Notify ====== Cross platform notification popups, similar to "Growl" on OSX, "Toasts" on Windows, and "Notifications" on Ubuntu. This small library can display notifications on any screen, in any corner. Primary Features: 1. Can specify which screen 2. Can specify which corner, center is also possible 3. If no location is specified, it will show on whatever screen the mouse is on. 4. Duration timeouts, with progress indicator on notification 5. Light or Dark themes 6. Can close via close button or clicking on notification body 7. Can show/hide the close button 8. Can register a callback for when a user clicks on the notification body 9. Animates to a collated position if multiple notifications are in the same position 10. Bypasses the swing EDT, and now renders at a beautiful 30 frames-per-second. - This is for cross-platform use, specifically - linux 32/64, mac 32/64, and windows 32/64. Java 6+ - You will need the images in the 'resources' directory, in addition to the normal libs. - Note: If you want to COMPLETELY remove repainting by the swing EDT (for the entire JVM), run `NullRepaintManager.install();` ``` Customization parameters: -ActiveRenderLoop.TARGET_FPS (type int, default value '30') - How many frames per second we want the Swing ActiveRender thread to run at? - NOTE: The ActiveRenderLoop replaces the Swing EDT in order to enable smoother animations. -OS.FORCE_HIGH_RES_TIMER (type boolean, default value 'true') - By default, the timer resolution in some operating systems are not particularly high-resolution (ie: 'Thread.sleep(1)' will not really sleep for 1ms, but will really sleep for 16ms). This forces the JVM to use high resolution timers. - NOTE: this option is a primary option and should set before any of the other options are set Notify.IMAGE_PATH (type String, default value 'resources') - Location of the dialog image resources. By default they must be in the 'resources' directory relative to the application NotifyPopup.TITLE_TEXT_FONT (type String, default value 'Source Code Pro BOLD 16') - This is the title font used by a notification. NotifyPopup.MAIN_TEXT_FONT (type String, default value 'Source Code Pro BOLD 12') - This is the main text font used by a notification. NotifyPopup.MOVE_DURATION (type float, default value '1.0F') - How long we want it to take for the popups to relocate when one is closed ``` ![light theme]( ![dark theme](

We now release to maven!

There is a hard dependency in the POM file for the utilities library, which is an extremely small subset of a much larger library; including only what is *necessary* for this particular project to function. This project is **kept in sync** with the utilities library, so "jar hell" is not an issue. Please note that the util library (in it's entirety) is not added since there are **many** dependencies that are not *necessary* for this project. No reason to require a massive amount of dependencies for one or two classes/methods. ``` com.dorkbox Notify 2.16 ``` Or if you don't want to use Maven, you can access the files directly here:


This project is © 2015 dorkbox llc, and is distributed under the terms of the Apache v2.0 License. See file "LICENSE" for further references.