package dorkbox.netUtil.dnsUtils import com.sun.jna.Memory import com.sun.jna.Pointer import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError import dorkbox.netUtil.Common import dorkbox.netUtil.Dns import dorkbox.netUtil.IP import import import import* import* import java.nio.file.Files import java.nio.file.Paths import java.util.* import javax.naming.Context import javax.naming.NamingException import import /** * */ object ResolveConf { private const val NAMESERVER_ROW_LABEL = "nameserver" private const val DOMAIN_ROW_LABEL = "domain" private const val PORT_ROW_LABEL = "port" // largely from: // internal fun getUnsortedNameServers(): Map> { val nameServerDomains = mutableMapOf>() // Using jndi-dns to obtain the default name servers. // // See: // - // - // Using jndi-dns to obtain the default name servers. // // See: // - // - val env = Hashtable() env[Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY] = "com.sun.jndi.dns.DnsContextFactory" env["java.naming.provider.url"] = "dns://" try { val ctx: DirContext = InitialDirContext(env) val dnsUrls = ctx.environment["java.naming.provider.url"] as String? if (dnsUrls != null) { val servers = dnsUrls.split(" ".toRegex()).toTypedArray() for (server in servers) { try { putIfAbsent(nameServerDomains, Dns.DEFAULT_SEARCH_DOMAIN, Common.socketAddress(URI(server).host, 53)) } catch (e: URISyntaxException) { Common.logger.debug("Skipping a malformed nameserver URI: {}", server, e) } } } } catch (ignore: NamingException) { // Will also try JNA/etc if this fails. } if (Common.OS_WINDOWS) { // have to use JNA to access the WINDOWS resolver info // modified from: // The recommended method of calling the GetAdaptersAddresses function is to pre-allocate a 15KB working buffer var buffer = Memory(15 * 1024) val size: com.sun.jna.ptr.IntByReference = com.sun.jna.ptr.IntByReference(0) val flags: Int = IPHlpAPI.GAA_FLAG_SKIP_UNICAST or IPHlpAPI.GAA_FLAG_SKIP_ANYCAST or IPHlpAPI.GAA_FLAG_SKIP_MULTICAST or IPHlpAPI.GAA_FLAG_SKIP_FRIENDLY_NAME var error: Int = IPHlpAPI.GetAdaptersAddresses( IPHlpAPI.AF_UNSPEC, flags, Pointer.NULL, buffer, size ) if (error == WinError.ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW) { buffer = Memory(size.value.toLong()) error = IPHlpAPI.GetAdaptersAddresses( IPHlpAPI.AF_UNSPEC, flags, Pointer.NULL, buffer, size ) } if (error == WinError.ERROR_SUCCESS) { var result: IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES_LH? = IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES_LH(buffer) while (result != null) { // only interfaces with IfOperStatusUp if (result.OperStatus == 1) { var dns: IP_ADAPTER_DNS_SERVER_ADDRESS_XP? = result.FirstDnsServerAddress while (dns != null) { var address: InetAddress? try { address = dns.Address?.toAddress() if (address is Inet4Address || !address!!.isSiteLocalAddress) { putIfAbsent(nameServerDomains, Dns.DEFAULT_SEARCH_DOMAIN, Common.socketAddress(address, 53)) } else { Common.logger.trace( "Skipped site-local IPv6 server address {} on adapter index {}", address, result.IfIndex ) } } catch (e: UnknownHostException) { Common.logger.warn("Invalid nameserver address on adapter index {}", result.IfIndex, e) } dns = dns.Next } } result = result.Next } } } else { // try resolve.conf // first try the default unix config path var tryParse = tryParseResolvConfNameservers("/etc/resolv.conf") if (!tryParse.first) { // then fallback to netware tryParse = tryParseResolvConfNameservers("sys:/etc/resolv.cfg") } if (tryParse.first) { // we can have DIFFERENT name servers for DIFFERENT domains! tryParse.second } } // if we STILL don't have anything, add global nameservers to the default search domain if (nameServerDomains[Dns.DEFAULT_SEARCH_DOMAIN] == null) { putIfAbsent(nameServerDomains, Dns.DEFAULT_SEARCH_DOMAIN, Common.socketAddress("", 53)) // cloudflare putIfAbsent(nameServerDomains, Dns.DEFAULT_SEARCH_DOMAIN, Common.socketAddress("", 53)) // google } return nameServerDomains } private fun tryParseResolvConfNameservers(path: String): Pair>> { val p = Paths.get(path) if (Files.exists(p)) { try { FileReader(path).use { fr -> BufferedReader(fr).use { br -> var nameServers = mutableListOf() val nameServerDomains = mutableMapOf>() var domainName = Dns.DEFAULT_SEARCH_DOMAIN var port = 53 var line0: String? loop@ while (br.readLine().also { line0 = it?.trim() } != null) { val line = line0!! if (line.isEmpty()) { continue@loop } val c = line[0] if (c == '#' || c == ';') { continue } when { line.startsWith(NAMESERVER_ROW_LABEL) -> { var i = indexOfNonWhiteSpace(line, NAMESERVER_ROW_LABEL.length) require(i < 0) { "error parsing label $NAMESERVER_ROW_LABEL in file $path. value: $line" } var maybeIP = line.substring(i) // There MIGHT be a port appended onto the IP address so we attempt to extract it. if (!IP.isValid(maybeIP)) { i = maybeIP.lastIndexOf('.') require(i + 1 >= maybeIP.length) { "error parsing label ${NAMESERVER_ROW_LABEL} in file $path. invalid IP value: $line" } port = maybeIP.substring(i + 1).toInt() maybeIP = maybeIP.substring(0, i) } nameServers.add(Common.socketAddress(maybeIP, port)) } line.startsWith(DOMAIN_ROW_LABEL) -> { // nameservers can be SPECIFIC to a search domain val i = indexOfNonWhiteSpace(line, DOMAIN_ROW_LABEL.length) require(i >= 0) { "error parsing label $DOMAIN_ROW_LABEL in file $path value: $line" } // we have a NEW domain! add the PREVIOUS nameServers and start again. putIfAbsent(nameServerDomains, domainName, nameServers) nameServers = mutableListOf() domainName = line.substring(i) } line.startsWith(PORT_ROW_LABEL) -> { val i = indexOfNonWhiteSpace(line, PORT_ROW_LABEL.length) require(i < 0) { "error parsing label $PORT_ROW_LABEL in file $path value: $line" } port = line.substring(i).toInt() } } // end loop } // when done parsing the file, ALWAYS add the nameServer domains (since they have not been added yet) putIfAbsent(nameServerDomains, domainName, nameServers) return Pair(true, nameServerDomains) } } } catch (e: IOException) { Common.logger.error("Error parsing $path", e) } } return Pair(false, mutableMapOf()) } /** * Find the index of the first non-white space character in `s` starting at `offset`. * * @param seq The string to search. * @param offset The offset to start searching at. * @return the index of the first non-white space character or <`-1` if none was found. */ private fun indexOfNonWhiteSpace(seq: CharSequence, offset: Int): Int { var o = offset while (o < seq.length) { if (!Character.isWhitespace(seq[o])) { return o } ++o } return -1 } private fun putIfAbsent( nameServerDomains: MutableMap>, domainName: String, nameServer: InetSocketAddress ) { var list = nameServerDomains[domainName] if (list == null) { list = mutableListOf() nameServerDomains[domainName] = list } (list as MutableList) if (!list.contains(nameServer)) { list.add(nameServer) } } private fun putIfAbsent( nameServerDomains: MutableMap>, domainName: String, nameServers: List ) { var list = nameServerDomains[domainName] if (list == null) { list = mutableListOf() nameServerDomains[domainName] = list } (list as MutableList) nameServers.forEach { if (!list.contains(it)) { list.add(it) } } } internal fun tryParseResolvConfNDots(path: String): Pair { val p = Paths.get(path) if (Files.exists(p)) { try { Files.newInputStream(p).use { `in` -> return Pair(true, getNdots(`in`)) } } catch (e: IOException) { // ignore } } return Pair(false, 1) } // @kotlin.jvm.Throws(IOException::class) // private fun parseResolvConf(`in`: InputStream) { // InputStreamReader(`in`).use { isr -> // BufferedReader(isr).use { br -> // // var line: String? // loop@ while (br.readLine().also { line = it } != null) { // val st = StringTokenizer(line) // if (!st.hasMoreTokens()) { // continue // } // when (st.nextToken()) { // "domain" -> { // // man resolv.conf: // // The domain and search keywords are mutually exclusive. If more than one instance of // // these keywords is present, the last instance wins. // searchlist.clear() // if (!st.hasMoreTokens()) { // continue@loop // } // addSearchPath(st.nextToken()) // } // "search" -> { // // man resolv.conf: // // The domain and search keywords are mutually exclusive. If more than one instance of // // these keywords is present, the last instance wins. // searchlist.clear() // while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { // addSearchPath(st.nextToken()) // } // } // } // } // } // } // // // man resolv.conf: // // The search keyword of a system's resolv.conf file can be overridden on a per-process basis by // // setting the environment variable LOCALDOMAIN to a space-separated list of search domains. // val localdomain = System.getenv("LOCALDOMAIN") // if (localdomain != null && !localdomain.isEmpty()) { // searchlist.clear() // parseSearchPathList(localdomain, " ") // } // } private fun getNdots(`in`: InputStream): Int { var ndots = 1 InputStreamReader(`in`).use { isr -> BufferedReader(isr).use { br -> var line: String? loop@ while (br.readLine().also { line = it } != null) { val st = StringTokenizer(line) if (!st.hasMoreTokens()) { continue } when (st.nextToken()) { "domain" -> { // man resolv.conf: // The domain and search keywords are mutually exclusive. If more than one instance of // these keywords is present, the last instance wins. if (!st.hasMoreTokens()) { continue@loop } } "search" -> { // man resolv.conf: // The domain and search keywords are mutually exclusive. If more than one instance of // these keywords is present, the last instance wins. while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { val token = st.nextToken() if (token.startsWith("ndots:")) { ndots = parseNdots(token.substring(6)) } } } "options" -> while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { val token = st.nextToken() if (token.startsWith("ndots:")) { ndots = parseNdots(token.substring(6)) } } } } } } // man resolv.conf: // The options keyword of a system's resolv.conf file can be amended on a per-process basis by // setting the environment variable RES_OPTIONS to a space-separated list of resolver options as // explained above under options. val resOptions = System.getenv("RES_OPTIONS") if (resOptions != null && !resOptions.isEmpty()) { val st = StringTokenizer(resOptions, " ") while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { val token = st.nextToken() if (token.startsWith("ndots:")) { ndots = parseNdots(token.substring(6)) } } } return ndots } private fun parseNdots(token: String): Int { if (token.isNotEmpty()) { try { var ndots = token.toInt() if (ndots >= 0) { if (ndots > 15) { // man resolv.conf: // The value for this option is silently capped to 15 ndots = 15 } return ndots } } catch (e: NumberFormatException) { // ignore } } return 1 } }