
530 lines
16 KiB

* Copyright 2023 dorkbox, llc
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import dorkbox.bytes.decodeBase58
import dorkbox.bytes.encodeToBase58String
import org.slf4j.Logger
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import org.slf4j.helpers.NOPLogger
typealias AccessFunc = ((serializer: SerializerBytes, key: Any, value: Any?, load: (key: Any, value: Any?) -> Unit) -> Unit)
abstract class Storage(val logger: Logger) : AutoCloseable {
companion object {
* Gets the version number.
const val version = "1.10"
init {
// Add this project to the updates system, which verifies this class + UUID + version information
dorkbox.updates.Updates.add(, "c1281a7c576c4a9db0823763ff2fe811", version)
const val versionTag = "__VERSION__"
private val defaultLogger: Logger = NOPLogger.NOP_LOGGER
fun init(initMessage: String) {
// always initialize the version tag information
if (getVersion() == -1L) {
* @return the version of data stored in the database
fun getVersion(): Long {
return get(versionTag) ?: -1L
* Sets the version of data stored in the database
abstract fun setVersion(version: Long)
* @return the file that backs this storage
abstract fun file(): File?
* Returns the number of objects in the database.
abstract fun size(): Int
* Checks if there is a object corresponding to the given key.
abstract operator fun contains(key: Any): Boolean
* Reads an object using the specific key, and casts it to the expected class
abstract operator fun <V> get(key: Any): V?
* Returns the saved data for the specified key.
* @param key The key used to check if data already exists.
* @param data This is the default value, and if there is no value with the key in the DB this default value will be returned AND saved.
operator fun <V> get(key: Any, data: V): V {
val current = get(key) as Any?
if (current == null) {
set(key, data)
return data
return current as V
* Saves the given data to storage with the associated key.
* Setting to NULL removes the value
abstract operator fun set(key: Any, data: Any?)
* Deletes an object from storage.
fun delete(key: Any) {
set(key, null)
* Deletes all contents of this storage, and if applicable, it's location on disk.
abstract fun deleteAll()
* Closes this storage system
abstract override fun close()
interface Builder {
* true if the backing storage type uses strings for everything, or false if it uses something else
val isStringBased: Boolean
* Builds the storage using the specified configuration
fun build(): Storage
* Allows for this storage type to be shared among [build] invocations. The first [build] will create the object used by all other [build] invocations (instead of creating a new one each time)
fun shared(): Builder
* Allows for custom load actions when keys/values need to be transformed before loading them from storage
* @param onLoad action to load data when the key/value pairs are read from storage
fun onLoad(onLoad: AccessFunc): Builder
* Allows for custom save actions when key/values need to be translated before saving them to storage\
* @param onSave action to save data when the key/value pairs are saved to storage.
fun onSave(onSave: AccessFunc): Builder
* Specify how to configure the kryo instance for serialization. This instance of kryo will be used to serialize the key/value data, which is subsequently saved
fun serializer(serializer: SerializerBytes): Builder
* Assigns a logger to use for the storage system. The default is a No Operation (NOP) logger which will ignore everything.
fun logger(logger: Logger): Builder
abstract class FileBuilder<B : Builder>: Builder {
companion object {
private val defaultSerializer = SerializerBytes {}
abstract var onLoad: AccessFunc
abstract var onSave: AccessFunc
var serializer: SerializerBytes = defaultSerializer
var shared = false
var sharedBuild: Storage? = null
var logger: Logger = defaultLogger
var file = File("storage.db")
var readOnly = false
var readOnlyViolent = false
override val isStringBased = false
internal fun manageShared(buildFun: () -> Storage): Storage {
return if (shared) {
if (sharedBuild == null) {
sharedBuild = buildFun()
} else {
override fun shared(): B {
shared = true
return this as B
override fun onLoad(onLoad: AccessFunc): Builder {
this.onLoad = onLoad
return this
override fun onSave(onSave: AccessFunc): Builder {
this.onSave = onSave
return this
override fun serializer(serializer: SerializerBytes): Builder {
this.serializer = serializer
return this
override fun logger(logger: Logger): B {
this.logger = logger
return this as B
* Specify the file to write to on disk when saving objects
fun file(file: File): B {
this.file = file
return this as B
* Specify the file to write to on disk when saving objects
fun file(file: String): B {
return file(File(file))
* Mark this storage system as read only (silently drop `set` operations)
fun readOnly(): B{
readOnly = true
readOnlyViolent = false
return this as B
* Mark this storage system as read only (throw an IOException for `set` operations)
fun readOnlyThrowExceptions(): B {
readOnly = true
readOnlyViolent = true
return this as B
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (this === other) return true
if (other !is FileBuilder<*>) return false
if (onLoad != other.onLoad) return false //lambda
if (onSave != other.onSave) return false //lambda
if (serializer != other.serializer) return false //lambda
if (shared != other.shared) return false
if (sharedBuild != other.sharedBuild) return false
if (logger != other.logger) return false
if (file != other.file) return false
if (readOnly != other.readOnly) return false
if (readOnlyViolent != other.readOnlyViolent) return false
if (isStringBased != other.isStringBased) return false
return true
override fun hashCode(): Int {
var result = onLoad.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + onSave.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + serializer.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + shared.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + (sharedBuild?.hashCode() ?: 0)
result = 31 * result + logger.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + file.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + readOnly.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + readOnlyViolent.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + isStringBased.hashCode()
return result
* An in-memory only storage system.
* This storage system DOES NOT care about serializing data, so `register` has no effect.
class Memory : Builder {
private var logger: Logger = defaultLogger
private var shared = false
@Volatile private var sharedBuild: Storage? = null
override val isStringBased = true
override fun build(): Storage {
return if (shared) {
if (sharedBuild == null) {
sharedBuild = MemoryStore(logger)
} else {
override fun shared(): Memory {
shared = true
return this
override fun onLoad(onLoad: AccessFunc): Builder {
return this
override fun onSave(onSave: AccessFunc): Builder {
return this
override fun serializer(serializer: SerializerBytes): Builder {
return this
* Assigns a logger to use for the storage system. If null, then only errors will be logged to the error console.
override fun logger(logger: Logger): Builder {
this.logger = logger
return this
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (this === other) return true
if (other !is Memory) return false
if (logger != other.logger) return false
if (shared != other.shared) return false
if (sharedBuild != other.sharedBuild) return false
if (isStringBased != other.isStringBased) return false
return true
override fun hashCode(): Int {
var result = logger.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + shared.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + (sharedBuild?.hashCode() ?: 0)
result = 31 * result + isStringBased.hashCode()
return result
* Java property file storage system
class Property : FileBuilder<Property>() {
companion object {
// property files MUST load via strings.
val defaultOnLoad: AccessFunc = { serializer, key, value, load ->
val keyBytes = (key as String).decodeBase58()
val valueBytes = (value as String).decodeBase58()
val xKey = serializer.deserialize<Any>(keyBytes)!!
val xValue = serializer.deserialize<Any>(valueBytes)
load(xKey, xValue)
val defaultOnSave: AccessFunc = { serializer, key, value, save ->
val xKey = serializer.serialize(key).encodeToBase58String()
val xValue = serializer.serialize(value).encodeToBase58String()
save(xKey, xValue)
private var autoLoad = false
override var onLoad: AccessFunc = defaultOnLoad
override var onSave: AccessFunc = defaultOnSave
override val isStringBased = true
* Builds the storage system
override fun build(): Storage {
return manageShared {
dbFile = file.absoluteFile,
autoLoad = autoLoad,
readOnly = readOnly,
readOnlyViolent = readOnlyViolent,
logger = logger,
serializer = serializer,
onLoad = onLoad,
onSave = onSave
* Allow auto-loading any changes made to disk
fun autoLoadChanges(): Property {
autoLoad = true
return this
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (this === other) return true
if (other !is Property) return false
if (!super.equals(other)) return false
if (autoLoad != other.autoLoad) return false
if (isStringBased != other.isStringBased) return false
return true
override fun hashCode(): Int {
var result = super.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + autoLoad.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + isStringBased.hashCode()
return result
// /**
// * JSON file storage system
// */
// class Json : Storage.FileBuilder<Json>() {
// companion object {
// // property files MUST load via strings.
// val defaultOnLoad: AccessFunc = { serializer, key, value, load ->
// val keyBytes = (key as String).decodeBase58()
// val valueBytes = (value as String).decodeBase58()
// val xKey = serializer.deserialize<Any>(keyBytes)!!
// val xValue = serializer.deserialize<Any>(valueBytes)
// load(xKey, xValue)
// }
// val defaultOnSave: AccessFunc = { serializer, key, value, save ->
// val xKey = serializer.serialize(key).encodeToBase58String()
// val xValue = serializer.serialize(value).encodeToBase58String()
// save(xKey, xValue)
// }
// }
// private var autoLoad = false
// override var onLoad: AccessFunc = defaultOnLoad
// override var onSave: AccessFunc = defaultOnSave
// override fun build(): Storage {
// return manageShared {
// JsonStore(file.absoluteFile, autoLoad, readOnly, readOnlyViolent, logger, onLoad, onSave)
// }
// }
// /**
// * Allow auto-loading any changes made to disk
// */
// fun autoLoadChanges(): Json {
// autoLoad = true
// return this
// }
// }
// /**
// * Lightning Memory Database
// *
// *
// */
// class Lmdb<K> : SimpleBuilder<Lmdb<K>, K>() {
// private var file = File("storage.db")
// private var readOnly = false
// /**
// * Builds the storage system
// */
// override fun build(): Storage<K> {
// return manageShared { LmdbStore(file.absoluteFile, readOnly, serializationManager, logger,
// onLoadKey, onSaveKey, onLoadValue, onSaveValue) }
// }
// /**
// * Specify the file to write to on disk when saving objects
// */
// fun file(file: File): Lmdb<K> {
// this.file = file
// return this
// }
// /**
// * Specify the file to write to on disk when saving objects
// */
// fun file(file: String): Lmdb<K> {
// return file(File(file))
// }
// /**
// * Mark this storage system as read only
// */
// fun readOnly(): Lmdb<K> {
// readOnly = true
// return this
// }
// }