
606 lines
22 KiB

* Copyright 2021 dorkbox, llc
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package dorkbox.dns
import dorkbox.dns.dns.DnsQuestion
import dorkbox.dns.dns.constants.DnsRecordType
import dorkbox.dns.dns.constants.DnsResponseCode
import dorkbox.dns.dns.constants.DnsSection
import dorkbox.dns.dns.records.DnsRecord
import dorkbox.dns.dns.resolver.DnsNameResolver
import dorkbox.dns.dns.resolver.DnsQueryLifecycleObserverFactory
import dorkbox.dns.dns.resolver.NoopDnsQueryLifecycleObserverFactory
import dorkbox.dns.dns.resolver.addressProvider.DefaultDnsServerAddressStreamProvider
import dorkbox.dns.dns.resolver.addressProvider.DnsServerAddressStreamProvider
import dorkbox.dns.dns.resolver.addressProvider.SequentialDnsServerAddressStreamProvider
import dorkbox.dns.dns.resolver.cache.DefaultDnsCache
import dorkbox.dns.dns.resolver.cache.DnsCache
import dorkbox.dns.util.NativeLibrary
import dorkbox.dns.util.Shutdownable
import dorkbox.netUtil.Dns.defaultNameServers
import dorkbox.netUtil.dnsUtils.ResolvedAddressTypes
import dorkbox.os.OS.isAndroid
import dorkbox.os.OS.isLinux
import dorkbox.os.OS.isMacOsX
import dorkbox.updates.Updates.add
import dorkbox.util.NamedThreadFactory
import java.util.concurrent.*
* A DnsClient for resolving DNS name, with reasonably good defaults.
class DnsClient(nameServerAddresses: Collection<InetSocketAddress?>? = defaultNameServers) : Shutdownable( {
companion object {
* TODO: verify ResolverConfiguration works as expected!
* Previous JDK releases documented how to configure `` to use the JNDI DNS service provider as the name service.
* This mechanism, and the system properties to configure it, have been removed in JDK 9
* A new mechanism to configure the use of a hosts file has been introduced.
* A new system property `` has been defined. When this system property is set, the name and address resolution calls
* of `InetAddress`, i.e `getByXXX`, retrieve the relevant mapping from the specified file. The structure of this file is equivalent to
* that of the `/etc/hosts` file.
* When the system property `` is set, and the specified file doesn't exist, the name or address lookup will result in
* an UnknownHostException. Thus, a non existent hosts file is handled as if the file is empty.
* UP UNTIL java 1.8, one can use org/xbill/DNS/spi, ie:
* TODO: add this functionality?
* Gets the version number.
val version = "2.7.1"
init {
// Add this project to the updates system, which verifies this class + UUID + version information
add(, "5d805c5503b64becb0e206480d07035e", version)
// openDNS
* Retrieve the public facing IP address of this system using DNS.
* Same command as
* dig +short
* @return the public IP address if found, or null if it didn't find it
val publicIp: InetAddress?
get() {
val dnsServer = InetSocketAddress("", 53) // openDNS
val dnsClient = DnsClient(dnsServer)
var resolved: List<InetAddress>? = null
try {
resolved = dnsClient.resolve("")
} catch (ignored: Throwable) {
return if (resolved != null && resolved.size > 0) {
} else null
private const val THREAD_NAME = "DnsClient"
* Compute a [ResolvedAddressTypes] from some [InternetProtocolFamily]s.
* An empty input will return the default value, based on "" System properties.
* Valid inputs are (), (IPv4), (IPv6), (Ipv4, IPv6) and (IPv6, IPv4).
* @param internetProtocolFamilies a valid sequence of [InternetProtocolFamily]s
* @return a [ResolvedAddressTypes]
fun computeResolvedAddressTypes(vararg internetProtocolFamilies: InternetProtocolFamily): ResolvedAddressTypes {
if (internetProtocolFamilies == null || internetProtocolFamilies.size == 0) {
require(internetProtocolFamilies.size <= 2) { "No more than 2 InternetProtocolFamilies" }
return when (internetProtocolFamilies[0]) {
InternetProtocolFamily.IPv4 -> if (internetProtocolFamilies.size >= 2 && internetProtocolFamilies[1] == InternetProtocolFamily.IPv6) ResolvedAddressTypes.IPV4_PREFERRED else ResolvedAddressTypes.IPV4_ONLY
InternetProtocolFamily.IPv6 -> if (internetProtocolFamilies.size >= 2 && internetProtocolFamilies[1] == InternetProtocolFamily.IPv4) ResolvedAddressTypes.IPV6_PREFERRED else ResolvedAddressTypes.IPV6_ONLY
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Couldn't resolve ResolvedAddressTypes from InternetProtocolFamily array")
private val channelType: Class<out DatagramChannel>
* @return the DNS resolver used by the client. This is for more advanced functionality
var resolver: DnsNameResolver? = null
private set
private var eventLoopGroup: EventLoopGroup? = null
private var resolveCache: DnsCache? = null
private var authoritativeDnsServerCache: DnsCache? = null
private var minTtl = 0
private var maxTtl = Int.MAX_VALUE
private var negativeTtl = 0
private var queryTimeoutMillis: Long = 5000
private var resolvedAddressTypes = DnsNameResolver.DEFAULT_RESOLVE_ADDRESS_TYPES
private var recursionDesired = true
private var maxQueriesPerResolve = 16
private var traceEnabled = false
private var maxPayloadSize = 4096
private var dnsServerAddressStreamProvider: DnsServerAddressStreamProvider = DefaultDnsServerAddressStreamProvider.INSTANCE
private var dnsQueryLifecycleObserverFactory: DnsQueryLifecycleObserverFactory = NoopDnsQueryLifecycleObserverFactory.INSTANCE
private var searchDomains: Array<String>? = null
private var ndots = -1
private var decodeIdn = true
* Creates a new DNS client, using the provided server (default port 53) for DNS query resolution, with a cache that will obey the TTL of the response
* @param nameServerAddresses the server to receive your DNS questions.
constructor(nameServerAddresses: String?, port: Int = 53) : this(
listOf<InetSocketAddress>(InetSocketAddress(nameServerAddresses, port))
* Creates a new DNS client, using the provided server for DNS query resolution, with a cache that will obey the TTL of the response
* @param nameServerAddresses the server to receive your DNS questions.
constructor(nameServerAddresses: InetSocketAddress) : this(listOf<InetSocketAddress>(nameServerAddresses))
* Creates a new DNS client.
* The default TTL value is `0` and [Integer.MAX_VALUE], which practically tells this resolver to
* respect the TTL from the DNS server.
* @param nameServerAddresses the list of servers to receive your DNS questions, until it succeeds
init {
val threadFactory = NamedThreadFactory("$THREAD_NAME-DNS", threadGroup)
if (isAndroid) {
// android ONLY supports OIO (not NIO)
eventLoopGroup = OioEventLoopGroup(1, threadFactory)
channelType =
} else if (isLinux && NativeLibrary.isAvailable) {
// epoll network stack is MUCH faster (but only on linux)
eventLoopGroup = EpollEventLoopGroup(1, threadFactory)
channelType =
} else if (isMacOsX && NativeLibrary.isAvailable) {
// KQueue network stack is MUCH faster (but only on macosx)
eventLoopGroup = KQueueEventLoopGroup(1, threadFactory)
channelType =
} else {
eventLoopGroup = NioEventLoopGroup(1, threadFactory)
channelType =
if (nameServerAddresses != null) {
dnsServerAddressStreamProvider = SequentialDnsServerAddressStreamProvider(nameServerAddresses)
* Sets the cache for resolution results.
* @param resolveCache the DNS resolution results cache
* @return `this`
fun resolveCache(resolveCache: DnsCache?): DnsClient {
this.resolveCache = resolveCache
return this
* Set the factory used to generate objects which can observe individual DNS queries.
* @param lifecycleObserverFactory the factory used to generate objects which can observe individual DNS queries.
* @return `this`
fun dnsQueryLifecycleObserverFactory(lifecycleObserverFactory: DnsQueryLifecycleObserverFactory): DnsClient {
dnsQueryLifecycleObserverFactory = lifecycleObserverFactory
return this
* Sets the cache for authoritative NS servers
* @param authoritativeDnsServerCache the authoritative NS servers cache
* @return `this`
fun authoritativeDnsServerCache(authoritativeDnsServerCache: DnsCache): DnsClient {
this.authoritativeDnsServerCache = authoritativeDnsServerCache
return this
* Sets the minimum and maximum TTL of the cached DNS resource records (in seconds). If the TTL of the DNS
* resource record returned by the DNS server is less than the minimum TTL or greater than the maximum TTL,
* this resolver will ignore the TTL from the DNS server and use the minimum TTL or the maximum TTL instead
* respectively.
* The default value is `0` and [Integer.MAX_VALUE], which practically tells this resolver to
* respect the TTL from the DNS server.
* @param minTtl the minimum TTL
* @param maxTtl the maximum TTL
* @return `this`
fun ttl(minTtl: Int, maxTtl: Int): DnsClient {
this.maxTtl = maxTtl
this.minTtl = minTtl
return this
* Sets the TTL of the cache for the failed DNS queries (in seconds).
* @param negativeTtl the TTL for failed cached queries
* @return `this`
fun negativeTtl(negativeTtl: Int): DnsClient {
this.negativeTtl = negativeTtl
return this
* Sets the timeout of each DNS query performed by this resolver (in milliseconds).
* @param queryTimeoutMillis the query timeout
* @return `this`
fun queryTimeoutMillis(queryTimeoutMillis: Long): DnsClient {
this.queryTimeoutMillis = queryTimeoutMillis
return this
* Sets the list of the protocol families of the address resolved.
* You can use [DnsClient.computeResolvedAddressTypes]
* to get a [ResolvedAddressTypes] out of some [InternetProtocolFamily]s.
* @param resolvedAddressTypes the address types
* @return `this`
fun resolvedAddressTypes(resolvedAddressTypes: ResolvedAddressTypes): DnsClient {
this.resolvedAddressTypes = resolvedAddressTypes
return this
* Sets if this resolver has to send a DNS query with the RD (recursion desired) flag set.
* @param recursionDesired true if recursion is desired
* @return `this`
fun recursionDesired(recursionDesired: Boolean): DnsClient {
this.recursionDesired = recursionDesired
return this
* Sets the maximum allowed number of DNS queries to send when resolving a host name.
* @param maxQueriesPerResolve the max number of queries
* @return `this`
fun maxQueriesPerResolve(maxQueriesPerResolve: Int): DnsClient {
this.maxQueriesPerResolve = maxQueriesPerResolve
return this
* Sets if this resolver should generate the detailed trace information in an exception message so that
* it is easier to understand the cause of resolution failure.
* @param traceEnabled true if trace is enabled
* @return `this`
fun traceEnabled(traceEnabled: Boolean): DnsClient {
this.traceEnabled = traceEnabled
return this
* Sets the capacity of the datagram packet buffer (in bytes). The default value is `4096` bytes.
* @param maxPayloadSize the capacity of the datagram packet buffer
* @return `this`
fun maxPayloadSize(maxPayloadSize: Int): DnsClient {
this.maxPayloadSize = maxPayloadSize
return this
* Set the [DnsServerAddressStreamProvider] which is used to determine which DNS server is used to resolve
* each hostname.
* @return `this`
fun nameServerProvider(dnsServerAddressStreamProvider: DnsServerAddressStreamProvider?): DnsClient {
if (dnsServerAddressStreamProvider == null) {
throw NullPointerException("dnsServerAddressStreamProvider")
this.dnsServerAddressStreamProvider = dnsServerAddressStreamProvider
return this
* Set the list of search domains of the resolver.
* @param searchDomains the search domains
* @return `this`
fun searchDomains(searchDomains: Iterable<String?>?): DnsClient {
if (searchDomains == null) {
throw NullPointerException("searchDomains")
val list: MutableList<String> = ArrayList(4)
for (f in searchDomains) {
if (f == null) {
// Avoid duplicate entries.
if (list.contains(f)) {
this.searchDomains = list.toTypedArray()
return this
* Set the number of dots which must appear in a name before an initial absolute query is made.
* The default value is `1`.
* @param ndots the ndots value
* @return `this`
fun ndots(ndots: Int): DnsClient {
this.ndots = ndots
return this
private fun newCache(): DnsCache {
return DefaultDnsCache(minTtl, maxTtl, negativeTtl)
* Set if domain / host names should be decoded to unicode when received.
* See [rfc3492](
* @param decodeIdn if should get decoded
* @return `this`
fun decodeToUnicode(decodeIdn: Boolean): DnsClient {
this.decodeIdn = decodeIdn
return this
* Starts the DNS Name Resolver for the client, which will resolve DNS queries.
fun start(): DnsClient {
val channelFactory = ReflectiveChannelFactory(channelType)
// if (resolveCache != null && (minTtl != 0 || maxTtl != Integer.MAX_VALUE || negativeTtl != 0)) {
check(!(resolveCache != null && (minTtl != 0 || maxTtl != Int.MAX_VALUE || negativeTtl != 0))) {
"resolveCache and TTLs are mutually exclusive"
check(!(authoritativeDnsServerCache != null && (minTtl != 0 || maxTtl != Int.MAX_VALUE || negativeTtl != 0))) {
"authoritativeDnsServerCache and TTLs are mutually exclusive"
resolver = DnsNameResolver(
resolveCache ?: newCache(),
authoritativeDnsServerCache ?: newCache(),
return this
* Clears the DNS resolver cache
fun reset() {
if (resolver == null) {
private fun clearResolver() {
override fun stopExtraActions() {
if (resolver != null) {
resolver!!.close() // also closes the UDP channel that DNS client uses
* Resolves a specific hostname A/AAAA record with the default timeout of 5 seconds
* @param hostname the hostname, ie:, that you want to resolve
* @param queryTimeoutSeconds the number of seconds to wait for host resolution
* @return the list of resolved InetAddress or throws an exception if the hostname cannot be resolved or null if not possible
fun resolve(hostname: String?, queryTimeoutSeconds: Int = 5): List<InetAddress>? {
if (hostname == null) {
throw UnknownHostException("Cannot submit query for an unknown host")
if (resolver == null) {
// use "resolve", since it handles A/AAAA records + redirects correctly
val resolve = resolver!!.resolveAll(hostname)
val finished = resolve.awaitUninterruptibly(queryTimeoutSeconds.toLong(), TimeUnit.SECONDS)
// now return whatever value we had
if (finished && resolve.isSuccess && resolve.isDone) {
return try {
} catch (e: Exception) {
logger.error("Could not ask question to DNS server for: $hostname", e)
return null
logger.error("Could not ask question to DNS server for: $hostname")
return null
* Resolves a specific hostname record, of the specified type (PTR, MX, TXT, etc)
* Note: PTR queries absolutely MUST end in '' in order for the DNS server to understand it.
* -- because of this, we will automatically fix this in case that clients are unaware of this requirement
* Note: A/AAAA queries absolutely MUST end in a '.' -- because of this we will automatically fix this in case that clients are
* unaware of this requirement
* @param hostname the hostname, ie:, that you want to resolve
* @param type the DnsRecordType you want to resolve (PTR, MX, TXT, etc)
* @param queryTimeoutSeconds the number of seconds to wait for host resolution
* @return the DnsRecords or throws an exception if the hostname cannot be resolved or null if it could not be resolved
fun query(hostname: String, type: Int, queryTimeoutSeconds: Int = 5): List<DnsRecord>? {
if (resolver == null) {
// we use our own resolvers
val dnsMessage = DnsQuestion.newQuery(hostname, type, recursionDesired)
return query(dnsMessage, queryTimeoutSeconds)
* Resolves a specific DnsQuestion
* Note: PTR queries absolutely MUST end in '' in order for the DNS server to understand it.
* -- because of this, we will automatically fix this in case that clients are unaware of this requirement
* Note: A/AAAA queries absolutely MUST end in a '.' -- because of this we will automatically fix this in case that clients are
* unaware of this requirement
* @param queryTimeoutSeconds the number of seconds to wait for host resolution
* @return the DnsRecords or throws an exception if the hostname cannot be resolved or null if it could not be resolved
fun query(dnsMessage: DnsQuestion, queryTimeoutSeconds: Int): List<DnsRecord>? {
val questionCount = dnsMessage.header.getCount(DnsSection.QUESTION)
if (questionCount > 1) {
throw UnknownHostException("Cannot ask more than 1 question at a time! You tried to ask $questionCount questions at once")
val type = dnsMessage.question!!.type
val query = resolver!!.query(dnsMessage)
val finished = query.awaitUninterruptibly(queryTimeoutSeconds.toLong(), TimeUnit.SECONDS)
// now return whatever value we had
if (finished && query.isSuccess && query.isDone) {
val response =
try {
val code = response.header.rcode
if (code == DnsResponseCode.NOERROR) {
return response.getSectionArray(DnsSection.ANSWER).toList()
val msg =
"Could not ask question to DNS server: Error code " + code + " for type: " + type + " - " + DnsRecordType.string(type)
return null
} finally {
logger.error("Could not ask question to DNS server for type: " + DnsRecordType.string(type))
return null