String getSWTWindowingLibrary() { if (ext.has('swt')) { switch (ext.swt) { case ~/.*linux.*/: return 'gtk' case ~/.*mac.*/: return 'cocoa' case ~/.*win.*/: return 'win32' default: return null } } String platform =[''] switch (platform.replaceAll(' ', '').toLowerCase()) { case ~/.*linux.*/: return 'gtk' case ~/.*darwin.*/: return 'cocoa' case ~/.*osx.*/: return 'cocoa' case ~/.*win.*/: return 'win32' default: return null } } String getSWTArch() { String arch =['os.arch'] if (ext.has('swt')) { arch = ext.swt } switch (arch) { case ~/.*64.*/: return 'x86_64' default: return 'x86' } } String getSWTPlatform() { if (ext.has('swt')) { switch (ext.swt) { case ~/.*linux.*/: return 'linux' case ~/.*mac.*/: return 'macosx' case ~/.*win.*/: return 'win32' default: return null } } String platform =[''] switch (platform.replaceAll(' ', '').toLowerCase()) { case ~/.*linux.*/: return 'linux' case ~/.*darwin.*/: return 'macosx' case ~/.*osx.*/: return 'macosx' case ~/.*win.*/: return 'win32' default: return platform } } // optionally let us specify which SWT to use. options are win32/mac32/linux32 and win64/mac64/linux64 // include this in your build.gradle file, before dependencies are determined. ext.swt = 'win64' ext { // because the eclipse release of SWT is abandoned on maven, this MAVEN repo has newer version of SWT, // (for the website about it) // (for the maven repo) swtWindowingLibrary = getSWTWindowingLibrary() swtArch = getSWTArch() swtPlatform = getSWTPlatform() }