package org.handwerkszeug.dns; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import org.handwerkszeug.dns.record.AbstractRecord; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf; /** * RFC1035 4. MESSAGES * *
 *     +---------------------+
 *     |        Header       |
 *     +---------------------+
 *     |       Question      | the question for the name server
 *     +---------------------+
 *     |        Answer       | RRs answering the question
 *     +---------------------+
 *     |      Authority      | RRs pointing toward an authority
 *     +---------------------+
 *     |      Additional     | RRs holding additional information
 *     +---------------------+
* * @author taichi */ public class DNSMessage { protected Header header; protected List question; protected List answer; protected List authority; protected List additional; protected int messageSize; public DNSMessage(Header header) { this.header(header); this.question = new ArrayList(); this.answer = new ArrayList(); this.authority = new ArrayList(); this.additional = new ArrayList(); } public DNSMessage() { this(new Header()); } public DNSMessage(DNSMessage from) { this(new Header(from.header())); this.question().addAll(from.question()); this.answer().addAll(from.answer()); this.authority().addAll(from.authority()); this.additional().addAll(from.additional()); this.messageSize(from.messageSize()); } public DNSMessage(ByteBuf buffer) { this.header = new Header(buffer); if (this.header.rcode().equals(RCode.FormErr)) { this.question = Collections.emptyList(); this.answer = Collections.emptyList(); this.authority = Collections.emptyList(); this.additional = Collections.emptyList(); } else { this.parse(buffer); } } protected void parse(ByteBuf buffer) { Header header = this.header(); int q = header.qdcount(); if (q < 1) { this.question = Collections.emptyList(); } else { this.question(new ArrayList(q)); for (int i = 0; i < q; i++) { this.question() .add(AbstractRecord.parseSection(buffer)); } } this.answer(parse(buffer, header.ancount())); this.authority(parse(buffer, header.nscount())); this.additional(parse(buffer, header.arcount())); this.messageSize(buffer.readerIndex()); } protected static List parse(ByteBuf buffer, int size) { if (size < 1) { return Collections.emptyList(); } List result = new ArrayList(size); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { ResourceRecord rr = AbstractRecord.parseSection(buffer); rr.parse(buffer); result.add(rr); } return result; } public void write(ByteBuf buffer) { header().qdcount(this.question().size()); header().ancount(this.answer().size()); header().nscount(this.authority().size()); header().arcount(this.additional().size()); header().write(buffer); NameCompressor nc = new SimpleNameCompressor(); for (ResourceRecord rr : this.question()) { AbstractRecord.writeSection(buffer, nc, rr); } write(buffer, nc, answer()); write(buffer, nc, authority()); write(buffer, nc, additional()); } protected void write(ByteBuf buffer, NameCompressor compressor, List list) { for (ResourceRecord rr : list) { AbstractRecord.writeSection(buffer, compressor, rr); rr.write(buffer, compressor); } } public Header header() { return this.header; } public void header(Header header) { this.header = header; } /** * 4.1.2. Question section format */ public List question() { return this.question; } public void question(List list) { this.question = list; } public List answer() { return this.answer; } public void answer(List list) { this.answer = list; } public List authority() { return this.authority; } public void authority(List list) { this.authority = list; } public List additional() { return this.additional; } public void additional(List list) { this.additional = list; } public int messageSize() { return this.messageSize; } public void messageSize(int size) { this.messageSize = size; } }