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2018-08-13 11:42:12 +02:00
* Copyright 2018 dorkbox, llc
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
2018-07-22 16:23:22 +02:00
package dorkbox.version
import com.dorkbox.version.Version
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.Git
2019-01-13 17:55:25 +01:00
import org.gradle.api.DefaultTask
2018-07-22 16:23:22 +02:00
import org.gradle.api.GradleException
import org.gradle.api.Plugin
import org.gradle.api.Project
import org.gradle.api.plugins.JavaPluginConvention
2019-01-13 17:55:25 +01:00
import org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskAction
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.KotlinSourceSet
2018-07-22 16:23:22 +02:00
2018-08-18 12:59:23 +02:00
import java.util.*
2018-07-22 16:23:22 +02:00
* For automatically setting version information based on a MAJOR, MINOR, or PATCH update based on a build definition file
2018-07-22 16:23:22 +02:00
class VersionPlugin : Plugin<Project> {
override fun apply(project: Project) {
2019-01-13 17:55:25 +01:00
project.tasks.create("get", {
group = "version"
description = "Outputs the detected version to the console"
project.tasks.create("get-debug", {
group = "version"
description = "Outputs the detected version to the console, with additional debug information"
project.tasks.create("tag", {
group = "version"
description = "Tag the current version in GIT"
project.tasks.create("incrementMajor", {
group = "version"
description = "Increments the MAJOR version by 1, and resets MINOR/PATCH to 0"
project.tasks.create("incrementMinor", {
group = "version"
description = "Increments the MINOR version by 1, and resets PATCH to 0"
project.tasks.create("incrementPatch", {
group = "version"
description = "Increments the PATCH version by 1"
2018-07-22 16:23:22 +02:00
project.afterEvaluate {
// just make sure that we have a version defined.
val version = project.version.toString()
if (version.isBlank() || version == Project.DEFAULT_VERSION) {
// no version info specified, but version task was called
println("\tProject ${} version information is unset. Please set via `project.version = '1.0'`")
2018-07-22 16:23:22 +02:00
companion object {
// NOTE: These ignore spaces!
// version
private val buildText = """version""".toRegex()
// String getVersion() {
private val javaText = """String getVersion\(\)\s*\{""".toRegex()
// fun getVersion() : String {
private val kotlinText = """fun getVersion\(\)\s*:\s*String\s*\{""".toRegex()
// const val version =
private val kotlinText2 = """.*val version\s*=""".toRegex()
private val kotlinText2VersionText = """(version\s*=\s*")(.*)(")""".toRegex()
// return "...."
private val versionText = """(return ")(.*)(")""".toRegex()
// id("com.dorkbox.Licensing") version "2.5.2"
// VALID (because of different ways to assign values, we want to be explicit)
// version = "1.0.0"
// const val version = '1.0.0'
// project.version = "1.0.0"
private val buildFileVersionText = """^(?:\s)*\b(?:const val version|project\.version|version)\b(?:\s*=\s*)(?:'|")(\d.+)(?:'|")$""".toRegex()
2018-07-22 16:23:22 +02:00
Maven Info
2021-01-26 22:27:32 +01:00
2021-01-26 22:27:32 +01:00
Gradle Info
2021-01-26 22:27:32 +01:00
dependencies {
compile 'com.dorkbox:SystemTray:3.14'
2021-01-26 22:27:32 +01:00
private const val readmeMavenInfoText = """Maven Info"""
private const val readmeGradleInfoText = """Gradle Info"""
private const val readmeTicksText = """```""" // only 3 ticks required
Maven Info
private val readmeMavenText = """(<version>)(.*)(</version>)""".toRegex()
Gradle Info
dependencies {
compile 'com.dorkbox:SystemTray:3.14'
// note: this can be the ONLY version info present, otherwise there will be problems!
private val readmeGradleText = """.*(['"].*:.*:)(.*)(['"])""".toRegex()
data class VerData(val file: File, val line: Int, val version: String, val lineReplacement: String)
* Get's the version info from the project
fun getVersion(project: Project): Version {
// get the version info from project.version
val version = project.version.toString()
if (version.isBlank() || version == Project.DEFAULT_VERSION) {
// no version info specified, but version task was called
throw GradleException("Project version information is unset.")
return Version.from(version)
fun saveNewVersionInfo(project: Project, oldVersion: Version, newVersion: Version) {
// Verifies that all the project files are set to the specified version
val filesWithVersionInfo = verifyVersion(project, oldVersion, newVersion)
// now save the NEW version to all the files (this also has our build + README files)
filesWithVersionInfo.forEach { data ->
2020-08-03 01:02:36 +02:00
var lineNumber = 1 // visual editors start at 1, so we should too
val tempFile ="tmp", "data.file").toFile()
2020-08-03 01:02:36 +02:00
// NOTE: we want to REUSE whatever line-encoding is used in the file. We assume that the entire file is consistent
// '\n' and '\r'
// we read the first TWO lines to determine this.
val cr = '\r'.toByte().toInt()
val lf = '\n'.toByte().toInt()
var count = 0
val bufferSize = DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE-1
var hasCR = false
var hasLF = false
val reader = data.file.bufferedReader(Charsets.UTF_8)
while (count++ < bufferSize) {
val char =
if (char == cr) {
if (hasCR) break // if we ALREADY read this line ending, abort because we have read enough to determine everything
hasCR = true
} else if (char == lf) {
if (hasLF) break // if we ALREADY read this line ending, abort because we have read enough to determine everything
hasLF = true
val NL = when {
hasCR && hasLF -> "\r\n"
hasCR -> "\r"
else -> "\n"
tempFile.bufferedWriter(Charsets.UTF_8).use { writer ->
reader.use {
it.lineSequence().forEach { line ->
2020-08-03 01:02:36 +02:00
if (lineNumber == data.line) {
println("\tUpdating file '${data.file}' to version $newVersion at line $lineNumber")
2020-08-03 01:02:36 +02:00
else {
2020-08-03 01:02:36 +02:00
2020-08-03 01:02:36 +02:00
2020-08-03 01:02:36 +02:00
check(data.file.delete() && tempFile.renameTo(data.file)) { "Failed to replace file ${data.file}" }
// now make sure the files were actually updated
val updatedFilesWithVersionInfo = verifyVersion(project, newVersion, newVersion)
val oldFiles = { verData -> verData.file }.toMutableList()
val newFiles = { verData -> verData.file }
if (oldFiles.isNotEmpty()) {
throw GradleException("Version information in files $oldFiles were not successfully updated.")
* Gets the most recent commit hash in the specified repository.
fun gitCommitHash(directory: File, length: Int = 7) : String {
val latestCommit = getGit(directory).log().setMaxCount(1).call().iterator().next()
val latestCommitHash =
return if (latestCommitHash?.isNotEmpty() == true) {
val maxLength = length.coerceAtMost(latestCommitHash.length)
latestCommitHash.substring(0, maxLength)
} else {
fun createTag(project: Project, newVersion: Version) {
// make sure all code is committed (no un-committed files and no staged files). Throw error and exit if there is
val git = getGit(project)
val status = git.status().call()
if (status.hasUncommittedChanges()) {
println("The following files are uncommitted: ${status.uncommittedChanges}")
// make sure there are no git tags with the current tag name
val tagName = "Version_$newVersion"
// do we already have this tag?
val call = git.tagList().call()
for (ref in call) {
if ( == tagName) {
throw GradleException("Tag $tagName already exists. Please delete the old tag in order to continue.")
// Verifies that all of the project files are set to the specified version
val filesWithVersionInfo = verifyVersion(project, newVersion, newVersion)
val files = { verData -> verData.file }
// must include the separator.
val projectPath = project.buildFile.parentFile.normalize().absolutePath + File.separator
files.forEach {
// now add the file to git. MUST BE repository-relative path!
val filePath = it.normalize().absolutePath.replace(projectPath, "")
// now create the git tag
println("Successfully created git tag $tagName" )
* Verifies that all of the project files are set to the specified version
private fun verifyVersion(project: Project, oldVersion: Version, newVersion: Version, debug: Boolean = false): List<VerData> {
2018-07-22 16:23:22 +02:00
val alreadyParsedFiles = getSourceFiles(project)
val filesWithVersionInfo = ArrayList<VerData>()
2018-07-22 16:23:22 +02:00
if (debug) {
println("Expecting version info: old=$oldVersion, new=$newVersion")
println("Checking code files: $javaText")
println("Checking code files: $kotlinText")
println("Checking code files: $kotlinText2")
2018-07-22 16:23:22 +02:00
// collect all of the class files that have a version defined (look in source sets. must match our pre-defined pattern)
alreadyParsedFiles.forEach { file ->
if (debug) {
2018-07-22 16:23:22 +02:00
run fileCheck@{
var matchesText = false
var lineNumber = 1 // visual editors start at 1, so we should too
2018-07-22 16:23:22 +02:00
if (file.extension == "java") {
file.useLines { lines ->
lines.forEach { line ->
if (line.contains(javaText)) {
if (debug) {
println("\t\tFound matching JAVA prefix text ($lineNumber): $javaText")
// this is so the text is matched on the following line
2018-07-22 16:23:22 +02:00
matchesText = true
else if (matchesText) {
val matchResult = versionText.find(line)
if (matchResult != null) {
val (_, ver, _) = matchResult.destructured
if (ver == oldVersion.toString()) {
val lineReplacement = line.replace(oldVersion.toString(), newVersion.toString())
filesWithVersionInfo.add(VerData(file, lineNumber, ver, lineReplacement))
} else {
println("\tVersion mismatch in $file! $ver != $oldVersion (line: $lineNumber)")
2018-07-22 16:23:22 +02:00
2018-07-22 16:23:22 +02:00
else if (file.extension == "kt") {
file.useLines { lines ->
lines.forEach { line ->
if (line.contains(kotlinText)) {
if (debug) {
println("\t\tFound matching KOTLIN prefix text ($lineNumber): $kotlinText")
// this is so the text is matched on the following line
2018-07-22 16:23:22 +02:00
matchesText = true
} else if (line.contains(kotlinText2)) {
if (debug) {
println("\t\tFound matching KOTLIN same-line text ($lineNumber): $kotlinText2")
// same line
val matchResult = kotlinText2VersionText.find(line)
if (matchResult != null) {
val (_, ver, _) = matchResult.destructured
if (ver == oldVersion.toString()) {
val lineReplacement = line.replace(oldVersion.toString(), newVersion.toString())
filesWithVersionInfo.add(VerData(file, lineNumber, ver, lineReplacement))
} else {
println("\tVersion mismatch in $file! $ver != $oldVersion (line: $lineNumber)")
} else if (matchesText) {
2018-07-22 16:23:22 +02:00
val matchResult = versionText.find(line)
if (matchResult != null) {
val (_, ver, _) = matchResult.destructured
if (ver == oldVersion.toString()) {
val lineReplacement = line.replace(oldVersion.toString(), newVersion.toString())
filesWithVersionInfo.add(VerData(file, lineNumber, ver, lineReplacement))
} else {
println("\tVersion mismatch in $file! $ver != $oldVersion (line: $lineNumber)")
2018-07-22 16:23:22 +02:00
2018-07-22 16:23:22 +02:00
if (debug) {
println("Checking build file for: $kotlinText")
// get version info by file parsing from file
project.buildFile.useLines { lines ->
var lineNumber = 1 // visual editors start at 1, so we should too
lines.forEach { line ->
if (line.contains(buildText)) {
if (debug) {
println("\t\tFound matching build same-line text ($lineNumber): $buildText")
val matchResult = buildFileVersionText.find(line)
if (matchResult != null) {
val (ver) = matchResult.destructured
// verify it's what we think it is
if (ver == oldVersion.toString()) {
val lineReplacement = line.replace(oldVersion.toString(), newVersion.toString())
filesWithVersionInfo.add(VerData(project.buildFile, lineNumber, ver, lineReplacement))
} else {
println("\tVersion mismatch in ${project.buildFile}! $ver != $oldVersion (line: $lineNumber)")
// get version info by parsing the README.MD file, if it exists (OPTIONAL)
// this file will always exist next to the build file. We should ignore case (because yay windows!)
var readmeFile: File? = null
val listFiles = project.buildFile.parentFile.listFiles()
listFiles?.forEach {
if ( == "") {
readmeFile = it
if (debug) {
if (readmeFile != null) {
println("Found readme file: $readmeFile")
} else {
if (listFiles == null) {
println("\tNO FILES FOUND!!")
} else {
listFiles.forEach {
// it won't always exist, but if it does, process it as well
// TWO version entries possible. One for MAVEN and one for GRADLE
if (readmeFile != null && readmeFile!!.canRead()) {
val readme = readmeFile!!
readme.useLines { lines ->
var lineNumber = 1 // visual editors start at 1, so we should too
// only 1 instance of maven/gradle can be found!
var enableMaven = true
var enableGradle = true
var foundSectionTicks = false
var foundMaven = false
var foundGradle = false
// file has MAVEN info first, followed by GRADLE info
2021-04-08 20:02:24 +02:00
lines.forEach { line ->
val trimmed = line.trim()
when {
2021-04-08 20:02:24 +02:00
enableMaven && !foundMaven && trimmed == readmeMavenInfoText -> {
foundMaven = true
if (debug) {
println("\t\tFound maven ($lineNumber): $readmeMavenInfoText")
2021-04-08 20:02:24 +02:00
enableMaven && !foundSectionTicks && foundMaven && trimmed == readmeTicksText -> {
foundSectionTicks = true
if (debug) {
println("\t\tFound maven ticks ($lineNumber): $readmeTicksText")
2021-04-08 20:02:24 +02:00
enableMaven && foundSectionTicks && trimmed == readmeTicksText -> {
enableMaven = false
foundMaven = false
foundSectionTicks = false
if (debug) {
println("\t\tEnd maven ticks ($lineNumber)")
2021-04-08 20:02:24 +02:00
enableGradle && !foundGradle && trimmed == readmeGradleInfoText -> {
foundGradle = true
if (debug) {
println("\t\tFound gradle ($lineNumber): $readmeGradleInfoText")
2021-04-08 20:02:24 +02:00
enableGradle && !foundSectionTicks && foundGradle && trimmed == readmeTicksText -> {
foundSectionTicks = true
if (debug) {
println("\t\tFound gradle ticks ($lineNumber): $readmeTicksText")
2021-04-08 20:02:24 +02:00
enableGradle && foundSectionTicks && trimmed == readmeTicksText -> {
enableGradle = false
foundGradle = false
foundSectionTicks = false
if (debug) {
println("\t\tEnd gradle ticks ($lineNumber)")
// block that maven stuff is in
foundMaven && foundSectionTicks -> {
if (debug) {
println("\t\tSearching maven ($lineNumber): '$readmeMavenText' --> '$line'")
val matchResult = readmeMavenText.find(line)
if (matchResult != null) {
val (_, ver, _) = matchResult.destructured
if (debug) {
println("\t\t\tmatched maven info ($lineNumber): $ver" )
// verify it's what we think it is
if (ver == oldVersion.toString()) {
val lineReplacement = line.replace(oldVersion.toString(), newVersion.toString())
filesWithVersionInfo.add(VerData(readme, lineNumber, ver, lineReplacement))
foundMaven = false
if (debug) {
println("\t\t\tmatched maven version! ($lineNumber): $ver")
// return@useLines // keep going, since we have to look for gradle info too
} else {
if (debug) {
println("\tMaven version mismatch in $readmeFile! $ver != $oldVersion (line: $lineNumber)")
// block that gradle stuff is in
foundGradle && foundSectionTicks -> {
if (debug) {
println("\t\tSearching gradle ($lineNumber): '$readmeGradleText' --> '$line'")
val matchResult = readmeGradleText.find(line)
if (matchResult != null) {
val (_, ver, _) = matchResult.destructured
if (debug) {
println("\t\t\tmatched gradle info ($lineNumber): $ver" )
// verify it's what we think it is
if (ver == oldVersion.toString()) {
val lineReplacement = line.replace(oldVersion.toString(), newVersion.toString())
filesWithVersionInfo.add(VerData(readme, lineNumber, ver, lineReplacement))
foundGradle = false
if (debug) {
println("\t\t\tmatched gradle version! ($lineNumber): $ver")
// return@useLines // keep going, since we have to look for maven info too (in case order is reversed)
} else {
if (debug) {
println("\tGradle version mismatch in $readmeFile! $ver != $oldVersion (line: $lineNumber)")
2018-07-22 16:23:22 +02:00
// make sure version info all match (throw error and exit if they do not)
filesWithVersionInfo.forEach { info ->
if (debug) {
println("Verifying file '${info.file}' for version '${info.version} at line ${info.line}'")
if (Version.from(info.version) != oldVersion) {
throw GradleException("Version information mismatch, expected $oldVersion, got ${info.version} in file: ${info.file} at line ${info.line}")
2018-07-22 16:23:22 +02:00
return filesWithVersionInfo.toList()
2018-07-22 16:23:22 +02:00
private fun getSourceFiles(project: Project): HashSet<File> {
val alreadyParsedFiles = HashSet<File>()
2018-07-22 16:23:22 +02:00
project.convention.getPlugin( { sourceSet -> { directorySet ->
directorySet.forEach { file ->
2018-07-22 16:23:22 +02:00
try {
val set = (sourceSet as org.gradle.api.internal.HasConvention).convention.getPlugin(
val kot = set.kotlin
kot.files.forEach { file ->
} catch (e: Exception) {
//ignored. kotlin might not exist
2018-07-22 16:23:22 +02:00
return alreadyParsedFiles
2018-07-22 16:23:22 +02:00
private fun getGit(directory: File): Git {
try {
val gitDir = getRootGitDir(directory)
return Git.wrap(FileRepository(gitDir))
} catch (e: IOException) {
throw RuntimeException(e)
private fun getGit(project: Project): Git {
try {
val gitDir = getRootGitDir(project.projectDir)
return Git.wrap(FileRepository(gitDir))
} catch (e: IOException) {
throw RuntimeException(e)
private fun getRootGitDir(currentRoot: File): File {
val gitDir = scanForRootGitDir(currentRoot)
if (!gitDir.exists()) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("Cannot find '.git' directory")
return gitDir
private fun scanForRootGitDir(currentRoot: File): File {
val gitDir = File(currentRoot, ".git")
if (gitDir.exists()) {
return gitDir
// always stop at the root directory
return if (currentRoot.parentFile == null) {
else scanForRootGitDir(currentRoot.parentFile)
2018-07-22 16:23:22 +02:00
2019-01-13 17:55:25 +01:00
open class Get : DefaultTask() {
fun run() {
val version = getVersion(project)
2019-01-13 17:55:25 +01:00
println("Detected '${}' version is $version")
// Verifies that all of the project files are set to the specified version
val filesWithVersionInfo = verifyVersion(project, version, version)
if (filesWithVersionInfo.isNotEmpty()) {
println("Detected files with version info are:")
// list all the files that have detected version information in them
filesWithVersionInfo.forEach { data ->
println("\t${data.file} @ ${data.line}")
} else {
throw GradleException("Expecting files with version information, but none were found")
2019-01-13 17:55:25 +01:00
open class GetDebug : DefaultTask() {
fun run() {
val version = getVersion(project)
println("Detected '${}' version is $version")
// Verifies that all of the project files are set to the specified version
val filesWithVersionInfo = verifyVersion(project, version, version, true)
if (filesWithVersionInfo.isNotEmpty()) {
println("Detected files with version info are:")
// list all the files that have detected version information in them
filesWithVersionInfo.forEach { data ->
println("\t${data.file} @ ${data.line}")
} else {
println("Expecting files with version information, but none were found")
2018-07-22 16:23:22 +02:00