication.localSocketAddresses().isEmpty())) {
if (publication.channelStatus() == ChannelEndpointStatus.ERRORED) {
logger.error("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: Error creating publication (has errors) $logInfo :: sessionId=${publicationUri.sessionId()}, streamId=${streamId}")
// there was an error connecting to the aeron client or media driver.
val ex = ClientRetryException("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: Error adding an publication")
throw ex
if (!hasDelay) {
hasDelay = true
if (logger.isDebugEnabled) {
logger.debug("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: Delaying creation of publication [$logInfo] :: sessionId=${publicationUri.sessionId()}, streamId=${streamId}")
// the publication has not ACTUALLY been created yet!
if (hasDelay && logger.isDebugEnabled) {
logger.debug("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: Delayed creation of publication [$logInfo] :: sessionId=${publicationUri.sessionId()}, streamId=${streamId}")
if (logger.isTraceEnabled) {
if (logger.isTraceEnabled) {
logger.trace("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: Creating publication [$logInfo] :: regId=${publication.registrationId()}, sessionId=${publication.sessionId()}, streamId=${publication.streamId()}, channel=${}")
return publication
* Add an [ExclusivePublication] for publishing messages to subscribers from a single thread.
* This guarantees that the publication is added and ACTIVE
* This is not a thread-safe publication!
fun addExclusivePublication(
logger: Logger,
publicationUri: ChannelUriStringBuilder,
streamId: Int,
logInfo: String,
isIpc: Boolean): Publication = stateLock.write {
val uri =
// reasons we cannot add a pub/sub to aeron
// 1) the driver was closed
// 2) aeron was unable to connect to the driver
// 3) the address already in use
// 4) the SESSION ID is already in use (note: a subscription with NO sessionID will let ANY publication sessionID connect to it)
// configuring pub/sub to aeron is LINEAR -- and it happens in 2 places.
// 1) starting up the client/server
// 2) creating a new client-server connection pair (the media driver won't be "dead" at this point)
// in the client, if we are unable to connect to the server, we will attempt to start the media driver + connect to aeron
val aeron1 = aeron
if (aeron1 == null || aeron1.isClosed) {
logger.error("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: Aeron is closed, error creating ex-publication $logInfo :: sessionId=${publicationUri.sessionId()}, streamId=${streamId}")
// there was an error connecting to the aeron client or media driver.
val ex = ClientRetryException("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: Error adding an ex-publication to aeron")
throw ex
// adding a publication can fail
val publication: ExclusivePublication? = try {
aeron1.addExclusivePublication(uri, streamId)
} catch (e: Exception) {
logger.error("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: Error creating ex-publication $logInfo :: sessionId=${publicationUri.sessionId()}, streamId=${streamId}", e)
// this happens if the aeron media driver cannot actually establish connection... OR IF IT IS TOO FAST BETWEEN ADD AND REMOVE FOR THE SAME SESSION/STREAM ID!
val ex = ClientRetryException("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: Error adding an ex-publication", e)
throw ex
if (publication == null) {
logger.error("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: Error creating ex-publication (is null) $logInfo :: sessionId=${publicationUri.sessionId()}, streamId=${streamId}")
// there was an error connecting to the aeron client or media driver.
val ex = ClientRetryException("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: Error adding an ex-publication")
throw ex
var hasDelay = false
while (publication.channelStatus() != ChannelEndpointStatus.ACTIVE || (!isIpc && publication.localSocketAddresses().isEmpty())) {
if (publication.channelStatus() == ChannelEndpointStatus.ERRORED) {
logger.error("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: Error creating ex-publication (has errors) $logInfo :: sessionId=${publicationUri.sessionId()}, streamId=${streamId}")
// there was an error connecting to the aeron client or media driver.
val ex = ClientRetryException("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: Error adding an ex-publication")
throw ex
if (!hasDelay) {
hasDelay = true
if (logger.isDebugEnabled) {
logger.debug("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: Delaying creation of ex-publication [$logInfo] :: sessionId=${publicationUri.sessionId()}, streamId=${streamId}")
// the publication has not ACTUALLY been created yet!
if (hasDelay) {
logger.debug("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: Delayed creation of publication [$logInfo] :: sessionId=${publicationUri.sessionId()}, streamId=${streamId}")
if (logger.isTraceEnabled) {
if (logger.isTraceEnabled) {
logger.trace("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: Creating ex-publication $logInfo :: regId=${publication.registrationId()}, sessionId=${publication.sessionId()}, streamId=${publication.streamId()}, channel=${}")
return publication
* Add a new [Subscription] for subscribing to messages from publishers.
* This guarantees that the subscription is added and ACTIVE
* The method will set up the [Subscription] to use the
* {@link Aeron.Context#availableImageHandler(AvailableImageHandler)} and
* {@link Aeron.Context#unavailableImageHandler(UnavailableImageHandler)} from the {@link Aeron.Context}.
fun addSubscription(
logger: Logger,
subscriptionUri: ChannelUriStringBuilder,
streamId: Int,
logInfo: String,
isIpc: Boolean): Subscription = stateLock.write {
val uri =
// reasons we cannot add a pub/sub to aeron
// 1) the driver was closed
// 2) aeron was unable to connect to the driver
// 3) the address already in use
// 4) the SESSION ID is already in use (note: a subscription with NO sessionID will let ANY publication sessionID connect to it)
// configuring pub/sub to aeron is LINEAR -- and it happens in 2 places.
// 1) starting up the client/server
// 2) creating a new client-server connection pair (the media driver won't be "dead" at this point)
// in the client, if we are unable to connect to the server, we will attempt to start the media driver + connect to aeron
// subscriptions do not depend on a response from the remote endpoint, and should always succeed if aeron is available
val aeron1 = aeron
if (aeron1 == null || aeron1.isClosed) {
logger.error("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: Aeron is closed, error creating subscription [$logInfo] :: sessionId=${subscriptionUri.sessionId()}, streamId=${streamId}")
// there was an error connecting to the aeron client or media driver.
val ex = ClientRetryException("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: Error adding a subscription to aeron")
throw ex
val subscription = try {
aeron1.addSubscription(uri, streamId)
} catch (e: Exception) {
logger.error("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: Error creating subscription [$logInfo] :: sessionId=${subscriptionUri.sessionId()}, streamId=${streamId}")
val ex = ClientRetryException("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: Error adding a subscription", e) // maybe not retry? or not clientRetry?
throw ex
if (subscription == null) {
logger.error("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: Error creating subscription (is null) [$logInfo] :: sessionId=${subscriptionUri.sessionId()}, streamId=${streamId}")
// there was an error connecting to the aeron client or media driver.
val ex = ClientRetryException("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: Error adding a subscription")
throw ex
var hasDelay = false
while (subscription.channelStatus() != ChannelEndpointStatus.ACTIVE || (!isIpc && subscription.localSocketAddresses().isEmpty())) {
if (subscription.channelStatus() == ChannelEndpointStatus.ERRORED) {
logger.error("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: Error creating subscription (has errors) $logInfo :: sessionId=${subscriptionUri.sessionId()}, streamId=${streamId}")
// there was an error connecting to the aeron client or media driver.
val ex = ClientRetryException("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: Error adding an subscription")
throw ex
if (!hasDelay) {
hasDelay = true
if (logger.isDebugEnabled) {
logger.debug("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: Delaying creation of subscription [$logInfo] :: sessionId=${subscriptionUri.sessionId()}, streamId=${streamId}")
// the subscription has not ACTUALLY been created yet!
if (hasDelay && logger.isDebugEnabled) {
logger.debug("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: Delayed creation of subscription [$logInfo] :: sessionId=${subscriptionUri.sessionId()}, streamId=${streamId}")
if (logger.isTraceEnabled) {
if (logger.isTraceEnabled) {
logger.trace("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: Creating subscription [$logInfo] :: regId=${subscription.registrationId()}, sessionId=${subscriptionUri.sessionId()}, streamId=${subscription.streamId()}, channel=${}")
return subscription
* Guarantee that the publication is closed AND the backing file is removed
fun close(publication: Publication, logger: Logger, logInfo: String) = stateLock.write {
val name = if (publication is ConcurrentPublication) {
} else {
val registrationId = publication.registrationId()
if (logger.isTraceEnabled) {
logger.trace("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: Closing $name file [$logInfo] :: regId=$registrationId, sessionId=${publication.sessionId()}, streamId=${publication.streamId()}")
val aeron1 = aeron
if (aeron1 == null || aeron1.isClosed) {
val e = Exception("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: Error closing $name [$logInfo] :: sessionId=${publication.sessionId()}, streamId=${publication.streamId()}")
throw e
try {
// This can throw exceptions!
} catch (e: Exception) {
logger.error("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: Unable to close [$logInfo] $name $publication", e)
if (publication is ConcurrentPublication) {
// aeron is async. close() doesn't immediately close, it just submits the close command!
while (publication.isConnected || publication.channelStatus() == ChannelEndpointStatus.ACTIVE || aeron1.getPublication(registrationId) != null) {
} else {
// aeron is async. close() doesn't immediately close, it just submits the close command!
while (publication.isConnected || publication.channelStatus() == ChannelEndpointStatus.ACTIVE || aeron1.getExclusivePublication(registrationId) != null) {
// deleting log files is generally not recommended in a production environment as it can result in data loss and potential disruption of the messaging system!!
if (logger.isTraceEnabled) {
* Guarantee that the publication is closed AND the backing file is removed
fun close(subscription: Subscription, logger: Logger, logInfo: String) = stateLock.write {
if (logger.isTraceEnabled) {
logger.trace("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: Closing subscription [$logInfo] :: regId=${subscription.registrationId()}, sessionId=${subscription.images().firstOrNull()?.sessionId()}, streamId=${subscription.streamId()}")
val aeron1 = aeron
if (aeron1 == null || aeron1.isClosed) {
val e = Exception("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: Error closing subscription [$logInfo] :: sessionId=${subscription.images().firstOrNull()?.sessionId()}, streamId=${subscription.streamId()}")
throw e
try {
// This can throw exceptions!
} catch (e: Exception) {
logger.error("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: Unable to close [$logInfo] subscription $subscription")
// aeron is async. close() doesn't immediately close, it just submits the close command!
while (subscription.isConnected || subscription.channelStatus() == ChannelEndpointStatus.ACTIVE || subscription.images().isNotEmpty()) {
if (logger.isTraceEnabled) {
logger.trace("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: Still closing sub!")
// deleting log files is generally not recommended in a production environment as it can result in data loss and potential disruption of the messaging system!!
if (logger.isTraceEnabled) {
* Ensures that an endpoint (using the specified configuration) is NO LONGER running.
* @return true if the media driver is STOPPED.
fun ensureStopped(timeoutMS: Long, intervalTimeoutMS: Long, logger: Logger): Boolean {
if (closed) {
return true
val timeoutInNanos = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toNanos(timeoutMS) + lingerNs()
var didLog = false
val closeTimeoutTime = System.nanoTime()
while (isRunning() && System.nanoTime() - closeTimeoutTime < timeoutInNanos) {
// only emit the log info once. It's rather spammy otherwise!
if (!didLog) {
didLog = true
if (logger.isDebugEnabled) {
logger.debug("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: Still running (${aeronDirectory}). Waiting for it to stop...")
return !isRunning()
* Deletes the entire context of the aeron directory in use.
fun deleteAeronDir(): Boolean {
return context.deleteAeronDir()
* Checks to see if an endpoint (using the specified configuration) is running.
* @return true if the media driver is active and running
fun isRunning(): Boolean {
// if the media driver is running, it will be a quick connection. Usually 100ms or so
return context.isRunning()
fun isInUse(endPoint: EndPoint<*>?, logger: Logger): Boolean {
// as many "sort-cuts" as we can for checking if the current Aeron Driver/client is still in use
if (!isRunning()) {
if (logger.isTraceEnabled) {
logger.trace("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: not running")
return false
if (registeredPublications.value > 0) {
if (logger.isTraceEnabled) {
val elements = registeredPublicationsTrace.elements
val joined = elements.joinToString()
logger.trace("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: has publications: [$joined] (${registeredPublications.value} total)")
} else if (logger.isDebugEnabled) {
logger.debug("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: has publications (${registeredPublications.value} total)")
return true
if (registeredSubscriptions.value > 0) {
if (logger.isTraceEnabled) {
val elements = registeredSubscriptionsTrace.elements
val joined = elements.joinToString()
logger.trace("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: has subscriptions: [$joined] (${registeredSubscriptions.value} total)")
} else if (logger.isDebugEnabled) {
logger.debug("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: has subscriptions (${registeredSubscriptions.value} total)")
return true
if (endPointUsages.size() > 1 && !endPointUsages.contains(endPoint)) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled) {
logger.debug("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: still referenced by ${endPointUsages.size()} endpoints")
return true
// ignore the extra driver checks, because in SOME situations, when trying to reconnect upon an error, the
// driver gets into a bad state. When this happens, we cannot rely on the driver stat info!
if (mustRestartDriverOnError) {
return false
// check to see if we ALREADY have loaded this location.
// null or empty snapshot means that this location is currently unused
// >0 can also happen because the location is old. It's not running, but still has info because it hasn't been cleaned up yet
// NOTE: This is only valid information if the media driver is running
var currentUsage = driverBacklog()?.snapshot()?.size ?: 0
var count = 3
while (count > 0 && currentUsage > 0) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled) {
logger.debug("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: usage is: $currentUsage, double checking status")
currentUsage = driverBacklog()?.snapshot()?.size ?: 0
if (currentUsage == 0) {
return false
count = 3
while (count > 0 && currentUsage > 0) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled) {
logger.debug("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: usage is: $currentUsage, double checking status (long)")
currentUsage = driverBacklog()?.snapshot()?.size ?: 0
if (currentUsage > 0 && logger.isDebugEnabled) {
logger.debug("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: usage is: $currentUsage")
return currentUsage > 0
* A safer way to try to close the media driver
* NOTE: We must be *super* careful trying to delete directories, because if we have multiple AERON/MEDIA DRIVERS connected to the
* same directory, deleting the directory will cause any other aeron connection to fail! (which makes sense).
* @return true if the driver was successfully stopped.
fun close(endPoint: EndPoint<*>?, logger: Logger): Boolean = stateLock.write {
if (endPoint != null) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled) {
logger.debug("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: Requested close... (${endPointUsages.size()} endpoints still in use)")
// ignore the extra driver checks, because in SOME situations, when trying to reconnect upon an error, the
if (isInUse(endPoint, logger)) {
if (mustRestartDriverOnError) {
// driver gets into a bad state. When this happens, we have to ignore "are we already in use" checks, BECAUSE the driver is now corrupted and unusable!
else {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled) {
logger.debug("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: in use, not shutting down this instance.")
// reset our contextDefine value, so that this configuration can safely be reused
endPoint?.config?.contextDefined = false
return@write false
val removed = AeronDriver.driverConfigurations[driverId]
if (removed == null) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled) {
logger.debug("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: already closed. Ignoring close request.")
// reset our contextDefine value, so that this configuration can safely be reused
endPoint?.config?.contextDefined = false
return@write false
if (logger.isDebugEnabled) {
logger.debug("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: Closing...")
// we have to assign context BEFORE we close, because the `getter` for context will create it if necessary
val aeronContext = context
val driverDirectory =
try {
} catch (e: Exception) {
if (endPoint != null) {
endPoint.listenerManager.notifyError(AeronDriverException("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: Error stopping", e))
} else {
logger.error("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: Error stopping", e)
aeron = null
if (mediaDriver == null) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled) {
logger.debug("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: No driver started, not stopping driver or context.")
} else {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled) {
logger.debug("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: Stopping driver at '${driverDirectory}'...")
// if we are the ones that started the media driver, then we must be the ones to close it
try {
} catch (e: Exception) {
if (endPoint != null) {
endPoint.listenerManager.notifyError(AeronDriverException("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: Error closing", e))
} else {
logger.error("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: Error closing", e)
mediaDriver = null
// it can actually close faster, if everything is ideal.
val timeout = (aeronContext.driverTimeout + AERON_PUBLICATION_LINGER_TIMEOUT) / 4
// it can actually close faster, if everything is ideal.
try {
if (isRunning()) {
// on close, we want to wait for the driver to timeout before considering it "closed". Connections can still LINGER (see below)
// on close, the publication CAN linger (in case a client goes away, and then comes back)
// AERON_PUBLICATION_LINGER_TIMEOUT, 5s by default (this can also be set as a URI param)
// wait for the media driver to actually stop
var count = 10
while (--count >= 0 && isRunning()) {
logger.warn("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: still running at '${driverDirectory}'. Waiting for it to stop. Trying to close $count more times.")
catch (e: Exception) {
if (!mustRestartDriverOnError) {
logger.error("Error while checking isRunning() state.", e)
// make sure the context is also closed, but ONLY if we are the last one
// make sure all of our message listeners are removed
try {
val deletedAeron = driverDirectory.deleteRecursively()
if (!deletedAeron) {
if (endPoint != null) {
endPoint.listenerManager.notifyError(AeronDriverException("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: Error deleting Aeron directory at: $driverDirectory"))
} else {
logger.error("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: Error deleting Aeron directory at: $driverDirectory")
} catch (e: Exception) {
if (endPoint != null) {
endPoint.listenerManager.notifyError(AeronDriverException("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: Error deleting Aeron directory at: $driverDirectory", e))
} else {
logger.error("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: Error deleting Aeron directory at: $driverDirectory", e)
// check to make sure it's actually deleted
if (driverDirectory.isDirectory) {
if (endPoint != null) {
endPoint.listenerManager.notifyError(AeronDriverException("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: Error deleting Aeron directory at: $driverDirectory"))
} else {
logger.error("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: Error deleting Aeron directory at: $driverDirectory")
// reset our contextDefine value, so that this configuration can safely be reused
endPoint?.config?.contextDefined = false
// actually remove it, since we've passed all the checks to guarantee it's closed...
if (logger.isDebugEnabled) {
logger.debug("Aeron Driver [$driverId]: Closed the media driver at '${driverDirectory}'")
closed = true
closedTime = System.nanoTime()
return@write true
* @return the aeron driver timeout
private fun driverTimeout(): Long {
return context.driverTimeout
* @return the aeron media driver log file for a specific publication.
fun getMediaDriverFile(publication: Publication): File {
* @return the aeron media driver log file for a specific image (within a subscription, an image is the "connection" with a publication).
fun getMediaDriverFile(image: Image): File {
* Deletes the logfile for this publication
fun deleteLogFile(publication: Publication) {
* Deletes the logfile for this image (within a subscription, an image is the "connection" with a publication).
fun deleteLogFile(image: Image) {
val file = getMediaDriverFile(image)
if (driverLogger.isDebugEnabled) {
driverLogger.debug("Deleting log file: $image")
* expose the internal counters of the Aeron driver
fun driverCounters(counterFunction: (counterId: Int, counterValue: Long, typeId: Int, keyBuffer: DirectBuffer?, label: String?) -> Unit) {
AeronDriver.driverCounters(, counterFunction)
* @return the backlog statistics for the Aeron driver
fun driverBacklog(): BacklogStat? {
return AeronDriver.driverBacklog(
* @return the internal heartbeat of the Aeron driver in the current aeron directory
fun driverHeartbeatMs(): Long {
return AeronDriver.driverHeartbeatMs(
* exposes the Aeron driver loss statistics
* @return the number of errors for the Aeron driver
fun driverErrors(errorAction: (observationCount: Int, firstObservationTimestamp: Long, lastObservationTimestamp: Long, encodedException: String) -> Unit) {
AeronDriver.driverErrors(, errorAction)
* exposes the Aeron driver loss statistics
* @return the number of loss statistics for the Aeron driver
fun driverLossStats(lossStats: (observationCount: Long,
totalBytesLost: Long,
firstObservationTimestamp: Long,
lastObservationTimestamp: Long,
sessionId: Int, streamId: Int,
channel: String, source: String) -> Unit): Int {
return AeronDriver.driverLossStats(, lossStats)
* @return the internal version of the Aeron driver in the current aeron directory
fun driverVersion(): String {
return AeronDriver.driverVersion(
* @return the current aeron context info, if any
fun contextInfo(): String {
return context.toString()
* @return Time in nanoseconds a publication will linger once it is drained to recover potential tail loss.
fun lingerNs(): Long {
return context.context.publicationLingerTimeoutNs()
* @return Time in nanoseconds a publication will be considered not connected if no status messages are received.
fun publicationConnectionTimeoutNs(): Long {
return context.context.publicationConnectionTimeoutNs()
* Make sure that we DO NOT approach the Aeron linger timeout!
fun delayDriverTimeout(multiplier: Number = 1) {
Thread.sleep((driverTimeout() * multiplier.toDouble()).toLong())
* Make sure that we DO NOT approach the Aeron linger timeout! If we have already passed it, do nothing.
fun delayLingerTimeout(multiplier: Number = 1) {
val lingerTimeoutNs = (lingerNs() * multiplier.toDouble()).toLong()
val driverTimeoutSec = driverTimeout().coerceAtLeast(TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toSeconds(lingerTimeoutNs))
val driverTimeoutNs = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toNanos(driverTimeoutSec)
val elapsedNs = System.nanoTime() - closedTime
if (elapsedNs >= driverTimeoutNs) {
// timeout already expired, do nothing.
// not always the full duration, but the duration since the close event
val adjustedTimeoutSec = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toSeconds(driverTimeoutNs - elapsedNs)
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (this === other) return true
if (other !is AeronDriverInternal) return false
if (!super.equals(other)) return false
return driverId == other.driverId
override fun hashCode(): Int {
return driverId
override fun toString(): String {
return "Aeron Driver [${driverId}]"