Information about the system, Java runtime, OS, Window Manager, and Desktop Environment. ###### [![Dorkbox]( "Dorkbox")]( [![Github]( "Github")]( [![Gitlab]( "Gitlab")]( * current java version (1.8/9/10/11/17/etc) * machine architecture (x86/arm64/aarch64/mips/etc) * os name (windows/linux/unix/macos/android) * os specifics (version and type information) * window manager information (ie: x11/wayland) * desktop environment information (ie: unity/xfce/gnome/plasma/etc version) Maven Info --------- ``` ... com.dorkbox OS 1.3 ``` Gradle Info --------- ``` dependencies { ... implementation("com.dorkbox:OS:1.3") } ``` License --------- This project is © 2022 dorkbox llc, and is distributed under the terms of the Apache v2.0 License. See file "LICENSE" for further references.