/* * Copyright 2020 Dorkbox, llc * Copyright 2012 The Netty Project * * The Netty Project licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package dorkbox.netUtil import java.io.IOException import java.io.Writer import java.net.Inet4Address import java.net.InetAddress import java.net.InetSocketAddress import java.net.Socket import java.util.* import kotlin.math.floor import kotlin.math.ln import kotlin.math.pow /** * A class that holds a number of network-related constants, also from: * (Netty, apache 2.0 license) * https://github.com/netty/netty/blob/4.1/common/src/main/java/io/netty/util/NetUtil.java * * This class borrowed some of its methods from a modified fork of the * [Inet6Util class] * (http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/harmony/enhanced/java/branches/java6/classlib/modules/luni/src/main/java/org/apache/harmony/luni/util/Inet6Util.java) which was part of Apache Harmony. */ object IPv4 { /** * Returns `true` if IPv4 should be used even if the system supports both IPv4 and IPv6. Setting this * property to `true` will disable IPv6 support. The default value of this property is `false`. * * @see [Java SE networking properties](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/net/doc-files/net-properties.html) */ val isPreferred = Common.getBoolean("java.net.preferIPv4Stack", false) /** * The [Inet4Address] that represents the IPv4 loopback address '' */ val LOCALHOST: Inet4Address by lazy { // Create IPv4 loopback address. // this will ALWAYS work InetAddress.getByAddress("localhost", byteArrayOf(127, 0, 0, 1)) as Inet4Address } /** * Windows is unable to work with directly, and if you use LOOPBACK, you might not be able to access the server from another * machine. * * What this does is open a connection to and see get the interface this traffic was on, and use that interface IP address */ val WILDCARD: String by lazy { if (Common.OS_WINDOWS) { // silly windows can't work with, BUT we can't use loopback because we might need to reach this machine from a different host // what we do is open a connection to and see what interface this happened on, and this is used as the accessible // interface var ip = "" runCatching { Socket().use { it.connect(InetSocketAddress("", 80)) ip = it.localAddress.hostAddress } }.onFailure { Common.logger.error("Unable to determine outbound traffic local address. Using loopback instead.", it) } ip } else { // everyone else works correctly "" } } private val SLASH_REGEX = "\\.".toRegex() private val private10 = toInt("") private val private172 = toInt("") private val private192 = toInt("") private val loopback172 = toInt("") /** * Determines if this IP address is a private address or not. * * Private addresses are defined as * * * */ fun isPrivate(ipAsString: String): Boolean { return isPrivate(toInt(ipAsString)) } /** * Determines if this IP address is a private address or not. * * Private addresses are defined as * * * */ fun isPrivate(ipAsInt: Int): Boolean { // check from smaller to larger return isInRange(ipAsInt, private192, 16) || isInRange(ipAsInt, private172, 12) || isInRange(ipAsInt, private10, 8) } /** * A loopback address is defined as * */ fun isLoopback(ipAsString: String): Boolean { return isInRange(toInt(ipAsString), loopback172, 8) } /** * A loopback address is defined as * */ fun isLoopback(ipAsInt: Int): Boolean { return isInRange(ipAsInt, loopback172, 8) } /** * Determine whether a given string is a valid CIDR IP address. Accepts only * * @param ipAsString The string that will be checked. * * @return return true if the string is a valid IP address, false if it is not. */ fun isValidCidr(ipAsString: String): Boolean { if (ipAsString.isEmpty()) { return false } val slashIndex = ipAsString.indexOf('/') if (slashIndex < 6) { // something is malformed. return false } val ipOnly = ipAsString.substring(0, slashIndex) if (!isValid(ipOnly)) { return false } try { val cidr = ipAsString.substring(slashIndex + 1).toInt() if (cidr in 0..32) { return true } } catch (ignored: Exception) { } return false } /** * Takes a [String] and parses it to see if it is a valid IPV4 address. * * @return true, if the string represents an IPV4 address in dotted notation, false otherwise */ fun isValid(ip: String): Boolean { return isValidIpV4Address(ip, 0, ip.length) } internal fun isValidIpV4Address(ip: String, from: Int, toExcluded: Int): Boolean { val len = toExcluded - from if (len !in 7..15) { return false } @Suppress("NAME_SHADOWING") var from = from var i = ip.indexOf('.', from) if (i <= 0 || !isValidIpV4Word(ip, from, i)) { return false } from = i + 1 i = ip.indexOf('.', from) if (i <= 0 || !isValidIpV4Word(ip, from, i)) { return false } from = i + 1 i = ip.indexOf('.', from) if (i <= 0 || !isValidIpV4Word(ip, from, i)) { return false } if (i <= 0 || !isValidIpV4Word(ip, i + 1, toExcluded)) { return false } return true } private fun isValidIpV4Word(word: CharSequence, from: Int, toExclusive: Int): Boolean { val len = toExclusive - from var c0 = ' ' var c1: Char var c2 = ' ' if (len < 1 || len > 3 || word[from].also { c0 = it } < '0') { return false } return if (len == 3) { word[from + 1].also { c1 = it } >= '0' && word[from + 2].also { c2 = it } >= '0' && (c0 <= '1' && c1 <= '9' && c2 <= '9' || c0 == '2' && c1 <= '5' && (c2 <= '5' || c1 < '5' && c2 <= '9')) } else c0 <= '9' && (len == 1 || isValidNumericChar(word[from + 1])) } internal fun isValidNumericChar(c: Char): Boolean { return c in '0'..'9' } internal fun isValidIPv4MappedChar(c: Char): Boolean { return c == 'f' || c == 'F' } fun toBytesorNull(ip: String): ByteArray? { if (!isValid(ip)) { return null } var i: Int return byteArrayOf( ipv4WordToByte(ip, 0, ip.indexOf('.', 1).also { i = it }), ipv4WordToByte(ip, i + 1, ip.indexOf('.', i + 2).also { i = it }), ipv4WordToByte(ip, i + 1, ip.indexOf('.', i + 2).also { i = it }), ipv4WordToByte(ip, i + 1, ip.length) ) } fun toBytes(ip: String): ByteArray { var i: Int return byteArrayOf( ipv4WordToByte(ip, 0, ip.indexOf('.', 1).also { i = it }), ipv4WordToByte(ip, i + 1, ip.indexOf('.', i + 2).also { i = it }), ipv4WordToByte(ip, i + 1, ip.indexOf('.', i + 2).also { i = it }), ipv4WordToByte(ip, i + 1, ip.length) ) } private fun decimalDigit(str: CharSequence, pos: Int): Int { return str[pos] - '0' } private fun ipv4WordToByte(ip: CharSequence, from: Int, toExclusive: Int): Byte { var newFrom = from var ret = decimalDigit(ip, newFrom) newFrom++ if (newFrom == toExclusive) { return ret.toByte() } ret = ret * 10 + decimalDigit(ip, newFrom) newFrom++ return if (newFrom == toExclusive) { ret.toByte() } else (ret * 10 + decimalDigit(ip, newFrom)).toByte() } fun findFreeSubnet24(): ByteArray? { Common.logger.info("Scanning for available cidr...") // have to find a free cidr // start with 10.x.x.x /24 and just march through starting at 0 -> 200 for each, ping to see if there is a gateway (should be) // and go from there. // on linux, PING has the setuid bit set - so it runs "as root". isReachable() requires either java to have the setuid bit set // (ie: sudo setcap cap_net_raw=ep /usr/lib/jvm/jdk/bin/java) or it requires to be run as root. We run as root in production, so it // works. val ip = byteArrayOf(10, 0, 0, 0) var subnet24Counter = 0 while (true) { ip[3]++ if (ip[3] > 255) { ip[3] = 1 ip[2]++ subnet24Counter = 0 } if (ip[2] > 255) { ip[2] = 0 ip[1]++ } if (ip[1] > 255) { Common.logger.error("Exhausted all ip searches. FATAL ERROR.") return null } try { val address = InetAddress.getByAddress(ip) val reachable = address.isReachable(100) if (!reachable) { subnet24Counter++ } if (subnet24Counter == 250) { // this means that we tried all /24 IPs, and ALL of them came back an "non-responsive". 100ms timeout is OK, because // we are on a LAN, that should have MORE than one IP in the cidr, and it should be fairly responsive (ie: <10ms ping) // we found an empty cidr ip[3] = 1 return ip } } catch (e: IOException) { e.printStackTrace() return null } } } /** * Scans for existing IP addresses on the network. * * @param startingIp the IP address to start scanning at * @param numberOfHosts the number of hosts to scan for. A /28 is 14 hosts : 2^(32-28) - 2 = 14 * * @return true if no hosts were reachable (pingable) */ fun scanHosts(startingIp: String, numberOfHosts: Int): Boolean { Common.logger.info("Scanning {} hosts, starting at IP {}.", numberOfHosts, startingIp) val split = startingIp.split(SLASH_REGEX).toTypedArray() val a = split[0].toByte() val b = split[1].toByte() val c = split[2].toByte() val d = split[3].toByte() val ip = byteArrayOf(a, b, c, d) var counter = numberOfHosts while (counter >= 0) { counter-- ip[3]++ if (ip[3] > 255) { ip[3] = 1 ip[2]++ } if (ip[2] > 255) { ip[2] = 0 ip[1]++ } if (ip[1] > 255) { Common.logger.error("Exhausted all ip searches. FATAL ERROR.") return false } try { val address = InetAddress.getByAddress(ip) val reachable = address.isReachable(100) if (reachable) { Common.logger.error("IP address {} is already reachable on the network. Unable to continue.", address.hostAddress) return false } } catch (e: IOException) { Common.logger.error("Error pinging the IP address", e) return false } } return true } /** * @param cidr the CIDR notation, ie: 24, 16, etc. That we want to convert into a netmask, as a string * * @return the netmask or if there were errors, the default /0 netmask */ fun getCidrAsNetmask(cidr: Int): String { return when (cidr) { 32 -> "" 31 -> "" 30 -> "" 29 -> "" 28 -> "" 27 -> "" 26 -> "" 25 -> "" 24 -> "" 23 -> "" 22 -> "" 21 -> "" 20 -> "" 19 -> "" 18 -> "" 17 -> "" 16 -> "" 15 -> "" 14 -> "" 13 -> "" 12 -> "" 11 -> "" 10 -> "" 9 -> "" 8 -> "" 7 -> "" 6 -> "" 5 -> "" 4 -> "" 3 -> "" 2 -> "" 1 -> "" else -> "" } } /** * @param cidr the CIDR notation, ie: 24, 16, etc. That we want to convert into a netmask, as a SIGNED INTEGER (the bits are still * correct, but to see this "as unix would", you must convert to an unsigned integer. * * @return the netmask (as a signed int), or if there were errors, the default /0 netmask */ fun getCidrAsIntNetmask(cidr: Int): Int { return when (cidr) { 32 -> -1 31 -> -2 30 -> -4 29 -> -8 28 -> -16 27 -> -32 26 -> -64 25 -> -128 24 -> -256 23 -> -512 22 -> -1024 21 -> -2048 20 -> -4096 19 -> -8192 18 -> -16384 17 -> -32768 16 -> -65536 15 -> -131072 14 -> -262144 13 -> -524288 12 -> -1048576 11 -> -2097152 10 -> -4194304 9 -> -8388608 8 -> -16777216 7 -> -33554432 6 -> -67108864 5 -> -134217728 4 -> -268435456 3 -> -536870912 2 -> -1073741824 1 -> -2147483648 else -> 0 } } fun getCidrFromMask(mask: String): Int { return when (mask) { "" -> 32 "" -> 31 "" -> 30 "" -> 29 "" -> 28 "" -> 27 "" -> 26 "" -> 25 "" -> 24 "" -> 23 "" -> 22 "" -> 21 "" -> 20 "" -> 19 "" -> 18 "" -> 17 "" -> 16 "" -> 15 "" -> 14 "" -> 13 "" -> 12 "" -> 11 "" -> 10 "" -> 9 "" -> 8 "" -> 7 "" -> 6 "" -> 5 "" -> 4 "" -> 3 "" -> 2 "" -> 1 else -> 0 } } private val CIDR2MASK = intArrayOf( 0x00000000, -0x80000000, -0x40000000, -0x20000000, -0x10000000, -0x8000000, -0x4000000, -0x2000000, -0x1000000, -0x800000, -0x400000, -0x200000, -0x100000, -0x80000, -0x40000, -0x20000, -0x10000, -0x8000, -0x4000, -0x2000, -0x1000, -0x800, -0x400, -0x200, -0x100, -0x80, -0x40, -0x20, -0x10, -0x8, -0x4, -0x2, -0x1) fun range2Cidr(startIp: String, endIp: String): List { var start = toInt(startIp).toLong() val end = toInt(endIp).toLong() val pairs: MutableList = ArrayList() while (end >= start) { var maxsize = 32.toByte() while (maxsize > 0) { val mask = CIDR2MASK[maxsize - 1].toLong() val maskedBase = start and mask if (maskedBase != start) { break } maxsize-- } val x = ln(end - start + 1.toDouble()) / ln(2.0) val maxDiff = (32 - floor(x)).toByte() if (maxsize < maxDiff) { maxsize = maxDiff } val ip = toString(start) pairs.add("$ip/$maxsize") start += 2.0.pow(32 - maxsize.toDouble()).toLong() } return pairs } /* Mask to convert unsigned int to a long (i.e. keep 32 bits) */ private const val UNSIGNED_INT_MASK = 0x0FFFFFFFFL /** * Check if the IP address is in the range of a specific IP/CIDR * * a prefix of 0 will ALWAYS return true * * @param address the address to check * @param networkAddress the network address that will have the other address checked against * @param networkPrefix 0-32 the network prefix (subnet) to use for the network address * * @return true if it is in range */ fun isInRange(address: Int, networkAddress: Int, networkPrefix: Int): Boolean { // System.err.println(" ip: " + IP.toString(address)); // System.err.println(" networkAddress: " + IP.toString(networkAddress)); // System.err.println(" networkSubnetPrefix: " + networkPrefix); if (networkPrefix == 0) { // a prefix of 0 means it is always true (even though the broadcast address is '-1'). So we short-cut it here return true } val netmask = ((1 shl 32 - networkPrefix) - 1).inv() // Calculate base network address val network = (networkAddress and netmask and UNSIGNED_INT_MASK.toInt()).toLong() // System.err.println(" network " + IP.toString(network)); // Calculate broadcast address val broadcast = network or netmask.inv().toLong() and UNSIGNED_INT_MASK // System.err.println(" broadcast " + IP.toString(broadcast)); val addressLong = (address and UNSIGNED_INT_MASK.toInt()).toLong() return addressLong in network..broadcast } fun toInt(ipBytes: ByteArray): Int { return ipBytes[0].toInt() shl 24 or (ipBytes[1].toInt() shl 16) or (ipBytes[2].toInt() shl 8) or (ipBytes[3].toInt()) } /** * Converts a 32-bit integer into an IPv4 address. */ fun toString(ipAddress: Int): String { val buf = StringBuilder(15) buf.append(ipAddress shr 24 and 0xFF) buf.append('.') buf.append(ipAddress shr 16 and 0xFF) buf.append('.') buf.append(ipAddress shr 8 and 0xF) buf.append('.') buf.append(ipAddress and 0xFF) return buf.toString() } fun toString(ipBytes: ByteArray): String { val buf = StringBuilder(15) buf.append(ipBytes[0].toInt() and 0xFF) buf.append('.') buf.append(ipBytes[1].toInt() and 0xFF) buf.append('.') buf.append(ipBytes[2].toInt() and 0xFF) buf.append('.') buf.append(ipBytes[3].toInt() and 0xFF) return buf.toString() } /** * Returns the [String] representation of an [InetAddress]. Results are identical to [InetAddress.getHostAddress] * * @param ip [InetAddress] to be converted to an address string * * @return `String` containing the text-formatted IP address */ fun toString(ip: InetAddress): String { return (ip as Inet4Address).hostAddress } @Throws(Exception::class) fun writeString(ipAddress: Int, writer: Writer) { writer.write((ipAddress shr 24 and 0x000000FF).toString()) writer.write('.'.toInt()) writer.write((ipAddress shr 16 and 0x000000FF).toString()) writer.write('.'.toInt()) writer.write((ipAddress shr 8 and 0x000000FF).toString()) writer.write('.'.toInt()) writer.write((ipAddress and 0x000000FF).toString()) } fun toString(ipAddress: Long): String { val ipString = StringBuilder(15) ipString.append(ipAddress shr 24 and 0x000000FF) ipString.append('.') ipString.append(ipAddress shr 16 and 0x000000FF) ipString.append('.') ipString.append(ipAddress shr 8 and 0x000000FF) ipString.append('.') ipString.append(ipAddress and 0x000000FF) return ipString.toString() } fun toBytes(bytes: Int): ByteArray { return byteArrayOf((bytes ushr 24 and 0xFF).toByte(), (bytes ushr 16 and 0xFF).toByte(), (bytes ushr 8 and 0xFF).toByte(), (bytes and 0xFF).toByte()) } fun toInt(ipAsString: String): Int { return if (isValid(ipAsString)) { val bytes = toBytes(ipAsString) var address = 0 address = address or (bytes[0].toInt() shl 24) address = address or (bytes[1].toInt() shl 16) address = address or (bytes[2].toInt() shl 8) address = address or bytes[3].toInt() address } else { 0 } } /** * Returns the [Inet4Address] representation of a [String] IP address. * * This method will treat all IPv4 type addresses as "IPv4 mapped" (see [.getByName]) * * @param ip [String] IP address to be converted to a [Inet4Address] * @return [Inet4Address] representation of the `ip` or `null` if not a valid IP address. */ fun getByName(ip: String): Inet4Address? { return if (isValid(ip)) { val asBytes = toBytes(ip) return Inet4Address.getByAddress(ip, asBytes) as Inet4Address } else { null } } }