@file:Suppress("unused") package dorkbox.netUtil import dorkbox.executor.Executor import mu.KLogger import java.io.File import java.io.Writer import java.math.BigInteger import java.net.InetAddress import java.net.NetworkInterface import java.util.* import java.util.regex.Pattern /** * */ object Mac { /** * Gets the version number. */ const val version = "2.1" enum class MacDelimiter(val delimiter: String) { COLON(":"), PERIOD("."), SPACE(" "); val regex = delimiter.toRegex() } private const val MAC_ADDRESS_LENGTH = 6 private val random = Random() private val fakeMacsInUse: MutableSet = HashSet() private val MAC_ADDRESS_PATTERN by lazy { Pattern.compile("^([a-fA-F0-9]{2}[:\\\\.-]?){5}[a-fA-F0-9]{2}$") } private val COLON_REGEX = ":".toRegex() init { synchronized(fakeMacsInUse) {} } fun getMacAddress(ip: String, logger: KLogger? = null): String { try { val mac = getMacAddressByte(ip, logger) if (mac == null) { logger?.error("Unable to get MAC address for IP '{}'", ip) return "" } val s = StringBuilder(18) for (b in mac) { if (s.isNotEmpty()) { s.append(':') } s.append(String.format("%02x", b)) } return s.toString() } catch (e: Exception) { if (logger != null) { logger.error("Unable to get MAC address for IP '{}'", ip, e) } else { e.printStackTrace() } } logger?.error("Unable to get MAC address for IP '{}'", ip) return "" } fun getMacAddressByte(ip: String, logger: KLogger? = null): ByteArray? { try { val addr = InetAddress.getByName(ip) val networkInterface = NetworkInterface.getByInetAddress(addr) if (networkInterface == null) { logger?.error("Unable to get MAC address for IP '{}'", ip) return null } val mac = networkInterface.hardwareAddress if (mac == null) { logger?.error("Unable to get MAC address for IP '{}'", ip) return null } return mac } catch (e: Exception) { if (logger != null) { logger.error("Unable to get MAC address for IP '{}'", ip, e) } else { e.printStackTrace() } } return null } /** * Removes a mac that was in use, to free it's use later on */ fun freeFakeMac(fakeMac: String) { synchronized(fakeMacsInUse) { fakeMacsInUse.remove(fakeMac) } } /** * Removes a mac that was in use, to free it's use later on */ fun freeFakeMac(vararg fakeMacs: String) { synchronized(fakeMacsInUse) { fakeMacs.forEach { fakeMacsInUse.remove(it) } } } /** * Removes a mac that was in use, to free it's use later on */ fun freeFakeMac(fakeMacs: Iterable) { synchronized(fakeMacsInUse) { fakeMacs.forEach { fakeMacsInUse.remove(it) } } } /** * will also make sure that this mac doesn't already exist * * @return a unique MAC that can be used for VPN devices + setup. This is a LOWERCASE string! */ fun fakeMac(): String { synchronized(fakeMacsInUse) { var mac = fakeVpnMacUnsafe() // gotta make sure it doesn't already exist while (fakeMacsInUse.contains(mac)) { mac = fakeVpnMacUnsafe() } fakeMacsInUse.add(mac) return mac } } /** * will also make sure that this mac doesn't already exist * * @return a unique MAC that can be used for VPN devices + setup. This is a LOWERCASE string! */ fun fakeDockerMac(): String { synchronized(fakeMacsInUse) { var mac = fakeDockerMacUnsafe() // gotta make sure it doesn't already exist while (fakeMacsInUse.contains(mac)) { mac = fakeDockerMacUnsafe() } fakeMacsInUse.add(mac) return mac } } /** * http://serverfault.com/questions/40712/what-range-of-mac-addresses-can-i-safely-use-for-my-virtual-machines * * @return a mac that is safe to use for fake interfaces. THIS IS LOWERCASE! */ fun fakeVpnMac(): String { var mac = fakeVpnMacUnsafe() synchronized(fakeMacsInUse) { // gotta make sure it doesn't already exist while (fakeMacsInUse.contains(mac)) { mac = fakeVpnMacUnsafe() } fakeMacsInUse.add(mac) } return mac } /** * http://serverfault.com/questions/40712/what-range-of-mac-addresses-can-i-safely-use-for-my-virtual-machines * * @return a mac that is safe to use for fake interfaces. THIS IS LOWERCASE! */ fun fakeVpnMacUnsafe(): String { var vpnID = randHex while (vpnID == "d0") { // this is what is used for docker. NEVER assign it to a VPN mac!! vpnID = randHex } return "02:$vpnID:$randHex:$randHex:$randHex:$randHex" } /** * http://serverfault.com/questions/40712/what-range-of-mac-addresses-can-i-safely-use-for-my-virtual-machines * * @return a mac that is safe to use for fake interfaces. THIS IS LOWERCASE! */ fun fakeDockerMacUnsafe(): String { return "02:d0:$randHex:$randHex:$randHex:$randHex" } /** * will also make sure that this mac doesn't already exist * * @return a unique MAC that can be used for VPN devices + setup */ fun fakeVpnMacWithDir(vpnKeyDirForExistingVpnMacs: String): String { synchronized(fakeMacsInUse) { var mac = fakeVpnMacUnsafe() // gotta make sure it doesn't already exist while (fakeMacsInUse.contains(mac) || File(vpnKeyDirForExistingVpnMacs, "$mac.crt").exists()) { mac = fakeVpnMacUnsafe() } fakeMacsInUse.add(mac) return mac } } private val randHex: String get() { val i = random.nextInt(255) return if (i < 16) { "0" + Integer.toHexString(i) } else { Integer.toHexString(i) } } /** * Converts a long into a properly formatted lower-case string */ fun toStringLowerCase(mac: Long): String { val macBytes = toBytes(mac) // mac should have AT LEAST bytes. val buf = StringBuilder() // we only use the right-most 6 bytes (of 8 bytes). (2..7).forEach { index -> val byte = macBytes[index] if (buf.isNotEmpty()) { buf.append(':') } if (byte in 0..15) { buf.append('0') } @Suppress("EXPERIMENTAL_API_USAGE") buf.append(Integer.toHexString(byte.toUByte().toInt())) } return buf.toString() } @Throws(Exception::class) fun writeStringLowerCase(mac: Long, writer: Writer) { // we only use the right-most 6 bytes. val macBytes = toBytes(mac) // we only use the right-most 6 bytes (of 8 bytes). var bytesWritten = 0 (2..7).forEach { index -> val byte = macBytes[index] if (bytesWritten != 0) { writer.write(":") bytesWritten++ } if (byte in 0..15) { writer.append('0') } writer.write(Integer.toHexString(byte.toInt() and 0xFF)) bytesWritten += 2 } } private fun toBytes(x: Long): ByteArray { return byteArrayOf((x shr 56).toByte(), (x shr 48).toByte(), (x shr 40).toByte(), (x shr 32).toByte(), (x shr 24).toByte(), (x shr 16).toByte(), (x shr 8).toByte(), (x shr 0).toByte()) } fun toStringLowerCase(mac: ByteArray): String { // mac should have 6 bytes. val buf = StringBuilder() for (b in mac) { if (buf.isNotEmpty()) { buf.append(':') } if (b in 0..15) { buf.append('0') } buf.append(Integer.toHexString(if (b < 0) b + 256 else b.toInt())) } return buf.toString() } fun toStringUpperCase(mac: ByteArray): String { val buf = StringBuilder() for (b in mac) { if (buf.isNotEmpty()) { buf.append(':') } if (b in 0..15) { buf.append('0') } buf.append(Integer.toHexString(b.toInt() and 0xFF) .toUpperCase()) } return buf.toString() } fun toBytes(mac: String): ByteArray { val s = mac.replace(COLON_REGEX, "") return BigInteger(s, 16).toByteArray() } fun toLongSafe(macAsString: String): Long { return toLong(macAsString, getMacDelimiter(macAsString)) } fun toLong(mac: String): Long { return toLong(mac, MacDelimiter.COLON) } fun toLong(mac: ByteArray): Long { return ((mac[5].toLong() and 0xff) + (mac[4].toLong() and 0xff shl 8) + (mac[3].toLong() and 0xff shl 16) + (mac[2].toLong() and 0xff shl 24) + (mac[1].toLong() and 0xff shl 32) + (mac[0].toLong() and 0xff shl 40)) } fun toLong(mac: String, delimiter: MacDelimiter? = MacDelimiter.COLON): Long { val addressInBytes = ByteArray(MAC_ADDRESS_LENGTH) try { val elements: Array if (delimiter != null) { elements = mac.split(delimiter.regex).toTypedArray() } else { elements = arrayOfNulls(MAC_ADDRESS_LENGTH) var index = 0 var substringPos = 0 while (index < MAC_ADDRESS_LENGTH) { elements[index] = mac.substring(substringPos, substringPos + 2) index++ substringPos += 2 } } for (i in 0 until MAC_ADDRESS_LENGTH) { val element = elements[i] addressInBytes[i] = element!!.toInt(16).toByte() } } catch (e: Exception) { Common.logger.error("Error parsing MAC address '{}'", mac, e) } return toLong(addressInBytes) } fun isValid(macAsString: String): Boolean { if (macAsString.isEmpty()) { return false } // Check whether mac is separated by a colon, period, space, or nothing at all. // Must standardize to a colon. var normalizedMac: String = macAsString if (normalizedMac.split(COLON_REGEX) .toTypedArray().size != 6) { // Does not already use colons, must modify the mac to use colons. when { normalizedMac.contains(".") -> { // Period notation normalizedMac = normalizedMac.replace(".", ":") } normalizedMac.contains(" ") -> { // Space notation normalizedMac = normalizedMac.replace(" ", ":") } else -> { // No delimiter, manually add colons. normalizedMac = "" var index = 0 var substringPos = 0 // We ensure that the substring function will not exceed the length of the given string if the string is not at least //(MAC_ADDRESS_LENGTH * 2) characters long. while (index < MAC_ADDRESS_LENGTH && macAsString.length >= substringPos + 2) { // Reconstruct the string, adding colons. normalizedMac = if (index != MAC_ADDRESS_LENGTH - 1) { normalizedMac + macAsString.substring(substringPos, substringPos + 2) + ":" } else { normalizedMac + macAsString.substring(substringPos, substringPos + 2) } index++ substringPos += 2 } } } } val matcher = MAC_ADDRESS_PATTERN.matcher(normalizedMac) return matcher.matches() } /** * Returns the type of delmiter based on how a mac address is constructed. Returns ":" if no delimiter could be detected. * * @return a MacDelimiter if there is one, or null if the mac address is one long string. */ fun getMacDelimiter(macAsString: String): MacDelimiter? { return when { macAsString.contains(":") -> { MacDelimiter.COLON } macAsString.contains(".") -> { MacDelimiter.PERIOD } macAsString.contains(" ") -> { MacDelimiter.SPACE } else -> MacDelimiter.COLON } } fun assign(interfaceName: String, macAddress: String) { if (Common.OS_LINUX) { Executor.run("/sbin/ifconfig", interfaceName, "hw", "ether", macAddress) } else { throw RuntimeException("NOT IMPL.") } } }