
110 lines
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@file:Suppress("unused", "MemberVisibilityCanBePrivate")
package dorkbox.netUtil
import mu.KotlinLogging
* Network Utilities. MAC, IP, NameSpace, etc
internal object Common {
val OS_LINUX: Boolean
val OS_WINDOWS: Boolean
val OS_MAC: Boolean
init {
val osName: String = try {
if (System.getSecurityManager() == null) {
System.getProperty("", "linux")
else {
AccessController.doPrivileged<String>(PrivilegedAction { System.getProperty("", "linux") })
} catch (ignored: java.lang.Exception) {
if (osName.startsWith("mac") || osName.startsWith("darwin")) {
OS_LINUX = false
OS_WINDOWS = false
OS_MAC = true
} else if (osName.startsWith("windows")) {
OS_LINUX = false
OS_MAC = false
} else {
OS_LINUX = true
OS_WINDOWS = false
OS_MAC = false
internal val logger = KotlinLogging.logger(
fun getBoolean(property: String, defaultValue: Boolean): Boolean {
var value: String = System.getProperty(property, defaultValue.toString()) ?: return defaultValue
value = value.trim().toLowerCase()
if (value.isEmpty()) {
return defaultValue
if ("false" == value || "no" == value || "0" == value) {
return false
return if ("true" == value || "yes" == value || "1" == value) {
else defaultValue
private val HEX2B: IntArray = IntArray('f'.toInt()+1).apply {
set('0'.toInt(), 0)
set('1'.toInt(), 1)
set('2'.toInt(), 2)
set('3'.toInt(), 3)
set('4'.toInt(), 4)
set('5'.toInt(), 5)
set('6'.toInt(), 6)
set('7'.toInt(), 7)
set('8'.toInt(), 8)
set('9'.toInt(), 9)
set('A'.toInt(), 10)
set('B'.toInt(), 11)
set('C'.toInt(), 12)
set('D'.toInt(), 13)
set('E'.toInt(), 14)
set('F'.toInt(), 15)
set('a'.toInt(), 10)
set('b'.toInt(), 11)
set('c'.toInt(), 12)
set('d'.toInt(), 13)
set('e'.toInt(), 14)
set('f'.toInt(), 15)
* Helper to decode half of a hexadecimal number from a string.
* @param c The ASCII character of the hexadecimal number to decode.
* Must be in the range `[0-9a-fA-F]`.
* @return The hexadecimal value represented in the ASCII character
* given, or `-1` if the character is invalid.
fun decodeHexNibble(c: Char): Int {
// Character.digit() is not used here, as it addresses a larger
// set of characters (both ASCII and full-width latin letters).
val index = c.toInt()
return try {
} catch (e: Exception) {