
362 lines
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* Copyright 2019 dorkbox, llc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import dorkbox.util.classes.ClassHelper
import dorkbox.util.collections.LockFreeHashMap
import dorkbox.util.collections.LockFreeIntMap
import org.slf4j.Logger
import java.lang.reflect.Proxy
import java.util.*
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList
class ConnectionRmiSupport internal constructor(private val rmiGlobal: RmiServer) {
private val rmiLocal: RmiServer
private val proxyIdCache: MutableMap<Int, RemoteObject?>
private val proxyListeners: MutableList<OnMessageReceived<Connection, MethodResponse>>
private val rmiRegistrationCallbacks: LockFreeIntMap<RemoteObjectCallback<*>>
private var rmiCallbackId = 0
init {
// * @param executor
// * Sets the executor used to invoke methods when an invocation is received from a remote endpoint. By default, no
// * executor is set and invocations occur on the network thread, which should not be blocked for long, May be null.
rmiLocal = RmiServer(rmiGlobal.logger, false)
proxyIdCache = LockFreeHashMap()
proxyListeners = CopyOnWriteArrayList()
rmiRegistrationCallbacks = LockFreeIntMap()
fun close() {
// proxy listeners are cleared in the removeAll() call (which happens BEFORE close)
* This will remove the invoke and invoke response listeners for this remote object
fun removeAllListeners() {
suspend fun <Iface> createRemoteObject(
connection: ConnectionImpl,
interfaceClass: Class<Iface>,
callback: RemoteObjectCallback<Iface>) {
require(interfaceClass.isInterface) { "Cannot create a proxy for RMI access. It must be an interface." }
// because this is PER CONNECTION, there is no need for synchronize(), since there will not be any issues with concurrent
// access, but there WILL be issues with thread visibility because a different worker thread can be called for different connections
val nextRmiCallbackId = rmiCallbackId++
rmiRegistrationCallbacks.put(nextRmiCallbackId, callback)
val message = DynamicObjectRequest(interfaceClass, RmiServer.INVALID_RMI, nextRmiCallbackId)
// We use a callback to notify us when the object is ready. We can't "create this on the fly" because we
// have to wait for the object to be created + ID to be assigned on the remote system BEFORE we can create the proxy instance here.
// this means we are creating a NEW object on the server, bound access to only this connection
suspend fun <Iface> getRemoteObject(connection: ConnectionImpl, objectId: Int, callback: RemoteObjectCallback<Iface>) {
check(objectId >= 0) { "Object ID cannot be < 0" }
check(objectId < RmiServer.INVALID_RMI) { "Object ID cannot be >= " + RmiServer.INVALID_RMI }
val iFaceClass = ClassHelper.getGenericParameterAsClassForSuperClass(, callback.javaClass, 0)
// because this is PER CONNECTION, there is no need for synchronize(), since there will not be any issues with concurrent
// access, but there WILL be issues with thread visibility because a different worker thread can be called for different connections
val nextRmiCallbackId = rmiCallbackId++
rmiRegistrationCallbacks.put(nextRmiCallbackId, callback)
val message = DynamicObjectRequest(iFaceClass, objectId, nextRmiCallbackId)
// We use a callback to notify us when the object is ready. We can't "create this on the fly" because we
// have to wait for the object to be created + ID to be assigned on the remote system BEFORE we can create the proxy instance here.
// this means we are getting an EXISTING object on the server, bound access to only this connection
* Manages the RMI stuff for a connection. Will register/invoke/etc on the RMI object
suspend fun manage(connection: Connection_, message: Any, logger: Logger) {
when (message) {
is MethodRequest -> {
val objectID = message.objectId
// have to make sure to get the correct object (global vs local)
// This is what is overridden when registering interfaces/classes for RMI.
// objectID is the interface ID, and this returns the implementation ID.
val target = getImplementationObject(objectID)
if (target == null) {
logger.warn("Ignoring remote invocation request for unknown object ID: {}", objectID)
try {
val result = RmiServer.invoke(connection, target, message, logger)
if (result != null) {
// System.err.println("Sending: " + invokeMethod.responseID);
} catch (e: IOException) {
logger.error("Unable to invoke method.", e)
is MethodResponse -> {
for (proxyListener in proxyListeners) {
proxyListener.received(connection, message)
is DynamicObjectRequest -> {
// Check if we are creating a new REMOTE object. This check is always first.
if (message.rmiId == RmiServer.INVALID_RMI) {
// THIS IS ON THE REMOTE CONNECTION (where the object will really exist as an implementation)
// CREATE a new ID, and register the ID and new object (must create a new one) in the object maps
// have to lookup the implementation class
val serialization = connection.endPoint().serialization
// For network connections, the interface class kryo ID == implementation class kryo ID, so they switch automatically.
val registrationResult = createNewRmiObject(serialization, message.interfaceClass, message.callbackId, logger)
// connection transport is flushed in calling method (don't need to do it here)
} else {
// THIS IS ON THE REMOTE CONNECTION (where the object implementation will really exist)
// GET a LOCAL rmi object, if none get a specific, GLOBAL rmi object (objects that are not bound to a single connection).
val implementationObject = getImplementationObject(message.rmiId)
connection.send(DynamicObjectResponse(message.interfaceClass, message.rmiId, message.callbackId, implementationObject!!))
// connection transport is flushed in calling method (don't need to do it here)
is DynamicObjectResponse -> {
if (message.rmiId == RmiServer.INVALID_RMI) {
logger.error("RMI ID '{}' is invalid. Unable to create RMI object.", message.rmiId)
// this is the response.
// THIS IS ON THE LOCAL CONNECTION SIDE, which is the side that called 'getRemoteObject()'
val callback: RemoteObjectCallback<Any> = rmiRegistrationCallbacks.remove(message.callbackId) as RemoteObjectCallback<Any>
try {
} catch (e: Exception) {
logger.error("Error getting or creating the remote object ${message.interfaceClass}", e)
* Used by RMI by the LOCAL side when setting up the to fetch an object for the REMOTE side
* @return the registered ID for a specific object, or RmiBridge.INVALID_RMI if there was no ID.
fun <T> getRegisteredId(`object`: T): Int {
// always check global before checking local, because less contention on the synchronization
val objectId = rmiGlobal.getRegisteredId(`object`)
return if (objectId != RmiServer.INVALID_RMI) {
} else {
// might return RmiBridge.INVALID_RMI;
* This is used by RMI for the SERVER side, to get the implementation
* @param objectId this is the RMI object ID
fun getImplementationObject(objectId: Int): Any? {
return if (RmiServer.isGlobal(objectId)) {
} else {
* Removes a proxy object from the system
fun removeProxyObject(rmiProxyHandler: RmiClient) {
* For network connections, the interface class kryo ID == implementation class kryo ID, so they switch automatically.
* For local connections, we have to switch it appropriately in the LocalRmiProxy
fun createNewRmiObject(serialization: NetworkSerializationManager, interfaceClass: Class<*>, callbackId: Int, logger: Logger): DynamicObjectResponse {
var kryo: KryoExtra? = null
var remoteObject: Any? = null
var rmiId = 0
val implementationClass = serialization.getRmiImpl(interfaceClass)
try {
kryo = serialization.takeKryo()
// because the INTERFACE is what is registered with kryo (not the impl) we have to temporarily permit unregistered classes (which have an ID of -1)
// so we can cache the instantiator for this class.
val registrationRequired = kryo.isRegistrationRequired
kryo.isRegistrationRequired = false
// this is what creates a new instance of the impl class, and stores it as an ID.
remoteObject = kryo.newInstance(implementationClass)
if (registrationRequired) {
// only if it's different should we call this again.
kryo.isRegistrationRequired = true
rmiId = rmiLocal.register(remoteObject)
if (rmiId == RmiServer.INVALID_RMI) {
// this means that there are too many RMI ids (either global or connection specific!)
remoteObject = null
} else {
// if we are invalid, skip going over fields that might also be RMI objects, BECAUSE our object will be NULL!
// the @Rmi annotation allows an RMI object to have fields with objects that are ALSO RMI objects
val classesToCheck = LinkedList<Map.Entry<Class<*>, Any?>>()
classesToCheck.add(AbstractMap.SimpleEntry(implementationClass, remoteObject))
var remoteClassObject: Map.Entry<Class<*>, Any?>
while (!classesToCheck.isEmpty()) {
remoteClassObject = classesToCheck.removeFirst()
// we have to check the IMPLEMENTATION for any additional fields that will have proxy information.
// we use getDeclaredFields() + walking the object hierarchy, so we get ALL the fields possible (public + private).
for (field in remoteClassObject.key.declaredFields) {
if (field.getAnnotation( != null) {
val type = field.type
if (!type.isInterface) {
// the type must be an interface, otherwise RMI cannot create a proxy object
logger.error("Error checking RMI fields for: {}.{} -- It is not an interface!",
val prev = field.isAccessible
field.isAccessible = true
val o: Any
try {
o = field[remoteClassObject.value]
classesToCheck.add(AbstractMap.SimpleEntry(type, o))
} catch (e: IllegalAccessException) {
logger.error("Error checking RMI fields for: {}.{}", remoteClassObject.key,, e)
} finally {
field.isAccessible = prev
// have to check the object hierarchy as well
val superclass = remoteClassObject.key
if (superclass != null && superclass != {
classesToCheck.add(AbstractMap.SimpleEntry(superclass, remoteClassObject.value))
} catch (e: Exception) {
logger.error("Error registering RMI class $implementationClass", e)
} finally {
if (kryo != null) {
// we use kryo to create a new instance - so only return it on error or when it's done creating a new instance
return DynamicObjectResponse(interfaceClass, rmiId, callbackId, remoteObject!!)
* Warning. This is an advanced method. You should probably be using [Connection.createRemoteObject]
* Returns a proxy object that implements the specified interface, and the methods invoked on the proxy object will be invoked
* remotely.
* Methods that return a value will throw [TimeoutException] if the response is not received with the [ ][RemoteObject.setResponseTimeout].
* If [non-blocking][RemoteObject.setAsync] is false (the default), then methods that return a value must not be
* called from the update thread for the connection. An exception will be thrown if this occurs. Methods with a void return value can be
* called on the update thread.
* If a proxy returned from this method is part of an object graph sent over the network, the object graph on the receiving side will
* have the proxy object replaced with the registered object.
* @see RemoteObject
* @param rmiId this is the remote object ID (assigned by RMI). This is NOT the kryo registration ID
* @param iFace this is the RMI interface
fun getProxyObject(connection: Connection_, rmiId: Int, iFace: Class<*>?): RemoteObject {
requireNotNull(iFace) { "iface cannot be null." }
require(iFace.isInterface) { "iface must be an interface." }
// we want to have a connection specific cache of IDs
// because this is PER CONNECTION, there is no need for synchronize(), since there will not be any issues with concurrent
// access, but there WILL be issues with thread visibility because a different worker thread can be called for different connections
var remoteObject = proxyIdCache[rmiId]
if (remoteObject == null) {
// duplicates are fine, as they represent the same object (as specified by the ID) on the remote side.
// the ACTUAL proxy is created in the connection impl. Our proxy handler MUST BE suspending because of:
// 1) how we send data on the wire
// 2) how we must (sometimes) wait for a response
val proxyObject = RmiClient(connection, this, rmiId, iFace)
// This is the interface inheritance by the proxy object
val interfaces: Array<Class<*>> = arrayOf(, iFace)
remoteObject = Proxy.newProxyInstance(, interfaces, proxyObject) as RemoteObject
proxyIdCache[rmiId] = remoteObject
return remoteObject