import org.gradle.api.internal.HasConvention import import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.dsl.Coroutines import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.KotlinSourceSet import import import java.time.Instant plugins { java maven `maven-publish` kotlin("jvm") version "1.2.40" } apply { plugin("java") plugin("kotlin") } kotlin.experimental.coroutines = Coroutines.ENABLE // version = getWPILibVersion() ?: getVersionFromGitTag(fallback = "0.0.0") // fall back to git describe if no WPILib version is set group = "com.dorkbox" version = "3.13-SNAPSHOT" description = """Dorkbox-SystemTray""" java { sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 } //configure { // setSourceCompatibility(1.7) // setTargetCompatibility(1.7) //// if (project.hasProperty("env")) { //// var env ="env"); //// sourceSets.getByName("main") //// .resources.srcDirs("src/main/profile/" + env) //// } //} // make working with sourceSets easier val sourceSets = java.sourceSets fun sourceSets(block: SourceSetContainer.() -> Unit) = sourceSets.apply(block) val SourceSetContainer.main: SourceSet get() = maybeCreate("main") fun SourceSetContainer.main(block: SourceSet.() -> Unit) = main.apply(block) val SourceSetContainer.test: SourceSet get() = maybeCreate("test") fun SourceSetContainer.test(block: SourceSet.() -> Unit) = test.apply(block) val SourceSetContainer.utilities: SourceSet get() = maybeCreate("utilities") fun SourceSetContainer.utilities(block: SourceSet.() -> Unit) = utilities.apply(block) // testing jars val SourceSetContainer.swingExample: SourceSet get() = maybeCreate("swingExample") fun SourceSetContainer.swingExample(block: SourceSet.() -> Unit) = swingExample.apply(block) val org.gradle.api.tasks.SourceSetContainer.javaFxExample: SourceSet get() = maybeCreate("javaFxExample") fun SourceSetContainer.javaFxExample(block: SourceSet.() -> Unit) = javaFxExample.apply(block) //val org.gradle.api.tasks.SourceSetContainer.testSwt: SourceSet get() = maybeCreate("testSwt") //fun SourceSetContainer.testSwt(block: SourceSet.() -> Unit) = testSwt.apply(block) //val SourceSet.kotlin: SourceDirectorySet // get() = (this as HasConvention).convention.getPlugin().kotlin var SourceDirectorySet.sourceDirs: Iterable get() = srcDirs set(value) { setSrcDirs(value) } fun javaFile(vararg fileNames: String): Iterable { var fileList = ArrayList() for (name in fileNames) { val fixed = name.replace('.', '/') + ".java" fileList.add(fixed) } return fileList } sourceSets { utilities { java { sourceDirs = files("../Utilities/src") include(javaFile("dorkbox.util.SwingUtil", "dorkbox.util.OS", "dorkbox.util.OSUtil", "dorkbox.util.OSType", "dorkbox.util.ImageResizeUtil", "dorkbox.util.ImageUtil", "dorkbox.util.CacheUtil", "dorkbox.util.IO", "dorkbox.util.JavaFX", "dorkbox.util.Property", "dorkbox.util.Swt", "dorkbox.util.Keep", "dorkbox.util.FontUtil", "dorkbox.util.ScreenUtil", "dorkbox.util.ClassLoaderUtil", "dorkbox.util.NamedThreadFactory", "dorkbox.util.ActionHandlerLong", "dorkbox.util.FileUtil", "dorkbox.util.MathUtil", "dorkbox.util.LocationResolver", "dorkbox.util.Desktop")) // entire packages/directories include("dorkbox/util/jna/**/*") include("dorkbox/util/windows/**/*") include("dorkbox/util/swing/**/*") } } main { java { sourceDirs = files("src") srcDir( resources { sourceDirs = files("src") include("dorkbox/systemTray/gnomeShell/extension.js", "dorkbox/systemTray/util/error_32.png") } } } test { java.sourceDirs = files("test") } swingExample { java { sourceDirs = files("test") include(javaFile("dorkbox.TestTray", "dorkbox.CustomSwingUI")) srcDir(sourceSets.main.allJava) compileClasspath = sourceSets.main.compileClasspath resources { sourceDirs = files("test") include("dorkbox/*.png") } } } javaFxExample { java { sourceDirs = files("test") include(javaFile("dorkbox.TestTray", "dorkbox.TestTrayJavaFX", "dorkbox.CustomSwingUI")) srcDir(sourceSets.main.allJava) compileClasspath = sourceSets.main.compileClasspath resources { sourceDirs = files("test") include("dorkbox/*.png") } } } } repositories { mavenLocal() mavenCentral() } project(":Utilities") { tasks.withType { // want to remove utilities project from unit tests. It's unnecessary to run unit tests for the entire Utilities project exclude("**/*") } tasks.withType { options.encoding = "UTF-8" options.isIncremental = true options.isFork = true options.forkOptions.executable = "javac" // setup compile options. we specifically want to suppress usage of "Unsafe" options.compilerArgs = listOf("-XDignore.symbol.file", "-Xlint:deprecation") } } dependencies { compile(project(":Utilities")) { // don't include any of the project dependencies for anything isTransitive = false } compile(group = "com.dorkbox", name = "ShellExecutor", version = "1.1+") compile(group = "ch.qos.logback", name = "logback-classic", version = "1.1.6") compile(group = "org.javassist", name = "javassist", version = "3.21.0-GA") compile(group = "", name = "jna", version = "4.3.0") compile(group = "", name = "jna-platform", version = "4.3.0") compile(group = "org.slf4j", name = "slf4j-api", version = "1.7.25") testCompileOnly(group = "org.eclipse.swt", name = "org.eclipse.swt.gtk.linux.x86_64", version = "4.3") } tasks.withType { options.encoding = "UTF-8" // suppressWarnings = true // setup compile options. we specifically want to suppress usage of "Unsafe" } tasks.withType { manifest { attributes["Implementation-Version"] = version attributes["Built-Date"] = } } task("_swingExampleJar") { dependsOn("compileSwingExampleJava") baseName = "SwingExample" from(sourceSets.swingExample.output.classesDirs) from(sourceSets.swingExample.output.resourcesDir) // makes it a fat-jar, we filter out the "Utilities" project (because we manually // This line of code recursively collects and copies all of a project's files and adds them to the JAR itself. // One can extend this task, to skip certain files or particular types at will from(configurations.runtime .filter({ it.nameWithoutExtension != "Utilities" }) .map({ if (it.isDirectory) it else zipTree(it) })) with(tasks["jar"] as CopySpec) manifest { attributes["Main-Class"] = "dorkbox.TestTray" } } task("_javaFxExampleJar") { dependsOn("compileJavaFxExampleJava") baseName = "JavaFxExample" from(sourceSets.javaFxExample.output.classesDirs) from(sourceSets.javaFxExample.output.resourcesDir) // makes it a fat-jar, we filter out the "Utilities" project (because we manually // This line of code recursively collects and copies all of a project's files and adds them to the JAR itself. // One can extend this task, to skip certain files or particular types at will from(configurations.runtime .filter({ it.nameWithoutExtension != "Utilities" }) .map({ if (it.isDirectory) it else zipTree(it) })) with(tasks["jar"] as CopySpec) manifest { attributes["Main-Class"] = "dorkbox.TestTrayJavaFX" } } //task("Java") { // source = sourceSets.main.allSource // classpath = sourceSets.main.compileClasspath // destinationDir = //} // //project(":Swing") { // sourceSets { // main { // java { // sourceDirs = files("test") // include(javaFile("dorkbox.TestTray", "dorkbox.CustomSwingUI")) // //// java.srcDir( //// java.srcDir( // // resources { // sourceDirs = files("test") // include("dorkbox/*.png") // } // } // } // } // dependencies { //// compile(project (":")) // } //} // val compileKotlin: KotlinCompile by tasks // compileKotlin.kotlinOptions.jvmTarget = "1.8" /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tasks and publishing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ //val sourceJar = task("sourceJar") { // description = "Creates a JAR that contains the source code." // from(java.sourceSets["main"].allSource) // classifier = "sources" //} //val javaDocJar = task("javaDocJar") { // dependsOn("javadoc") // description = "Creates a JAR that contains the javadocs." // from(java.docsDir) // classifier = "javadoc" //} // //publishing { // (publications) { // "mavenJava"(MavenPublication::class) { // from(components["java"]) // artifactId = "SystemTray" // artifact(javaDocJar) // artifact(sourceJar) // } // } //} //task("compileTestJavafx") { // dependsOn("compileJava") // // source = sourceSets.testJavafx.allSource // classpath = sourceSets.main.compileClasspath // destinationDir = //} // //task("_testSwingJar") { // dependsOn(task("compileTestSwing") { //// dependsOn("compileJava") // // sourceCompatibility = "1.7" // targetCompatibility = "1.7" // // source = sourceSets.testSwing.allJava // classpath = sourceSets.main.compileClasspath // destinationDir = // }) // // baseName = "testSwing" // // // // println("source") // sourceSets.main.compileClasspath.forEach({ it: File? -> println(" " + it) }) // from(sourceSets.testSwing.output.classesDirs) // // // makes it a fat-jar // // This line of code recursively collects and copies all of a project's files and adds them to the JAR itself. // // One can extend this task, to skip certain files or particular types at will // // specifically, we filter out the "Utilities" project //// from(configurations.runtime //// .filter({ it.nameWithoutExtension != "Utilities" }) //// .map({ if (it.isDirectory) it else zipTree(it) })) // with(tasks["jar"] as CopySpec) // // // manifest { // attributes["Main-Class"] = "dorkbox.TestTray" // } //} // /* project(":SwingTest") { sourceSets { } // task("compileTestSwt") { // dependsOn("compileJava") // // source = sourceSets.testSwt.allSource // classpath = sourceSets.main.compileClasspath // destinationDir = // } // // task("testJavaFXJar") { // dependsOn("compileTestJavaFX") // // baseName = "testJavaFx" // // from(sourceSets.testJavaFX.resources) // // // makes it a fat-jar // // This line of code recursively collects and copies all of a project's files and adds them to the JAR itself. // // One can extend this task, to skip certain files or particular types at will // // specifically, we filter out the "Utilities" project // from(configurations.runtime.filter({ it.nameWithoutExtension != "Utilities" }).map({ if (it.isDirectory) it else zipTree(it) })) // with(tasks["jar"] as CopySpec) // // // manifest { // attributes["Main-Class"] = "dorkbox.TestTrayJavaFX" // } // } // // task("testSwtJar") { // dependsOn("compileTestSwt") // // baseName = "testSwt" // // from(sourceSets.testSwt.resources) // // // makes it a fat-jar // // This line of code recursively collects and copies all of a project's files and adds them to the JAR itself. // // One can extend this task, to skip certain files or particular types at will // // specifically, we filter out the "Utilities" project // from(configurations.runtime.filter({ it.nameWithoutExtension != "Utilities" }).map({ if (it.isDirectory) it else zipTree(it) })) // with(tasks["jar"] as CopySpec) // // // manifest { // attributes["Main-Class"] = "dorkbox.TestTraySwt" // } // } // // } */ // //task("hello-src-set") { // var files: Set = // println(files) // // println("Utilities") // println( // // files = // println(files) //} //shadowJar { // dependencies { // exclude(dependency('junit:junit:3.8.2')) // } //} //tasks.create('smokeTest', SmokeTest) { // SmokeTest task -> // group = "Verification" // description = "Runs Smoke tests" // testClassesDirs = sourceSets.smokeTest.output.classesDirs // classpath = sourceSets.smokeTest.runtimeClasspath // maxParallelForks = 1 // those tests are pretty expensive, we shouldn't execute them concurrently //} //task copyReport (type: Copy) { // from file ("${buildDir}/reports/my-report.pdf") // into file ("${buildDir}/toArchive") //} //task copyReport2 (type: Copy) { // from "${buildDir}/reports/my-report.pdf" // into "${buildDir}/toArchive" //} //task copyReport3 (type: Copy) { // from myReportTask . outputFile into archiveReportsTask . dirToArchive //} //task packageDistribution (type: Zip) { // archiveName = "" // destinationDir = file("${buildDir}/dist") // // from "${buildDir}/toArchive" //} //task unpackFiles (type: Copy) { // from zipTree ("src/resources/") // into "${buildDir}/resources" //} //task uberJar (type: Jar) { // appendix = 'uber' // // from sourceSets . main . output from configurations . runtimeClasspath . files . // findAll {'jar') }.collect { zipTree(it) } //} //task moveReports { // doLast { // ant.move file : "${buildDir}/reports", // todir: "${buildDir}/toArchive" // } //}