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* Copyright 2023 dorkbox, llc
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package dorkbox.dns.dns.records
import dorkbox.dns.dns.DnsInput
import dorkbox.dns.dns.DnsOutput
import dorkbox.dns.dns.constants.DnsOpCode
import dorkbox.dns.dns.constants.DnsResponseCode
import dorkbox.dns.dns.constants.DnsSection
import dorkbox.dns.dns.constants.Flags
import dorkbox.os.OS.LINE_SEPARATOR
import kotlin.random.Random
* A DNS message header
* @author Brian Wellington
* @see DnsMessage
class Header : Cloneable {
internal var id = 0
var flagsByte = 0
private set
private var counts = IntArray(4)
* Create a new empty header with a random message id
constructor() {
private fun init() {
counts = IntArray(4)
flagsByte = 0
id = -1
* Creates a new Header from its DNS wire format representation
* @param b A byte array containing the DNS Header.
constructor(b: ByteArray?) : this(DnsInput(b!!)) {}
* Parses a Header from a stream containing DNS wire format.
internal constructor(`in`: DnsInput) : this(`in`.readU16()) {
flagsByte = `in`.readU16()
for (i in counts.indices) {
counts[i] = `in`.readU16()
* Create a new empty header.
* @param id The message id
constructor(id: Int) {
iD = id
fun toWire(): ByteArray {
val out = DnsOutput()
return out.toByteArray()
fun toWire(out: DnsOutput) {
for (i in counts.indices) {
* Retrieves the message ID
* Sets the message ID
var iD: Int
get() {
if (id >= 0) {
return id
synchronized(this) {
if (id < 0) {
id = random.get().nextInt(0xffff)
return id
set(id) {
require(!(id < 0 || id > 0xffff)) { "DNS message ID $id is out of range" } = id
* Sets a flag to the supplied value
* @see Flags
fun setFlag(flag: Flags) {
flagsByte = setFlag(flagsByte, flag, true)
* Sets a flag to the supplied value
* @see Flags
fun unsetFlag(flag: Flags) {
flagsByte = setFlag(flagsByte, flag, false)
fun getFlags(): BooleanArray {
val array = BooleanArray(16)
for (i in array.indices) {
if (Flags.isFlag(i)) {
array[i] = getFlag(i)
return array
* Retrieves a flag
* @see Flags
fun getFlag(flag: Flags): Boolean {
// bit s are indexed from left to right
return flagsByte and (1 shl (15 - flag.value())) != 0
* Retrieves a flag.
* @param flagValue ALWAYS checked before using, so additional checks are not necessary
* @see Flags
private fun getFlag(flagValue: Int): Boolean {
// bits are indexed from left to right
return flagsByte and (1 shl (15 - flagValue)) != 0
fun setCount(field: Int, value: Int) {
require(!(value < 0 || value > 0xFFFF)) { "DNS section count $value is out of range" }
counts[field] = value
fun incCount(field: Int) {
check(counts[field] != 0xFFFF) { "DNS section count cannot " + "be incremented" }
fun decCount(field: Int) {
check(counts[field] != 0) { "DNS section count cannot " + "be decremented" }
/* Creates a new Header identical to the current one */
public override fun clone(): Any {
val h = Header() = id
h.flagsByte = flagsByte
System.arraycopy(counts, 0, h.counts, 0, counts.size)
return h
* Converts the header into a String
override fun toString(): String {
return toStringWithRcode(rcode)
* Retrieves the message's rcode
* @see DnsResponseCode
* Sets the message's rcode
* @see DnsResponseCode
var rcode: Int
get() = flagsByte and 0xF
set(value) {
require(!(value < 0 || value > 0xF)) { "DNS DnsResponseCode $value is out of range" }
flagsByte = flagsByte and 0xF.inv()
flagsByte = flagsByte or value
fun toStringWithRcode(newrcode: Int): String {
val sb = StringBuilder()
sb.append(";; ->>HEADER<<- ")
sb.append("opcode: " + DnsOpCode.string(opcode))
sb.append(", status: " + DnsResponseCode.string(newrcode))
sb.append(", id: " + iD)
sb.append(";; flags: ").append(printFlags())
sb.append("; ")
for (i in 0..3) {
sb.append(DnsSection.string(i)).append(": ").append(getCount(i)).append(" ")
return sb.toString()
* Retrieves the mesasge's opcode
* @see DnsOpCode
* Sets the message's opcode
* @see DnsOpCode
var opcode: Int
get() = flagsByte shr 11 and 0xF
set(value) {
require(!(value < 0 || value > 0xF)) { "DNS DnsOpCode " + value + "is out of range" }
flagsByte = flagsByte and 0x87FF
flagsByte = flagsByte or (value shl 11)
* Retrieves the record count for the given section
* @see DnsSection
fun getCount(field: Int): Int {
return counts[field]
* Converts the header's flags into a String
fun printFlags(): String {
val sb = StringBuilder()
for (i in 0..15) {
if (Flags.isFlag(i) && getFlag(i)) {
val flag = Flags.Companion.toFlag(i)
sb.append(" ")
return sb.toString()
companion object {
private val random: ThreadLocal<Random> = object : ThreadLocal<Random>() {
override fun initialValue(): Random {
return Random(System.nanoTime())
* The length of a DNS Header in wire format.
const val LENGTH = 12
private fun checkFlag(flag: Int) {
require(Flags.isFlag(flag)) { "invalid flag bit $flag" }
private fun checkFlag(flag: Flags) {
require(validFlag(flag)) { "invalid flag bit $flag" }
private fun validFlag(flag: Flags?): Boolean {
return flag != null && flag.value() >= 0 && flag.value() <= 0xF && Flags.isFlag(
fun setFlag(flags: Int, flag: Flags, value: Boolean): Int {
var flags = flags
// bits are indexed from left to right
return if (value) {
(1 shl 15 - flag.value()).let { flags = flags or it; flags }
} else {
(1 shl 15 - flag.value()).inv().let { flags = flags and it; flags }