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2021-05-02 23:40:47 +02:00
//import dorkbox.netUtil.IPv4
//import dorkbox.util.collections.IntMap
// * This is a "most complex" example of how DNS entries can be used.
// * NOTE: D can have B (domain) as a parent AND ALSO 1 (ip) as a parent.
// *
// * ROOT: 1 2 3
// * /|\ /| |
// * / | X | |
// * | |/ \| |
// * CHILD: | A B C
// * | /|\
// * \ / | \
// * \ / | \
// * CHILD: D E F
// */
//internal class DnsCache {
// internal open inner class Entry {
// var children: MutableMap<String?, DomainEntry?>? = HashMap()
// }
// internal inner class IpEntry : Entry() {
// var ip = 0
// val ipAsString: String
// get() = IPv4.toString(ip)
// }
// internal inner class DomainEntry : Entry() {
// var domain: String? = null
// // we can have BOTH parent IPs and parent DOMAINS
// var parentIPs: IntMap<IpEntry> = IntMap()
// var parentDomains: MutableMap<String, DomainEntry> = HashMap()
// }
// // this map contains ALL of the DOMAIN'S possible (then, each domain has 1+ parents or 1+ children
// private val domains: MutableMap<String, DomainEntry> = HashMap()
// // this map contains ALL of the IP'S possible (then, each IP will have 1+ children)
// private val ips: IntMap<IpEntry> = IntMap()
// private fun getDomain(domain: String): DomainEntry? {
// var domainEntry = domains[domain]
// if (domainEntry == null) {
// domainEntry = DomainEntry()
// domainEntry.domain = domain
// domains[domain] = domainEntry
// }
// return domainEntry
// }
// private fun linkParentAndChild(parentDomain: String, childEntry: DomainEntry) {
// var parentEntry = domains[parentDomain]
// if (parentEntry == null) {
// parentEntry = DomainEntry()
// parentEntry.domain = parentDomain
// domains[parentDomain] = parentEntry
// }
// // link the two together
// childEntry.parentDomains[parentDomain] = parentEntry
// parentEntry.children!![childEntry.domain] = childEntry
// }
// private fun linkParentAndChild(parentIp: Int, childEntry: DomainEntry?) {
// var parentEntry: IpEntry = ips.get(parentIp)
// if (parentEntry == null) {
// parentEntry = IpEntry()
// parentEntry.ip = parentIp
// ips.put(parentIp, parentEntry)
// }
// // link the two together
// childEntry!!.parentIPs.put(parentIp, parentEntry)
// parentEntry.children!![childEntry.domain] = childEntry
// }
// // also, one question can have multiple answers, and we don't want to overwrite them if the same IP goes to multiple questions.
// //
// // As "criss-crossy" and weird as this CAN get, we reset this at midnight, JUST because this will get crazy. As a result, we do not do
// // any maintenance on the map. It is not TOO likely that IPs will change in 1 day. It is definitely possible, and this solves the
// // problem by just "hanging onto" the old IPs for the rest of the day. Since we rewrite the TTL on DNS packets to be 60 seconds, it
// // should also prevent stale lookups
//// fun processDNS(dns: dnsEntry) {
//// // here we have to correlate CNAME with original question, because the QUESTION is what we know and care about
//// val question: String = dns.question
//// if (question != null) {
//// val childEntry = getDomain(question)
//// for (cName in dns.cname) {
//// // the cName will be the parent to the question
//// linkParentAndChild(cName, childEntry)
//// }
//// for (aRecord in dns.a) {
//// val asInt = toInt(aRecord!!)
//// // can ONLY be a parent to our question
//// linkParentAndChild(asInt, childEntry)
//// }
//// }
//// else {
//// // this makes GC graph traversal faster
//// for (domainEntry in domains!!.values) {
//// domainEntry!!.parentIPs.clear()
//// domainEntry.parentDomains!!.clear()
//// domainEntry.children!!.clear()
//// }
//// domains.clear()
//// // this makes GC graph traversal faster
//// for (o in ips.values()) {
//// val ipEntry = o as IpEntry
//// ipEntry.children!!.clear()
//// }
//// ips.clear()
//// // encourage GC, since a heck of a lot of entries just got nuked.
//// System.gc()
//// }
//// }
// /**
// * quite often, the domain for traffic is **really** the CNAME value for the original DNS question
// *
// * @param dnsDomain the domain to check (to see if it maps to an original DNS question)
// *
// * @return either the original question DNS value, or dnsDomain.
// */
// operator fun get(dnsDomain: String?): String? {
//// HashSet<String> dns = reverseMap.get(dnsDomain);
//// if (dns == null) {
//// return dnsDomain;
//// }
//// else {
//// // have to keep on going, because at some point A->B->C
//// // -> -> ->
//// // -> -> ->
//// // -> ->
//// // -> ->
//// // -> ->
////// HashSet<String> strings = get(dns);
////// if (strings.size() == 1) {
////// }
//// return dnsDomain;
//// }
// return ""
// }