refactor, cleanup

Robinson 2021-04-26 02:20:22 +02:00
parent 8f2a65f88d
commit 0d0689d90a
1 changed files with 59 additions and 59 deletions

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@ -10,12 +10,6 @@ import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
object Updates {
data class UpdateInfo(val uuid: String, val data: String) {
override fun toString(): String {
return "$uuid:$data"
* Gets the version number.
@ -36,14 +30,68 @@ object Updates {
internal var DEBUG = false
private var SERVER = ""
private const val server = ""
private val instanceUuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString().replace("-", "")
// create a map of all UUIDs. and only run an update once all have been collected.
// This runs max 1x every 4 hours (5 minutes after startup) - and only a SINGLE request is made for all checked UUIDs.
private val updates = mutableMapOf<Class<*>, MutableList<UpdateInfo>>()
* Verifies this class + UUID + version information with the update server.
* What is used?
* + class
* + UUID
* + version
* This information is tracked, saved, and used by dorkbox, llc. Nothing else. This data is not shared or used by any entity
* other than dorkbox, llc - and it is used and processed on-premises.
* What is NOT used?
* + IP address
* + machine info
* + cookies
* + time
* + http headers
* + user info
* + names
* + etc
* This (non-exhaustive list) is not used, saved, processed, or tracked by anyone. This information thrown out on ingress.
* In accordance with the GDPR, there is absolutely NO DATA specific to the machine, connection, or user that is saved, read or used.
* While this is trivial to override/modify/replace to do absolutely nothing, the purpose of this is to manage the update info
* and usage across all projects and systems using dorkbox technologies.
* @param class the class that is to be registered
* @param uuid the uuid assigned to the class
* @param data any extra data specific to the class
fun add(`class`: Class<*>, uuid: String, data: String) {
if (DEBUG) {
println("Adding ${`class`.name} $uuid, $data")
val updateInfo = UpdateInfo(uuid, data)
synchronized(updates) {
if (updates.isEmpty()) {
var mutableList = updates[`class`]
if (mutableList == null) {
mutableList = mutableListOf()
updates[`class`] = mutableList
if (!mutableList.contains(updateInfo)) {
private fun runAtTimedInterval() {
// convert the hashmap into something serialized. This is super, super simple and not optimized. Again, no dependencies!
val buffer = StringBuilder()
@ -84,7 +132,7 @@ object Updates {
// default is http! This way we don't have to deal with crypto, and since there is nothing PRIVATE about the connection,
// this is fine - at least for now. We DO want to support redirects, in case OLD code is running in the wild.
var location = "http://$SERVER/"
var location = "http://$server/"
var base: URL
var next: URL
@ -199,58 +247,10 @@ object Updates {
* Verifies this class + UUID + version information with the update server.
* What is used?
* + class
* + UUID
* + version
* This information is tracked, saved, and used by dorkbox, llc. Nothing else. This data is not shared or used by any entity
* other than dorkbox, llc - and it is used and processed on-premises.
* What is NOT used?
* + IP address
* + machine info
* + cookies
* + time
* + http headers
* + user info
* + names
* + etc
* This (non-exhaustive list) is not used, saved, processed, or tracked by anyone. This information thrown out on ingress.
* In accordance with the GDPR, there is absolutely NO DATA specific to the machine, connection, or user that is saved, read or used.
* While this is trivial to override/modify/replace to do absolutely nothing, the purpose of this is to manage the update info
* and usage across all projects and systems using dorkbox technologies.
* @param class the class that is to be registered
* @param uuid the uuid assigned to the class
* @param data any extra data specific to the class
fun add(`class`: Class<*>, uuid: String, data: String) {
if (DEBUG) {
println("Adding ${`class`.name} $uuid, $data")
val updateInfo = UpdateInfo(uuid, data)
synchronized(updates) {
if (updates.isEmpty()) {
var mutableList = updates[`class`]
if (mutableList == null) {
mutableList = mutableListOf()
updates[`class`] = mutableList
if (!mutableList.contains(updateInfo)) {
data class UpdateInfo(val uuid: String, val data: String) {
override fun toString(): String {
return "$uuid:$data"