package dorkbox.netUtil import dorkbox.executor.Executor import import java.util.* /** * */ object NameSpace { /** * Gets the version number. */ const val version = "2.2" object Route { fun flush(nameSpace: String) { if (Common.OS_LINUX) { run(nameSpace, "/sbin/ip", "route", "flush", "cache") } else { throw RuntimeException("NOT IMPL.") } } } object Dhcp { object Dhcp { fun start(nameSpace: String, id: String, interfaceName: String) { if (Common.OS_LINUX) { stop(nameSpace, id, interfaceName) val dhcpPidFile = "/var/run/dhclient-$" run(nameSpace, "/sbin/dhclient", "-pf", dhcpPidFile, interfaceName) } else { throw RuntimeException("NOT IMPL.") } } fun stop(nameSpace: String, id: String, interfaceName: String) { if (Common.OS_LINUX) { val dhcpPidFile = "/var/run/dhclient-$" // close the dhclient if it was already running (based on pid file), and delete the pid file run(nameSpace, "/sbin/dhclient", "-r -pf", dhcpPidFile, interfaceName) // short break try { Thread.sleep(500) } catch (e: InterruptedException) { e.printStackTrace() } File(dhcpPidFile).delete() } else { throw RuntimeException("NOT IMPL.") } } } } private val nameSpaceToIifToIp: MutableMap> = HashMap() fun add(nameSpace: String) { if (Common.OS_LINUX) {"/sbin/ip", "netns", "add", nameSpace) } else { throw RuntimeException("NOT IMPL.") } } fun delete(nameSpace: String) { if (Common.OS_LINUX) {"/sbin/ip", "netns", "del", nameSpace); } else { throw RuntimeException("NOT IMPL.") } } fun dhcpStart(nameSpace: String, id: String, interfaceName: String) { if (Common.OS_LINUX) { dhcpStop(nameSpace, id, interfaceName) val dhcpPidFile = "/var/run/dhclient-$" run(nameSpace, "/sbin/dhclient", "-pf", dhcpPidFile, interfaceName) } else { throw RuntimeException("NOT IMPL.") } } fun dhcpStop(nameSpace: String, id: String, interfaceName: String) { if (Common.OS_LINUX) { val dhcpPidFile = "/var/run/dhclient-$" // close the dhclient if it was already running (based on pid file), and delete the pid file run(nameSpace, "/sbin/dhclient", "-r -pf", dhcpPidFile, interfaceName) // short break try { Thread.sleep(500) } catch (e: InterruptedException) { e.printStackTrace() } File(dhcpPidFile).delete() } else { throw RuntimeException("NOT IMPL.") } } fun run(nameSpace: String, vararg args: String): String { if (Common.OS_LINUX) { val command = mutableListOf() command.add("/sbin/ip") command.add("netns") command.add("exec") command.add(nameSpace) command.addAll(listOf(*args)) return } else { throw RuntimeException("NOT IMPL.") } } /** * On client disconnect, it will get the IP address for the interface from the cache, instead of from `ifconfig` (since the * interface * is down at this point) */ fun getIpFromIf(nameSpace: String, interfaceName: String, isOnClientConnect: Boolean): String { if (Common.OS_LINUX) { if (isOnClientConnect) { val ifaceInfo = run(nameSpace, "/sbin/ifconfig", interfaceName) val str = "inet addr:" var index = ifaceInfo.indexOf(str) if (index > -1) { index += str.length val possibleAddr = ifaceInfo.substring(index, ifaceInfo.indexOf(" ", index)) Common.logger.debug("Found on '{}' possible addr '{}' : ADD", interfaceName, possibleAddr) synchronized(nameSpaceToIifToIp) { var ifToIp = nameSpaceToIifToIp[nameSpace] if (ifToIp == null) { ifToIp = HashMap() nameSpaceToIifToIp[nameSpace] = ifToIp } ifToIp.put(interfaceName, possibleAddr) } return possibleAddr } } else { var possibleAddr: String? = "" synchronized(nameSpaceToIifToIp) { val ifToIp = nameSpaceToIifToIp[nameSpace] if (ifToIp != null) { possibleAddr = ifToIp.remove(interfaceName) } } Common.logger.debug("Found on '{}' possible addr '{}' : REMOVE", interfaceName, possibleAddr) if (possibleAddr != null) { return possibleAddr!! } } return "" } else { throw RuntimeException("NOT IMPL.") } } fun addLoopback(nameSpace: String) { if (Common.OS_LINUX) { run(nameSpace, "/sbin/ip link set dev lo up") run(nameSpace, "/sbin/ip addr add dev lo") } else { throw RuntimeException("NOT IMPL.") } } }