package org.handwerkszeug.dns; import static org.handwerkszeug.util.Validation.notNull; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.handwerkszeug.dns.nls.Messages; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf; import io.netty.buffer.Unpooled; public class Name implements Comparable { public static final Name NULL_NAME; public static final Name WILDCARD; static final byte[] NULL_ARRAY = new byte[0]; static final byte[] WILDCARD_ARRAY = new byte[] { '*' }; static { NULL_NAME = create(NULL_ARRAY); WILDCARD = create(WILDCARD_ARRAY); } static Name create(byte[] array) { List l = new ArrayList(1); l.add(array); return new Name(Collections.unmodifiableList(l)); } /** * 4.1.4. DnsMessage compression */ public static final int MASK_POINTER = 0xC0; // 1100 0000 /** * 2.3.4. Size limits */ public static final int MAX_LABEL_SIZE = 63; // 0011 1111 /** * 2.3.4. Size limits */ public static final int MAX_NAME_SIZE = 255; protected final List name; public Name(ByteBuf buffer) { = this.parse(buffer); } public Name(String name) { = this.parse(name); } protected Name(List rawdata) { = rawdata; } protected List parse(ByteBuf buffer) { List list = new ArrayList(); boolean jumped = false; int namesize = 0; for (int length = buffer.readUnsignedByte(); -1 < length; length = buffer .readUnsignedByte()) { if (length == 0) { list.add(NULL_ARRAY); break; } else if ((length & MASK_POINTER) != 0) { int p = ((length ^ MASK_POINTER) << 8) + buffer.readUnsignedByte(); if (jumped == false) { buffer.markReaderIndex(); jumped = true; } buffer.readerIndex(p); } else if (length <= MAX_LABEL_SIZE) { namesize += length; if (MAX_NAME_SIZE < namesize) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format( Messages.NamesMustBe255orLess, namesize)); } byte[] ary = new byte[length]; buffer.readBytes(ary); list.add(ary); } else { throw new IllegalStateException(String.format( Messages.InvalidCompressionMask, length)); } } if (jumped) { buffer.resetReaderIndex(); } return Collections.unmodifiableList(list); } /** * 5.1. Format * *
	 * \X              where X is any character other than a digit (0-9), is
	 *                 used to quote that character so that its special meaning
	 *                 does not apply.  For example, "\." can be used to place
	 *                 a dot character in a label.
	 * \DDD            where each D is a digit is the octet corresponding to
	 *                 the decimal number described by DDD.  The resulting
	 *                 octet is assumed to be text and is not checked for
	 *                 special meaning.
* * @param namedata * @return */ protected List parse(String namedata) { if (".".equals(namedata)) { return; } // TODO IDN support from RFC3490 RFC3491 RFC3492 RFC3454 List result = new ArrayList(); byte[] bytes = namedata.getBytes(); int namesize = 0; ByteBuf buffer = Unpooled.buffer(MAX_LABEL_SIZE); int current = 0; int length = bytes.length; boolean escape = false; int digits = 0; int value = 0; for (; current < length; current++) { byte b = bytes[current]; if (escape) { if ((('0' <= b) && (b <= '9')) && (digits++ < 3)) { value *= 10; value += (b - '0'); if (255 < value) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format( Messages.EscapedDecimalIsInvalid, value)); } if (2 < digits) { appendByte(namedata, buffer, (byte) value); escape = false; } } else if (0 < digits) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format( Messages.MixtureOfEscapedDigitAndNonDigit, namedata)); } else { appendByte(namedata, buffer, b); escape = false; } } else if (b == '\\') { escape = true; digits = 0; value = 0; } else if (b == '.') { namesize = namesize + addBytes(result, buffer) + 1; } else { appendByte(namedata, buffer, b); } } if (escape) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format( Messages.InvalidEscapeSequence, namedata)); } if (buffer.isReadable()) { // relative domain name namesize = namesize + addBytes(result, buffer); } else { // absolute domain name result.add(NULL_ARRAY); } buffer.release(); namesize += 1; if (MAX_NAME_SIZE < namesize) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format( Messages.NamesMustBe255orLess, namesize)); } return result; } protected void appendByte(String namedata, ByteBuf buffer, byte b) { if (buffer.isWritable()) { buffer.writeByte(b); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(Messages.LabelsMustBe63orLess, namedata)); } } protected int addBytes(List result, ByteBuf buffer) { int size = buffer.readableBytes(); if (size < 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.NullLabelIsNotValid); } byte[] newone = new byte[size]; buffer.readBytes(newone); buffer.clear(); result.add(newone); return size; } public void write(ByteBuf buffer, NameCompressor compressor) { // TODO DNAME and other non compress RR // TODO need writing cache? if (writePointer(buffer, compressor, this) == false) { compressor.put(this, buffer.writerIndex()); for (int i = 0, size =; i < size; i++) { byte[] current =; int cl = current.length; buffer.writeByte(cl); if (0 < cl) { buffer.writeBytes(current); if (i + 1 < size) { Name n = new Name( + 1, size)); if (writePointer(buffer, compressor, n)) { break; } else { compressor.put(n, buffer.writerIndex()); } } } } } } protected boolean writePointer(ByteBuf buffer, NameCompressor compressor, Name n) { int position = compressor.get(n); if (-1 < position) { int pointer = (MASK_POINTER << 8) | position; buffer.writeShort(pointer); return true; } return false; } public Name toParent() { int size =; if (1 < size) { List newone =, size); return new Name(newone); } return NULL_NAME; } public Name toWildcard() { int size =; if (1 < size) { List newone = new ArrayList(size); newone.add(WILDCARD_ARRAY); newone.addAll(, size)); return new Name(Collections.unmodifiableList(newone)); } return WILDCARD; } public boolean contains(Name other) { notNull(other, "other"); int mySize =; int otherSize =; if (mySize < otherSize) { return false; } int diff = mySize - otherSize; for (int i = 0; i < otherSize; i++) { byte[] me = + diff); byte[] yu =; if (Arrays.equals(me, yu) == false) { return false; } } return true; } public Name replace(Name from, Name to) { notNull(from, "from"); notNull(to, "to"); if (contains(from)) { int diff = -; int newsize = diff +; List newone = new ArrayList(newsize); newone.addAll(, diff)); newone.addAll(; int size = 0; for (byte[] ary : newone) { size += ary.length; } if (size < MAX_NAME_SIZE) { return new Name(Collections.unmodifiableList(newone)); } } return null; } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; for (byte[] b : { result = prime * result + Arrays.hashCode(b); } return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (obj instanceof Name) { return equals(Name.class.cast(obj)); } return false; } public boolean equals(Name other) { if (other == null) { return false; } int mySize =; int yrSize =; if (mySize != yrSize) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < mySize; i++) { byte[] me =; byte[] yu =; if (Arrays.equals(me, yu) == false) { return false; } } return true; } @Override public int compareTo(Name o) { // TODO use more effective algorithm for red black tree. int mySize =; int yrSize =; if (mySize != yrSize) { return mySize - yrSize; } int minSize = Math.min(mySize, yrSize); for (int i = minSize - 1; (-1 < i); i--) { byte[] mine =; byte[] other =; if (Arrays.equals(mine, other) == false) { int size = Math.min(mine.length, other.length); for (int ii = size - 1; -1 < ii; i--) { byte mb = mine[ii]; byte yb = other[ii]; if (mb != yb) { if (mb < yb) { return -1; } else { return 1; } } } } } return 0; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder stb = new StringBuilder(); DecimalFormat fmt = new DecimalFormat(); fmt.setMinimumIntegerDigits(3); for (Iterator cursor =; cursor.hasNext();) { byte[] ary =; for (int i = 0, l = ary.length; i < l; i++) { int b = ary[i] & 0xFF; if ((b < 0x21) || (0x7F < b)) { stb.append('\\'); stb.append(fmt.format(b)); } else { switch (b) { case '"': case '(': case ')': case '.': case ';': case '\\': case '@': case '$': stb.append('\\'); default: stb.append((char) b); break; } } } if (cursor.hasNext()) { stb.append('.'); } } return stb.toString(); } }