WIP getting the size + scale

This commit is contained in:
nathan 2017-07-01 21:35:10 +02:00
parent 203168fe42
commit 686e14401e

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@ -0,0 +1,648 @@
* Copyright 2017 dorkbox, llc
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package dorkbox.systemTray.util;
import static dorkbox.util.jna.windows.Gdi32.GetDeviceCaps;
import static dorkbox.util.jna.windows.Gdi32.LOGPIXELSX;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.GraphicsDevice;
import java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment;
import java.awt.Toolkit;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import javax.swing.JMenuItem;
import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
import com.sun.jna.ptr.IntByReference;
import dorkbox.systemTray.SystemTray;
import dorkbox.systemTray.Tray;
import dorkbox.systemTray.jna.linux.GtkTheme;
import dorkbox.systemTray.nativeUI._AwtTray;
import dorkbox.systemTray.swingUI._SwingTray;
import dorkbox.util.OS;
import dorkbox.util.OSUtil;
import dorkbox.util.SwingUtil;
import dorkbox.util.jna.windows.POINT;
import dorkbox.util.jna.windows.ShCore;
import dorkbox.util.jna.windows.User32;
import dorkbox.util.process.ShellProcessBuilder;
class SizeAndScalingUtil {
// the tray size as best as possible for the current OS
static int TRAY_SIZE = 0;
static int TRAY_MENU_SIZE = 0;
public static
double getScalingFactor222() {
double scalingFactor = getLinuxScalingFactor();
if (scalingFactor > 1) {
return scalingFactor;
// fedora 23+ has a different size for the indicator (NOT default 16px)
int fedoraVersion = OSUtil.Linux.getFedoraVersion();
if (fedoraVersion >= 23) {
System.err.println("FEDORA SCALE? ");
// if (SystemTray.DEBUG) {
// SystemTray.logger.debug("Adjusting tray/menu scaling for FEDORA " + fedoraVersion);
// }
return 2;
// trayScalingFactor = 2;
return 0;
public static
double getLinuxScalingFactor() {
// Linux is similar enough, that it just uses this method
// https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/HiDPI
// 96 DPI is the default
OSUtil.DesktopEnv.Env env = OSUtil.DesktopEnv.get();
// sometimes the scaling-factor is set
if (OSUtil.DesktopEnv.isGnome()) {
try {
ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(8196);
PrintStream outputStream = new PrintStream(byteArrayOutputStream);
// gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.interface scaling-factor
final ShellProcessBuilder shellVersion = new ShellProcessBuilder(outputStream);
String output = ShellProcessBuilder.getOutput(byteArrayOutputStream);
if (!output.isEmpty()) {
// DEFAULT icon size is 16. HiDpi changes this scale, so we should use it as well.
// should be: uint32 0 or something
if (output.contains("uint32")) {
String value = output.substring(output.indexOf("uint") + 7, output.length());
// 0 is disabled (no scaling)
// 1 is enabled (default scale)
// 2 is 2x scale
// 3 is 3x scale
// etc
return Integer.parseInt(value);
// A setting of 2, 3, etc, which is all you can do with scaling-factor
// To enable HiDPI, use gsettings:
// gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface scaling-factor 2
} catch (Throwable ignore) {
else if (OSUtil.DesktopEnv.isKDE()) {
// By default, the DPI value in KDE is set to 96 DPI. To find the accurate display scaling value we need to divide the accurate DPI by 96, so it is 269 ÷ 96 which is 2.8.
// xdpyinfo | grep dots.
// resolution: 96x96 dots per inch
Gnome: Since version 3.10, Gnome auto-detects screen resolution and sets a 192 DPI value on HiDPI monitors. You can verify this by running "xrdb -query". Therefore, LibreOffice looks good out of the box.
KDE: In 4.x system settings, under Application Appearance - Fonts, you can set the "Force fonts DPI" to 192. When this is set, the LibreOffice HiDPI mode kicks in.
Xfce: It is possible to manually set the DPI to 192 as well.
Unity: System settings Displays and using the slider "Scale for menu and title bars", set the value to 2. ("xrdb -query" returns 192 dpi after setting the scale factor 2, and the scale factor may be 2 by default for HIDPI screens in the future.)
X Server
Some programs use the DPI given by the X server. Examples are i3 (source) and Chromium (source).
To verify that the X Server has properly detected the physical dimensions of your monitor, use the xdpyinfo utility from the xorg-xdpyinfo package:
$ xdpyinfo | grep -B 2 resolution
screen #0:
dimensions: 3200x1800 pixels (423x238 millimeters)
resolution: 192x192 dots per inch
// KDE is bonkers. Gnome is "ok"
String XDG = System.getenv("XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP");
if (XDG == null) {
if (OSUtil.DesktopEnv.isKDE()) {
XDG = "kde";
if ("kde".equalsIgnoreCase(XDG)) {
double plasmaVersion = OSUtil.DesktopEnv.getPlasmaVersion();
// 1 = 16
// 2 = 32
// 4 = 64
// 8 = 128
if (plasmaVersion > 0) {
return 2;
// trayScalingFactor = 2;
// menuScalingFactor = 1.4;
// else if (SystemTray.DEBUG) {
// SystemTray.logger.error("Cannot check plasmashell version");
// }
else {
// it's likely a Gnome/unity environment
// NOTE: ALSO from here:
// xdpyinfo | grep dots reported 96x96 dots
return 0;
public static
double getMacOSScaleFactor() {
// apple will ALWAYS return 2.0 on (apple) retina displays. If it's a non-standard, then who knows...
// java6 way of getting it...
if (OS.javaVersion == 6) {
Object obj = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getDesktopProperty("apple.awt.contentScaleFactor");
if (obj instanceof Float) {
// 1 = retina not available (regular display). Usually, for retina enabled displays returns 2.
if ((Float) obj > 1.9F) {
// this means it's really 2.0F
return 2.0D;
} else {
return 1.0D;
// java7+ way of getting it.
GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getDefaultScreenDevice();
try {
Field field = graphicsDevice.getClass().getDeclaredField("scale");
if (field != null) {
Object scale = field.get(graphicsDevice);
if (scale instanceof Integer) {
return (Integer) scale;
} catch (Exception ignored) {
// apple.awt.contentScaleFactor or graphics scale does not ALWAYS work, so we draw on the screen THEN see if it was scaled.
BufferedImage img = new BufferedImage(1, 1, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
Graphics2D g = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().createGraphics(img);
AffineTransform transform = g.getFontRenderContext()
return transform.getScaleX();
* Number of pixels per logical inch along the screen width. In a system with multiple display monitors, this value is the
* same for all monitors.
* @return
public static
int getLogicalDPI() {
// get the logical resolution
Pointer screen = User32.GetDC(null);
int logical_dpiX = GetDeviceCaps(screen, LOGPIXELSX);
User32.ReleaseDC(null, screen);
return logical_dpiX;
public static
int getPrimaryMonitorHardwareDPI() {
// WINDOWS 8.1+ ONLY! Parts of this API were added in Windows 8.1, so this will not work at all for < 8.1
if (OSUtil.Windows.isWindows8_1_plus()) {
// FROM: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20070809-00/?p=25643
// to get the **PRIMARY** monitor, pass in point 0,0
IntByReference hardware_dpiX = new IntByReference();
// get the primary monitor handle
Pointer pointer = User32.MonitorFromPoint(new POINT(0, 0).asValue(), 1);// MONITOR_DEFAULTTOPRIMARY -> 1
ShCore.GetDpiForMonitor(pointer, 1, hardware_dpiX, new IntByReference()); // don't care about y
return hardware_dpiX.getValue();
return 0;
// /**
// * At a 100% scaling, the DPI is 96.
// */
// private static final float WIN_DEFAULT_DPI = 96;
// Integer winDPIScaling;
// if (PlatformDetector.isWin7()) {
// winDPIScaling = 1;
// } else {
// // Win 8 or later.
// winDPIScaling = RegistryUtil.getRegistryIntValue(
// RegistryUtil.HKEY_CURRENT_USER,
// "Control Panel\\Desktop",
// "Win8DpiScaling");
// if(winDPIScaling == null){
// winDPIScaling = 0;
// }
// }
// Integer desktopDPIOverride;
// if (PlatformDetector.isWin7()) {
// desktopDPIOverride = 0;
// } else {
// // Win 8 or later.
// desktopDPIOverride = RegistryUtil.getRegistryIntValue(
// RegistryUtil.HKEY_CURRENT_USER,
// "Control Panel\\Desktop",
// "DesktopDPIOverride");
// if(desktopDPIOverride == null){
// desktopDPIOverride = 0;
// }
// }
// if (winDPIScaling == 1 && desktopDPIOverride == 0){
// // There is scaling, but on override (magnifying glass).
// Integer logPixels = RegistryUtil.getRegistryIntValue(
// RegistryUtil.HKEY_CURRENT_USER,
// "Control Panel\\Desktop",
// "LogPixels");
// if (logPixels != null && logPixels != WIN_DEFAULT_DPI){
// this.scalingFactor = ((float)logPixels)/WIN_DEFAULT_DPI;
// }
// }
public static
int getTrayImageSize(final Class<? extends Tray> trayType) {
if (TRAY_SIZE == 0) {
if (OS.isLinux()) {
TRAY_SIZE = GtkTheme.getIndicatorSize(trayType);
else if (OS.isMacOsX()) {
// these are the standard icon sizes. From what I can tell, they are Apple defined, and cannot be changed.
if (SizeAndScalingUtil.getMacOSScaleFactor() == 2.0D) {
} else {
else if (OS.isWindows()) {
// registry setting?
// HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Appearance\New Schemes\Current Settings SaveAll\Sizes\0
// no idea?
} else {
// no idea?
System.err.println("Tray size: " + TRAY_SIZE);
return TRAY_SIZE;
// default DPI, tray size in xbunutu (GtkStatusIcon)is 22px
// for more complete info on the linux side of things...
// https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/HiDPI
// double trayScalingFactor = 0;
// // Linux USUALLY has it to 16 (when possible), and Mac (AWT) does not have images in the menu.
// int menuSize = 16;
// if (SystemTray.AUTO_SIZE) {
// if (OS.isWindows()) {
// int[] version = OSUtil.Windows.getVersion();
// if (SystemTray.DEBUG) {
// SystemTray.logger.debug("Windows version: '{}'", Arrays.toString(version));
// }
// // windows 8/8.1/10 are the only windows OSes to do scaling properly (XP/Vista/7 do DPI scaling, which is terrible anyways)
// // we are going to let windows manage scaling the icon correctly, but we are BY DEFAULT going to give it a large size to scale
// // vista - 8.0 - only global DPI settings
// // 8.1 - 10 - global + per-monitor DPI settings
// // get the logical resolution
// int logical_dpiX = OSUtil.Windows.getLogicalDPI();
// // WINDOWS 8.1+ ONLY! Parts of this API were added in Windows 8.1, so this will not work at all for < 8.1
// if (OSUtil.Windows.isWindows8_1_plus()) {
// logical_dpiX = OSUtil.Windows.getPrimaryMonitorHardwareDPI();
// if (SystemTray.DEBUG) {
// SystemTray.logger.debug("Windows hardware DPI: '{}'", logical_dpiX);
// }
// }
// // 96 DPI = 100% scaling
// // 120 DPI = 125% scaling
// // 144 DPI = 150% scaling
// // 192 DPI = 200% scaling
// // just a note on scaling...
// // We want to scale the image as best we can beforehand, so there is an attempt to have it look good.
// // Java does not scale the menu item IMAGE **AT ALL**
// if (SystemTray.DEBUG) {
// SystemTray.logger.debug("Windows logical DPI: '{}'", logical_dpiX);
// }
// } else if (OS.isLinux() || OS.isUnix()) {
// // GtkStatusIcon will USUALLY automatically scale the icon
// // AppIndicator MIGHT scale the icon (depends on the OS)
//// if (Gtk.isGtk2) {
//// } else {
//// }
//// String css = Gtk.getCss();
//// if (css != null) {
//// }
// System.err.println("");
// trayScalingFactor = OSUtil.Linux.getScalingFactor();
// } else if (OS.isMacOsX()) {
//// if (SystemTray.DEBUG) {
//// SystemTray.logger.debug("Mac is HiDPI: '{}'", OSUtil.MacOS.isHiDPI());
//// }
// // let's hope this wasn't just hardcoded like windows...
// int height;
// if (!SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()) {
// // MacOS must execute this on the EDT... It is very strict compared to win/linux
// final AtomicInteger h = new AtomicInteger(0);
// SwingUtil.invokeAndWaitQuietly(new Runnable() {
// @Override
// public
// void run() {
// h.set((int) java.awt.SystemTray.getSystemTray()
// .getTrayIconSize()
// .getHeight());
// }
// });
// height = h.get();
// } else {
// height = (int) java.awt.SystemTray.getSystemTray()
// .getTrayIconSize()
// .getHeight();
// }
// if (height < 32) {
// // lock in at 32
// trayScalingFactor = 2;
// }
// else if ((height & (height - 1)) == 0) {
// // is this a power of 2 number? If so, we can use it
//// trayScalingFactor = height/SystemTray.DEFAULT_TRAY_SIZE;
// }
// else {
// // don't know how exactly to determine this, but we are going to assume very high "HiDPI" for this...
// // the OS should go up/down as needed.
// trayScalingFactor = 8;
// }
// }
// }
// // windows, mac, linux(GtkStatusIcon) will automatically scale the tray size
// // the menu entry icon size will NOT get scaled (it will show whatever we specify)
// // we want to make sure our "scaled" size is appropriate for the OS.
// // the DEFAULT scale is 16
// if (trayScalingFactor > 1) {
//// TRAY_SIZE = (int) (SystemTray.DEFAULT_TRAY_SIZE * trayScalingFactor);
// } else {
// }
// // critical to adjust the menu image BASED ON THE L&F (if Swing)... otherwise just a sane default
// // Swing COULD be used for OSes **other than windows**, which is why this here and not in a code block above
// if (trayType == _SwingTray.class) {
// JMenuItem jMenuItem = new JMenuItem("`Tj|┃"); // `Tj| are glyphs that are at usually at the extremes of the font
// // do the same modifications that would also happen (if specified) for the actual displayed menu items
// if (SystemTray.SWING_UI != null) {
// jMenuItem.setUI(SystemTray.SWING_UI.getItemUI(jMenuItem, null));
// }
// int menuItemHeight = (int) jMenuItem.getPreferredSize().getHeight();
// int size = SwingUtil.getLargestIconHeightForButton(jMenuItem);
// // this is the largest icon BEFORE changing the natural size of the JMenuItem
// System.out.println("Natural menu size of " + menuItemHeight + "px for imageIcon size of " + size + "x" + size);
// // 96 DPI = 100% scaling
// // 120 DPI = 125% scaling
// // 144 DPI = 150% scaling
// // 192 DPI = 200% scaling
// // default values for system L&F:
// // ubuntu (metal) : 15px (16px adjusted)
// // windows XP (windows) : 15px (16px adjusted) @ 96dpi
// // windows 7 (windows) : 15px (16px adjusted) @ 96dpi, 21px (22px adjusted) @ 144dpi
// // windows 8.1 (windows) : 22px @ 96dpi, 24px @ 120dpi, 31px (30px adjusted) @ 144dpi
// // windows 10 (windows) : 22px @ 96dpi, 24px @ 120dpi, 31px (30px adjusted) @ 144dpi
// // if within a close range to 16px, it is preferred, since icons will look the absolute best when scaled to this resolution (power of 2)
// // 15 -> 16
// // 17 -> 16
// // all others -> even (ok) or odd (bad)
//// if (requestedSize == 15) {
//// menuSize = 16;
//// }
//// else if (requestedSize == 17) {
//// menuSize = 16;
//// }
//// else if ((requestedSize & 1) != 0) {
//// // is odd. Go larger if margins have space, otherwise go smaller by one pixel
//// if (margin.bottom > 1 && margin.top > 1) {
//// menuSize = requestedSize + 1;
//// } else {
//// menuSize = requestedSize - 1;
//// }
//// }
//// else {
//// // is even
//// menuSize = requestedSize;
//// }
// if (SystemTray.DEBUG) {
// SystemTray.logger.debug("Swing L&F: " + UIManager.getLookAndFeel().getName());
//// SystemTray.logger.debug("Swing L&F menu item height w/o margins: {} adjusted to {}", requestedSize, menuSize);
// }
// }
//// ENTRY_SIZE = menuSize;
//// ENTRY_SIZE = 16;
// ENTRY_SIZE = 64;
// TRAY_SIZE = 32;
// if (SystemTray.DEBUG) {
// SystemTray.logger.debug("ScalingFactor is '{}', tray icon size is '{}', menu item size is '{}'.", trayScalingFactor,
// }
// windows is funky, and is hardcoded to 16x16. We fix that.
// Windows XP is 16x16
// Should have checks, so we can set different sizes: 16, 32, 48 and 256 sizes
// https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb773352(v=vs.85).aspx
// provide both a 16x16 pixel icon and a 32x32 icon
// https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn742495.aspx
// Use an icon with 16x16, 20x20, and 24x24 pixel versions. The larger versions are used in high-dpi display mode
public static
int getMenuImageSize(final Class<? extends Tray> trayType) {
if (TRAY_MENU_SIZE == 0) {
if ((trayType == _SwingTray.class || trayType == _AwtTray.class) && !OS.isMacOsX()) {
// if (OS.isWindows()) {
// registry setting?
// HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Appearance\New Schemes\Current Settings SaveAll\Sizes\0
// Swing or AWT. While not "normal", this is absolutely a possible combination. Also, GTK is not loaded!
final AtomicInteger iconSize = new AtomicInteger();
SwingUtil.invokeAndWaitQuietly(new Runnable() {
void run() {
JMenuItem jMenuItem = new JMenuItem();
// do the same modifications that would also happen (if specified) for the actual displayed menu items
if (SystemTray.SWING_UI != null) {
jMenuItem.setUI(SystemTray.SWING_UI.getItemUI(jMenuItem, null));
// this is the largest size of an image used in a JMenuItem, before the size of the JMenuItem is forced to be larger
int largestIconHeightForButton = SwingUtil.getLargestIconHeightForButton(jMenuItem);
// Having the menu images the size of "X" is a reasonably nice size.
// if the we don't want the images to be larger than
// largestIconHeightForButton = FontUtil.getFontHeight(jMenuItem.getFont(), "X");
// largestIconHeightForButton = FontUtil.getAlphaNumericFontHeight(jMenuItem.getFont());
// largestIconHeightForButton = FontUtil.getMaxFontHeight(jMenuItem.getFont());
TRAY_MENU_SIZE = iconSize.get();
else if (OS.isLinux()) {
// void
// gtk_widget_get_preferred_height (GtkWidget *widget,
// gint *minimum_height,
// gint *natural_height);
// g_param_spec_int ("check-icon-size",
// "Check icon size",
// "Check icon size",
// -1, G_MAXINT, 40,
// -GtkCheckButton-indicator-size: 15;
// -GtkCheckMenuItem-indicator-size: 14;
else if (OS.isMacOsX()) {
// these are the standard icon sizes. From what I can tell, they are Apple defined, and cannot be changed.
if (SizeAndScalingUtil.getMacOSScaleFactor() == 2.0D) {
} else {
} else {
// no idea?
System.err.println("Tray menu image size: " + TRAY_MENU_SIZE);